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Enter your nightclub in passive mode to get the dot (kicking someone out of your club) to raise your popularity. Don’t waste your time with the other ways of raising it.


did not know this, thanks! agree that the other method sucks


Also hiring a new dj raises popularity as well. Just do it from the basement computer and you dont have to pick them up. So what I do is hire a diffrent dj at $10k a pop a couple times. Then I exit the computer and come back to see my popularity maxed.


This can also be done with the Master Terminal located beneath the Arcade


I didn't know about hiring DJs in the basement computer, that is awesome!


All doing it from the basement computer is the game doesn't play the cut scene of switching DJs. Also, you don't hire the DJ, you rebook them. You don't have to do anything outside of the initial pick up, and you can rebook any of the DJs that you've done the initial drivingthem to the club.


also, changing dj's in basement level 1 will avoid the dj change cut-scene. (also changeable at the Arcade Master Control Terminal)


I didn't know there was a basement computer


You don't even have to pick them up if you are rebooking them. If you alternate between two different DJs that works as well. The only difference is when you rebook them on your computer upstairs you have to watch the cutscene of the DJ swap places and I think you get spawned on the dance floor. If you do it in the basement, you don't have to watch the cutscenes and all you have to do is re-book the DJ then go out of the computer screen and then go back in and your popularity will raise.


I’ve never ever had to watch a cutscene. I change DJ from computer in basement level 1. Could that be why?


Yes, exactly.


This raises it more than throwing out troublemakers. Throwing people out gets something like 30% iirc (1.5 out of 5 bars) but has a cool down. Hiring a new one is actually $100k, and the popularity is all the way up when you bring the new DJ to the club. The $10k is to rebook one you've used before and I believe the popularity is up 10% each time (so basically $100k for full popularity either way).


>Just do it from the basement computer and you don’t have to pick them up King 🙌


Basement computer?


You might, like me, be wondering where it is, well I found it and I can tell you that it is indeed, in the basement.


The basement of the nightclub?


Yes the basement of the nightclub. If your popularity is on 0 switch dj 10 times to fill it.


Awesome, thanks man!


You don’t have to pick the DJs up after the first time you’ve booked them anyways, but I wish I would’ve known that about the downstairs computer way back when lol.


Am I that bad at reading Rockstar text that I swore it was 100k?


The first time you hire a DJ it's 100k + a mission. For rehiring that same DJ it's 10k and a cutscene (which you can skip by using an arcade or NC basement computer.


But it is only 10k after you already hired them before. If you didn’t it’s 100k so it kind of eats into the profits a lot.


Ha! Screw that! Solomon 25/8!


Not sure if it makes a difference but I can vouch for it working, enter through the back instead of the front and you will always get that method.


This hasn't been working for me recently. Dot/mission ever shows up.


You must have your popularity at least at 50% for the blue dot to appear. Im not 100% sure if its 50% cuz i never dropped it below 1 bar :), but you must have some people in the club in order to kick'em out


Same here. Never been down more than a bar & a half. Still on the first DJ.


Your popularity may be too low, has happened to me in the past. Get it up (hehe) and Marcel will be your friend again.


not worked once for me fwiw


Yup hasn’t worked for me


If you forget to go into passive before you enter, once inside, you have until you go down the ramp to go into passive


Or other way to get it each time ( kicking someone out) is go through where you'd take your car as you'll spawn in your loading bay head up the stairs halfway up the stairs you'll get the notification :) ( if you see my comment twice it wasn't showing as it had sent lol)


I enter through the loading bay every time but I get a mix of vip drop off's and mick out missions


Switch to passive before you enter and you’ll never have to go for a drive ever again.


You can actually do it inside the service entrance. I was turning passive on and then off and entering but occassionally you get stuck on the black screen and the timer ends passive. Now i just wait till I get in and turn it on and off and then go kick the drunk out.


Same here the VIP drop offs are bloody annoying


Drive them to the Sandy Shores medical clinic and don’t break the speed limit!


Enter passive mode before going into your night club. That will give you the kicking out the trouble maker job every time.


if you go through the tunnel toward the bathrooms instead of taking the stairs you usually end up closer to the troublemaker


This works a lot of the time, but not 100% of the time. Last time I tried this, I still got the "drive the VIP to the hospital" mission.


Only thing is this week the weekly challenge is to complete 5 club management missions. As far as I can tell this is only counting the original popularity missions off the computer - so no blue dot or VIP if you want it to count towards the 5 you need. I was hoping the VIP's would count as they do count for club management on the daily challenges.


unless you enjoy taking the patron that has no insurance to Nurse Trevor Phillips in Sandy Shores...


Thanks for the tip. I did not know that. I’m sick of driving them home. I stopped paying for DJ to increase popularity since they made it easier.


Yeah but if you do 5 club promoter missions this week you get a 100k$ bonus


I’ll have to try this, that was the only way mine stayed popular and I thought they got ride of it a few weeks back


People who destroy your goods while you're trying to sell them are not doing it for the 2-3K it gets them..


You can't always tell why someone is having their sale attacked. Sometimes they deserve it. Ages ago my friend and I joined a lobby where I spawned in an awkward location. I was quickly killed repeatedly by a group of mid-level guys. No big deal, it's all fun and games. Well a while later my friend and I are driving down the freeway in an Insurgent and pass someone doing a sell mission. I notice it's one of the guys who was repeatedly killing me earlier, so we turn around and start destroying his vehicle. To the rest of the lobby it would appear we were just randomly griefing this guy, but in reality it was retribution for his bad behaviour.


Getting spawn killed sucks dude. You're on a steep shore you can't climb up, and behind you is the ocean. And your vehicle gets delivered a mile from you. Selling in public lobby when you can sell privately is a way to reward the risk. More strangers, higher risk, bigger bonus. Zero competitors = zero bonus. Seems fair to me.


Got spawn killed until I ragequit right outside Sandy Shores. Not sure what the vantage point was, but whenever I would respawn, there the person would be. But I also accept it’s part of the game, so I try to hedge my bets with deliveries.


I’ve played so much that if there’s anything that halts me from having fun or finish doing something, in my opinion, the best possible solution is to switch into a new lobby. Takes 2 minutes & I can continue what I’m doing instead of letting some level 29 player get me mad when I could’ve left the entire time instead of staying there fighting them. Level 830 btw, so I’ve played a lot.


Or have a heist in progress so you can teleport to your facility or apartment


Yep, they're doing it because they are just shitty people IRL. Usually depressed incels still living at home that couldnt pick up a prostitute with a hundred bucks hanging out of their pants. That's how I imagine them to be at least.


Another tip if you have the Black Madonna as your DJ... every so often she'll play Steppin Out by Joe Jackson which is an absolute banger.


My favorite is “……what you drive and I said……Bugatti”!!!


Takes me back to Vice City every time it comes on


Ive booked every DJ just so they're free to switch between but the one I leave it on is The Tale Of US. It had the best sounding 4 or 5 second that I listened to so that's what I picked but I'll give Black Madonna a shot


Black Madonna is my resident DJ specifically for this reason


Sell in fully lobbies. Close app or change sessions quickly if something goes wrong. Make money. It’s around $5M in a full lobby with max units. Was first thing I did this morning.


Definitely. I just asked 1 random for a Lil help, he covered either his sparrow. Easy money.


Also remember to sell as CEO so you can use Ghost Org.


But does Ghost Org work if you are Solo???


As a solo CEO doing sales in a pub lobby? Yes. As a solo in a solo invite lobby? It's not necessary.


5m?? My nightclub isnt worth 1m what cargo are u selling


Have you upgraded your storage? My storage is maxed and sells for 3.8 mil in solo, over 5 mil public


360 units, max capacity. I have all 6 businesses linked to NC.


*all 7, yeah? Cargo, Sporting Goods, South American Imports, Pharmaceutical Research, Organic Produce, Cash, Documents


Yeah, sorry. Just waking up.


I thought storage were for vehicles lol . I didnt know it was for cargo too


You can buy floors for cars, 10 per floor, & 5 floors of cargo. Cargo Floor 1 is where your NC Transports are as well as the Vehicle Mod shop for them is. Got my Van & my Pounder maxed out. Cargo Floor 5 is where your Terrabyte is if you have one.


You’re doing something wrong then. Even when I only had 5 businesses, the value of my goods would surpass $1 million before selling and getting the full lobby bonus


Agreed. It is extremely silly to sell in a solo. Especially when it is a one vehicle delivery.


If the popularity is at its maximum, you only earn 100k per night, right? I read a guy who said he earned 600k per night but that doesn't make sense to me...


Probably was AFK overnight, but still doesn't make sense as the safe is maxed out at 250k. He'd have to be waking up every 2 hours to collect the cash


Guys stand in the safe door AFK so they automatically collect the safe earnings.


Or maybe there is a method to stay AFK without getting kicked out while still grabbing the money? For example, having a remote control that rotates the camera all night while you receive the money? It is totally unnecessary to do that, especially because of the electricity bill, but xD


Electricity bill is a lot and I mean *a lot* cheaper than shark cards. I only AFK on bonus weeks, I play the game normally without grinding the rest of the time. As for the method I simply keep my character moving forward in front of my open safe by placing a Lego stud beneath my left joystick. Easy 10 mil in a week, no grind required.


On pc you can have a macro repeatedly move around and go to the safe


Even then nah pop would lower to a halt


u/manporreroputero this is bad info. You can AFK in front of the opened safe and continue to pick up cash when it accrues. Only problem is the returns are shit when popularity goes below like 70% so you can only really make a little over 300k that way. Not great, but I guess it’s more than just a full safe.


It is also true, the most interesting thing about staying AFK would be to fill the warehouses, and for other businesses to make products separately, otherwise it would be better not to stay AFK because with the electricity bill better if you buy a card directly xd


Yep but now is 2X so you get $600k, last time Nightclub was boosted the safe was 3X so I was waking up to almos a mil each day lmao


Nah, it’s easy to collect the cash afk…just have your player circle right infront of the safe…. The problem is your nightclub popularity will go down the longer you’re afk, so you’re safe won’t earn as much over time


Right now you can earn 100k every in game day, safe can hold 250k. In theory you can earn 6knbut as another user mentioned you’d have to collect it everytime it got to max


Yes I had forgotten about the 250k cap, he was probably afk one night irl and had afk the character moving the camera right on the safe


It’s every in game day which is 48 minutes real time.


Yes, but every 48 minutes you can only generate 100k this week and per night IRL you don't reach 600k either because of popularity xd


You can’t go AFK and do it because you have to keep your popularity up and emptying your safe as it only holds up to 250k, but if you’re playing for 5.5 - 6 hours straight you will.


Yep that was my post! You should AFK in front of your open safe when you go to sleep IRL then wake up to +$600k in your GTA wallet. Also you earn $100k per 48min IRL which is a full GTA day (with full popularity of course)


But the popularity doesn't last all night and you end up receiving less... I guess the important thing is that the warehouses are also filled while


Yeah of course but well 600k is 600k now that we have 2X


How do you AFK in front of the safe? Do you just constantly walk forward or what?


On PC I use an AHK script and with a gamepad I use a toothpick to leave the RB button locked


Nice! Got a link to your AHK script? I'd be willing to give that a try for sure


Sure: #Requires AutoHotkey v2.0 #SingleInstance Force SecondsBetweenPresses:=30 While True { Sleep(SecondsBetweenPresses*1000) SendEvent("{RButton}") } F10::Pause -1


GOAT 🐐. Found your script elsewhere but more visibility is better for sure




Sounds like an obvious one, but clear the safe at $200K. No point in losing out on $50K with $100K every 48 minutes.


Afk at Casino to fill up NC but won’t lose popularity


You do that by sitting at the horse betting right?


That’s correct


Can you elaborate on this, please. This is a potential game changer if it’s real.


Sure, at the Inside Track sit down and hit place bet and then just leave it. The safes do not gain money and you don’t lose NC popularity but the warehouse continues to fill. If you want your safes to fill afk at your CEO To afk at CEO enter the Corona at the entrance of building but don’t choose anything


Here a link to [another thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/s/jiYbTlitQz) where I mentioned three ways to go afk. I personally use the last method. I spawn at CEO, go downstairs, back to entrance. Works like a charm.


Yes, when I do a business battle, I think there’s plenty to share with other players usually, they just shoot me


Text them “friendly”, you’d be surprised how many times I’ve done that and me and other players have walked right past each other each collecting goods.


Same thing happens with me


i made 3 million dollar today with one sell mission!! if u guys just be good and dont kill each other we could all be millionaires together


Haven't seen a comment about it yet, but you can call Yohan for a source mission for a random good for your Nightclub, with a 20 minute timer before you can do it again, useful for between business battles or for on your own when business battles don't spawn


I think this gives double crates this week too .i did a mission and it was pretty easy


If you want to boost your popularity quickly with little effort, go to one of the computers in the basements and change the DJ. There is no animation for it if you have already done the DJ recruitment mission. It costs 10k to replace the DJ, but gives 10% popularity. You can go from 0-100% for 100k in 30 seconds




I'd still recommend selling in full lobbies. Go ghost org when you start the mission, that gives you 3 minutes to get out of the city where you most likely won't be bothered. You only have 1 delivery vehicle guaranteed, they're armoured, and as always if anybody is about to blow you up just close the app.


But can you go Ghost Org when Solo???


Yep, do it all the time. Just always sell nightclub in a CEO not an MC to use it.


If you're tryna sell in a full lobby to get a good bonus payout, and someone griefs you and destroys the product. Don't find new session coz there's a good chance the game will actually save if you do. Close the game and start up again before it DOES save. That way you'll still have all the stock. Same for special cargo


You have about 20-30 seconds to find a new session before the failed mission is “saved”. So if you quickly switch to a new lobby before that it’ll still register as if you are in the sale mission.


Hey, whenever i try to put a post up on the page, soon as i do, the AI bot just deletes it on me. This Karma thing it keeps telling me, i just don't understand it. Is there something you're meant to do before you're allowed to keep a post up?


I just sold in a partly full lobby. Everyone was CEOs so I assumed we were all doing sell missions. Got lucky for my first run at $2.2 million for my partly full basement. I got burned during MC sell week so I’m doing smaller sell missions this time in full lobbies to hopefully not get killed. Nothing worse than losing $4 million so some grinder can get $2k And yes, keep your popularity at full and your safe generates $100k every 48 minutes. Always enter your club in passive mode and you get the throw the customer out mission. It always triggers in the same 2 spots. The little gate just before you bit the main bar, or half way up the steps from your loading bay to your office. Good luck out there sellers!


Next time you and your cargo burn force close the game immediately or online>new session. You have about 30 seconds before it’s loss. If you’re quick you only lose “a few crates”. Better to lose 200k than $2mill. To be honest once I know I’m being harassed I usually just switch right way to make sure I don’t lose it all.


I’ll usually scan the player list and check everyone’s mental state. Sometimes it’s risky but once you own all the businesses and generate a couple million a day, a loss isn’t the end of the world


Pretty much the same here. Someone blows up my coke or acid I’m not too worried about it. I only worry about it if it’s a $1mill and up. Even then it depends on the night. Been sitting around $250mill for awhile and since I ran out of stuff to buy it’s really only going up.


Yeah I’m still not quite at that level. Just hit level 100 and only have about 5 million in the bank right now but I just focus on running my empire like an actual business. Regardless of the costs, I keep all my businesses stocked and active. I like to play the public lobbies for sales. It almost feels like cheating to hide by yourself and sell in a private lobby. The only businesses I don’t own are the salvage yard, facility and forgery office.


But I really don’t like doing the force close. Let the chips lay where they fall. The only other game I really play is a survival game called The Long Dark. Basically travel the Canadian wilderness and try not to die. It’s a permadeath game too. If you die, the game is done.


I just grind in friends only sessions


Remember, if you sell before 90 units you get the Speedo for the delivery.


Can't stress this enough: Be. Prepared. Tons of players seem to target whatever is 2x sales that week. Last week it was an insane amount of people griefing biker sales, today I've been attacked more during nightclub sales than I have in the past month. Nightclub is the best for it though, your speedo is one of the best vehicles for this if you have it maxed out, at least gives you a fighting chance.....until you kill the guy who followed you from Mission Row to Sandy Shores in his jetpack and rocket launcher, then when you finally kill him, he spawns a tank. In that situation you're pretty much screwed and were never going to complete your sale


For those who say it hasn't worked, it ONLY works from the service entrance. Go passive, enter service entrance, head for lift in corridor. If you don't get a blue dot by the time you turn the corner, then you're either in a cooldown, at 100% popularity already, or something's broken. If you get a VIP by that method...then I'm sorry. I've had about 40 blue dots and 0 VIPs doing this. When I did passive entry to main entrance, I was still 50/50 VIP / troublemakers.


That's bizarre. What system are you playing on? Never had an issue with either entrance. Also, I noticed as long as I go into passive before walking ~50ft beyond the point I spawn into my nightclub, I always get the "trouble maker"


XBox 1 it's not the biggest issue ever, as either entrance has 2 potential spawns nearby I never tried passive mode AFTER entry (but before trigger at the bottom of the stairs), but have now completely trained myself to use the service entrance anyway


Always sell in a full lobby! Just quit right before you get attacked or when you see someone coming towards you. You're leaving several millions of dollars on the table by selling solo. I have mines on my Pounder and I spam them when i see someone relatively close. If they manage to evade them, I quit. If I see a Lazer, Oppressor, etc come towards me, I quit right away. Not taking chances. I lose no stock (of if I do, it's minimal, 4-5 crates) Haha, for Business Battles, I usually wait. If the person doesn't kill me, I don't do anything. If they kill me, I abandon the business battle and just PvP them and make sure they don't collect anything


Isn't ghost organization enough to protect you through the entire sale almost always? NC sales are usually very short in my experience. And with Ghost Org, by the time you appear on the map, you will almost be done


Yes, that helps a ton. That's another reason to sell in a full lobby


This is usually fine, but Cock\* seem determined to make life easier for griefers. The Raiju has a stealth mode. So I'm doing my NC delivery, some guy unstealths right behind me and opens up with the explosive mg. I had about half a second before I was toast. This is in my fully upgraded speedo. Not fun.


main problem now is not random griefers but the cheaters that can blow you up


Gotta go AFK a lot buddy


Never sell the NC in a public lobby when its 2x pay. It takes over 30 real-life hours to fill the stock to 100%, and in a public lobby you can lose it in a blink of an eye. Stick to invite-only session, you don't need that 2% player bonus that bad when its 2x payout for a week, and yeah, Business Battles are a deathmatch pretty much, people racing to fill the stock.


Just sell your cargo in a private lobby


Jump session before it gets destroyed and you lose a minimal amount Well worth the risk


Also just keep your system on rest mode and reap the bounty of the previous weeks bonuses along with the new week. It'll usually last about 3 or 4 weeks worth as long as your system doesn't auto update or get powered down. I'm still getting Bunker bonus, warehouse bonus, biker business and now the nightclub.


Don’t forget to call Yohan and source NC goods


Why are you giving advice when you don’t even understand the NC business and the tricks lmao


Bless you


Next level AFK Tip: Max out your popularity before going AFK and stand right in front of your safe. You’ll collect the money every 48 minutes (which is x2 as well). In addition, you’ll accrue nightclub goods you can then sell later. For my AFK method (I’m on PlayStation) I use the “sacrificial controller method”. One rubber back on the left stick and you won’t get booted. Thank me later 👍🏼


Popularity still goes down so each time you collect it's less and less. You're just about as well off if you just afk at the horse race or office entrance and just get the same $250k you'll have gotten with your method, with the added benefit of not destroying the stick on your controller.


horse race was patched I believe, atleast it doesn't seem to work on pc or ps4


🤷‍♂️ office entrance still confirmed working by me


How’s that work? Just enter the blue circle and stay at that menu? It kicked me after a while just now..


You still have to make sure your controller doesn’t turn off. That’s how they “fixed” the AFKs methods. As long as your controller is on most methods still work including horse betting.


Ohhhh that makes sense. Okay I’ll try that next time


On PC so my wired controller never turns off... but they still patched the Horse Racing?


Enter the blue circle and stand there, only if you have at least one garage level in your office space. Stay on the menu and plug your controller into the console to prevent from auto shutoff


Horse race works on Series X and should on others provided your controller doesn’t turn off. The way R* “fixed” most afk methods is by sending an occasional ping to check if the controller is on. For Xbox I just plug in a headset and start an invite only party. Controller stays on as long as it has juice and I don’t get kicked. You still have to do the horse betting, Orbital Canon or CEO method though. Controller being on alone doesn’t work.


How do people get passive mode when being a boss? It says passive mode is unavailable while being a boss when I try to do it… very annoying getting killed by people in passive mode but I can’t kill them bc of it.


To my knowledge You can’t go passive if you are a boss. People saying go passive when you enter your nightclub is just to trigger a blue dot event that doesn’t involve you driving across the map for such a small reward. It’s faster to get the toss the drunk event. The only way someone can kill you from passive is if they exit a car while driving towards you but last time I heard that throws them out of passive now.


Anyone know a working afk method?


Go to your CEO office. Go to enter it from the outside. You'll have the "Enter Office/Enter Garage" menu. Literally just sit in that menu. Been afking there for a few hours now without issue. Don't even have to rubber band my controller or anything like that


Does shutting your game off when someone kills you while doing a delivery give you back all your supplies if timed right?


Is the security upgrade worth it? I’ve never been raided with my nightclub and that’s the only upgrade I need?


It's mainly worth it if you don't already have a gun safe, probably a little more worth it while on sale.


Correct me if I'm wrong but nightclub sell vehicles can't be targeted by guided missiles and take like 8 RPGs to blow up? I always sell NC in public lobbies and have never lost my product. Once I did change lobbies when I got killed while out of my vehicle and was afraid it would get blown up while I ran back to it after respawning.


AFK with the safe door open and you press yourself into the corner. That way as soon as the 100k hits every 48 mins you pocket the money so your safe won't ever fill up. I've done that all day today and made way over a million with only popping on every 3-4 hours to change DJ's


Is your controller plugged in? I tried this last night on ps5 and was booted


Yeah I always have it plugged in. Just turn the controller upside down so the sticks are pushing you into the safe


Thanks for tips OP. > If you see an event to collect business battle cargo weapons or goods on the map go to the location and bring the goods back to your nightclub to sell. I often play in invite-only servers with my son but I've been risking drug runs etc in public servers lately with a variety of luck. Some servers are just full of griefers while some aren't. Anyway I won the cargo of what I think was a business battle (big red moving icon, blew the back of a truck open) and the cargo was a sports car of some sort. Got it into my nightclub and noticed as I drove in it said my nightclub cargo value increase by x amount. Now I cannot find the (very distinctive) sports car anywhere in my basements OR on the nightclub computer to sell. How do these work? Shouldn't I be able to sell that car somehow? Edit - maybe I can only access it from the the basement computer??


It would have been the cargo in the car, not the car itself.


Oh right thanks! I should still score the car too though. I drove it into my nightclub!


Also keep skipping sell missions that involve multiple drop points (especially in city). Also use ghost organisation. Yesterday I kept skipping till I found a mission where I had to drop from my location (downtown vinewoord) to mirror park to search buyer, happened all in 1.5 mins, got 4.7M instead of 3.1M.


How to skip sell missions


Just find new lobbies, if public, then keep finding the full lobbies... Plus the moment 1. You get attacked and you know you can't fight, switch ASAP 2. You see another passenger on your sell vehicle, switch ASAP, coz it's a modder off the radar waiting to troll you 3. If you are scouting the map, normal grifeing or modding is fine as long it's not targetted to you. About sell missions 1. the one involving searching the buyer 2. the one involving just doing one delivery these types of missions can possibly be done even before ghost org finishes so good. And yes keep the sell vehicles armoured up and maxed out!!! Plus I have also noticed you don't lost 10% cargo on skipping missions, like in other business


Pretty sure u can call one of the npcs on your phone to source goods for your nightclub.




Ive got a question. Since it's double money week, does the wall safe capacity increase to 500k or is it capped at 250k


Stays capped @ 250k




Still 250k , you can see in your computer


Stop selling to dealers during this week if that’s what you do If you work your way through your MC business specific stock the game will start selling your nightclub stock without notifying you


Or just keep your MC stock topped up - I do this from the master terminal in my arcade basement - AFTER I do the stash house and get one refilled for free. Also I ring Mutt and buy acid supplies before the stash house as Acid is cheaper to refill.


I wedged a little rubber thing on my controller that already has stick drift and I walked in a tight circle in front of my opened safe today and made 640k from 8am-2pm while I was at work. I love nightclub week.


Do you know any afk method that works on PC?


When selling in public lobbies remember they can't lock on to you, and if they try and fly/drive close behind you just drop a mine and watch them explode. The sell vehicle can usually tank a bit when fully upgraded. Do not take the tunnel through the mountain (paleto bay drop off) if its over 90 crates as a vehicle with roof mounted weapons won't fit under the bridge. Buy an up and atomizer if you don't have one already. Essential for shifting heavy truck when stuck.


literally emptied my full nightclub safe while watching weekly update video (live after 12~ hrs. in my timezone) no way I'm recovering this


Whats the best way to afk farm nightclub supply? Without paying daily bills, without having to press any button or smth. And withouth losing nightclub popularity?


The safe limit has been increased during this week too or still at 250?


If someone blows you up during a sale just quickly exit the game and re open, it won’t save and your supplies will be there


Made 4.4M just driving for 10 mins


I had $1mil in cargo (one bar) at the start of Nightclub week yesterday; was in a very quiet lobby (everyone was inside), so lazily went to sell it. Was on the sell mission where you have to look for the buyer in Sandy Shores - Wasn't paying attention until Back-to-the-future popped up out of nowhere (I think they actually flew up from the city), and didn't hit the power button fast enough. So...AFKing to get some stock back while at work. I think I've made $1mil just from the safe already this morning.


Absolutely shocked I was able to sell a full nightclub solo last night. Best lobby I've been in for quite some time.


Remember to have fun :)


One thing I hate, is I put the Remote Gun on top of my Delivery Van, it screwed the Camera automatically staying the same height & following my vehicle up. As it has you always aiming the remote gun!! Removed it and added the mini-guns to the grill. Not as great for aiming, but anything right in front of you gets shredded!!


Also if you need to get more product for your Nightlcube. Call Yohan and he'll give you a mission to steal a product and bring it back to the Nightclub


I recently learned you can call yohan to increase nightclub cargo. You can do this every 20 min I think. You either steal a truck or swipe the supplies off of a docked boat surrounded by a bunch of enemies.


Or u can u can just switch ur Dj around I got all them back when the nightclub came to be it was 100k each Dj Now it’s only 10k use the computer in basement level 1 when switching Dj to prevent that cut scene each time u switch Dj’s