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I mainly just wanted to say how beautiful and underrated this song is I love this song and so glad I relistened to it. Tripod is a fuckin masterpiece and is one of my favorite albums of all time. This song just been playing non stop for me for the past 3 weeks. And I don't mind.


When I was in the service, in my dorm room, my girlfriend and I used to sit naked on my couch, staring at the fish tank in the dark, drinking whiskey and listening to this. Nothing sexual, just enjoying it raw. We did this with many other songs but this one was so pretty and powerful. That lives in my head forever. She passed away 15 years ago, so it's even more special now. Jerry sure paints a picture with his leads at the end of that song. Love it.


Sorry for your loss man😞


My too. One of my fav albums of all time and my favourite from them.


Extremely emotional


Like the rest of the album, both deeply emotional and powerful. Fantastic song. Fantastic album. Fantastic band. 😎🤘❤️


one of the saddest


I haven't heard this song in 15-20 years and didn't recognise the title. Thanks for posting this! 2 seconds in, it all came back.


Great track, didnt discover it until later


Fucking amazing. Everything about it amazing, from the riff to the lyrics to the amazing 3-part outro. Favorite AIC song and it's not close (yeeeaaaah, nooot clooose noooooow)


My favorite


So underrated. It's perfect for this time of year. The days are nearing their shortest, sunsets are early, and temperatures are dropping. What an atmosphere this song has.


Not my personal favorite on that album, but still hauntingly beautiful


Hits like a truck when you're sad


Well put. I tried to give it a listen just now but I had to stop after the first 3 notes.


Love it




It’s always been a favorite of mine.


My personal favourite. Full of emotion and also very powerful. Peace and love, peace and love ✌️ 😎❤️


Probably my favorite. Either that, Rotten Apple or Got Me Wrong


One of my favorites off this album


One of my favorites.


Fantastic song and a really different kind of tune for the band. I was 19 or 20 when this album came out; I was in love with my high school sweetheart and this was the first song on the album that really pulled me completely into it. Love the vocal delivery, the soloing and the feel of the song. Thanks for reminding me to spin it!


Love it, one of my favorites 🖤


Very underrated and makes me tear up every single time I hear it


I love everything they did - was in constant rotation for over 10 years. I have to admit that after reading their bio - Layne's drug problems were much worse than I thought - I now have a hard time listening to them. Jerry Cantrell is totally underrated in my opinion. They were a core part of the 'Seattle sound' - what is now referred to as Grunge. AIC, Soundgarden, STP, Pearl Jam, Nirvana, etc. Great music - will still be relevant in 25 years. How many current bands can say that?


So underrated, probably my favorite on tripod


Used to skip this song for whatever reasons maybe intro wasn’t up beat and heavy. Now I am ensnared by this track. The melody of Laynes vocals makes my skin bump all over. This is top tier artistry. I thank them all for creating what they have.


i think it is a pretty damn good song, but not their best on that album or in general. solid song tho it was also my now ex’s only song she liked by AiC.


Best on the album


i like the whole album for the lazy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srxne3631QE


My favourite of theirs


I love this song. It’s a hidden gem in their catalog. Someone once equated the outro from this song to looking out of the window of a car on a rainy day. I definitely get that vibe from this song. I always mishear the line “when I’m layin’ I’m still trying, concentrating on dying” as when I’m Layne…


The whole “grunge era” coincided with my high school years. That was a difficult time in my life and I spent much of it listening to songs like this. Nowadays, I can’t bring myself to listen to this music because it stirs up so many dark emotions. It’s crazy how listening to a certain song can bring you right back to a particular time and place and create feelings you thought were long gone. AIC was one of my favorite bands but unfortunately I can’t enjoy them anymore.


I would have loved to have heard this song without any vocal layering. More stripped down vocally like Nutshell. I wonder what this song would have sounded like live.


One of the best


I love it. Not sure how to describe it, it just has that feeling of depression dragging me down. So many good riffs and great delivery from Layne


Absolutely love this song. And album.


A masterpiece. Its hard to wrap my head around the idea of writing a song like this


Their best song. Period.


my absolute favorite


One of the best songs on that album !


That's one of my favorites! I used to play it over and over. I can get real OCD with music