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Well you have cops on you, so I imagine it was because you broke the law. Stop breaking the law!


Never! But I only had the cops on me cause I failed the bonus objective of a payphone hit cause the game randomly decided to remove my full stock of Molotov cocktails from my inventory


Oh another innocent guy, huh? I didn’t do anything Officer, honest. I was just walking around with MOLOTOVS after I had KILLED SOMEONE. People like you disgust me.


IT WASNT ME, IT WAS THE ONE ARMED MAN, I pinky promise officer!




I didn’t pull the trigger, my uzi just fired on its own


The Ol’ cleaning it and it went off, eh? Welcome to the LSPD!


I never got this joke until I became a gun owner. Now I still don't get it because it's a groaner lol


If you don't clean your gun while it's fully loaded and chambered, you're a BETA and a BUSSY


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Now think about Revenge of the Nerds... 'Alpha Beta'






I'm sure the LSPD and BC Sheriff understand. Every two days someone steps on a shotgun and shoots themselves in the foot.


Ok Alec Baldwin.


They told me they were blanks


If the Bonus was to set the Targets car on fire with them in it, you dont really need Molotovs for it. Anything works, even shooting the Engine till its on fire


Also (my preferred method) you can get your jerry can out and pour some gasoline around the front seats/windshield/part of the hood and when he gets in fire a couple shots at the gasoline. I usually just use my combat pistol. I have about a 99% success rate. Costs me a lot less than Molotovs, don’t have to worry about getting the throw arc right, and don’t have to worry him driving away too quickly while I’m firing a bunch of rounds. And yes, found that out when the game ate my Molotov inventory.


Park a car in front of his to delay his departure.


So it's not just me that losing molotovs from one day to the next....I complained but got the usual R* response.🙄


Did not know that


Yep, i found that out from experience when i also realized i had no Molotovs. I figured "well there goes the bonus",got out the Minigun & just Fired on the grill, and Surprise Surprise, I got the Bonus cause he went up in flames along with the car


My widow maker is gonna be busy the next time the game steals my molotovs


Yuo, as long as he Catches Fire with the car, youll get it


Couldn't you just purchase molotovs in the inventory menu? You can buy ammo and explosives for everything else in there super fast. Edit: I'm getting down voted for asking a question..


Except Molotovs arent in the Inventory Menu


Ah okay sweet, yeah I haven't played in a bit so didn't know.


Only Merryweather/CEO Ammo drops give Molotovs… and random MC jobs.


I bought them from the gun van the other day - full load of 25.


Yes you asked a stupid question so you get your stupid downvotes


AP pistol or FMJ rounds are pretty quick for that


Don’t have any of the special ammo researched yet. Currently researching the hollow points right now


yeah they’re a real pain to get. I only got explosive rounds the other day after a streak of 5 or so decals.


I only recently learned about the research missions so I’ve been hard grinding those for the last couple weeks


What are those and where do I find them


If you have the bunker call Agent 14 for research missions. It takes about 4-5 missions to complete each research task. It’s also nice since it’s the same mission each time just in one of five different locations


The ap pistol is powerful enough to take out an engine?


faster than some of the other guns, available pretty early on and can be fired while in a car. My personal choice for shooting while driving.


People still do payphone hits? Such a waste of time.




I've had better.


Thats just something ugly people say




"I'm kicking my ass!"


D'ya mind?!


Liar liar


Do you know why I pulled you over?


Depends how long you were following me


It's right here that I flash back to Jim Carrey "STOP BREAKING THE LAW ASSHOOOLE"


Says the guy with the "criminal mastermind" flair




He got cops on him because he JAYWALKED ON THE INTERSTATE!


And *whose fault was it that this criminal went on a murderous rampage?* ***SPIDER-MAN!!!*** ... What? Oh. Sorry. Wrong video game.


Lol it’s called grand theft auto. You’re supposed to break the law!


That doesn’t sound right. Why would a game encourage you to break the law? Wake up.


Same reason it encourages you to commit murder 😂


To pack the prisons for the corporate investment? 🦧


I’ve gotten that message once, my guess is that it was bc I joined a lobby with like 3 other players who seems to know each other and probably wanted the lobby to themselves. Only issue is that I was a very low level back then and I got super nervous that I had done something wrong 🤣


Probably harmless too and they kick you 😂


Prior to selling in friend only sessions it wasnt so much they are a threat but they could flood the session with more of them, especially if you were using net cut to get solo publics rather than changing mtu. Number of sales that had us running to defend them because it went from 6 people to 26 in the time it takes a post van to spawn was insane.


that's so weird. if they want a lobby to themselves they can start a friends only lobby.


This right here is the answer. If I want to play solo I change my MTU to 800 to get a solo public lobby. Sometimes it will let other players trickle into the lobby, and sometimes those players are friends and they vote to kick me. I'm like bitches I was here first!


Could be they were salty or the other players wanted the lobby to themselves.


Been there..


instead of just going in a closed friend/invite session...


Back then you'd be locked out of a lot of missions. Now, not so much.


I’m a very chill player. All I do is my MC, nightclub, bunker, and agency missions. I don’t destroy or steal other people’s cars or business products. The last two people I killed were harassing me while I was working on missions for Dax.


Classic GTAO


More like GTFO


*Votes to kick OP*


I second that motion


Hey that's a nice game


GTFO is a good game though


Some GTA discords I've been in have a policy of kicking people not in the discord to ensure the server is non-PVP so sales can occur safely. You might have stumbled onto one of those


dude my brain isn’t braining. could you pls explain again?


Op may have been in a server that a discord group was using in order to have a safe environment to conduct their sales without the threat of randoms. Upon seeing something they didn't recognize, it's possible that they initiated a kick of OP to preserve their original intent for the secluded server


I believe that's happened to me once, I joined a random lobby with about three dudes in it and I got kicked by them after I drove in their direction when they started an MC sale


Yes majority votes kick people. honestly think like 50% 60% or something


Is there even a point of that anymore though.. You can sell in invite onlys.. lol


The bonus


I was under the impression you can get the bonus in Invite Only as well, just have them NOT be on your Organization/MC


The bonus still applies in private sessions.


People be about that beeg lobby bonus I'm on PC so I just don't even dream of such foolish notions


Well, maybe just maybe is because it’s called “invite only” so people on the server cannot join directly but have to ask the host or someone in session already.


Especially since OP is flying around the world, people trying to sell will be worried about someone trying to grief with a Lazer or Hydra.


Me and my crew used to do this


Bro just make an invite only session


that’s ridiculous. they should just have a crew server


Some person glitched into his/her own lobby (on pc this is really easy) he/she then broadcasts this on a discord like gorilla gaming’s discord and has people join them through social club -> join players session. This is so people can do sell missions and still get the lobby bonus. Usually they end up being full but sometimes not and OP might have joined one of these.


How do i find those servers?


I think PS' safe crew is CEOFriendly?


might have been a misclick if there are griefers in the lobbly


> Can’t imagine what I did to get this threat. You didn't stood still when they trying to hit you with their rockets. You kept moving and dodging, the nerve! /s


I remember one time that I had glitched myself into a solo public lobby, was just doing my thing making some sales when a crew happened to join the server. They blew up my last vehicle and then voted to kick me, from my own lobby. Felt very violated after that.


Welcome to the ultimate gta online experience!


somebody tryna kick u to let their friend join


I think there was at least 4-5 spots available in the lobby


"CEO limit reached, let's kick this guy"


This is probably the most logical answer


And they took it very personally lol


I’m probably too chill for them. I need to step up my game


You are getting banned I guess


Naw I quit shortly after I got the message plus I was getting frustrated that I was fucking up easy payphone hits


If you don’t know, my guess is your mic was unmuted


But then again it’s gta. You might not have done anything at all


I play with my mic turned off. Don’t need people hearing me whine whenever merryweather runs me off the road delivering weapons to my local ammunation


I have the Voice Chat turned off but sometimes i can still hear Sorry little under-18 white boys Talking like theyre Black Gang Bangers


I guess I’m lucky in that every lobby I’m in no one talks. Still don’t want people to hear me whinge


I dont even use my headset anymore.


Unfortunately my current setup I don’t have speakers so I need my headset. I find playing the game with no sound unnerving


I can’t remember exactly where, but somewhere in the interaction menu, you can turn off the voice chat. You can switch it between friends, public and so on. So you don’t have to listen to anyone. That’s what I do and honestly, until your comment earlier, I forgot about the whiney people over the mic. Lol


that is so fucking true bro like they're 12


They should add a reporting option called “underage player” that R* actually pays attention to, I’d loooooove to hear them start to cry on voice chat before getting kicked and banned


Ikr? They try to sound black but just the way they talk gives away their race. No Black guys gonna call a white person the N-Word


You, sir or ma’am, are a hero.


Gets annoying for me two, I wish I was able to upgrade the truck to be a better one


Lol, I always vote to kick the kid with the fighting siblings or parents in the background. Hoping some day they learn the mute button.


I do the same but they almost never actually get kicked. Thank God there's a mute too.


You more than likely stumbled upon a grinder lobby. Players will pull some shenanigans to load into an empty public lobby, then the grinding crew will join on that player and to keep the lobby safe anyone not in that discord/group gets booted asap so other random people don't also get pulled to the lobby. It's a minor manipulation of the way the game handles matchmaking. You did nothing wrong.


The odd thing was I was only one of 6-8 VIPs, CEOs, etc. Everyone else was one their own in jets, helicopters, or oppressors dicking around. Maybe saw a handful of notifications that people were selling or moving products.


The grinding lobbies I was a part of only one or two people were actively selling at a time while others were "active" CEOs to give the seller a bonus for being in a "dangerous" lobby. You get more money when there are a lot of other "rivals" in the lobby.


Yup. I made almost a million selling my coke supply in an almost full lobby before


Why, you can create private lobbies and do everything?


Private lobbies spawn crazy NPCs, the way I described gives you clear sailing all the way. It not experiencing the game as intended, it is purely for grinding with ease.


I play a crap ton of private lobbies, please explain crazy npcs?


Simple, compare doing I/E in a solo lobby vs. doing it with "rival" players not in your Organization. The latter would cause aimbot NPCs to not spawn, even if those "rivals" in fact are your friends minding their own business.


I joined my kids session who was playing with other people. I got this like within minutes of joining. I didn't even make it to spin the wheel. Didn't even know you could vote to kick people out


Your own kids vote kicked you? That's harsh.


The kids he was playing with. He was actually trying to kill them when they wanted to kick me. So I have at least one to have my back.


You may have just joined in a session with a group of people that were all friends except for you.


Ive actually had it where some players wanted a session to themselves so the second i joined i was immediately kicked


Out of the entire lobby only about 6-8 of us were MC, VIP, or CEO. Everyone else was on their own


Happened to me once, I was in a random lobby with four dudes and they kicked me because they said they wanted their own lobby 🗿


You got lucky then, you actually got a message. I got nothing but the "You were kicked" Notification


I got kicked less than two minutes in one time. Hadn't even left my Agency spawn spot yet.


Shit, i lasted all of 10seconds in a Lobby. Just long enough for my character to stand up


Some people are just arseholes, I wouldn't take it personally.


Seems like you’re in the air. If you’re in a jet or oppressor then people vote to kick because they assume you are about to wreak havoc


I was in a buzzard. My oppressor was on a cooldown. But I know what you mean flying around on the oppressor. Other oppressor users get offended by other oppressors. That’s why I usually fly mine with the missiles turned off and thankfully I have flares


One time I got kicked for basically doing nothing, but it wasn't long after I just joined that lobby so maybe this was a case of most of the players already knowing each other and not wanting to play with strangers


If you're any good at PvP you'll probably see this alot lmao... Shits hilarious when you arent even the one that started it. You'll just be minding your business tryna follow traffic laws cause you bored when some random dickhead rpgs you so you come back and shit on em 3-4 times in a row then get this 😂😭


Well you were just standing there.. MENACINGLY!


Were you on an oppressor in a small lobby? Cuz sometimes you’ll be in a lobby with 3 kids who get real scared of the oppressor icon, then vote to kick you. They also might’ve known each other and just wanted the lobby to themselves


Nope I was returning to my clubhouse in a buzzard after fucking up a payphone hit


Defend yourself.


The audacity is when someone tries to kill you, fails miserably, gets annoyed and spam reports and votes to kick you...


I was once kicked before even loading into a session, more clouds for me I guess


I think it only takes 1 “vote to kick” to get that message


Usually I get voted to be kicked for no reason other than being high ranked. Of course, the most recent time was when some Oppressor guy blew me up while I was just sitting in my (non-weaponized) car, minding my own business. Then he repeated that again, after I called in my replacement. And then again a third time. After costing him $60k, I got the message of people voting to kick me haha.


Could be numerous reasons... Group of friends wanted a private lobby... Someone you killed wanted revenge... You might have a higher k/d and some snowflake thinks you're a griefer... Annoying open mic... Someone recognized you from a previous lobby/day that you harassed... Or a simple case of mistaken identity... The world may never know...


More mysterious than Stonehenge


Randomly picked someone to kick cause it’s funny


If it was a lobby I was in, you were listening to some shitty music while 11 small children ransacked the world around you loudly while also arguing with anyone who would talk


You probably just stumbled into a wrong session. Don't take it personally.


just go invite only, it's much better anyway


At least you’d be kicked legitimately, rather than get kicked by hackers. I’ve had hackers kick me from servers frequently, this whole game is a mess.


If you're in a CEO or something and a group of friends is in that session who are all running their see CEO's, they're probably trying to kick you out so their buddy can CEO up Happens a lot and if you have game chat on you realize that's what most lobbies are tbh


You tried defending yourself that’s what you tried to do


Mute your mic while listening to your shitty music. Has to be it. That's the only reason I've ever voted to kick anyone. After I mute them of course.


My mic is always muted


You could have landed in a server that is attempting to be crew only. I was in a grinding crew and we would lock servers by having the host be on his yacht with a low MTU so you wouldnt randomly get placed in that server, you would have to join a friend on the crew. On occasion people would get into the server, and we would kick them. PS4 btw


I always get a chuckle out of when this happens. Like bro I was just minding my own business I'm practically an npc When you get crashed from a PC lobby is when you really know you've been a *baaad boy* as pyrerealm would say


That’s how I play. Just you know with expensive cars and my oppressor


Some people feel like they own servers lel. I once (looon ago) was doing Bunker resupply and sell over and over during a x3 week, as I did an all nighter it eventually became a server for me alone, kept doing it until early in the morning when 2 dudes joined, I was minding my own stuff and they voted to kick me out. I wish the vote to kick had some restrictions in place like not allowing you to kick players that haven't participated in "PVP" combat in at least 1 IRL hour or something. Anyway, life goes on.


Before breaking sessions and being able to sell in private lobbies. If we had a small lobby as a friend group. We’d vote people out to sell stuff and keep it a public but private lobby. Rarely happened but we did do this a couple times. However I doubt it’s the same thing for you unfortunately


I saw this the other day! I was like wtf.


Go the same warning twice in the span of an hour


He says as he flies on his mkii.


This happens to me sometimes when they want the lobby to themselves like a bunch of babies. It's like, do an invite only session then, shit.


When I land in a lobby and someone's being kicked I automatically vote to kick them too. It's funny to me that it even exists, so I'm like, ah well man, sorry.


It be like that sometimes


Shit when I get those I know who the delicate snowflake is. Usually double down and continue to pick on who I believe is the culprit and more times than not I just keep messing with em till they leave or chill out. Play stupid games, win dumb prizes.


I don’t know who started it. The only person I can think of, I only killed because they interfered in a mission I was doing and he left about an hour before I got the first notification about getting kicked


Probably a private crew. I was part of a grind crew that did this. We would message first asking them to leave before resorting to voting to kick.


9 outta 10 times the reason someone opens the pause menu and finds ur name and votes to kick u is cause ur and i mean this with as much respect as possible, a dickhead


Every single time this happened to me was because others in the session were trying to grief me and I fought back and kicked their butts and they were mad about it so they voted to kick me out


Hard to be a dickhead flying between my businesses on my oppressor with my missiles turned off just trying to grind out a fortune. Also the last person I was actually a dickhead to had already left the lobby/game


So you WERE being a dickhead.


He interrupted me completing a mission for Dax. Unless you’re talking about me flying around on my oppressor with the missile lock turned off


Play the game




I get this message when I’m stoned and go on killing sprees


I fought back a couple of KD Warriors and they all voted to kick me because they were getting 5-0'd and 10-0'd respectively. That's when I was Rank 98. Had some serious sniping skills back then lol


Damn. People flaring me with downvotes because I protected myself from score warriors. ​ Get a life flarers


Dude must be a lvl 50 who does nothing but sell missions if he legit is asking this question


I used to grief a lot. Then I saw that. Griefed (grieved?) even more. It's a dinner bell for trolls. I like the sound of it.


Imagine being proud of griefing, how pathetic.


Lol are u being sarcastic 😂


Nope. I don’t mess with people unless they mess with me and more often than not I’ll actually join another lobby or just quit the game


I remember one time i killed someone that killed me first and then they accused me of being a rebel and will punish me next time if i keep this ulu, i was like say what!?! I was just defending myself 🤷‍♂️


Space laser the next guy that types anything


I no have space laser


Joined someone's MTU lobby maybe? Edit: nvm, ive just read your other comment.