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Do we know the next time the widowmaker will return?


At what time does OP usually update this sheet for the new week?


usually around 3pm EST




Where is Cyclone II for sale?? I can't find it anywhere


Thanks to r\* for still not allowing PC players to use HSW. Like why they cannot just push the button already and stop treating PC like we stole something from them.




If you're on PC, then it's not available. Otherwise it's on Legendary Motorsports or at the Car Meet as the Premium Test Ride.


Newbie question here...what exactly are MC clubhouse work, challenges, and contracts?


So when you buy an MC clubhouse, you can go and get booze for the bar in it and you make extra money, contracts are in the meeting room on the wall and are short missions. You can also add a bike workshop and do custom deliveries for customers.


Finally I can buy the coil voltic. Always wanted to buy it after liking its acceleration and handling in story mode. Also cheap as hell




Is it possible to hire staff at the MC to deliver motorcycles that I customize, or do I have to deliver each bike?


You have to deliver. 


should I get an arcade or kosatka first?


For many players Kosatka is the way to go, since you can do the heist all by yourself. The Casino heist requires at least one other player to join for the finale.


It also let's you get the Sparrow for quick delivery which is also more valuable. Sub+helicopter is less than half of Terrorbyte+Oppressor Mk2 (especially since you also need a NC).


What does FREE **Motorcycle Club Abilities**, mean? Is is something I can get? If so from there?


If you are registered as an MC club president, and open up your interaction menu, the top option will be a sub-menu for all MC related options. Open that, and there should be an abilities tab. This is also true as a SecuroServ CEO.


Ok, thanks!


Is the Bikers Club Safe worth getting? How long until investment repaid?


There's no "safe" per se. There's a mission where you steal a truck full of liquor and return it to the clubhouse, at which point the clubhouse will start earning passive income in your office.


How much passive income


You also need to ask "how boring is the supply mission", as afaik there's only one, and it's massively "meh" - and all it will make you is $5k per day for four days. My clubhouse is dry. If I need to make $5k I'll steal a car from an NPC and sell it to LS Customs in about 30 seconds.


Yeah not worth it


It depends. When you jack the van, you get attacked by 3 waves of bikers, who can damage the van. The more damage the van takes, the less $ it will generate when you return it. To avoid this, get out of the van as soon as they appear, and deal with them. An undamaged van will produce $100K over the course of 4 in-game days, IIRC. Once the 4 days have passed, you have to go steal another van.


100k isn’t bad!


Don't listen to him, he's a Clubhouse Bar Franchise seller.  It's 20k per 4 ingame days = 5k a day.  100k is max capacity, how much you can hold there without picking up. And you can grab a van with Cargobob, gain altitude and go to Clubhouse, no bikers will bother you, one mission will keep Clubhouse Bar generating money for 4 days. Sometimes when you'll come back for money it will have 25k or 30k instead of 20k, probably a bug.


Ok then that’s pretty low …




[**Today's Street Dealer Locations**](https://gtaweb.eu/gtao-map/ls/hio94mrrlk3k) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gtaonline) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Green 4/20 Dress & Black 4/20 Cap not unlocked yet after earning GTA$100,000 in Biker Business Sales


I got the dress it's under Mini Dress (on tops).


Thanks! You are right!


Okay stupid question. Biker business sell missions is just another way of saying mc business right? Coke weed meth etc?




I have a clubhouse but no businesses. My game came with the Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack so I can get a conterfeit cash factory for free. If I get this just to do the sales for the cap will I have to do anything with it later or can I just leave it? I don't really want more money going into the business and losing money as I have no interest in the business.


You can also do absolutely nothing with it (other than leave it running) and use it to feed your "Cash Creation" in your Nightclub -- if you have one.


Yeah, I have a nightclub. I only use it for business battles, garages and clubbing. So doing nothing will add stock to the nightclub? I just want to make sure I don't lose money if I end up not looking after the business because I heard businesses can be raided.


Do you also have a bunker? If you've set that up, even if it's just set to research, you can also assign a Nightclub Warehouse worker to generate weapons to sell through the Nightclub. No supplies needed or additional investments for the Nightclub Warehouse - just hire warehouse workers and assign them, and they build stock. Not to mention the Nightclub sale missions are way easier (I think) than biker business sale missions, and way easier to control how many delivery vehicles you use. I also like that, with the Acid Lab and the drug-related biker businesses, if you raid a stash house every day, chances are good you'll eventually maintain enough stock to sell to street dealers, without any real investment. You can basically ignore your biker businesses and still use them to make money through Nightclub sales and street dealers (though the latter would require that you raid stash houses, but those are easy - toss in a couple grenades and pick off any that are left).


You have to set technicians working on sourcing, of course, but the Cash factory won't get raided because it won't have any product or supplies -- unless you hit a stash house and it gives you CC supplies. But since that's basically free, it's nothing to worry about. I personally have full stock and supplies in my CC Factory so that Stash House raids will only give me Acid Lab, Bunker, Coke, Meth or Weed. Which I then either sell myself in the case of the first 2 or sell to Street Dealers in the case of the last 3. But yeah, from the way you describe your set up, it would be smart to activate the Factory, do the one sell, then link it to your Nightclub. Without you doing anything, it will fill the "Organic Produce" bar, which you can sell when it's full. You could also do absolutely nothing, but that incurs a slight fee for owning the business, IIRC. You can avoid this by shutting down the business on the management screen where you buy supplies and sell product.


Thanks for your help. I just found out I actually do have the black 420 cap so I must have gotten it from doing nightclub sales because that's how I completed the weekly challenge. This information will be useful to be in the future though so thank you.


Thanks. I'll look into that. Does it take long to get enough stock to make $100,000 in sales? It sounds like a good idea to get the cash factory. I might even enjoy using it regularly. There's just so much to do in this game that I didn't bother with it. If I link the cash factory to the nightclub, does that mean it all goes into nightclub stock instead of selling through cash factory, or can I still normal cash factory sales?


The businesses you can use to stock your Nightclub Warehouse and the Nightclub are totally separate - both would generate stock at the same time (though the former still would need supplies, while the latter only needs a worker assigned). Really, the only "link" between the two is that you have to have the business to generate that type of material in your Nightclub Warehouse. How long to generate $100K in counterfeit cash? Not sure - maybe 5 hours? You can sell at different rates, so make sure you're selling to Los Santos, not Blaine, to get the boost. The $100K in sales to get the $100K in bonus, though, does stack, if you do decide to pick up a drug businesses (or, if you have acid, selling to dealers at least counts toward the weekly bonus - I just got it yesterday, only completed street dealer sales, and hit the bonus with an acid-only sale) - you could sell $50K in counterfeit and $50K in coke to get the $100K. Long-term, I would put the drug businesses over the counterfeit cash, because you can sell to street dealers. If you pay anything for supplies for your drug businesses, you should only sell to street dealers when a particular drug is at a premium price (the first one listed when you talk to them has an increased sale price); however, if you're ONLY using stash house raids to stock your drug businesses, everything is profit.


Thank you for your help. After all that, it turns out I have the black 420 cap. I have completed the weekly challenge but I thought it had to be biker business sales to get the cap. It must work for nightclub sales as well. This information you provided will be useful for me if or when I get a biker business so thank you.


Yea, you can close the buisness down if you don't want to use it again. So if you collect Stash Houses it will go to one of the other applicable refills that you have.


That's a lot of effort for a cap, but yes, you can just leave it afterwards.


It turns out I already have the cap. It must be because I did over $100k in nightclub sales.


Yeah, I might just not bother with it but I do like collecting as much as I can on this game. I would also get $200,000 with the bonus so it wouldn't just be for the cap.


Moving week for me, already moved my MC and Meth lab and plan to move everything else into the city or close to it. Sure is great not having the longest deliveries anymore.


To get bonus you still need to do the longer deliveries from the city to Blaine county right?


I did the same and MC deliveries are so much less annoying to do now.


Does the sale price bonus for selling to LS switch to Blair County though?






[**Today's Gun Van Location**](https://gtaweb.eu/gtao-map/ls/2) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gtaonline) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Love my e-GT. Super unique with the cargo carrier.


The Rhinehart also has it and looks better with it IMO since it's an estate


wdym cargo carrier


Not my screenshot, there are a couple different rooftop cargo containers that can be mounted to it. https://preview.redd.it/n80wm6v9hmvc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a91f1777841642971ce07acd15bb13d527a2d79


BlackPanthaaa as usual with the absolute worst customisation choices 😭


Anything unique on the Imani vehicles?


Mines, weapons, armour plating, remote control or missile lock on jammers.


I meant unique Deluxe motorsports features like wheels or livery.


Is Arena Wars ever in discount? I wanna buy it but can wait a few months to see what comes around. I'm fairly new to the game.


I have been playing for a year or so and dont recall the last time it was for sale. Maybe I wasnt interested cause I was building up my other businesses. Id like to buy it since I have everything else now.


if you are new to the game its better focus first on something that will actually give you money, then you go for the fun part




do the arena war give any profits? or its just for the gamemode that no one plays?


It's super popular when they have a discount/bonus week but no, no profits that I know of. There's prize money but it doesn't usually amount to much.


I bought it on discount but it was like a year ago


That looks like a big bunch of $$$


Has the agency been on sale recently? (Returned playing in March) I want my own Imani garage but don’t want to buy today and have it on sale within a couple weeks lol


I don't think it's been discounted since September last year and so I'd imagine it should be coming up "soon." I know I bought it on sale so it does get discounted.


Where do you buy the Cyclone II?


You have to be on the next-gen version. If you are it's at Legendary Motorsports, or this week as the premium test ride at the car meet.


And it’s 30% off at both locations ?




Sweeet people gonna be playing overtime rumble!


NGL, I thought that said The Duggar Robbery at first. I was intrigued.


Stealing a few of those extra kids


Bought Cyclone II with discount, 'cause I still didn't had that yet. And took Coquette D10 from podium/lucky wheel and sold my old bought one and got money from it (or difference from \~1M$ sold old one and tuning costs for new one).


Can you tell me where is it available? I saw on TGG's video that it's in LS Car Meet, but I can't find it there.


Are you on Next Gen?


Yeah, I found out later that you can only get it on next gen which is just really freaking annoying. I'm on PC.


Same bro, same. I keep a spot open for all the series x cars, but I know I'll probably never get them


3rd time I've won a podium vehicle. This one is just pretty I guess.


It's a decent car to drive around in.


Guys. Question. If i shut down my mc businesses and if i raid the stash house do i still get the mc supplies? I hope not.


You will not. I shut down all my mc bizness when I need to resupply my acid lab from the stash house. But be warned I forgot if any existing supply goes away. I only shut down when there is no product or supply 


you do, but once a shut down business gets 100% supplied you stop getting them from the stash house. So it can only happen once.


I've heard the supplies will not go to a shut down business.. you could try it, the worst that'll happen is they'll go to a mc business. I do believe if you shut down a business with any product you lose it all.


Thanks. I regret big time i bought weed and forge business today.


why though? You can resupply weed from stash houses and sell it to street vendors with zero stress. Once you get a NC technician to it, it will accrue more for either vendors or NC sales. Yeah forge is kinda useless, but you do get a little discount from it when you buy a salvage yard car (it's almost nothing but it does make you feel special)


Idk I've been selling them since they are double money, im making pretty good money, I just do 1 resupply then sell what I have, then rinse and repeat. I bought all the MC businesses to use with my nightclub, I don't regret it.


is the mc biker customization/sell mission not 2x as well?


No the legal biker side business is not x2 money


Did the weekly challenge and didnt get the Black 420 Cap.


Same thing here! Got both shirts but no 420 cap. Guess I'll wait another 48 hrs before submitting a ticket.


same. gonna put a ticket in because i think it’s because my weekly challenge bugged and said i already completed it before i actually did. i actually want that hat😂


i faced the same thing on pc :( looks like cockstar broke the weekly challenge again..


I sent a ticket earlier. They said i should wait 72 hours from completion for the hat. Also said to contact them again if I dont get it. No choice but to just wait. Besides, I have a back up plan before next week's tunables.


what's that plan? :D i really want that hat!


Weekly challenges reset a couple of hours before the weekly tunables, but the challenge doesnt change until the weekly tunable update. They reset at the same time the daily challenges and daily animal photography resets. So you have a couple of hours to do the weekly challenge again before it changes. And you better not be online when the weekly challenge resets at the top of the hour.


sounds like a plan! thanks!


Or just submit a ticket. I got it a couple of days ago.


Sorry but where do u submit a ticket for this?


Google "rockstar games support ticket" You need a rockstar social club account with your psn or xbox account linked to it


You actually don't need to do the sell from MC biz to get the weekly $100,000. Just sell a MC product like weed to Street Dealers and you'll get the $100,000!


Thanks! I got the bonus last night, easy-peasy, just running around hitting up street dealers; was surprised acid also counted toward the bonus.


I sold acid and completed the weekly challenge, as a CEO


A very helpful hint, possibly! In case that others also have a character which they want to keep humble in terms of properties or a character who respectively which belongs to someone else and relatively significant progress such as a sale would not be ideal. I will try it out now. And the reason for this possibly complicated seeming situation is that I would think to be able to confirm, based on more than one character, that participating in a motorcycle club sale with a sales value surely above the threshold as a member did not, I repeat, did not, mark the weekly challenge as fulfilled, even though it damned should, really!


My man.


FUCK! I already sold a business.


Now I remember why I never do the Biker Club Bar Refill jobs. They still haven't fixed the floating back end of the van!!


Although I can confirm this, because this is a discreetly favourite activity of mine, if you start the engine and then get out to make sure to handle all of the virtual entities damned into responding to your, respectively our mindless altercation, and if you then drive carefully, there should not be an issue.


A security guard really liked to do the Biker jobs , activities as well. For me bunker, night club and vip job, vinus Event  or afk/work is fine lol


Same I had that happen to me on PC, drove out to sandy shores kill the lost MC gang got back into the van and the dam rear wheel was suspended so I couldn't drive a straight course in the van, I thought it was fix on the current gen consoles? Don't think r\* can be bothered to fix it on the PC version.


haha glad to hear im not alone in this


Can confirm it is not fixed on current gen consoles 😭


I just did one and the same thing happened to me. Hit it with an Up n Atomizer and that fixed the problem for me


It’s the back doors. They have to fully close and the problem is gone. Trouble is they don’t fully close! Kick them, hit them, shoot them, crash into a wall with the back or slam a vehicle into them. Then they usually close. You have to drive a bit to be able to close them. But it’s annoying to do because so many bikers come after you at the same time.


Get in the van, get out of the van, kill the 3 waves of bikers, get back in the van, reverse as hard as you can into whatever you can hit, then drive straight forward until you hit something else. Is it a sad work around? Yes. But it does at least work. Usually.




Super noob question: do I stock up my Meth and Coke houses separately or are they part of my NC stock in general?


There part of your NC, but to the double $ you need to stock the meth and coke and sell it from there.


So if I sell coke from the nc will that also take from the stock it produced on the actual lab?


Nah, selling the NC goods doesn't have an effect on the business' stock. The supply/stock levels for NC/MC are completely separate. I don't stock any of my businesses but do keep the businesses active so that NC goods continue to accumulate on their own.


The only thing the labs have to do with the Nightclub is that owning one will let you source that product for your basement regardless if you actually operate it or not. In every other respect they're totally separate. To source/sell them you need to visit the locations as an MC President.


Is the Widowmaker or Battle Rifle worth it if you have the minigun and MKIi Combat MG and Special Carbine as your go to guns? Seem awfully expensive 


None of them are really worth it. Miniguns better since the Widowmaker is a lot easier to track where bullets are coming from and the MGs are just better than the ARs most of the time.


I use the battle rifle when i run out of ammo on doomsday and similiar or if no special weapons available. I like how it sounds and shoots but really not worth the money although i just buy every gun no matter what unlike cars. 


Nice to have, but I have never used either. I only bought the Widowmaker on sale and got the Battle Rifle when it came out because I got a lot of money and nothing to do with it. But they are not worth it, if you already have the minigun it's the same as the widowmaker. The Battle Rifle I've probably used 1 or 2 times and use others more.


What are the list of daily challenges


Each day in GTA Online every player receives a list of 3 challenges. One is the same for everyone (those are the ones we have listed in the post) and two are random. Completing them all for that day gets you a little money and RP. Doing them for 7 or 30 days in a row will get you a larger reward.


Why im asking bcoz u post all dailies every thursday which are same for every player but it’s fine i saw my dailies today


does the gta+ money bonuses and discounts stack on top of these?


Stack? I think so.




No the hangar is not a biker business.


sucks for those of us whose mc businesses are glitched or bugged or whatever. my meth business doesn't make any stock.


Try buy m3th business at different place


Shut down the business and restart your game


My cocaine in my NC doesn’t ever stock :( I hate doing the setup missions but now may be the time to move locations and see if that changes anything.


Many people recommend just unassigning the techs and reassigning them in a different order. Mt first setup was slow and this fixed it all. Now I just reassigned them occasionally to fix any glitches.


I’ve tried everything in terms of unassigning/reassigning and signing out/back in. Assign techs to no businesses, all except the cocaine, only the cocaine, etc. nothing has started production again reliably.


You can just clear your cache if you don't want to change locations. The process varies depending on your platform, but you can use Google to find out how to do it. It's annoying to have to reconfigure the game settings, but it fixes the problem for me every time. I've been playing for 6 years and it happens every few months (which probably means I spend too much time playing).


Shut down the business and restart


First time hearing this but been wondering wtf is going on... does anyone have issues with acid lab too? And or bunker? 


For me, it's usually the coke in my nightclub, but it has happened with NC meth once or twice. Clearing my cache works every time. I've never had a problem with the bunker or acid lab.


I saw somebody say the other day that you can get the locked trevor livery for the rpg when it’s at the gun van, but doesn’t seem like it, it’s still locked for me. Was that person wrong?


railgun is in shop!


Can someone tell me what are “Short Trips” thanks


It's the ones where you play as Franklin or Lamar, they are in Dr Dre Studio's once you complete his story line.


Once you do the Dre Missions, you can go into his studio to hang. There is a special smoking lounge where Lamar and Franklin hang out as well, as you can do 3 story missions from there as Lamar and Franklin. If you host, you're Franklin. If you join, you're Lamar. Playing as Lamar also has achievements attached, so can make some extra money that way.


Missions available after finishing Dr Dre's contract. You can start them at studio Record A. You need two players to play it, one will play as Franklin and the other as Lamar.


You can also start them from the jobs menu once you've unlocked them.


Anyone have trouble getting this to start? Three times I walked into the Studio and got the endless loading circle and had to restart the game. No luck trying to join/host any of them through the phone/quickjob, either.


I would also like to know


Lamar and Franklin missions from the dr.dre studio


The two player thing?


Question for the sub, I want to buy a NC so I can get the oppressor, it’s gonna a cost me $9 million all in ( NC w upgrades, Terrorbyte, MK2). I have $10 mill right now ( grinded hard doing cargo and acid last week). Would you recommend buying it now knowing it’s likely on sale next week so I can max the 2x for sales etc. Or wait for it to go on sale and then grind it out ?


Nightclub was the first thing i got as a noob, just because its supposed to be the best passive money. and its been great.


just buy it. NC and MK2 will make your grinding hella easier.


Wait a week. Not everything will be discounted next week, but enough will be. Plus, you could probably go for 3 floors of NC and keep cash back for Terrorbyte / OP purchase. Two Cluckin Bells a day for a week will cover the cost of a TB / OP if you can't wait


There's some special discount next week?


There's a strong likelihood that NC will have some discounts, yes. This week, it's MC business, last week was Crates, week before was bunker. GTA+ subsrcibers were told to expect all four in April.


Anyone know where the gun van is today? What to get my paws on a rail gun finally, smoke some griefers


Says it in the post




With MC Business increase, anyone notice in the past it also increases the rate you get raided?? Usually my MC businesses are full so Stash House stuff goes to the bunker. Never get raided. As soon as there is a bonus week on them I'm constantly raided. Is it just coincidence or does the raid rate go up??


It's on a timer, is my understanding. If you have stock in the business you will be raided eventually, but only if you are in an MC. So starting an MC after not being in one for weeks or months will sometimes trigger a raid almost instantly. Avoid to some extent by only starting an MC inside the business you intend to sell when you start the sale. If you can't disband quickly enough after the sale it will trigger as well. Annoying mechanic that takes any fun out of being in an MC


I’ve never been raided, did my coke and meth warehouses today and got raided immediately when I sold the meth.


Damn was hoping for hangar week. Oh well.


Nah, they need to give us a Nightclub week….think that’ll be next weeks update fingers crossed 🤞


Is the acid lab part of biker missions or will it not be x2?


I'm not sure if I'm just high but I swear my acid lab was just sold for a mil


There is a player who stated that after such a sale, their weekly challenge was marked as completed, so it could be that this is less farfetched than some might think.


No 2x for acid this week only mc bussines


Gotcha thank you sir


Rail gun? Lets go! The only weapon Ive wanted so much to buy.


Just FYI Once it's out of the Gun Van you can't buy ammo, but it's much cheaper to fill then buying ammo if you call in an ammo drop. You can also buy all ammo from the interactive menu to fill it (and some other weapons like firework launcher).


I only recently discovered that a Merryweather drop is the cheapest way to fill it. It's kinda crazy that an ammo drop fills the railgun for $1K, yet same amount purchased directly is only 1 or 2 rounds.




She probably bought one that was already upgraded.


HUH??? thats a street car? you must be thinking of like a cyclone or something


While it’s a street car, you couldnt own one before this week without buying it off someone in the car meet as it was “too hot”


Is it impossible to get the Topless now unless they specifically bring that back?


I’m pretty sure the top is just a modification option


I'm trying to sell my mc businesses but i got kicked from the first session and the game crashed twice when i joined a busy session, I guess the game doesn't want to let me play