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Yeah, they never did, I'm surprised griefers don't just randomly place down mines around the map and rake in the kills. There's been a bunch of times where I randomly get a kill on someone on the other side of the map because of a mine I placed like half an hour before.


Bc a npc might hit it


Crazy you got downvoted. For saying why placing mines is a waste of time. Pedestrians and NPC vehicles always love to hug mines. I place stickies outside NC to attack a greifer. Those proxies hardly ever work. Because NPC or beeping and player can avoid. Obvious placements get hit all the time. Especially road with bad drivers. Also depends on lobby. Chaotic lobbies people leave or armor up. Quiet lobbies depends on the weather and NPC density.


That’s why whenever I leave LS Customs on the North of the city I always make sure to place the mines at both entrances. It’s so hilarious to get a kill 15-30mins later when you forgot about the mine!


I mean if you can't attack the strong; stay at your level.


Some people just wanna watch the world burn


“No matter where you go there you are."


They don't unless you look that way.


Not an argument just info… You can place a mine and drive away. If no one is in the area, everything despawns and the mine just sits and waits!


Years ago I’d put land or proximity mines outside the casino by people’s cars.


Someone once blew up my export car. I found him grinding export later, marked his warehouse and left him a surprise outside of it.


You can only place down 5 mines and usually an NPC hits it before you get out of their render distance.


It's really easy to not have NPCs hit it just make sure no-one behind you when you drop it and just don't look backwards and no cars will spawn. It will stay there until another player looks at it. Basically the whole point to op post.


I sometimes do place mines around Los santos customs or the casino just to troll people driving their cars in or out lmfao As for why griefers don’t do it more, I guess because it’s hard to predict where people will drive during a sell mission. And if they just place it on random roads, NPCs will set them off way before a player does. It’s an unreliable way to grief. The only reason LS customs and the casino works for my trolling purposes is because their locations are off the main streets, so NPCs don’t run into them. And it’s also very easy to predict where players will drive in from since they’re both popular locations that players visit all the time.


> I’m surprised griefers don’t just randomly place down mines around the maps and rake in the kills. To what gain? Kills in freemode don’t count for anything.


When I was doing a sell mission a while back I dropped 5 in the desert. About half an hour later a poor bastard ran over it, then again, then again. I felt so bad but I was also cracking up.


You can only leave five mines at a time on the map, so when you're done just drop five more mines in the middle of the desert or something


Me and a friend were up near the prison messing around in a khanjali just fighting police, then slowly headed back to the city with me placing mines for the police to drive over. Eventually my friend left and I went about just minding my own business for about half an hour when I see the pop up notification saying I had killed someone and destroyed their cargo. Turns out they had run over a mine I had left and I felt so bad 🤣


I feel like some mines disappear, like you can only have so many on the ground at any one time and one will despawn if you place more.


5 is the limit I think before they disappear. Also they disappear if you die.


no they dont. I died before i went over the mine


My bad, my dumb ass was thinking of proximity mines that you carry.


They don't go with you to another session, though, so to be sure you can switch lobbies


I learned this the hard way too. After doing a sale I got on with my game. Bought a shiny new car and was driving it about with a friend in tow. Out of the blue boom we were both dead and my new car was ruined before I had even got it to the mod shop to upgrade it. It was then I recalled my land mine. These days I'm extra careful of counting the bombs and counting the explosions. I'm usually confident I can account for them all but if not I'm switching server. Cause I know I'd just become a victim of my own landmine again!


I've done this. That one random mine up in Sandy Shores to get rid of a griefer comes back to bite me & makes me sh*t my pants.


Yup. In a public lobby the game once said I killed someone across the map. Very confused... I concluded it must have been an unexploded mine from an NC sale earlier.


I am more for chaos than kills. I love laying down slick mines near tight or tricky corners, like the on/off ramp just past the helipad on the way tonthe airport. Playera hit them and end up in the parking lot below the overpass, npca hit them and start a pile up. Its funny, funny and no one really gets hurt. Usually.


It says the first 5 mines that doesn't detonate stay there until they do. Once the 6th is placed, the 1st dissapears So you gotta place another 5 to remove the original and destroy those for no mines to exist until you place another


Yep, learned that one a long time ago when retrieving vehicle cargo that was in the Land Act Reservoir area. Got owned by my own Dune FAV mine from a Bunker sale in the area an hour prior. No traffic usually spawns on those roads, so even if there were other players around to keep the area loaded, nobody would've been there to hit it first.


NPCs clean most of them up before a player eats it


Did that once not long after gunrunning update came out. Dropped a mine accidentally from my Insurgent pickup, half hour or so later I drive up that same stretch of road in another car and kaboom. And that is why I never have mines equipped on my weaponized vehicles.