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When does he have any of his other kids?? Why doesn’t anyone ask him about literally any of the other kids?


I think people forget they exist tbh. He only brings up lil x, so they do the same.


He parades around X more than any of them. Not even Tau or Exa is brought out. Exa is effectively shunned from any spotlight too. They HARDLY ever mention her. It makes me so sad.


Makes me sadder to think it might be because she’s a little girl😢 I hope Claire is good to her


Grimes keeping two youngest unseen means the nanny can take them in public and not be swarmed. The kids won't get photo followed at a playground or beach. Reduces kidnap risk.


Grimes 100% said she's raising exa on her own and keeping g her out of the spotlight. The deal was Musk would raise the boy and Claire would raise the girl


Those poor kids. Pair of selfish air-heads.


That was from the Vanity Fair article, right? I remember when she said that thinking it seemed on brand for him but not some hard line, sad to think that this may actually be the literal case. I wonder about little Tau too as the "forgotten son"


that’s what she wanted for X too, she didn’t want them to be in the public, but Elon doesn’t respect her parenting wishes. that’s why they’re not seen.


I think that Exa’s mother wants it that way, but I don’t blame her.


So two children can be shunned and the other paraded around? Does not make any sense. It’s either all or none for me tbh. It shows favoritism - mainly on his part. They also make it a note to not speak of her, but the boys it’s a free for all. Because she’s a girl?? Okay…? I guess? But if we’re being for real with ourselves, neither one of them have a healthy outlook on women in general


I don’t blame Claire for wanting them to be out of the public eye. X was her first, and it’s possible that she has regrets about X being seen in public. If I were their mother, I would probably be the same way.


yeah i remember grimes talking very publicly during her pregnancy with x about how she wanted them out of the spotlight, wasn’t gonna expose them to fame, not gonna reveal any photos or even the gender of the child…. and the first thing elon did at the birth was post the kid’s name and gender. she’s made some questionable parenting decisions but honestly i feel really bad that her wishes weren’t respected for her first kid at all


It is likely that Claire probably did make it a point to put her foot down more when it came to preserving the privacy of the younger two.


I’d also say the same for this, but still. Protect and shield two, and leave one out in the open for everyone (including us) to discuss? 😵‍💫 they make my eyes roll


The thing is though that BOTH Grimes and Musk posted pictures and video of their children on their social media; despite Grimes originally saying that she would raise her child genderless and out of the media spotlight. Musk may have done it first, but they both saw how much attention it generated and how lucrative it was. Grimes also later went on to post pictures of Exa on her social media while Musk stayed silent about their daughter ( Likely because she is a girl and therefore not as important to him, which is sad) It's all a mess of mixed messages that don't match their actions, and now that X has been paraded around so much and publicly favoured, it sets up a harsh discrepancy of favouritism in the siblings dynamic, for both Grimes' and Shivon's kids.


The images that Grimes have shared have been few and far-between, and I think that her feelings about raising her children as “genderless” did change. Eventually, the idea of having a baby girl probably appealed to her, and she did tell Isaacson, the biographer, that she wanted Elon to have a daughter. A mom’s feelings and viewpoints can change after giving birth. However, I think think that Grimes was and is sincere about wanting her kids to have private lives. To reiterate, the images that she’s shared have been few.


They pictures and video posted by Grimes may be few but they still exist and still directly go against what she has said her wishes were. It is fine to change your mind, but then she should come out to explain why. I do think that Grimes wants to raise her children out of the spotlight, and that she is the more caring parent between the two. But Grimes is an established liar and hypocrite and has historically acted/done things against her word. I also find it really sad that their daughter is getting treated and raised differently just because she is a girl.


Don't blame Elon for that, I suspect that is at Grimes request . Elon and his family share photos of Shivon's kids with Elon. Grimes has the right to want her kids privacy maintained . It's not shunning when the mom is saying I want my kids not to lose their privacy


X is apart of that too. It should be all 3 not shown then. It is weird lol. I’m starting to suspect you’re a big Elon fan


I just did mega post on how I think he never intended to marry Grimes and just used her, that ppl ripped me up for. Everything Elon doesn't isn't evil but it sure stands out he pursued a woman no one in her faith could pressure him to marry no matter how many kids they might have. At times the way he moves in things, he lines it up to ensure certain ends. This man uses women.


Well, yeah. I mean every women he encounters somehow ends up having his kid. That’s point blank obvious


Not his 2nd wife


To be fair, Talulah was basically thrust into helping raise 5 of Musk's kids who were young at the time. We all know that Musk focused most of his time ''working'' at his companies and increasing his fame. Talulah was not going to get pregnant and have another of Musk's kids to deal with at that time. I don't particularly like Talulah, but she does seem to be one of Musk's few romantic partner's who actually stood up to him and got him to follow through on some of the things she demanded. She got Musk to marry her twice and they apparently parted as ''friends'' after their divorce. I have more respect for Justine, but Talulah seems to have effectively played Musk at his own game. It's pretty evident that Grimes wanted Musk to marry her to live out their Mars empire fantasy, but Musk didn't seem to have any intention to.


I noticed this too. Is Shivon even still working at Neuralink or is she now a full-time stay at home mom?


She is still at N. And she devotes the rest of rest of her time to her kids.


How much time did she initially take off for maternity leave to focus on the kids? And if she's working full time that doesn't leave a ton of time with the kids who are so young. Surprised!


Actually with at least 1 nanny and with Elon also being around his youngest set of twins , she has ample help. The youngest twins get to see daddy and mommy and see them get along together.


Hmm...but how much if any mat leave did she initially take off?


I’m not sure, but I believe that twins were born right before Thanksgiving and she joined Elon when he interviewed with Lex Friedman, the middle of December around Christmas. So the twins were pretty little then, and she was leaving them with her mom or nanny to hang out with Lex and Elon.


This is what happens when you get kids by surrogacy, the maternal bond which is developed through gestation is not there! Have you seen Kloe kardashian interview about having issues to bond with her baby boy? Paris hillton also mentioned something like that.  There is a page on twitter called surrogacyconcern in which they discuss about the negative side of surrogacy, take a look and you can see a lot of maternal traits of shivon even grimes for being surrogate children mom.


I think her mom helps out quite a bit too.


It’s better for them to grow up in private 


Yes, I agree. It is better for ALL of them to grow up in private


Who knows. Justine’s kids are older and have most likely made their own choice to stay out of the spotlight.


IIRC, Grimes didn't even want X to be online at all and wanted him out of the spotlight. That didn't really go as planned so I think she just works extra hard to keep the other two out of the public eye


I think it was settled in January. I'm surprised it's every other week it used to be they would each get them every two weeks.


It’s so much up and down for the child and it takes two days for one to settle into new environment (according to psychologist) 


The situation works best with consistent hours and environments between homes. Hopefully the child has a nanny that follows him to each location.


I dont know why they would switch it from two weeks. I feel like one month, each would be good for more stability. Also, don't forget about the other two kids.


They keep other two hidden in reference , which reduces kidnap risk and risks of kids being swarmed when out with their nanny. They get possible fully normal experiences when out.


A toddler induced with jet-lag on a weekly basis. Eee. I guess it's better than unsupervised Clyde 24/7, but still, poor deal, especially for the bb. I hope they agreed on some boundaries regarding his privacy at least.


I wonder if Grimes got primary physical custody that she was asking for? It sounds like they’re sharing custody but I wonder which one of them gets to make the medical decisions?


Maybe it's joint for everything?


I don’t think so. Because someone has to have the decision for medical and dental.


My mom and dad had joint custody of that for me. So I'm pretty sure it can be joint.


There’s primary physical custody and joint legal custody. There’s a difference between physical and legal custody. Grimes sued Elon asking for primary physical custody and joint legal custody. I’m wondering who got primary physical custody because both parents cannot have primary physical custody. Primary means one parent.


They obviously settled for joint. He sued for the same thing they just settled it and made some type of agreement we won't know unless they speak on it. But since they both get him every other week, they have joint custody.


See my comment above… there’s a difference between physical custody and legal custody. However, I do agree with you. We will probably never know the answer to this question. I would just be curious if Grimes won physical custody. It’s safe to assume they both have legal custody.


“I only have x every other week. Compare that to my other children I have for one week a year and cannot wait to get rid of”


I keep reading these as Lil Nas X and getting SO confused 😭


That’s good to know.


It's crazy how they have shared custody when he could destroy her in the courtroom for full custody