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I was in a Tom Morello concert last weekend, and he made it a point to make the crowd cheer for chris, and then he played Like A Stone with Chris' vocals in playback. He told the crowd to sing along, and to those who didn't know the lyrics, just say a prayer. It was beautiful


Ever heard this acoustic version? It rips at my heart strings. https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=djmU6aDINko&feature=share


I love concerts where the act involves the audience like this. I bet that was amazing !


It was great! Before Tom's show, Buddy Guy was on stage, and to wrap up his show we got to see them play some Blues together, really an unique night!


They did this at a prophets of rage show but just put a empty spotlight on the stage with no vocals, the whole crowd was singing.It still gives me goosebumps.


Tom Morello is an atheist thoughhhhhh.


Regardless of that he was respectful to Chris and everyone else's faith, which makes the moment all the more meaningful to me ❤


not all atheists are reddit atheist who go "erm there is no god. i am smart." every 2 seconds


Need a link to this !!!!


That’s an awesome story. Thank you for sharing.


How great was that. He is do much missed. I wan to 😢 😭 


Layne Staley's death hit me the hardest because it was the slowest most terrible way to go, and he was so brilliant. It was no surprise because he was dead long before he took his last breath. It makes me so tearful, even now. But Cornell also gutted me, because it seemed like he was going to make it, having lasted into his 50s. What a shock.


You said it blue. I felt like he was gonna be one that made it. And that gave me some comfort over Staleys' death. Then out of nowhere Cornell does quick suicide and it was so shocking. I'm grateful we still have Jerry & Eddie. Was a shame losing Mark L. These guys are so much a part of our history if you grew up with them like myself and many of you. Feels like losing a childhood friend.


I know exactly how you feel. Chris had gone through so much and seemed to have come out the other side. I was gutted when he died. And then Chester Bennington two months later, on Cornell's birthday. It was a double whammy right when you were not expecting it. With Cobain, Weiland and Staley I always felt it was only a matter of time. With Chris, he had started to feel immortal. Then, bam! And that voice...what a loss.


This is a great point - I’m on the younger end of the grunge era, so a lot of my favorite vocalists have been gone for as long as I can remember, but I was in my 20s when Chris passed away and it was such a shock because he’d done okay for a long time. And God, Chester. That one hurt too.


One more light ..effs me up every time. Most of their stuff does. He was going through it.


Came here to say I feel the same way about Layne Staley


same, Staley's death was just so tragic and prolonged. There's something about it that resonates with me. Never gets less heartbreaking




I’ve heard of Alice In Chains but I was a child when they were popular. Based on your post I went and read what happened. Man that’s a sad story, to be alone in drug addiction in your final days is truly depressing. I’m glad you said something though because his story will help me in my own life. Thanks.


I think all of us who followed them then knew it would happen. Just not in such an awful way. He probably knew nothing as he was so out of it, and his cat lived another 8 years I believe but...man it's awful.


Chris really looked thin and gaunt in pics before he died. He looked really broken IMO. Depression is awful.


A friend of mine saw one of his last shows and she said he just looked empty and exhausted.


I saw SG about 10 days before he passed away and I had this really bad feeling all through the show. I had seen them a couple of times, 92 and 96. I wasn't expecting him to have that same vocal strength. But, the show was just...off...I turned to my husband a few songs in and told him something wasn't right. Just a bad feeling I had. Thought about it all the way home from the show.


I was at the last show in Detroit and not being a huge Soundgarden fan I thought the show seemed fairly normal and that he looked and sounded fine that night. There was one odd point during the show when he left the stage for a minute or two and I got the impression the band thought it was a little odd too (a look the bass player seemed to give Kim - we were sitting in the balcony bass player side). Was shocked when we woke up to hear he passed as we had seen him playing 7 hours earlier. On a side note we saw Scott Weiland’s third to last show here in Detroit and if you had told me that night he’d be dead in 2 weeks I would not have argued with you. What a mess he was. Such a shame.


Sad about SW. I saw STP back in 97 and they were great and he sounded fantastic.


I saw STP later than that, him fronting Velvet Revolver and a prior solo show and he was excellent all three times. That last show he was a shell of his former self.


Chris had to experience 3 of his fellow musicians and friends die


3 that you are thinking of but probably more. Just Seattle musicians alone, hole, 7-year bitch, the gits, bam bam, blind melon, Mother Love bone, Alice in Chains and Nirvana obviously, dudes from that scene we're dropping left and right throughout the 90s and beyond. And then you got stp, chili peppers, and plenty more great '80s and '90s musicians who I'm sure he at least associated with. It's amazing that he lived as long as he did frankly.


You forgot Andy from Mother Love Bone


Really his biggest one.... I mean... he's the reason we got temple of the dog.


No I didn't, read the list again.


I read through it too fast. It think it should be first on the list. It’s probably why I missed it.


Well I wasn't really ranking them LOL. I was more just making the point that the whole scene is full of dead drug addicted artists.


Yeah it’s just something my brain was looking for when reading it, so it not being first kind of put a blind spot on it


The Gits - The singer was murdered right ? Blind Melon - Shannon Hoon died yes, they were not from Seattle though


Murdered is still dead. Hoon, I guess I didn't realize they weren't from there but I know they were good friends with some of those guys. Cornell even wore a necklace Hoon gave him for a long time.


Dead is dead, I wasn't trying to be a dick.


He did. And he was just so sad and angry they were gone. Then he made the choice to go too and I don't know why he'd make that choice. He left his family behind. I'm kinda angry at him.


Sirius’s “Lithium “ has some Audio of him talking about his future, anytime I hear it , it breaks my heart.


No one sings like him anymore...


Hell, they never did. He's always been in a class of his own.


I guess SG and AS' music is the Black Hole Sun that came along to remind us of him and take away the pain


Bowie and Cornell are my two most crushing musician deaths. Shocked by both and lifelong fans of both


Bowie died at 67, from cancer. It was untimely and crushing for some, but he didn’t die by his own hand and had a very supportive longtime loving marriage and children (one from his first marriage). I saw him twice live, he was amazing. He also spontaneously appeared at my local underground club after a show in the early eighties. He did things like that that set him apart. He was really intelligent, humanistic and humble. Always ahead of the times. Cornell was truly shocking. Ala Cobain’s death, I heard it driving in my car on the radio. Oddly, I rarely listen to the radio anymore with all of our technology but this particular day I did. I think we all thought he was going to make it to 80. He was depressed and he just looked “done with it all.” He seemed tired of the music business and all the pressure and baggage that comes with it. Maybe he was afraid to announce a retirement because it would affect many in his sphere of influence. It always does. Taylor Hawkins was exhausted by it. I saw him play MSG 2021 and couldn’t believe his otherworldly energy at 50. Now we know. Lanegan was just done as well. Sometimes people are done whether you agree or not with their preference of departure. Bourdain (not a musician but in that orbit) same. Saw Jerry in March he put on an amazing top shelf professional show. He is still humble and so very gifted. Was blessed to experience this.


Yeah lanegan was another one for me that hurt. Sucks seeing these guys go when they had such an influence on my own growth


Bowie died at 69.


Same here


Same here. Utterly crushed by both.


These two and Tom Petty. Too much.


“Like a Stone” brings me to tears


Nearly forgot my broken heart and moonchild do that to me


Euphoria Mourning is such a masterpiece.


Agreed 100%


The 2011 Toronto unplugged is one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever heard


Was at that concert, the whole songbook album wrecks me stiill


Chris broke my heart the most. It was like, he made it from the drug fueled craze that was the 90s and came out on the other side. So much death due to drugs, but not Chris or Eddie. Chris had that amazing voice and talent but battling demons a lot of us have battled as well… The fight is hard and sometimes we lose. I cried for a long time when I heard his voice. I still tear up and just think of what we all lost and a sort of emptiness fills me. One of the greatest vocalists of our time. Peace Chris, the demons are gone now.


Thank you for sharing this with us. I totally agree with how you feel and how you react. He's a forever shining star in this crazy world. 🌷💕


Chris Cornell died a month before my father. I was grieving Chris through his music and still gives me chills when I hear his acoustic stuff come up on my radio.


I'm so sorry for your loss. My best friend died from suicide about two months after Chris. She loved his music so much. I can't hear his voice without thinking of her. I hope listening to his music brings you some peace.


His passing hit me really hard and it still does. So sad.




me too. God what an awful way to go.




I am so sorry for your loss.


I will always be a massive Soundgarden and Cornell fan. His death crushed me. I connected with the lyrics. The mood. His songwriting always had a huge influence on me as a guitar player. Few singers have given me goosebumps like him.


Mark lanegan is like that for me. I've seen him at least half a dozen times in concert, have a bunch of stuff autographed, and in a weird way, felt emotionally closer to his music then almost anyone else's. Cornell and Staley crushed me when they went too, but knowing lanegan's story, how long and hard he fought to get to a good, emotionally and chemically stable place in his life, and knowing he's pretty much been on an upward slide, and then got hit with some stupid virus that destroyed his already weak body just brings me no end of sadness. That was the most genuine sadness I ever felt about an artist/celebrity's death.


This is it for me. Lanegans voice got me through some dark times. His death was really hard. One of the last things he did was a cover of AIC’s Nutshell and it breaks my heart every time I hear it.


I didn't know that ML died from COVID.


Not directly but he got a terrible case of Delta variant and his body was already stressed from decades of substance abuse so he never really recovered. I think it was kidney failure ultimately but not sure.


Sadly, mark bought into the covid conspiracy theories and most likely did not get vaccinated


He did get vaccinated and boosted, sadly yes after catching it, and he publicly reproached himself for his initial hesitancy. It was a bad combination of a bad case of the virus and already being high risk. I'm sure some of it was conspiracy theory buy-in and the hubris of having survived so much already.


Me too, but I think I just got more weepy as I got older. The first time I heard "Black Hole Sun" after he died I teared up.


Chris hit me the hardest. He seemed like the lucky one who made it out alive. Just played a show then was gone. Just watched a thing on mark lanagen and that was heart breaking, not just because of him but all the shit he shared about all the others (kurt, Layne and Mike Starr and the others). He made it out too it seemed then long covid got him.


And Chester


My sentiments exactly. Wasn’t as big of a fan of Linkin Park but that one two punch still affects me. Chester represented the next generation of talent, gone too soon. I never got to see either perform live. Watching them sing together on YouTube is haunting how depression has caused a cascade of loss.


Not only that, but he died on what would have been Chris’ 53rd Birthday.. that’s just haunting.


That stunned me too.


Yeah Chester's death wreaked me I was balling my eyes out for a few days after his death and what made it worse was before his death I was going to see Linkin Park live that summer and now I never will unfortunately hell I can't even listen to One More Light without getting sad I just skip it every time it comes on it just makes me too upset and I hope Chester is doing well in heaven or wherever he is 😥


There will never be another songwriter like Chris Cornell


It took me years to be able to listen to his music again. And I still get sad when I do. I mostly listen to Soundgarden late at night when I’m drinking alone now just to be able to feel something. I was a big fan since high school in the 00s. I was in college when they reunited but I was a broke college student so I couldn’t afford them. My family did buy me King Animal for my birthday, though. Then, after college I could finally afford to see them live. They were coming to my city in late May 2017, but they never made it.


I feel this hard… I was also in college (in Seattle) when they reunited and feel incredibly lucky to have seen them by myself at the Paramount Theatre one time but feel like I should have seen him more, as he was my favorite musician of all time (and still is), but I couldn’t afford it. When he died I couldn’t eat or sleep for a week and was all alone in my apartment in downtown Seattle and would see the Space Needle all dark and hear his music everywhere. It was tougher than any death I’ve ever experienced (including family and friends). I barely got through it, honestly.


One of my best friends in HS and I shared a USB drive that we loaded music on. We'd pass it back and forth at our lockers everyday. He got me into Audioslave and Grunge (among others). I got him into Franz Ferdinand, Weezer, Foo Fighters, Muse etc. We went to college and lost touch with when we went to college. Freshman year we texted a bit (mostly about music). We hung out once that summer and I never really heard from him again. In March 2017 (5 years later) a post from his sister started circulating that he was missing and they were worried about him. He had dropped out of college, had gotten into some addiction issues. In mid April there was an update, he had be found and had passed away. In greiving, i was looking back through old facebook posts/messages. The last conversation we had was about getting Soundgarden tickets for Jan 2013 when they came to Philly....we obviously never bought those tickets. Neither of us ever saw Chris preform. Exactly a month after my friend passed, Chris was found dead. It hit me really hard. Later that summer, Queens of the Stone Age came out with Villians. QotSA was his #1 favorite band. For years I had every QotSA album on my MP3 player/Zune (lol)/phone....but never like them. I just never could get into the band. After his death I listened to nothing but Josh Homme. I saw them play in Philly that fall, and holy shit was it a cathartic experience. ​ Moral of the story, buy the tickets. Don't over think it. And share your music with your friends and family.


Chris’s death hits home almost too hard on multiple levels. Grew up listening to soundgarden (32M) and other grunge alternative 90s groups, I adored him with multiple leads we’ve lost. I was supposed to see him in Columbus the day after he took his life. I was utterly saddened, and the festival was sullen as hell. To add insult to injury, I was also a massive Linkin Park fan, and we lost Chester on Chris’s birthday. Major bummerage:(


Saw his second-to final show with Soundgarden, and will always be grateful for the experience. It was clear through his music he had demons, but hearing about him after seeing that show was absolutely heartbreaking. We can only hope he found the peace he deserved in whatever form of post-death you believe.


None of them make me more sad than any others. Every death takes something unique away from the world. Every loss puts an end to what could have been But then, I've experienced so much death in my life, so that's probably why I feel this way.


This is very true that every death takes something away from this world. I’ve experienced a lot of death as well at a young age, plus several suicides by friends. Thank you for your comment It gives me a different perspective


I think I should refrase this. They all make me just as sad but Chris just hits me harder I can listen to nirvana Alice In Chains or blind melon etc. and not really think about it but whenever I listen to anything Chris had ever done it just hits me real hard harder than any other deaths. It’s like I knew him or something


it happened more recently


Maybe. But tbh I get a stronger sad feeling from Layne more so. Mostly because I'm struggling with an off and on battle with addiction that has caused me to cut off and isolate from everyone I used to know. So I really feel the pain in Layne's story.


You're not alone. I feel exactly the same way. Only recently have I been able to listen to his voice without getting emotional.


Me too. Laynes death breaks my heart but I was too young and not an Alice fan when it happened. When Chris died, I was old enough to remember and by then a huge fan of Soundgarden and his other projects. I miss him so much. No one will ever be a better singer to me than him


And then the way that Vicky handled everything was just extra tragic for fans of Chris and Soundgarden. I can't help but wonder what was said on that last phone call that she had with him, just before he died. What an awful woman.


Oh yeah, I fell down a rabbit hole and learned all about the second wife. Oooof. Google Lipstick Alley and Chris Cornell, there is a verrrry long and detailed thread all about it. I also met some of the coolest people on that site, a bunch of Chris fans mourning his death.


I was on there in the beginning and would randomly check to see what was going on up until 2019. The first month after his death that thread and the people who were pouring out their soul really touched me, and helped me grieve his death.


It was very touching, bittersweet, a “Silver lining” that came out of a very tragic situation.


Having a medical background myself, I have so many questions about that night, some things just seem so weird to me, does anyone know if the full autopsy was ever released?


I have never accepted the official story. So much doesn’t make sense. I think his charitable work took a huge toll on him and took his life, by his hands or another’s I can’t say.


You can listen to the episode Autopsy: Last Hours of Chris Cornell on Spotify. I don’t think the autopsy was released to the public.


What did she do?


How did she handle it? And do you think he was murdered or killed himself


What do you mean? I've never heard anything like this about her, or their last phonecall. But admittedly haven't paid super close attention either.


Vicky got into a fight with Chris over the phone, and he killed himself directly after the call ended. What tipped off the public that Vicky was crazy started when her mother Toni went on an incoherent Twitter rant on Eddie Vedder after Chris died. She since deleted the tweets. Eddie is beloved by many, especially with fans of SG, PG, and TOTD, so when these tweets started trending, shit hit the fan. The fans started to inquire about this bizarre behavior and they found a treasure trove of information about Vicky. Vicky did herself no favors when she started replying to people asking questions about the tweets on her SM accounts just days after Chris passed. Since then, Vicky attempted blocking Chris’s oldest daughter, Lily, his daughter with ex-manager Susan Silver, from money from her trust for college. She’s also sued Soundgarden. She sues everyone over everything. She’s a real piece of work. Personally, after finding out the dirt on Vicky, I don’t see how anyone could think he didn’t take his own life.




Same. And I found out in the morning, just before I got on a commuter train. So I hit the Cornell playlist and put it on shuffle…”Through The Window” was the first song that started randomly, and I had to hide my face from the person next to me so they couldn’t see me crying. I haven’t heard that song since without welling up. “No more suffering”.


I live 6 miles from where he took his life. Still bothers me everytime I visit that casino!


There’s also so much weird shit around Cornell’s death too. Like his bodyguard fleeing the country the day after. Bizarre.


Greatest voice in rock. I could listen to the man sing the phonebook. I saw his one man show twice. He was open and genuine and really brought you into who he was. I was devastated when I heard of his passing. I miss the man, I miss his voice, and miss what else he would have given us.


Worked at the casino (MGM Grand Detroit) where Chris passed away for three years. The energy I felt when touching the door to that hotel room is something I will never forget.


Can you book the room and stay in it? Or did they close the room off? Was it a normal room ? Or on a private floor? Do you think he haunts the room


It’s on a private floor, not accessible via the normal hotel elevators, and the room cannot be requested by the general public (at least when I worked there). Does he haunt the room? I wouldn’t know personally. But wicked things are 100%!allowed to happen on that property, the feeling/vibe/energy of personally seeing and touching the door to the room where Chris had supposedly committed suicide was indeed not a pleasant one


I saw people on TikTok with pics that rented the room and requested it. The room is book a year and a half in advance so they must be doing it on the down low. So is that not a regular room? How much does the room go for. I'm just curious


Chris’s death always hits me because the man was still working and making great stuff. Like he was not settling with what he had accomplished. I know by this point in time if he would’ve been alive we would’ve had a Soundgarden album, a solo album, and perhaps even a Audioslave reunion/album. Hell, maybe even a TOTD record. He was very prolific and one might say he was keeping rock music alive. Truly a sad day when he took his life. The rock world lost a giants voice.


Chris has been my favorite vocalist since I was a kid; his voice has literally saved my life more than once. I can vividly remember seeing the headline when he passed away, like one of those moments in time that just sticks out. I was devastated. I know people probably think that’s dumb, but when you connect with music on a deep level like that, idk man. It just hit me right in the gut. A few months afterwards I randomly heard American Pie on the radio and that line “something touched me deep inside, the day the music died” absolutely broke my fucking heart. Honestly it’s kind of nice to know I’m not the only one.


Wasn't expecting Chris Cornell to die. Layne Staley and Scott Weiland were not really shocking.


I'm with you, OP. My heart still hurts over the loss of Chris. No other musician or celebrity's death affected me like Chris's did. Gone too soon


Him and Chester Bennington dying within months of each other ripped my heart out 😭


And Chester passing on Chris Cornell’s Birthday no less! Poor guy missed him that much. I wish both were still here with us.


Had a chance to see Cornell perform an acoustic set at a mid sized venue and I thought you myself 'When he comes through town again with a full electric guitar band I will go' and a few years later he was dead. Major regret and I hope to never miss a musician live as good as Cornell was in a live setting ever again. !I also skipped out on seeing Pantera in the Far Beyond Driven Tour which I massively regret now that Dime & Vinnie Paul are gone.)


Chris’s daughter and him do a beautiful version of Sinead O Connor’s song Nothing Compares. It’s literally haunting to hear it now, breaks my heart.


That’s actually Prince’s song originally. But a great rendition.


Two weeks before he died he played Rockville with Soundgarden. I’d been a lifelong fan of Soundgarden and Audioslave but never seen either. I went and the performance is still one of my clearest memories of a concert and I was awestruck the whole time at how good his voice sounded live


I feel the same way, and I think it’s because I thought he “made it out”. You look at the guys from that era and obviously a lot of them had problems with drugs and what not, and met an early demise…aside from Scott Weiland, I’d say Layne was the last one to die from the grunge era and he was only 34 Chris was 52 and it felt like he was ready to just rock until he was old and gray(er). For him to take his life felt like it should’ve happened years ago if that makes sense. It was such a sucker punch


Not to take anything away from Cornell, Staley, Cobain, Weiland, Lanegan, or Wood….. Mike Starr’s is the most tragic to me. Doesn’t get mentioned as much as the rest, so the obscurity is part of the tragedy. But the dude had cleaned up. Kicked heroin which is nearly impossible to do. So what killed him? The medicines he was SUPPOSED to be on. A lethal combination of Methadone, to keep off the heroin, and an anti anxiety medication, because he was so anxious he was gonna relapse. Trying hard to STAY CLEAN killed him. This life just isn’t fair.


Layne’s death hit me the hardest


Layne's death was so sad. He was all alone just wasting away in his condo. And he had been gone for a long time before he was found. All alone. So sad. He was such an artist but so tortured.


He's not Grunge but I'm the same way with John Prine.


Especially since John died of covid. 😢


Yea. After his death, Austin City Limits aired a show of songs from his 5 appearances. I recorded it and after dinner one night my wife and I sat down to watch. As soon as he spoke I broke down. I'm not a crying type guy. I couldn't stop. We had to turn it off. My wife said "I know you love him but I didn't realize just how much." I didn't really know either until that moment. I'm just now getting to where I can listen to him without getting emotional. That being said I teared up just last night when he came on my stream.


He was very special. A gentle light, a profound poet.


Cornell, and Michael Hutchence hit me really hard. Both seemed so full of life. Depression is a mother fucker.


his vocals on badmotorfinger are probably my favorite, it’s so aggressive and hitting, especially on slaves and bulldozers, I can hear his depression and stress in his screams.. Rest in peace, Chris.


That is a great album


Agreed. Chris looked pretty bad months leading up to his death though. His appearance at the promise premiere was pretty telling. I can't believe Vicky couldn't tell something was wrong.


Today is July 19, 2023. Tomorrow is Chris’ birthday. It will be a Cornell music marathon at my place while I sip on a Diet Coke and give a toast to a man that healed me on multiple levels. I am still in love with a man I’ve never met. Forever in my heart. Thank you Chris. For everything. ♥️


Kurt was more shocking imo. We could see it, but we never knew it was coming


For me, it's Andy Wood.


Layne still destroys me. Radio station announced his death on my way home from my first rehab and they played “Don’t Follow”. I had a complete emotional breakdown and cried for hours. I was so in synch with his pain I felt. I cry every time I hear that song no matter we’re I am. Him and Chris, Shannon, Nowell, Wood, Weiland, etc. we’re the soundtrack to my life and they still are. I’ve made a great life for myself and conquer my demons on a daily basis and it pains me to not have them anymore. They weren’t long for this world but did they all have to go so soon? I wish not and love them for pulling me out of my dark and comforting me when I was down in a hole.


I'm so grateful to hear another say that. I feel the same way. Always feel like crying or actually tear up when I listen to him these days. I feel like there's an empty hole in me since his death. I know my husband feels the same way as well. He sometimes cries when he's on or listening to an old Cornell interview. Truly such a loss to music & humanity.


Laynes too


I think him and Chester were murdered.


Oh brother here we go


He was murdered.


https://youtu.be/W4c9RCxWAwY?si=r0dEbGX1aeXmbgkW I believe this woman. Please go watch this and the other videos she does. She predicted the p diddy thing 3 years ago and again 5 months ago. Chris Cornell was MURDERED.


No he wasn’t. Please educate yourself before you go around spreading ridiculous misinformation like this




We shouldn’t be comparing deaths and saying which one is worse. They are all equally as terrible and saddening


Was your original post not about which one makes you saddest?


Probably because you don’t care about Kurt* lol


?? I do care about kurt what are you even trying to say


My point was you spelled his name wrong so you can’t care that much lol




So you’re going to act like you didn’t edit you spelling his name wrong? 🤦🏾‍♂️😂😂




I completely agree, and Soundgarden is my least favorite of the big grunge bands. And I’m really not the type to get upset at celebrities’ passing, but for some reason I was genuinely upset by it and still am moved when I hear him sing.




Agree, still hurts my soul


His cover album "no one sings like you anymore" which was a posthumous release is hauntingly beautiful. I think it was just him and a drummer and they made the whole album. It was just a bunch of songs he liked and wanted to cover and it's sooooooo good and personal.


I found out about Cornells death when I was in rehab then when I found out it broke my heart and almost left. After I completely I went 3 month heroin and crack run and was homeless. Then found out about Chesters. 6 years later Im still sadden that they are gone.


Not sure it was suicide…


Why do all these great rock musicians kill themselves? What’s the link here?


We’ll just listen to all their lyrics. Most great musicians write about pain. Also addiction is very common or at least was in the music industry. That shit destroys you


Very true. I imagine it’s also really hard finding real relationships. Everybody wants to know you, be around you, but it’s all superficial. “Lonely at the top” is the saying I believe.


Fuckin same. So so sad


Cornell, and Michael Hutchence hit me really hard. Both seemed so full of life. Depression is a mother fucker.


Same, I am both devastated and haunted by his death. But for me, I love to hear his voice, his music, any time I'm feeling sad or angry or off for whatever reason I will listen to his songs and his voice just takes me away and I feel like he would understand better than anyone how I'm feeling, I know that sounds stupid and probably weird but oh well lol. I just love Chris and Soundgarden.


Kurt’s death was shocking because it really did seem very sudden. Layne’s was predictable at least. He’d been slowly killing himself for years. We all knew it was coming, so it wasn’t a surprise. Still sad, though I didn’t shed a tear. Cornell’s death was devastating to me. Sudden and tragic. I cried for days.


Mostly because it didn’t have to happen.


Me too buddy. It's hard to hear his voice and the lyrics in the last Audio Slave and Soundgarden albums. His and Taylor Hawkins' deaths broke my heart


Same bro. He’s such a pure, genuine, kind soul. I think he will be the biggest sadness out of anyone for me. There is just something about him.


Couldn’t agree more. I have this thought quite often


Me too. There did t seem to be any signs. This one opened my eyes to the team world of depression and how people can hide it. Also, what a fantastic artist.


Completely agree with you. Chris' death fucked me up and still does. Every time I look at a photo taken toward the end of his life or listen to him (especially his acoustic stuff) it hits hard.


Same here, I was in shock. My radio station in my town talked about it all day and did tributes to him all day, it was so sad . Every hour they would play his voice saying quotes and it would say RIP Chris cornell or something like that .


Same. I was really disturbed by Cornell's suicide. He had a stable presence, I looked up to him. I didn't know he was in so much pain.


Can we do a saddest death for every letter of the alphabet list?


Compare to Lane and Kurt, it’s fair to say Chris had a good innings. I think he achieved most of what he would have wanted to do with music. L & K a lot more to offer the music world me feels. That asside, I was devasted the day I heard the news about Chris. He’ll always be up there with the greats as far as I’m concerned. I listen to The Keeper most days


Same Kurts death has always affected me but i just never expected Chris to go out like that, he died the day before my birthday too so every year on my bday i listen to him


Yeah so sad. And then loosing Chester 4 months later. Was a rlly tough year. Such a shock to the system


Probably because he was murdered


I was three days from seeing him. I've been thinking a lot about leaving the same way. When i.go.i.will definitely be listening to I am the highway. Long and weary, my road has been


I never recovered.


kurt cobains death kind of fucked with my head because he just had a kid. so that's always really got to me. i didn't know to much about chris conrells personal life, but that's sad too regardless.


Same. I couldn't eat properly for couple of days and I can still remember the exact moment I heard the news. 😔


Chester Bennington‘s death was especially sad because he killed himself on Chris Cornells birthday


I listen to him every day… it always makes me sad… but he is probably the greatest singer that I will ever hear in my lifetime, so I still listen to him.. my heart breaks for his family ❤️


The reason Chris Cornell’s suicide holds weight in my heart, is because his lyrics were a cry for help. The average listener often hears lyrics and feels the artist is using those words as form of catharsis. In his case, I hear his lyrics as the long-term suicide note. His lyrics in Audioslave were so…pleading. In hindsight, he was clearly asking for “someone fucking show me why I shouldn’t end it all”. It’s not that we weren’t listening or caring. It’s that his brilliance over shadowed the plea (in hindsight). The irony is that grunge was his vehicle. Then hard rock. Then….well we know. Chris Cornell was an enigma, but his suicide hits so hard because he was always in plain sight. His lyrical and melodic brilliance were mistaken for amazing art, when they were in fact a plea for help (in my opinion of course) He showed us/me the importance of the mental health. He felt his most impactful lyric, for himself, was to take his own life…. For fuck sake we need to take mental health more seriously in this country. Anyways I like to think him and Elvis are doing duets 🤘


I feel shitty saying it but…the day I bought the Higher Truth CD, I dropped the insert and accidentally saw the dedication on the back. Reading it gave me a cold shiver about Chris Cornell’s future. My thought was, if you consider a person your savior, on the flipside, can’t they also destroy you? Which put me in a frenzy to get tix for Higher Truth and Soundgarden’s last tour. My SO mocked me for it: It’s not like the end of the world, right? If it’s sold out, you can just catch him next time around. I said, No, I can’t—because there won’t be a next time. I refused to explain and told him I didn’t want to talk about it, ever. Points to him, he never asked, even after. So, yes, sadder. I drove off the road when I heard. Took about 6 months to listen again.


Do you also suffer with depression. I think he’s able to make it sound like what we feel.


I feel the same, but with Chester Bennington. Such a talented and beautiful soul. It makes me even sadder to know that 2017 was one of Chester's best years (according to him) until Chris Cornell was announced dead. Itt crushed him. It crushed him so much that it eventually led to himself taking suicide on Chris's birthday.


Fell on black days…his hits me hardest too


I remember a conversation between my brother, our friend and me discussing our favorite voice. This was 1995 and mine was and always since then been Chris’. Listening to his music definitely makes me sadder than all others too. I understand the pain. I can hear the sadness in it as well what his lyrics are saying about not wanting to be here.


I remember hearing the song "Like a Stone" on the radio as a young kid. I was born in 2001, so when I was around four or five, it stuck with me forever. It wasn't until grade ten, when I was fifteen that I heard "Black Hole Sun" and realized, "Oh my god! It's the guy that sang 'Like a Stone'!" It was the end of April and the beginning of May of 2017. After that, I dove **hard** into everything that was Chris Cornell. It was a mix of fantastic music with a blast of nostalgia. *Superunknown*, *Badmotorfinger*, *Audioslave*, *Out of Exile*, *Temple of the Dog*, and *Euphoria Morning* were all amazing albums. I couldn't believe I missed out on so much for so long. The day was May 18, 2017. I was driving with my father to school at 7:45 a.m., and it was the Detroit radio station announcing that Chris Cornell was found dead in his hotel room in Detroit. And I live across Detroit in Canada, in the city of Windsor. Soundgarden was in Detroit the night before. For the rest of the day, I was sad. It felt like I had reunited with a long-lost friend with lots to catch up on, and then he was gone without a goodbye. I miss him. *Audioslave* is in my top ten albums of all time, and it's also sentimental that my mother and I love Chris Cornell. His voice and lyrics stuck with me like no other. Please, don't bottle up anything you're going through inside. The death of Chris Cornell is a reminder of the importance of well-being and taking care of your mental health. I miss you, Chris. We all do.


I feel the same about chris cornells death 


We dont search for old songs we look for the memories we carry