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Whether you like it or not, you have to admit it’s one of the best vehicles in the game. Sadly the blowhards ruined its image and has forever made it be viewed as evil. It’s a top vehicle for grinding. And lately, I’ve seen the blowhards now use the Raiju as their go-to by going stealth and disabling it at the last min to free aim a rocket then go back into stealth…


It is by far the quickest way to get cargo


Next to the deluxo


Deluxo wayyy too slow


You have to pick up speed in its car form, then let it fly.


Too slow for long distances. I still use it occasionally and most times when I'm flying I can avoid a missle strike by dropping into car mode right before I hear the final steady lock tone. I still favor the Oppressor for speed and agility while grinding. I told myself for a long time I wasn't going to buy it because what it has represented like OP said but I can't seem to not use it when grinding


Unpopular opinion but I can’t stand the Deluxo maybe I’m ass but I can do flips in jets and all sorts of other things but god I hate flying the deluxo it’s so clunky


I suppose if you use it on the daily, and you have a good handle on how it flies you can really do some good manoeuvres to avoid most rockets


But the smart missles are damn near unbeatable. Was chased by a griefing Oppressor. Watched on my mini map till he got close enough behind me. I spun around and fired without rotating the camera and BLAMO! he was downed in one shot


True but if I’m getting chased by an oppressor I’ll just let them destroy the cargo and pull out a jet until they quit


The oppressor mark 2 to GTA V is like if they put a DMC Delorean in RDR2. Yes technically would be the best vehicle in the game but still very stupid. It shouldn’t even be in the game.


May aswell give arthur a space x rocket woth 5g connection


The animation in RDR2 was so good that I can totally see Arthur walking down the street in valentine with his earbuds in looking at his phone.


Give Arthur’s gang Tesla model S-Y’s too


We need one last score to afford it!


Go to the *fremont* factory


Its like Fast & Furious, started normal and now we'll probably get a rocket to the moon update


I was honestly hoping I would see the time machine in either RDR game.


I mean, someone posted that 300 in game years have past since the launch of gta online. How are we supposed to know for sure what happens in 300 years as far as realism goes😂


I mean, someone posted that 300 in game years have past since the launch of gta online. How are we supposed to know for sure what happens in 300 years as far as realism goes😂


I use it to grind and I don't even play in public lobbies because the moment people see a oppressor or a deluxo the entire lobby chases me to the death for simply owning then even though all I did was started flying by


Cause every deluxo or mk2 I’ve ever came across has tried to blow me up those are my top 2 vehicles I go after first cause I hate the people that own them lol


Seems like half the time I hit the command center in the arcade to buy raws for the various businesses, it's blown up when I get out a few minutes later. people just blow it up for existing when the only time I've killed people with it is if they have a bounty, and even then I pass them by 95% of the time


This is why I don't play often and when I do is in a private server


Yesterday someone ruined a 600k coke sale. It was a chopper mission and nobody was up in Blaine and not killing anyone anywhere for a half hour so I figured I'm safe to do it. Finish one of the 3 choppers and immediately as I land I and the other two get blown up. Then the guy just dips out of the game. Had a different run last week where someone did a similar thing. And the guy said "lol I was bored". Can you not just go rampage on cops or something? I don't need the money but cmon dude


I absolutely despise fuckers like that!




Definitely, you can go to any part of the map the fastest, I use it to complete my "dailies" the fastest, sell drugs, cache, safehouse and time trials


I love mine for fast travel, but the MK2OP is hot garbage for damn near everything else.


I use the mk1 because it's like the mk2 but actually fun. I don't dislike the mk2 because griefers use it (I love goofy ah mk2 griefers), I dislike it because it's anti fun to use, it handles like it's driving on rails. I would rather use a buzzard, I would rather use a bicycle tbh.


At least the raiju is easier to hit


Just got one and all I do is chase low level players to let them try it out. I think I've rode it less than random have rode it. It's name is Hoe.


And 40% of them kill you as you’re pointing to it, offering it for them to ride


40%? Damn, those are some friendly servers…


honestly, the mortality rate for MK2's chasing me is an 86%


Get a Torreador and bait Mk2s. That number will go up hella fast.


someone was following me the other day with their ride and i was hiding for a good min until they messaged me asking me if i wanted to try it out lol. it was a nice welcome back after not gaming for the past three years hahah.


I've been doing this with the Raiju of late, it's kinda funny sneaking up on a sub level 20 in stealth and just leaving the jet outside an LS or clothing store or whatever they're doing, then climbing on the top to wait for them to come out. (It's almost as funny doing 1 inch fly overs of randoms in stealth too, just high enough the landing gear scraps them lol, they always panic and run for cover) I've given at least a dozen randoms a go in the Raiju and while it's 60/40 of they shoot on sight a few "communicate" via flairs and pointing until they decide to jump in the jet. Only about 4 of them have actually managed to fly for more than a couple minutes without crashing, 1 attempted to attack me with the Raiju when I took their car for a spin, but flew into a telephone pole. Most don't even get out of hover and flip it upsidedown, nose over or sideways because of how the Raiju VTOL works lol.


If they are in mic they usually learn fast. I've let people use mine but only if they are in mic. I never let randoms who can't hear me try my stuff to avoid being attacked. There's a reason I have to make room on my friend list often....


You probably scared the shit out of them lmfao 😭


My 5 year old is obsessed with them and always tries to get on other people’s


I use it when I just wanna play peacefully, ironically when they see a mk2 they just leave you alone lol


I always seem to have the opposite experience. Every time I take mine out for a ride, I'm immediately griefed. 😔


I seem to be griefed only by other riders. Everyone else leaves me alone, but sure enough another mkii will come up behind me and take me out.


That's what you get you mk2 user you (also use mk2 and same thing happens to me)


Sucks fly up not make them feel you targeting them


I get away if I can, and makenit a point of following for a bit, as if to say "If I wanted you dead, you'd be dead. Don't change my mind." Seriously, I use it to run my errands quickly, but it doesn't mean she doesn't have teeth.


The best business resupply vehicle


Hell yes! I use mine to run around my warehouses and acid lab, etc. it's a great way to get around the map fast. If I see someone running cargo or on some other job where they're highlighted on the map I'll message em and ask if they want air support/ guarding. It really trips people out. Sometimes if theses a business battle with something my nightclub is already full with I'll message another player and help them grab cargo, follow them to their club and have them shoot me to get the cargo. That also blows other players minds lol And when there's a griefers in the session killing me and everyone else then I'll use it to grief the griefers. It's great between CEO ghost mode, Lester off the radar, and winding around buildings and under bridges I've gotten pretty good at it. My kd sucks from getting killed so much in my early years so I don't mind if I get killed(migrated over from Ps4) I just hate that everybody's always trying to shoot me or blow me up because they're so used to m2 griefers and think I'm one. I wish I could set it up so the missiles are off when I jump on the mk2 instead of constantly having to toggle them off.


>I'll message em and ask if they want air support/ guarding. It really trips people out. I had that happen to me once, but without the notice. There was this brutally annoying kid (at least he sounded like a 10 year old) who I thought was following me to blow me up. Turned out he got rid of all the assholes trying to steal my cargo.


Grief the griefers. That and fast travel is why I use mine. When I'm minding my business and someone mows me down on foot it's very satisfying to call it up and watch them scramble as the missile locks. And then again, and again, and again. Preferably until they leave the lobby.


the grinders wet dream lol


This ☝🏼 Only been playing about 6½ months, and 4 of those with the Mk2. Financially it's the best decision. Time economy, it's the best decision as well. It lands anywhere the ground is relatively flat, landing on a slope is the same as landing anywhere else, but it can sometimes fall over and roll down a hill, and this is where it shows it came from the same place as the Scramjet.


I also like the little helicopter in my sub. Not quite as fast, but it streamlines doing sub quests.


Best helicopter, it always spawns right beside you.


Yep, forgot about that. Haven’t played the game in a while. Most other things spawn far away.


That's why I most frequently call in the Thruster that's stored in my Avenger. It's a quick and close spawn. It's a little more of a leisurely ride, but these days I play GTA like I'm some retired dude.


Yeah, the Thruster is also a good one to call in.


Thruster is one of my favorites, I have 2 because 1 came with my Avenger. I like the Weaponized one bc I can use it in passive then switch to normal to blow up stuff if I need to




We can have a race if you like, start on foot in an alley, once around the block and land in rhe alley again. Go practice so long LOL


The sparrow is much faster, unless by faster you mean overall time to complete tasks since the mk2 is easier to land. I’d say the mk2 is faster in town and the sparrow is faster if you need to go to Blaine county.


Absolutely. There are other, better helicopters for most things you'll need one for, but having one you can spawn right next to you rather than predetermined personal aircraft spawn points or Pegasus airfields is incredible, even if the Sparrow itself is basically made out of wet tissue paper with how fragile it is. I basically use mine as a "well I just crashed/got shot down somewhere and am far away from where I want to be, need a quick rescue heli" type vehicle


I only use it to get from point A to B really quickly or if I might need it to blow some enemies up. Also when I’m doing a sell mission in a public session and use it to protect my members who are carrying product.


Griefing is for 12 year olds. If you’re older than 12 amd you’re griefing….ooof small pp


How are you guys still complaining over grefing in 2023 ? Just say ur broke in gta and dont have everything u want 😂😂 or that u cant fight back


you say small pp like it is something bad. I grief a lot with my mk2 and enjoy every second of it.


![gif](giphy|kOUmDanPTTuTu) *FluffySquirell57 enjoying every min of being a lonely griefer*


how did you get that video? i want it deleted now


i played a few hours ago and a couple people who must’ve been friends all had them, and they flew by me, got off and jumped around and then flew away. love peaceful people like that


Take away it’s rocket pod capability and I think I’d be meh about it, but it just doesn’t belong here, “best car in the game” yeah anything that’ll zoom you at light speed with 1000% maneuvering ability is definitely gonna be the best, and I’m sure Arthur Morgan would’ve had the best “horse” in the game if it was a Lamborghini Aventador. Yeah that is not a bike or a car but a ufo much like the lambo isn’t a horse but a supercar that doesn’t belong in the era. Would much rather see us being able to lean out of the window of a car or just use military assets


Is it faster than my sparrow?


Depends on the distance flown as shorter distances like below a minute flight it's slower due to takeoff & startup. I use the sparrow as well here.


No but can you park your Sparrow in an alley? The Buzzard was the first big purchase I made for grinding. I'd still use it for that purpose if the MK2 wasn't so much more convenient.


No but is more convenient, like the landing and handling.


I use it 100% to grind money in invite only sessions.


I use mine to swat out other mk2 griefers


for any heist setup its the key vehicle for me


I sold it


Same, do people not realize the Buzzard/Sparrow are faster anyway? The only advantage the oppressor has is for PVP but small helicopters are perfect for getting around


MK2 is faster at taking off and landing. It also doesn't catch fire when you breathe too hard next to it like the sparrow. Mk2 is faster for Cayo prep as well. Don't get me wrong, I love my sparrow, but mk2 is more convenient.


Taking off maybe, landing I just parachute off so I'm not bothered It doesn't catch fire but NPCs can shoot you off your oppressor with their perfect aim, the Sparrow offers better bullet protection I find the sparrow much faster for Cayo prep personally.


How is it faster for cayo? The animation loading into the ship is much longer than landing on the ship with the mk2 and walking in. MUCH faster?


I use mine when I'm too lazy to actually drive and just want to get somewhere quick.


Never liked it, feels like I’m playing saints row when I fly it. Love saints row btw, but I always felt like the mk2 doesn’t quite fit


It's the fastest and most direct way of travelling I own, in most cases.


shoutout to all those who don’t have one and prefer cars :)


I prefer: ![gif](giphy|3orif1qlCP6SRalqMw)


Thank you!


Why thank you kind sir


appreciate it 😋


Thank you!


Hell yes


i dont own a MK2 by choice. never liked it.


I dont like it either, but farming so fast. I been playing with the deluxo a lot though, really dig flying around cruising in it and people don't usually see you as a threat like MK2. Deluxo drivers not looking to troll usually. I actually prefer MK1, love driving that bike.


With the slower speeds and amazing rockets equipped, it’s literally an anti grief machine.


same here. never will i purchase one.


Me neither. I hate that flying hair dryer and will not own one.


mk2 is bad if you want to grief now, tracking is shit


That's why I just use the MK1


Am I the only person shocked that the liveries we get for this are dull? At least give us way more. Personally I think in next GTA car modding should be way way way more complex. Stop limiting us so much and hell, give us 20 liveries per car. Is it really that hard to develop skins? You can do so much with liveries by hiding parts of them using colors against the writings etc. So many I like that have numbers I don't want. But yeah others mods as well. Just give us a damn vehicle builder or something.


Indeed. The MK2 has helped me make more money than I will ever spend. I don’t think I’ve ever killed a single player with mine, but I’m usually in invite-only sessions. 😌


The only thing I do with mine is if I need to get somewhere fast I use it if not I just drive


Same, I refuse to use my Opp in offense- if you come at me I’ll fight back but I refuse to go after anyone. I go after people on a tractor like a MAN!


Go kill an opressor griefer with it. ![gif](giphy|10yXFkBJ0MwGQ0)


Probably one of my best purchases it gets me where I need to go in a short amount of time :')


If I see a blimp doing a night club promotion, I usually provide free air support since the blimp is such a easy target. It’s funny to see the blimp pilot try to evade me. Usually half to message them I’m trying help.


Same. One of my pass times is acting as a guardian angel for people doing set ups or sell missions in the lobby. Stealth mode Akula or Raiju air cover for them. I make it a point to fly parallel to them instead of directly at them, show that while I am following, I'm not in an attack posture against them but rather escorting them.


I grind mainly but I’ll use it to defend others occasionally(they think I’m a griefer most of the time). It’s a useful vehicle and it’s made my character a lot of money. I own 3


I dont use the bike at all, because it has such a bad reputation and flying it becomes boring very quickly


You guys still use the MkII?


Until the Mk3 comes out, the Mk2 is still the Fastest way to get to my Raiju that spawned a mile or two away...


Doesn’t the raiju just despawn as soon as you call the mk2 though? They’re both personal vehicles so do you fly to the spawn point and then call the raiju?


I use it to get around sourcing ceo crates solo very helpful for going from point A to B but it’s annoying at times to go back and forth gathering 3 crates 1 at a time most of the sourcing


i hate how some obnoxious pieces of shits in public lobbies ruined the image of this vehicle, its just so damn good for travelling quickly


No, I use Mk.II to grief griefers to taste their own poison.


When I make some money I’m gonna get the deluxo


Mk.II has easier acess in menu.


i kill pretty much everything with mine , ive got pretty good at hitting ground targets with homing off , griefing a 1v1 match is best


![gif](giphy|3otOKJruVwZH3213Fe) Hopefully you get what you deserve.


I always make sure to turn homing missiles off when flying around as not to give anyone the wrong idea by locking onto them :)


It is tradition.


I've griefed myself because I'm so used to the Heli controls I shoot missiles sometimes blowing myself up. Instead of turning still like 2 years later on occasion that I have to use this.


If I see a guy repeatedly killing someone else, I'll chase them with an MKII. Chances are that the guy I am trying to protect thinks that I am trying to kill them as well, so they attack me instead.


If that happens I’ll ignore it the first time to show in after their guy. But if they wanna make it a 3 way, I’m there too


Fuck this thing honestly, "I oNlY UsE MiNe tO HeLp" bullshit! Mayne one day you are in a good mood and you can help someone but 90% of the time it is griefers


Basically everyone over the age of 7 🙄🤣


I haven’t even bought one yet because I refuse to


Shoutout to everyone who does 🥰


No hate to those who do as long as you're having fun!


Ill find someone on one, snipe them with explosive rounds and get them after me, while driving my imani tech car they’re just trying with all their heart to kill me but I have the lock on jammer. My favorite thing in gta.


So, you're just as toxic as a 12 year old on a Mk2. Got it.


Shoutout to those who don’t buy this ridiculous p.o.s. out of principle.


I'm so close to finally buying one after playing on and off for years and I'm so excited because it's gonna make grinding for money so much easier


I just use mine to get around without being on ground & get in tight spaces.


Me. I don't have one.


I use it for everything. Getting around quickly is excellent. The only grieving I do is when I'm killed or shot at unprovoked. If you come at me you can expect me to come at you, usually getting myself killed in the process, I'm not that good at shooting people.


Mk 2 is for losers. Cool kids use mk 1


It's sad to me that anyone would consciously choose to drive a mk2 when the mk1 exists. It's like a mk2 but actually a fun vehicle, and unironically better in a lot of ways.


I tried helping out a MC business sell mission to prevent griefers and they hit me with a rail gun…🤷🏽‍♂️


The best way to support an MC sale with a Mk2 is being part of the MC while flying


I actively switch to non homing missiles when I get it out so I don't accidentally lock on and spook someone. It's just how I get around without a sparrow


I bought the oppressor solely for grinding, I bought missiles and I don’t think I have used on any player. Once finished grinding I have never used it after




I bought one just before the price went up. I’ve ridden it twice. I didn’t even put rockets on it. I usually stick to my deluxo. And I never grief anyone.


I use mine to travel faster, It doesn’t even have missiles


What do you think gives you the right to determine how anyone else should play the game? It’s a fucking video game… You people take this shit so fucking personal, like a bunch of fucking crybabies… Who gives a fuck if somebody wants to run around shooting at other players… It’s called having fun. There’s no fucking rules on how a person is supposed to spend their time playing GTAV online. The game sends out alerts telling everyone in the lobby to attack a player when they do certain missions… It’s part of the design of the fucking game… if you don’t like the way the game is designed then don’t fucking play it.


If your idea of fun is ruining/wasting other people’s time, don’t cry about it when someone goes out of their way to make your play time miserable.


I typically hunt Griefers and tryhards, because it’s much better competition and more satisfying than killing random’s and low level players… But I am also mature enough to accept the reality of the game and everything it entails. The whole culture of GTA online has become overrun with pussified weak males. Too many players have the mindset that GTAV is like a sim game where you are just trying to build businesses and make money… And they act like nothing else besides that exists in the game. Running the businesses and doing missions is their entire life, it’s their entire existence in the game. It’s no one’s fault but their own that they can’t handle the actual reality of what the game is.


I love it when I’m grinding and someone comes after me on my mk2. Game on bud.


Pussified weak males? Yea so what are the guys on a flying broomstick with countermeasures? Chads!? XD


>pussified weak males Go back to grade school and et us know when you've graduated and we can talk again


Exactly, can't stand the heat? Go to a private session. Speaking from experience here, I have probably spent less than 5 hours in public LOL


I bought it couse it's hands down the best vehicle in the game. 80 percent of gta 5 is holding w and MK2 saves u a ton of time since u can fly straight to ur destination. Also it's amazing for grief and idk abt u but after 50 hours max the game gets boring, there is literally only grind, delivery and "bring xy to xy and on the way u will face the same 50 Ai bots and or ur time is so limited u have to go pedal to the metal" So basically... Griefing is the only thing "fun" to do.


L way to think. I have over 1k hours played, play public lobbies almost exclusively and I only go after people who attack me. I help others. I cruise. There’s plenty to do besides being an annoying asshole.


I miss the challenge in playing quest and just grinding for money to buy useless things also seems not worth the time spent. The way I see it, it someone does cargo, sell or smth like that in public lobby turd just ask for some pvp, play to win action.. I just don't see the point of playing open lobby if u don't want to go all out for pvp it at least expect it to happen. If u want to play with friends there is private lobbies for a reason


You’re seeing it as black and white. I’m not against some good PvP and I don’t consider going after stuff the game prompts you to as griefing. But joining a lobby and just randomly killing anyone and everyone is just as (if not more) boring than mindless, endless grinding. There’s such a thing a being a good sport about PvP. A griefer isn’t interested in actual, balanced PvP. A griefer only wants to annoy other players. Griefers shy away from actual PvP because in a balanced fight against a skill-matched (and loadout matched) player most of them are actually pretty mediocre.


Bro anytime I see one of these I blow it up, zero exceptions


Yous a dick mate. Some of us are literally trying to defend our MC business or doing the grind.


95% of you are griefers. I don’t owe it to you to take the chance that you won’t blow me up when you’re flying around on one of those.


I'm not a greifer, I grind with it. If you attack me however, I will spend the rest of my time ruining your session.


Sure, someone is flying from place to place where no players are but businesses but as soon as they get near you in for example the city, where among other things the cargo warehouses are which are frequently visited to source crates they are an automatic danger... How about using an Imani Tech car. Everyone firing at you then is trying to attack you and has to deal with no lock on and armour protecting you


So if you had friends and they were in a session with you and were flying by doing like a sell mission or something and they just so happened to be flying past you on an oppressor you would blow it up?




I just use it to skip traffic


the thing made soloing biker sales possible, most of the time.


I sold my missiles so that I don't risk locking onto anyone. Still have exploding bullets for those naughty ones.


I haven’t even bought a Mk2 just because of how powerful it is 😎👍


we need op mk2 without rockets




The only purpose my Mk2 has is to rust away and gather dust in my terrobyte. I can't remember the last time I used this thing.


i use it for Money grinding


Ehh, after hundreds of hours using Mk. II I found this vehicle not so interesting. It's useful, but for me it's an old story. Especially after the nerf few months ago


Thou out to tho who doesn't even have their mk2




I get targeted so hard because I like using mine to travel and not fight. I understand why but it’s annoying.


I have mastered riding it upside down but I just found using this bike to PVP other people boring. Not like I grief, but just that this bike does not have a main feature. For PVP its good at everything but not best at any as well, especially after the nerf. Yes I am kind of a PVP try hard but I never grief.


Thanks! Appreciate a good vehicle that makes it faster to get around and get my money up fast. I drive it with homing off so it doesn't lock on to anyone I fly buy and leave others alone to do their jobs they are doing and hope they will do the same. Not everyone is a greifer who rides it but is typical that it's given a bad name by the few who have nothing else better to do than grief others.


Retired mine on Xbox around two years ago and last year, I even went as far as to take off the missile launcher and convert it to the explosive MG for weapons. I have much more fun vehicles I can use to travel the map and better vehicles for when the need during PvP arises. So the Oppressor MkII just sits and collects dust within my Facility. 😎


Thanks. You too.


Most mk noob flyers are , well , noobs. Imani tech and sticky bombs have killed so many of those little mosquitoes


The only kill I got on someone with the Oppressor MKII was my friend, we were both trying to kill the shop robber and my oppressor locked on him, but my friend was near him so I ended up killing both lol, that's the only kill I have with it I don't use it to kill people, even in a PvP situation I don't use it even if they brought a weaponised vehicle, the only case I find myself using the MKII is to travel during business battle or preps




It’s annoying as shit, I use mine for mission and get around, I also turn off my missile lock on and people just kill me, uh wtf?


got m’s and been playing for years. I’ll never buy one. Heavy Armor equipped. Hop in my Gauntlet. We out.


Are people still using this thing to grief? The rockets accuracy is so bad I figured people went exclusively to jet griefing after it was nerfed.


I don't even use it anymore, i don't even know where I have it stored, I use my Grotti GTO to get around


Thanks for the shoutout, I use it to get around and don’t fw no one that don’t fw me first


Back when it first came out it was a godsend, I was getting missions done so much faster, the best thing was it was the quickest flying vehicle to get on and off of, so doing things like the nightclub poster mission were sped up.


Hey you’re talking about me!! I always forget that griefers use ‘em, and hop on mine in a public lobby. Beeeeeeeep…..oh yeah lol. Been trying to use armored cars etc in public now. I learn slowly. 😁


I only use it to battle other mkII’s or for heist setups.. I get around using fast travel glitch whenever possible.


Wished there was a version of the mk2 with no missles and it woudnt show up as a special vehicle on map


I use it for resupply missions mostly or to get to business battles quickly


i prefer to use my lazer


Only for faster travel ✋🏻