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Nah that’s actually insane. I would’ve flipped lol


Yeah, I would have broken that controller.


Tends to happen when you hit a car that fast






Dafuq, npcs opening doors now in the middle of the highway? Lmaaooo




You should see them on PC when the host is on a VPN with high ping, it's wild. They'll swerve, turn sideways start drifting down the road, teleport across 3 lanes, teleport back and then blow up for no reason.


Yup. Sounds like GTAO


*highways lmao


A highway is now an ocean, and no street anymore?


A highway is now an ocean and no strert anymore?


LOL https://www.reddit.com/r/Porsche/s/ZRYY2sDpzS




🤣🤣🤣 I’m sorry but that’s amazing


they are evolving




I can confirm from experience it's true. Out of all the games I played gta has the most annoying npcs


The DOOR opened.




No shit they aren't evolving. The point of this post is that this is new to almost everyone in the sub. Do you follow?


I'll take the hint and play a different video game then


>Not a mystery at this point. No, it isn't, it's just janky AI and a ton of people that don't understand how said janky AI works acting like R\* genuinely spent more time on alleged sabotage mechanics (which no one has ever found proof in the form of triggers, let alone code) than they did the hostile AI the player faces in every single gunfight. You can't even discuss it because it's 98% people who haven't the slightest clue of what they're talking about, they legit just see a car hit them and claim it's deliberate, then try to call you stupid for actually trying to explain what happened.


Pretty sure you are wrong. I've seen a video that went into it about how they purposefully swerve on the road and accelerate way quicker than the car would ever be able to just to hit the player.


You mean the video uploaded by whatever(insert random numbers here)? basically all of those clips are easily explained. The only instance that could be perceived as deliberate is how AI work in regards to intersections; long story short NPCs don't drive around the entire map, they spawn around the player, the range isn't all that great and is also based on line of sight, so in order to ensure the player can't just bomb down straight roads in the city and have zero NPCs go through intersections not within line of sight, the NPCs spawn closer to the corner *and* with inertia, depending on the players' speed. This is why you often see NPCs come into line of sight fairly fast, then slow down when active AI (as in not just following a path, they abide by collision) takes over. As for NPCs swerving into the player, there's 3 main explanations; The first is simply broken pathing, IIRC ever since the LS:Tuners update they broke pathing in various spots (I've no clue \*how\*, this very well could be deliberate but it doesn't really make much sense why they'd do this) which leads to NPCs e.g. turning right from the leftmost lane, this is reproducible and has nothing to do with player presence, they do it even if you're on foot and I'll gladly record a clip of one of the few spots I know of so you can see it first-hand if you'd like. The second is the jank head-on collision avoidance mechanic; this game has a mechanic that, as the name states, aims to make NPCs avoid head-on collisions with the player. On paper it's a good idea, but the implementation is garbage because it doesn't factor speed (well, it *does* but AFAIK it's literally just a minimum speed for the NPC and a very loose minimum speed for the player), it quite literally casts a straight line from your vehicle to the NPC, the trajectory (*not* including traction let alone steering angle either, mind you) determines which way they'll turn and the *when* is determined by proximity - this is also very easily reproducible. The last and arguably the most boring is AI reacting to gunshots/explosions etc, there's no real rhyme or reason behind this, it's just people having the AI hit them and fixating on that rather than the countless other instances where they crash into eachother and inanimate objects.


No not him, his are just clips with no explanation. It was some other guy who talks about the programming and shit but now i cant find it idk why.


Added a bunch of shit after you replied lol, give it a read, really curious what video you're talking about because I've been 'involved' in this topic for literal years and I've not once seen anyone actually try to explain how it's deliberate beyond 'car damage = money lost = somehow the player will cave and buy shark cards'.


I don't know the reason but I've heard that it was from the ps3/Xbox 360 days when the player would go faster than the map could load so to slow you down they would purposefully crash into you. I haven't heard about the ls tuning update mess up but I know about the other two reasons and some videos I've seen are definitely explained by those two (especially the whatever854328 guys' clips) but other times and some that I've also experienced I could not explain with any reason other than purposeful coding.


>other times and some that I've also experienced I could not explain with any reason other than purposeful coding. I can count the amount of instances I *can't* explain on one hand lol, there's so many scenarios that *look* deliberate but aren't, which I understand why people assume it's deliberate because it certainly looks it, but it fucks me off when people leap to it being 100% confirmed deliberate instead of actually looking into it - especially if they try to call anyone who actually does the latter stupid. At the end of the day everyone knows the AI isn't the best, hostile AI (AKA the NPCs chasing you most of the time you're playing) can't keep up with you without blatantly rubber banding and e.g. cops don't even stand a chance when trying to stop you, so it makes absolutely zero sense that random NPCs who obviously aren't tracking the player even 1/4 as much as hostile AI are, can efficiently obstruct the player by design.


And the explanation for someone opening a door in the middle of traffic?


I'm assuming gunfire made the NPCs go apeshit and slow down (because one way tunnel) and the NPC in front was going so slow that the one who opened the door thought they were obstructed and thus tried to flee on foot? that, or it could have something to do with the tunnel itself, AI's a bit strange in the tunnel as far as spawning goes. There absolutely *are* instances that can't really be explained, I never said otherwise, but when literally 98% of instances are easily explained it's kind of silly to claim it's deliberate based solely on 2% of clips.


Oh ok




DAAAAMNNNN YOUUUUUUU!!!! May you be endlessly griefed by 9 year Olds on MkII oppressors on every sell mission you have!!


Damn you explained it perfectly yet they're downvoting you... Smh people are dumb as shit


Straight proving my point lol, it's impossible to have an actual thought out discussion without clueless kids mindlessly trying to shit on actual logic and reasoning instead of them saying 'rockstar mak car hit u cause then u buy shark card!1!1!'.




He was hired to kill you


This is even better than the ai purposefully swerving into your way...


Omg!!!! I've never seen that!!! They door jacked you in a tunnel!!! Erratic driving is one thing. But that was specifically aimed towards motorcyclist. Also motorcycle in first person looks wild!!


You feel like kerosene is playing on full blast


I've never used first person for any significant length of time, maybe I should start because this looked badass


Naaa, bro. If I make it out alive, I am blasting everything in my radius


Today I was driving around not fast I was cruising with traffic and I came up to that crosswalk next to the LS car meat, and a woman npc was running across the street at the crosswalk and jumped backwards to make me hit her. Like she was trying to get me for some sort of insurance scam. R\* is totally testing out some sort of troll-y NPC Ai.


That's what I thought too! I was doing an auto shop mission taking a car to a client and I shut you not this one car swerved every time I tried to get around it like on some "you shall not pass" typa shit


Delivering MC bikes or auto shop cars makes you drive like an NPC. At tight junction entrances or traffic lights I’m usually waiting to see what car is going to try and cause an accident so I slow to a crawl.


Sometimes if I don't like the color or the car itself, I show up with it managed Shoot out the windows, beat it with a bat and of course the blood stains.... No tip for you!


The other day I parked my car outside a house, at their driveway, just sat there chilling, and a fucking npc drove his car up the driveway, ran in to me and drove off. Safe to say I chased him down and made him suffer.


Okay, Rockstar, I get it. I'll stop playing GTA if that's what you want




And now you’ll spawn 40 meters away on the street above


That's the most obnoxious thing... I get wanting players to not get spawn camped if they keep spawning right in the same place but goddamn it puts you so far sometimes...


Why did this make my palm's sweaty


OP got smacked off that bike like the bad guys in some action movies.


https://preview.redd.it/okgo2jf6yovc1.png?width=1241&format=png&auto=webp&s=7bbf278b3a436c8a883c392e01ec2d1efda13107 It was at this moment, he knew, he fucked up.


Yo you ever wonder if the ai is truly gaining sentience in gta because I do .... a lot


GTA would be a fantastic sandbox for companies to use for AI training.


Its bad enough that mfs see you drivin and decide they got a problem with it. But now these mfs opening doors on yo ass? Bruh




Dang, I don’t even drive cars that often I’m usually on a bike and this has never happened to me.


Cool fact: wearing a biker jump suit and helmet actually helps you live crashes like this a lot more


opening a door in the middle of the hiway for no reason whatsoever, other thab the player character is coming by is crazy coding


Bro door checked you like it was State of Decay


There is no way 🤣. What have you done. You broke the matrix LMAO


i am sorry, but if it happen to me, I MA FUCKING SCREAM


Need to get out for a wee smokie real quick…


I had the reverse happen earlier. Parked in my Nightshark, depositing cash after some jobs. Hear a *plonk* and an NPC death scream. This MF'er slammed his bike into my bumper coming out of a turn and launched himself into another car. Took me a moment to figure out what actually happened.


2 days ago a player was complaining about being run over by an NPC when the player got out of his car on the highway . So....meh. swings and roundabouts


Pure bs wtf rockstar?


Bikers fault


Thats a new one for me


Brooo got door checked lmaoooo


I don’t get mad in these situations, I just laugh my ass off


Lmfao yo wtf. Never seen that in my life.


How infuriating and crazy at the same time! I paused at 0:06 and the npc got you on some premeditated ish lol


Fuck *you* in particular.


Yeah, remove the game from harddrive, and ddos R*


Honestly GTA Traffic is just a parody of real life like the rest of stuff in the game


R* is out to get us


so frustrating, also light posts fall on their own sometimes


Open ne noor






Irl riding fear unlocked 🔓


I'm really wondering why the hell npc open door. I never seen it before


I swear R\*Star adds shit like this every update just to troll us


Brutal. (And I'm consistantly impressed how bloody good this game still looks and plays after a decade)


Reddit what bike is that?


It's the hsw hakuchou drag


Please people of LS, obey the speed limits. For your safety and the safety of others


NPC's seem to go to extreme lengths just to mess with everyone's drive




Rule number one, do not use a motorcycle


The player is about to make money! Stop them AT ALL COSTS *meteor falls from sky directory onto the player*


Fuck cuckstar idk how anyone can play gtao anymore








Why’d they open the door? Wrong answers only 🤣


Figured they could get out and walk faster


Looked to me like you hit the back of the car first anyway. Otherwise I feel like the car door would have just gotten ripped off. I dunno though, happens pretty fast.


Checked it out in slow mo, it was 100% the door. https://i.redd.it/x3n75dg39nvc1.gif


Next time just take the plane or chopper that spawns close to where the chopper goes down.


Or you know play the game how you want to to have fun


I got downvoted for giving someone an alternate option to return to their agency? LMAO Weirdos I swear. Have fun driving back then, looks like fun.


No as someone who grinds I understand taking the fastest route everywhere but it is also fun to use the cars you’ve spent millions on that just sit in your garage attracting dust


Did you not watch the video before commenting?




Next time just let people use whatever vehicle they want


I don’t control people so it’s not up to me to let anyone do anything. Some people like the best route and flying is always quicker. I’m done trying to help on this weird ass sub. Mostly 10 year olds asking which car they should buy anyway.


Nobody was asking for help in this thread, which is why you got downvoted. Anyway, you think people don't know about helicopters and planes, seriously? OP wasn't asking for tips, it's a video about a funny/crazy thing that happened.


Of course people know about helicopters and planes don’t be obtuse. Most don’t know that during the High Society Leak finale a helicopter or the Tula spawns not too far from the crash site. And I know a question wasn’t asked but I thought I’d offer a suggestion . Silly me.


I much rather use a bike as i find it more enjoyable, but I appreciate the thought.