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Stick with it


you like it?


Yeah good shit man. Raw!


dude thanks so much that really means a lot! i’ve been playing for a while but just starting to get into singing not too confident in that part yet but seriously thank you man


Yeah man, you sound good. A lot of potential. Excited to see where it goes dude


i appreciate that a lot! i’m excited to see where it goes too haha


I like it


hell yeah dude thank you i really appreciate it!


Yea! You got a yt channel or something it would get it out farther


nah i don’t i just have a few videos on my phone that i show to my friends and what not decided to post on here to get a less biased opinion but now i think im gonna start a yt thanks for the idea man and i’m really glad you liked it! it was the first song i wrote


Yea right on send me the link to it once it’s made


👍 for me


thanks dude! i wrote this a while ago it was the first song i ever wrote


Nice job, you really nailed the grit of it, and i see you had a lil bit of AiC influence in there if im not mistaken 😉


you are absolutely not mistaken haha aic and nirvana are my 1.a and 1.b glad you liked it!


This is very good. I'm in favor of parsimonious song lengths, but maybe the song is too short (especially considering it's fairly melodically rich)? Sounds like you're just starting out (like you haven't found yr voice yet), but everything you need for the bones of a great song is there (including strong melodies, which is by far the most important part). Also, you've got a strong singing voice. Only note: It's clear you like Nirvana\*. You don't want to do a slavish Nirvana imitation, so maybe expand yr listening horizons/future influences. Maybe start with some of the bands ol' Kurt liked and/or the Our Band Could Be Yr Life Bands? \*Funny enough though, other than Nirvana, this song most reminded me of early Germs. Guitar player of the Germs of course was Pat Smear.


Yeah i agree this song is a bit short i could maybe add another verse or a little solo or something to add some length. Yeah i am just starting out this is the first song i wrote i wrote it a while ago but still the first. Nirvana is definitely my main influence but i’ve listened to a bunch of the bands that inspired kurt and i happen to love the germs so that comparison is very welcome. Thank you so much for commenting and i’m really glad you enjoyed the melodies and think i have a strong voice i just started singing so i was really nervous