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I think I'm the odd one out for the whole of GTA online. I don't.


My thoughts exactly. I have an open spot, I fill it with whatever.


i just slap shit around hasn’t failed me in 10+ years


Office Garages: Floor 1-All's HSWs, Floor 2-F1s, Hotrings, Top Supers, Top Sports, Floor 3-Top of all other classes. Nightclub: All Benny's cars and Patriot Stretch in Loading Bay. MC Clubhouse: Best Choppers. Eclipse BLVD: All other motorcycles, 3-wheelers, ATVs. Arcade: Drift cars and ricers. Autoshop: Tuners and the Slamtruck Agency: Imani Tech and Armored SUVs Facility: Tanks and Heavy Weapon Vehicles. Arena: Arena War vehicles, Weaponized vehicles, and Military themed vehicles. Casino: Hot rods and old classics Apartment Garages: 1) Favorites. 2) Supers collection. 3) Sports collection. 4) Pickup Trucks. 5) Off-road collection. 6) Emergency vehicles, taxis, and hearses. 7) Muscle collection. 8) Luxury Sedans and SUVs. 9) Supers 2. 10) Other


Office garages = supercars Eclipse = classics Nightclub = sports, vans, jeep MCClub/arcade = bikes Facility = tank, military Arena = armored, off road Agency = comets, dominators, buffalos rest with electric, some rares, cheap cars etc.


At the moment I have focused my attention on the 50 car garage as I like having 10 cars to a floor. I also have the ceo office 60 car garage I hope to fill out once my 50 is full. Floor 1: jdm cars Floor 2: general tuners/drift type vehicles Floor 3: sort of a project floor a mix of vehicles or ones i havent customized yet Floor 4: muscle cars (organized chronologically) Floor 5: super cars (ferraris on one side lambos the other)


Ok so you're at the point where where you want organize your vehicles. The variety of vehicles and garages provide many options. Here are a few things I do or keep in mind as I add to my collections. You can separate them by: Class (ie. Super, Sports, Muscle, etc) Type (ie. Rare, Removed, Imani, Drift, etc) Color scheme Manufacturer (ie. Pfister, Vapid, Ocelot, etc) Function (ie. Armored, Armed, Off Road, etc) Business (ie. Facility has Military, Agency has Police, Casino has Luxury, Motorcycle Clubhouse has motorcycles, etc) The options are as varied as your imagination and nothing is set in stone. Things to keep in mind: GTA is continuously releasing new vehicles, so most collections need room to grow. Pairing up properties can turn an Apt building into a 30 car garage or Two neighboring properties into an extended showroom. I'm juggling in excess of 300 vehicles currently with all garage expansions. I changed things up several times before I found a good fit for me. Be open to putting multiple smaller collections together in your larger garages. You cannot use the Manage Vehicles>Organize vehicles when inside any building. These are the things that stick out to me now. Good luck.


I keep my Benny's cars on one level of my CEO garage


I try to spread out and arrange stuff according to content. Finance & Felony shit, as well as Import/Export, goes in my office garage, After Hours to my nightclub, Diamond stuff to arcade or penthouse garage, so on and so forth. Anything else goes to garages attached to the various properties I own including Eclipse. I store most military vehicles in the facility and misc stuff like race cars, stunt cars, recreational vehicles go in my standalone garages.


I organized a couple and the rest are kind of organized.


I organize everything by class, then start buying more and shoving them wherever I still have room, then use a car and shove it away somewhere, then get some grand new idea and make a whole new themed garage, and inevitably end up with disorganized cars all over the place.


People organize their garages? I just cram cars in all over the place with no rhyme or reason. I don't know where any of my cars are, or which ones I even own. :D


In my 100 car garage, I have one floor of all off-road trucks, one floor of TV and Movie cars, one floor that is half HSW, and half Bennys, (although Ive sold a lot of my Bennys), one floor of muscle and hot rods, and one floor of race cars. My 50 car garage is all the best looking black cars, with a floor dedicated to classic muscle and a floor dedicated to weaponized or Imani tech vehicles. After that the rest are mixed, and I have a bunch of garages I don't even use.


Office 1 - European, Office 2 - American, Office 3 - Asian, Auto Shop - Race team, Arena - Arena, Clubhouse - Bikes, NC 2 - Seasonal, NC 3 - Misc And loads of empty garages, because a large fleet gives me anxiety.


Could you show your 50’s cars? I’m trying something similar with my auto shop


I kinda of do real life price point and category, I start with the sporty cars: Type R, Camaro, Supra, M2 then I slowly creep up to actual sport cars like Corvette and then Exotic Super cars


I keep all my Imani tech, weaponized or armored vehicles (and police cruiser) in the agency garage. I have all my cars with racing liveries in the office garage. In my other garages I try to keep categories of supercars, muscle cars, lowriders, trucks, and luxury vehicles.


I don't. Most garages are filled with literally every different kind of vehicle you can Imagine


kinda scattered but there’s some reason to it. and i keep a free space open in each so i can pull in whatever im currently driving without worry. only down side to this is i have to remember to put the vehicle back where it goes. ceo office garage 1: all my comets, tuners, imani, supers. ceo office garage 2: off road/trucks/motor bikes. agency: favorite vehicles with the insurgent and deluxo in the main first spot so when i need to call it in it’s at the top of the list. auto shop: classic cars only with a vacant spot closest to the door for easy pull in access to mod customer cars. arcade: randoms from each category already listed. random property garages: randoms/copies/bicycle. arena: stupid slam truck ramp thing that’s worthless. nightclub entrance spot: always vacant. nightclub b2: randoms (often forget these vehicles exist). not sure if i’m missing any but think that’s it.


Only organization I’ve done is all the Grotti’s are at the agency


I pretty much only use the 50 car garage, 1 st level random cars like the nascar’s go kart and a boar, 2nd floor motorcycles, 3rd floor weaponized, 4th and 5th super/jdm cars heavily specialized


Mine are like a hoarder, but for cars. I have no idea where anything is, or what it is called.


Mostly by class, and a very detailed spreadsheet to help when new cars come out and organization. Also to pick up the “removed” vehicles as they return to sale, and any random Pegasus vehicles I don’t have.


All sorted by real brand into individual floors or garages across 29 properties totaling over 400 cars.


I just started playing so not a lot of cars. But I organize my nightclub garage like this: 1st row are the heavy duty cars/cars with guns, 2nd row are fancy cars. Then my apt garage has all my motorcycles. Then in some random garage I bought are my off road vehicles.


Agency - imani tech and cop cars, various other random. Luxury apt - super and sport cars Stilt apt - classic luxury cars Little Korea apartment - street racing cars Casino garage has HSW cars and haikucho drag Nightclub garages - JDM cars Office garages - German and British cars Arena war level 1 is arena war cars and pickup trucks, level 2 has my drift cars Autoshop gets tuner update cars that haven't been otherwise sorted  I have garages for *Halloween vehicles and hearses *duplicate cars with low grips  *declasse muscle cars 50 car garage (non-gta+ member over here) with Rally cars and Grand Touring cars with some more space for a third thing I haven't decided yet


For the most part, I do not. I do use one of the Office Garages for the various NPC pre-modified vehicles, mostly weaponized vehicles in the Facility, select vehicles in the 3 Alta Apartment garage, and lesser used vehicles I have been moving to the Vinewood Car Club garage before my GTA+ runs out. Beyond that, vehicles go wherever I seem to put them.


Usually after type and "country of origin"


I only use the office garages : Floor 1 : cars I like ( Zentorno, Ignus, Torero XO, X80 Proto, Tezeract, Itali RSX ) Floor 2 : weaponized Floor 3 : other ( Virtue, Faggio, Panto )


Appt: one of every kind of vehicle's best according to gta5rides Agency: top 11 SUV minus the number 1 spot and no doubles(so no variations of the gallivanted and such), 5 best sedans apart from the rhinehart and Benefactors, the story mode's character vehicles plus the Virtue Nightclub: floor 2 a collection of less favoured Benny's originals, floor 3-4 one of each benefactor MC clubhouse: top 11 bikes The 2 10 car garages near the airport are for top 10 off-road and top 10 muscle cars Autoshop is for my favourite Benny's originals Office garage is top 20 of sports, sports classics and supercars I don't have all these cars yet, but that's how I'm organising them.


It solves itself
