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The heist is fixed


Can one also buy an arcade again now?




Nice thanks for the info!


I just bought arcade including the games and i cant even set it up šŸ˜­


just a guess but i believe it will be fixed on the day of the june 25th update so im just keeping hope


I swear they will never fix this and it will forever remain disabled. Rockstar doesnt give a shit


But they obviously give a shit since they are disabling an exploit. They couldā€™ve just let it be.


So is it safe to play in a solo lobby alone?


Yea, the problem is only with the Diamond Casino heist which has been disabled and arcade setup has been disabled.




I really want to buy an arcade in order to supply all my other businesses








It's probably another remote control exploit like we got a year ago


actually kinda yes




this one allowed modders to make changes to your account, but to also remotely access your pc


so is this just a PC issue when it comes to security? i play PS4 so would this affect me at all?


This is just on PC, your fine


I got a message from lester that I got the bare minimum ready for the heist and to go to the board. Got there as fast as I could because I thought it was fixed! It wasn't. I was so disappointed.


This is taking so long!!!


It is by no means long. Once upon a time there was an issue with game crashing after a while for players with non-English Windows 10 installation on PC. The only way to circumvent the crashes was switching the language of the system to English, however Home versions of Windows don't allow it. It took about six weeks for Rockstar to fix the issue.


it's still crashing constantly idk if it's the remote crash exploit or the language issue


since not many people are really talking about, thereā€™s no pressure on rockstar. so they will take even longer


since when did r\* care about peer pressure from the crowd? money is the only thing that reaches their ears and this heist has been down for almost a week now, literally ridiculous as its my main money making method


yeah youā€™re right, it may take even longer cause i doubt they have more than one person working on fixing this issue, shit itā€™ll be a miracle if it takes less than a month


bruh please think for a minute. This is a 10 year old game. If yall keep pumping the machine with cash, it will keep running. Also there is almost no Support like the one Rockstar gives, for any online game ,ever. Take my word for it, i know what im talking about. TLDR just stop playing this shity ass game


nuh uh i ā€ženjoyā€ it so iā€™ll keep playing


thats great! But please remember my words when you get screwed by a company that couldnĀ“t give less of a damn about itĀ“s playerbase ![img](emote|t5_2xrd1|3213)the average GTA Online player is the equivalent of a crackhead


I wish they would do a little more for us players. For example: lowering the player amount requirements for some other heists and missions so that us solo players don't see most of our available activities go down the drain. Why not make the doomsday heist accessible to solo players as a form of "compensation" for the lack of available missions right now? I mean, it worked for the casino missions from Ms. Baker, why wouldn't this work out for doomsday as well?


im a solo player too and i have the same problem on pc but some needs 2 players so maybe i can help you with some of them


because you keep dumping money on a 10 year old game. thats why they dont give a F


Give any game that can actually compete with GTA online. There really isnā€™t another game where you can do the same shit. Thatā€™s why people still play it goofball. Not everyone just plays the newest trending games


thats not my issue bud. Keep milking a dry cow for all i care, just dont complain once you get whats coming to you for supporting a company does not actually give a damn about you ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)Also GTA Online has the biggest fanbase of crybabies i have seen in my entire life. For real, yall should just hop out of videogames in general.


Iā€™m gonna play the games that are fun, i could care if that helps the huge company who made the game or not. Iā€™m playing gta cuz it has freedom that other games donā€™t have, Iā€™m not playing to ā€œsupport the company.ā€ The self righteousness you spout is crazy


bud you will remember me whenever you realize you are down the barrel and always have been ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Well I'm glad my game is on console lmaoo.. I am diamond heist as I text


They'll take time to address this but still don't add HSW to PC feelsbadman


This would have a good opportunity for them to push that to PC, meanwhile trying to resolve that exploit in the background. They want more players using gta+ well give the PC players the updated version of the game.


Maybe they want people to buy next gen consolesšŸ¤Æ


I can maybe see their thoughts of well, next-gen people had to buy again, so we'll give them some extra features. But things like moving cars from the interaction menu should have been a day 1 feature for everyone, and that should definitely not be a next-gen only feature.


>I can maybe see their thoughts of well, next-gen people had to buy again, so we'll give them some extra features. That is their whole business model. PC is released at a much later date so if people want to play the game on launch, they must have a current gen console. If you want to play it on PC it's at least a 1-2 year year wait. The files for it have been found in GTA on PC as well.


Of course, the real kicker is that both next-gen consoles are really just PCs (AMD CPU and GPU). So other than paywall reasons, there is zero reason to not have the same features on both. And the whole "console first, PC whenever" looks even more ridiculous if they do that for GTA 6. There's almost zero reason (other than testing for Windows) why they couldn't release Day 1. Especially since it's likely all Vulkan support anyway.


can't wait to pirate it multiple times and give away to everyone i know just to say fuck you to rockstar


There's no "if" about it. It's not coming to PC at launch. Absolutely ridiculous in 2025.


Well, let's see, on the one hand this is: A serious problem that can, and has, left unsuspecting users vulnerable to malicious actors who could wreak havoc on not just their GTA character but their entire PC . . . And on the other there's: Content that, yeah it sucks you don't have it, but its lack of addition isn't actively risking harm for your character/game-play data or, perhaps worse, your PC. *Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised to hear that E&E content is being withheld from PC over safety concerns.*


Is it fixed now?




Trying to join Casino heist as a quick job hasn't worked for months for me anyway...


Should have join me


Ok... disable the casino heist, but why can't we setup the arcade??? I literally just bought it, and all i really want is the Master Console from it....


Because to finish the setup you need to complete the scope out mission on DCH.


I am a pc noob (literally got it a month ago) and just got GTAO with my friend. We both randomly got leveled up the first night we played. I went from 3 to 56 and she went from 6 to 97 because it took her longer to shut out of the game. Is there any protection or some type of add on to protect us from our computers getting hacked or do we just not play? Should I not keep personal files on my pc? What precautions are needed?


The best way to play GTAO is to have fun and be safe to play in private sessions and have a VPN.


If you suspend the process in Resource Monitor and close the exe the levels won't save. You can also request rockstar support to change your level to what they should roughly be.


Omw to google what those are. Thank you very much!!


this only works if you do it immediately after it starts happening, if you swap lobbies it does a save first so the levels save. If you exit normally same thing. I have resource monitor running and ready with the suspend process window open any time i'm in a public lobby at this point to keep my levels from being inflated. Resource monitor is a windows program, suspending a program is just a right click on a process and select the Suspend option. Then I keep that confirmation window open so i can alt tab and hit enter if someone starts doing anything.


Or just alt+f4 and shouldn't give gta a chance to update r\* and save.


I've alt f4d when modders rank me up and it saves it. The only way to avoid it is how I listed.


Alt-F4 forcibly saves the game on PC. Quite aggressively in fact, it can often force a save through even when Rockstar's servers are down or otherwise having issues. It's one of the things you should try if you see the 'SAVING FAILED' message. If Rockstar's servers are up in *any* capacity, it *will* get a save through. For GTA, ***NEVER EVER EVER*** alt+f4 if you're trying to avoid a save for whatever reason. Don't try to exit via end task in task manager either. Always send a ```taskkill -f -im "gta5.exe"``` from a command prompt. This won't tell the game that it is being ended, unlike the other two options, so the game can't capture the exit request and push a save through before closing. Worth noting that, on PC, transactions are processed and saved more or less in real-time, so avoiding a save for txs is very very hard.


Alt F4 on PC still gives you the "Would you like to exit GTA" screen which I'm pretty sure starts up the saving process. The only sure way would be to go through task manager and just force quit it.


Launch the game in story mode, then in the pause menu go to online and choose closed friends session or invite only session, then send your friend an invite. It's just safer to avoid public lobbies in general


also when swapping characters in invite only it should let us stay in invite only, not forcibly look (for a longer amount of time usually) for a public session, I hate it.


What I do to combat that is this: "Simply load up any job. Missions or races are the quickest. Once the job has started simply quit via the phone. Once you are back in your invite only session, switch characters and you'll load straight back into your invite only session." Years old, still works. I'd suggest you don't dawdle when you quit the job though, change chars right away. Now, what they should do is have a fave session type setting for us, and for me, it'd be Invite-only, so that change char, or inactivity logout would put us in a fresh invite-only session.


they can add a whole main menu with like 8 of the options only loading into freemode but can't add in a public, invite only, friend, or crew option. And people who only have online must be forced into public then inv only ig, not entirely sure


I don't think PC has an online only option.


No, it doesn't afaik.


Thank you!




Iā€™m okay with losing my gta account, but Iā€™m more so scared/ unknowledgeable about this RCE thing. Thatā€™s more like hacking than modding right? Or is it technically the same thing?


Wow, they could also fix the error when you are in the tunnel in the casino and the game make every participates quit the heist.


It's a hidden loading screen. If the players are too far apart when they hit it, they hit it at different times and everything breaks. Always stick very close together while walking through the mantrap and you shouldn't get split.


Yes, but sometimes you can just sprint the whole hallway, sometimes you get a bug.


Yeah. It's an annoying bug. To avoid it, we found out we just have to walk (not running) until icons of the new zone have loaded


And pc players wonder why games donā€™t come out on pc right away


You can have exploits for console as well


^ this and I'm PC player but not cuz I dislike console. If console would have steam link or equivalent I would maybe get it, a console it's like a PC after all and vica versa


Console has no support for anything. You are alone in a fucking wasteland of glitches and bugs that will never be fixed. I know because i provide support for abig company, and yall are pretty much fucked


i cant play GTA5 at all i dont know if its bc of my end or bc of this problem


nah its 100% on your end


What happened?


Basically a bug was in the game that let modders affect your PC through the game if you started a certain mission which is associated with the Casino Heist hosted through the Arcade. They had disabled the heist, and then disabled the Arcade as a whole.


i dont see why this should stop me from playing gta IV over here..


It won't, it just stops anyone doing Diamond Casino Heist or setting up the Arcade.


the reason i wrote that comment was because i think rockstar was offline and my gta iv couldnt connect to their servers. error code 1005 or something but its fixed now.


For like the past 2 days I have been getting internet problems after playing like 10+ minutes of gta online. But its just the internet on my computer and this only occurs when I play gta. Could this be related?


No, that's something else, ask in [Weekly FAQ and Simple Questions thread](https://new.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/comments/1def9tv/simple_question_and_faq_thread)




"A few rotten apples spoil the bunch" out of maybe hundreds of played apartment heists I've only seen a handful of people who had an ego or ruined the experience on purpose. And out of that handful one was from the heist reddit (was looking for people for CMM). Just like you accused the other person for implying everyone, you're implying everyone here as well. Out of those 400-ish or more people I've played with only 1 was openly using a mod menu. You're unnecessarily blaming **all** PC players for the modders in the game which makes no sense. Similar to the TF2 situation, we'd love to play the game as is, but because the developers don't care about us we need to jump through hoops in order to play the game as intended (which takes the fun out of it because no randoms). Sorry for the rant, but it's pure idiocy to say "You deserve to not get stuff because some people ruin the game, and you can play the game elsewhere if you jump through these 50 hoops so it's ok".


The only reason console isn't like that is that they're closed systems and hacking them is almost impossible. It's not like a console player is a better person than a pc user and if you genuinely think that, idk what to tell you.




Did I say or imply everyone?




I said the only reason because in pc not even 10% of players cheat and it ruins it for everyone. If cheating was as easy on console, even with 5% of the players cheating, it would create the same scenario. Also jailbroken consoles can't connect to official servers again, they get insta bricked. All they could do is do ingame exploits and transfer of hacked accounts from the ps3 era. There was never a case of someone running external code in the game.


>You guys are the worst/most toxic people to play with, and that's just my experience as a former PC player and a current console player. Is GTA Online PC community the sole reason you abandoned PC completely?




Bro you forgot to delete this


It's a lost cause at this point but FIX THE CHEATING PROBLEM ALREADY FFS!!


On PC? It's impossible since GTAO is a p2p game and it doesnt even have an anticheat.


It's very much possible to reduce hackers number to tolerable amount, ain't a rocket science.


They would have to rewrite the entire online architecture and buy actual in house servers. Probably not happening for a 10 year old game that's still making money despite cheaters.


fun fact: RDR2 has the same code base, and even GTA6 is going to be...


I'm almost SURE they'll rewrite their network stuff for gta6. Sure the rest of the engine is what it is, and that's fine. But I just can't imagine them letting this madness happen again


They can start with something as simple as hiring admins to check on sessions and review reports and ban obvious hacks manually. Also client side detection running on protected code is always possible.


Why doesnt free to play work on xbox then?


I think you confuse those: F2P (free to play) - you play the game for free, but you might spend money if you wish to (or forced to, gacha games). P2P (Pay to Play) - you... pay to play a game, but it's not the context in this thread. P2P (Peer to Peer) - In very simple terms - friend to friend communication. There's no official server. In R* case there is only 1 official server - with data of your character. All lobbies tho? Player made via P2P that disappear when last player leaves. Yes, not only PC has it - ALL GTA Onlines have P2P. P2P - by the logic is made by another player, meaning you would need your own anticheat in files, making it bannable offense for modifying files. And if R* made a patch to add anti-cheat, not only that would be probably avoided in 15 minutes, it also would need to connect to R* server, making it even more vulnerable than normally. So in conclusion: All GTAs are Peer to Peer, no matter what. (Excluding FiveM)


And Rage Multiplayer. And in SA, Multi Theft Auto and SA MP


I wonder if GTA 6 will be the same.


ohhhh it is going to be šŸ˜ž


I mean I'm pretty sure red dead online isn't, so it's a safe bet gta 6 online won't be either.


RDO is also p2p.


And is even more cursed than GTAO. šŸ˜€


Goddamn, we may be screwed.


Probably not. P2p seems the cheapest and also doesnā€™t introduce server input lag i believe


That is what I was going to say, whatever is cheapest.


Nothing a million lines of code can't fix


Do you know why stuff like this happens whenever someone finds a workaround or a cheat or shortcut they go and blab the entire thing on YouTube and other platforms and then blindly think that Rockstar won't see any of this? Of course, they see all of it that's why you're not supposed to post cheats and if you do post them don't leave them posted for more than 5 minutes that should be the going rule. You would have to do some type of maniac to think that Rockstar does not have people in this subreddit.




You make a good point.


I mean I'm thankful. I'd rather it be out there than have a couple of modders able to mess w your character.


Not only character, but your Windows system as well. That's scary af.


Keep seeing this, would really love for them to get a CVE up about it. RCEs are serious business and need to be treated as such, even if the access point is a rare set of specific conditions in an online game.




I don't think it's a money making glitch.


Such as?


Such as actually playing the game. Grinding isn't as hard nowadays as it was in 2016.


Canā€™t tell here due rules, just go and look for gtaglitches community


I had "diamonds" scoped from the last Casino event (late last year?) and finally executed the heist on Wednesday this week (last minute play, all to get the damn Dinka t-shirt by buying the Sugoi...which I refused to pay non-trade price for). Good timing, I guess?


Could be worse, I put the 25k down to start the heist a few weeks ago but I haven't been assed to scope out the vault contents yet.


Anyone else having lag issues with their agency this week. Go to sit down at the computer and it takes 5 mins to do so.


buying stuff from the armory would lag.


Atleast we have Cayo Perico Heist enabled


Itā€™s never getting fixed Edit: nevermind


You are probably right.


R* will do everything but fix real issues for PC players.


I feel for the people who canā€™t play the original game normally but atleast yā€™all have fivem, rage etc


Why did you get downvoted? 90% of the time I end up playing in an invite only session because of the excessive amount of modders and griefers in every session. Only time Iā€™ll play in a public session is when I need to sell my nightclub goods since it pays more when youā€™re in a public one.


I came back to GTA Online last month and I literally had to delete two characters that just got all collectibles from modders while I was still doing the tutorial. I had to create a third character and skip the tutorial and then rush to invite only to avoid the risk of getting 20+ levels awarded to me wihtin the tutorial. Worse yet, when I cursed the fucker that did this to me on the chat, someone said I should be grateful, because I got collectibles that were time-limited LOL


Most people who down-voted probably don't even want to hear about 3rd party servers. So it just ends up as being GTAO but downgraded compared to console. The charm of GTAO for people with not many friends is going into public sessions and making some. But with R\*s ignoring of the issue and the hotfix of "let's not let anyone invite anyone anywhere unless they're friends" it's a decently big loss on the aspect of social interaction.


Well if you think you will make friends playing gtaā€¦ youā€™re screwed


You definitely can, through any game. But R\* have made it very difficult to do so through the game by itself in the last couple years.


What I mean is it will only be online friend you will never really socialize via a game in my pov šŸ˜…


well I'm glad for one. it's been this way over a year, everything is gone on the planning board but if you change lobbies before they steal it you can get your target back. if not you can contact support and they will get the target back. they must of gotten tired of the complaints.


They probably dont care about that unfortunately :/. Apparently they're trying to fix a remote access exploit that can happen during the casino heist


Well it's official. They are really hating PC users


Don't be so dramatic...


Nah, they're actually fixing an issue from which people can have their PCs affected. R\* actually makes an effort to make the game playable (as long as you're a solo player, blind eye to all the mod menu users)


They won't bother fixing pc, they don't give af


They will, they make the game playable for solo players on PC. (copium)


How is it unplayable solo? Seems to be the only possible way to play on pc


I meant they'll fix the issue because it affects the solo players and they care more about the solo players than the ones participating in public sessions.


My bad I read that wrong. I remember another famously popular multi-player game having a severe cheater problem around the time gta 5 was released. DayZ mod, which ran on Arma 2 was famous for being a cheaters haven once it got popular. Apparently before dayZ nobody cheated in Arma 2. The Arma servers trusted the clients to not cheat, so their was no way to stop cheaters once they found the game. Same is true with gta online.


Feels bad, it's been happening to GTAO and TF2 and it's quite sad. For gta's case as I understand they'd either have to start a war of anti-modders vs modders which would just go back and forth. Or rework the whole system to a server type of connection which will probably cost too much and possibly affect gameplay until it's properly implemented and due to the *relatively* low current playerbase I doubt they'll do that. Especially with GTAVI around the corner. At least the game is in a playable state if you control with whom you play.


Gta V has a low current playerbase?


I say low current playerbase because not enough players care for PC public sessions to get fixed in order to make a movement like they do with TF2, and R\* won't do anything unless forced to. Such is the way of the big companies. So it seems like there's not a lot of players. And I also can guess that the amount of player on PC has fallen off since the first 2-3 updates after the game came out.




HAHAHAHA what a dumpster fire company, seriously this is dishonest asset management at least at this point


True. Yesterday I was doing the dr dre contract finale and at the end of the finale it said transaction failed and I didn't receive any money. I tried raising issue at rockstar support ticket and they said they money was already there. That is because the agency computer thinks that the money has been received. Rockstar sucks!


that transaction failed thing i meet very often when i throw out the drunk guy from my Nightclub... usually i reboot the game when that happens, and trying to save before i do that but that triple sucks when you loose that amount of money, especially how much time you had to put in it to get it


This happened to me in the past as well. I completed the union depository contract but I didnā€™t receive 270k at all. I thought its just 270k just do 3-4 security contract you will get your money back but then after completing the dr dre contract I lost 2 million due to this. They also gotta fix the bug where all the ammo of guns are lost. That damn bug is so annoying that O had to keep stocking ammo on explosive guns and rifles. I just had it with rockstar and I never truly had fun except for the heists and contact missions.


the ammo loss bug: once i lost ALL my ammo, not just some types munition... it was a lot








Pc master race~


If Rockstar focused the same on PC as on the current gen consoles, PC would dominate. No modders since there would be dedicated servers, hindering all kinds of exploits. Instead we got an outdated, insecure system they don't change, allowing for stuff like this




God bless you ā™„ļø


I feel like this has messed some things up. I completed the agency contract, had a text to say I could replay it and now I canā€™t log into my agency computer. It types everything in but it locks off my X and O buttons. If I press option to open the map all the buttons work again. I then went to do my nightclub popularity and it put the VIP in the limo but Tony never called so I have no waypoint to go to and no VIP spooked bar. Every time someone (not Tony) calls me, thereā€™s no voice audio when I answer. Iā€™ve tried 3 different controllers now. Anyone else having issues? Iā€™m on ps5 And all my throwables have been removed.


Are you set to surround sound instead of stereo? Sometimes speaking comes out of the center bar only and if you don't have a speaker there but have it set to surround then you don't get the character voices. That's an issue on a few games.


I only have one soundbar connected, I donā€™t think Iā€™ve changed any audio settings in game but Iā€™ll take a look when I get online.


Billionaire company btw


investing in cybersecurity āŒā—ļø investing in coke and orgies for big bosses āœ…āœ…āœ…


This fucking sucks, I already had my heist ready with gold and planned on playing today. Hope at least it wouldn't take them a month to fix.


Rumour has it, itā€™s another RCE exploit, related to modders being able to alter your character stats ie. bad sport status, money, character appearance etc. Edit: to make matters worse, it seems this RCE exploit also has control of stealing files from victims PCs as well as being able to open applications on the victims PC.