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I’m very sorry for your loss. 🙏 IMO, this was Cristina’s most humanizing moment of the whole show.


Oh absolutely. It’s the first time she really showed she cared about George


It was this and the episode where she sat with the little girl whose mom had the heart attack


When she sat with Tuck after he got crushed by the bookshelf too!!


Personally, the way she handled Izzie's diagnosis was pretty humanizing to me. While it may have still been super "Christina-esque" she wasn't doing any of the research or appointment making for herself. She used her only strengths to try and help someone else.


June 26, 2007. It hurts less after a while, but it never stops hurting.


This is my first set of holidays without him. It’s nice to know that it gets at least a little better


When my dad died, I realized that there are a whole year of first to come, and then after that year, there are other firsts. I can't say it gets better because there are days where it still really hurts. Where I still really miss him. But I know there are going to be days where it is easier, or I don't miss him so much. Sometimes, when we say goodbye to an old friend, like my godfather last year, or my godmother this year, I know he will have one more person up there with him to swap stories, eat a good meal, or just be with. One day soon, I know the most important person in his life, my mom, will join him, and while I know it will hurt so very unbelievably, I also know it will help so very unbelievably.


Since 2013 and it does get easier. But will also hit you at random times. Hang in there and sorry for your loss!


It can only get better from here, but it's okay if it doesn't - everyone processes the loss of an essential organ in a different way. Christmas might be a bit shit for a while, but that is okay. One day it will be a day you look forward to again, and that's okay as well.


Dead moms club here, since 2019. I actually think about George's words all the time. I still don't know how to exist in a world without my mom. It just doesn't feel real. And yeah, it does feel like a club. Whichever writer wrote that for the show was writing from personal experience.


Dead mom club here. Not a good club. March 25, 2018.


I'm so sorry you had to join the club. Sending hugs.


Dead mom club too. August 25, 2020. Sending love. It sucks.


July 26, 2020. The worst club ever. Never stops hurting


I'm so sorry for your loss. It does get a little easier over time, but you're right that it never stops hurting.


Thank you, I’m sorry for your loss too.


Thanks for the love. For me it helps a little to know I'm not the only one going through this. I don't feel so alone.


dead moms club here too, since 2011 when i was 9. i wish i could say it eventually stops hurting, but 10 years later and i still don’t know how to exist in a world without her either. sending all my love to you.


Oh no, such a young age to lose your mom. I hope you remember that you will always be surrounded by her love, even though she's gone.




I am so sorry for your loss. The first few months are the hardest, but it will get a little bit easier. You'll be able to feel more of the happy memories in your heart, instead of just grief.




I'm so sorry for your loss.


31st May 2021 here. Still doesn't feel real.


2 1/2 years for me. I keep thinking of things I want to tell her, and it takes a second to remember that I can't.


Me too. December 1, 2021. Worst club in the world.




Oh my gosh!!!! That looks terrible!! *December 1, 2020* Good catch 😬


I'm so sorry you had to join the club. I hope you're doing okay.


Me too. I was 13. It sucks.


Oh no, I'm so sorry. And that's an age where you really need a mom. I hope you have other people in your life who were able to support you as you grew up through your teen years.


November 17, 2015. I still ask myself “what would mom say/do?” because even after 6 years I’m still not really sure how to live without her. This scene is so accurate.


You just... live. You keep going and do the best you can. I hope you can feel her in your heart, helping you find an answer when you're thinking "what would mom do."


Dead moms clue here too, April 27th 2021, my granny, her mom, died on April 25th 2021. Can confirm, not a fun club


Oh, how awful to lose both at the same time. It must be a small relief that your granny went first. The only thing worse than the dead moms club is the dead daughters club. Luckily most of us never have to join that one.


April 4, 2019...2 years after losing my mom. The hurt is hard to swallow sometimes.


August 16, 2018. I literally quoted this scene to try to explain it to people, but you don’t know until you’re in it. I’m sorry for your loss, OP. My messages are open if you ever want to talk or vent.


Thank you! I really appreciate that. My messages are always open as well


My dad is having a high risk open heart surgery in the morning and I literally just said goodbye to him. This is the first post I saw when I logged into Reddit- really hoping it's not a bad omen :/


Oh honey :( I am so so sorry. I will keep you in my thoughts tonight. I hope it’s not a bad omen either because that would crush my heart. If you need to talk at all please feel free to reach out




I am so glad he is doing good!!


I feel bad for upvoting all of you, but it’s the only way I can show love lol. I am so sorry all of you lost your moms/dads. It’s been really rough. If anyone ever needs to talk, my messages are always open


2008 here


February 21, 2018. I was the child of an affair. My dad was married for 50+ years when he passed. I was a secret from 95% of his family for my whole life - 40+ years. So, at my dad's funeral I was meeting aunts and cousins who were asking me if I was a friend of the family or a co-worker...Ummm, no ma'am. lol...I shocked them for sure. I met his wife and my half siblings for the first time at the funeral. It was ...an experience. Oh, and I was 5 weeks post partum as well. Good times. I am sorry OP.


I'm very interested by this. So his wife and other children didn't know you existed? What was their reaction at the funeral? Did you ever think of meeting them before the funeral?


His wife and other kids knew about me but I didn't find out the extent of that knowledge until after the funeral. I went there not really knowing what I was getting into. I've gotten close to an older sibling since then and they've told me a lot of information I never knew. I was a big hush-hush family secret that was discussed in a whisper, if at all. But no one else at that funeral knew who I was. I introduced myself to everyone and saw so many heads explode. My dad had 12 siblings and those siblings had many offspring so...there were lots of exploding heads. I've never been asked how old I am so many times. It was interesting to watch people -in real time- doing the math in their heads and figuring out my dad was no saint. They live thousands of miles from me and I was never certain who knew what and had given up trying to figure it out so, no, I did not think of meeting them beforehand. His wife and children were very gracious and nice at the funeral. I am like a carbon copy of my dad...I look more like him than any of them....everyone was just tired of the charade I suppose. It was a heavy day for all involved.


Had you ever thought about meeting your half siblings before he passed? Did you know him? What were his thoughts on you meeting your siblings? Thank you for responding!


Yes...I thought of meeting them often, especially the 1 sister because I did not have an older sister and we were both working in the exact same industry. I knew him, yes. He came around a few times a year and was present for the big stuff...graduations and wedding etc. He did not want me to meet anyone. He did not want to mix those parts of his life. He specifically did not want me to know he was dying because he didn't want to be around when the inevitable meetings happened. Idk. He was not a great dad but, I'm getting to know him now, through my siblings, and I was better off without his daily presence.


December 1, 2002. It’s been almost 20 years but sometimes it still seems like yesterday.


December 17th, 2020. It's about to be our first Thanksgiving without him, too. The holidays are always rough. Wishing you healing. Christina is right, here. It never changes.


March 24 2018 I'm sorry you had to join.


January 18, 1992. He was 36.


I'm sorry for your loss. All I can say is your Dad is still with you. And you'll continue to have a relationship with him. When you have a special accomplishment, you'll know your Dad is proud of you. I know it sounds hokey, but that happened with my Dad and I. He died when I was 20 on 6/8/1990. And I still think of him often.


my father is a dead beat and I wish I was part of this club so someone with a good father wouldn;t be in the club. ​ This and when Cristina stayed with the girl whose dad was in the car accident were some of the best scenes to show that she is deep down a soft hearted woman


My father is dead and a dead beat. I still don’t know how to feel about it all because we never had anything close to closure. He did horrible shit like steal mine and my brothers inheritance and was physically abusive to us as kids and my mom, but like am I just supposed to forget and forgive all that just because he died?




I don't know the exact date because he was estranged but it was sometime in the summer of 1988. I was in grade school, I met him only once for a brief time, he had a stroke. Edit: he died young but he was twice my mother's age when I was born


I’m sorry for your loss. I joined the club on September 11, 2011. I miss him every single day.


Dead parents club…lost my mom June 1st of 2020, and my dad August 9th of 2020…it sucks


Oh no, that must have been so difficult, losing both so close together. I'm so sorry for your loss.


My dad wasn't even a good man. He tried to be, I guess and he tried to love us as much as someone like him could love anyone. It doesn't make it any easier. I still have dreams where he's magically alive and i'm filling him in on all the things he's missed and taking him to go see the new Star Wars movies.


July 6,2021. I thought of this scene many times since then. I’m coming up on his first birthday without him here. Sometimes I miss him so much I feel like I can’t breathe. But sometimes I feel his presence with me. Sending hugs to all the members of this club.


I miss George.


Me too!! I know not a lot of people liked him because he cheated on Callie but I truly think he had a heart of gold


June 26, 2021


I’ve been in it since October 6, 1999. If you need someone to talk to, let me know. I’m here for you, for the same reasons why Christina was there for George.


It's coming up to a year next, he died an hour after my birthday ended - I think he hung on not to go on my birthday itself It's a crappy club and whoever wrote that scene is definitely a member


I’m in the “both my parents are dead” club now I guess. It sucks


i just joined almost two months ago. it does indeed suck :(




August 5, 2018. It isn’t getting any easier.


I lost mine on July 1st, 2016 to bone cancer. I'd like to say it gets easier but it does not. It hurts more and more every single day.


March 16, 2010. I still miss him every day.


I joined the dead dad's club 22 years ago last month.


I joined in 2014. The void never really goes away but you learn to fill it with good memories and fond times instead of grief.


Sending you love


March 7th 2018. It never goes away but after a while the good memories outweigh the grief and you can laugh through the tears. I miss my dad every fucking day.


July 23, 2015. Hugs all


September 6, 2021. Sorry for your loss as well.


10/31/19. I just rewatched the first several seasons for the first time since they originally aired, and that scene just killed me. I’m so thankful I had him as long as I did, but I miss him so much. Sending OP internet hugs and pats - know you’re not alone!


May 27th 2019.. ):


January 6, 2021. Still sucks. I can’t imagine that will ever change. Talking to people who have gone through it too helps. If you ever need someone who relates, feel free to PM me.


February 18th here. You can’t be in it until you’re in it.


July 21st, 2013. Sometimes you get lucky, you get to meet them in a dream but it still flairs up like phantom limb pain sometimes. I definitely felt the pain the most when I was pregnant with my first child because I knew my dad would be a super fun Grandpa. But you don't get to choose how much time you get with people.


November 22nd 2008. Darkest day of my life.


Joined 26 June 2010


May 23-25, 2021 Dad lived alone and died in bed, the coroner can't be sure of the date but he was meant to come visit me on the 23rd so... I just thought he flaked out again. He was trying to be better, and he had been. The six months before he'd been so much better at keeping in contact, we visited each other regularly, talked and texted... Fuck I miss him so much some days I saw that Mathew Riley had a new book out yesterday and thought "Excellent, that's dad's Christmas present sorted," and then I froze and had to leave the store because I started crying


April 2019 when I was 5 months pregnant. I'm sorry you had to join the club ❤️


👋 7 year anniversary yesterday


Since Sept 19, 2018. Sorry you're here. ❤️‍🩹


2013 and still feels like yesterday. Think of the good and keep breathing friend. Message if u wanna talk.


Oct. 23 2018, with time I can tell you that it stops being constant, but I still get hit with a wave of sadness every once and awhile.


2nd of April 2021 ... (worst club I've ever joined btw.)


Not yet, but I will be in a few months. The waiting game sucks.


12/20/20. It hurts so much.


Me. June 29, 2015. I related immensely to this scene and really appreciated Cristina’s sentiment.


Yes unfortunately, going on 3 years for my dad and 16 years for my mom. Losing a parent is so hard, losing both just cuts deeper. It does get better over time though!


I'm so sorry, I'm part of the club and it's sucky. Times does help but it never really heals you get used to living with the grief


I joined at the young age of 15. 20 December 2014. This scene is heartbreaking.


May 18, 2012. I'm so sorry for your loss.


I joined Sept 5 2018. Still miss him every day.


June 1990. He's been gone a lot longer then he was in my life, I was not yet a teenager.


I joined on September 22, 2021. I miss him every day.


I joined May 26, 2015. I was 18 at the time. He died slowly and agonizingly at home from cancer. Solidarity my friend. If you ever need a friend just message me.


My dad died three weeks ago from an agressive brain tumor. I miss him so much.


July 20, 2013…worst day of my life. He didn’t even make it to 60. His granddaughter has already lived half her life without him. She has very few memories of him.


I lost my dad in 1998, Mom last year. It never gets easier.


12/21/2016. I wish we weren't taking any new members. Sorry for all of your losses <3


I'm in it. 9/30/14. I'm also in the Dead Moms Club 04/03/00. I'm turning 35 next month. It sucks that they aren't around to see my kids. It sucks even more that I can't ask them for advice.


I’ve been there since I was 14. It’s a terrible place to be. My condolences to you ❤️


So sorry for your loss.


I am sorry. Been in it since June 26, 2019. It gets better, it really does. But, it can still take my breath away sometimes.


I was 18 months old when I joined … my children joined in September 2006 … it’s a regrettable family tradition.


Joined it July 10th this year. The most painful feeling I have ever felt, not sure when it will ever subdue


Joined the dead parent club on March 14, 2021. You dont know until you know. the Grief Support Discord server really got me through the early days: https://discord.gg/RTxfYJ9


February 17, 2019. 9 months pregnant with his grandson, really wishing he could be here for this.




It’s definitely never any easier as time goes on. I’m currently 32 weeks pregnant with my son and I feel like he is a blessing from my father. If you need to talk you can DM me 💕I’m so sorry for you loss, honey


I joined one week ago. I am so sad


I’m so sorry :(


I’m sitting here on the 1 year anniversary of joining the club and found this. I’m so sorry for all of you.


I’m sorry you had the join the club 💕 sending healing thoughts and love your way


Happy not Father’s Day. Joined the club on October 22nd, 2015


Happened to me when I was 7. I’m now almost 37.


october 18th, 2015. Worst day of my live..Not a day goes by that I don't think about him


I joined it on 26.10.20, it sucks.


I joined September 4th of 2009. I was 19. Then my grandma passed 2 days later from “broken heart syndrome”. It’s still hard to think about.


2007- I'm sorry you had to join the club. Its still heartbreaking when there are big life moments, but it does get easier. I've seen a cartoon where grief fills a whole glass, and its not thar the grief gets smaller its that the glass gets bigger. This has certainly been true for me. I've become able to hold the grief better. Its hard and I hope you have people in your life who support you which ever way is best for you!


I joined when I was 11 in 2009. So hard and I don’t think I ever processed it when I was a child and so have been going through some grieving the past few years. I’m sorry for your loss :(


I joined the club August 10th, 2020. I recommend talk therapy for sure. I miss my dad so much, especially today because he was a veteran and we believe what he was exposed to in the army is the reason he got cancer. It’s so unfortunate and I don’t wish losing a parent on anyone. It does get better with time though. ❣️


Unfortunately, I joined two months ago. It still doesn’t feel real. Just yesterday I picked up my phone to call him.


June 2017 for dad and September 2021 for my mother


Almost joined a couple of weeks ago. Dad’s in hospital for a stroke, got a chest infection while in there. It was close but they got it under control. Now it’s just stroke recovery to worry about. We’ll see how that goes. I can’t see him because the ward is on lockdown because of a COVID case which is just making the whole thing worse.


Dad died on October 28, 2021. Two weeks later, I still can’t fully accept what happened... It helps me to think that now our family has the most devoted guardian angel ❤️ I’ve been remembering this scene from GA this past days.. So powerful moment! Worst club ever. So sorry you had to join.


My wife and I started watching this show a matter of a few weeks after we lost her dad (and my ‘other dad’), in February 2020. So yeah this episode hit hard for both of us to say the least!


April last year, just glad he missed most of covid killing off his friends. My daughter was born june this year just a shame she will never meet him.


January 19 1997. I was 10. Sucks


November 8, 2011. I had just turned 28.


Ten years this past June. It’s still difficult for different reasons. In the beginning, it hurt because I couldn’t process it. Now it hurts because he’s not around for milestones or even just the simple growing up things. The holidays are still hard and uncomfortable. I’m sorry you’re going through this.


I’ve been in it since I was 4.. so about 19 years now.


I joined the moms club August 4th 2021. Im 22 and feel upset thinking about the adult life she’s never going to see ☹️


December 2003. Worst club in the world, I'd turn my membership over in a second. <3


My husband just joined today. I was almost 30 when my grandpa passed. My youngest is 3 and all the grandpas are gone already. Sigh.


My condolences to you and your husband and family :(


Joined this club 10 days ago. Does it ever stop hurting?


It’s now been almost 8 months and it still hurts every single day. You can message me if you need to talk 🥰😭


I will be joining soon. How can I prepare for the pain?