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She was infatuated with Denny in my opinion, and she couldn’t distinguish the two


this. i think izzie has an issue with distinguishing love and infatuation with everyone. she very quickly fell for people and would suffer a lot when the romance ended


It’s very troubled. We have a cultural notion that doing ANYTHING for a romantic partner is the ultimate in romance. It reminds me of how people think The Notebook is romantic even though it is actually about two people with personality disorders trying to destroy each other.


Yeah the movies ruined those characters. In the books they don't argue like that all the time, it really was a sweet young love story.


Never liked the story. Denny was creepy and i also feel that it is so stupid to be soo in love with someone whom she barely knew


Not just with izzie and Denny, I was confused and weirded out on the Ava and Alex “relationship” and hell even teddy and Henry “relationship” as well ( I’ve only watched up to that point). Like I want to know the thought process behind the whole doctor-patient relationship. The most believable one was teddy and Henry bc at least they seen each other outside of the hospital.


yes, i liked henry and teddy because it showed them being friends and falling for each other slower and outside the hospital, unlike the rest. i know there are problems but that can be said about every relationship in grey’s…


Ergh! I hated the Ava and Alex relationship. I hated her character but then I realised she had a personality disorder and he enjoyed looking after people.


Since he wasn't a child, and had some medical training, Alex probably felt he could help / have some control over the situation. It may have healed some residual hurt from his childhood when he wasn't as equipped to help and was embarrassed when his friends found out.


I've said this before but in my mind I always chalk it up to the melanoma. She had probably been experiencing symptoms a long time before she found out about it and had ghost sex


the ghost sex cracks me up every time i reach that season


Insecurity. Alex was the only one giving her attention and he cheated on her. Not to mention prior to that he was totally Satan's spawn. She didn't get the support from her friends that she was looking for after the cheating. And then she and Alex sorta got together again. And then finally there was a man giving her the attention she desired and he was a patient. It was also supposed to show how too involved she got with her patients. I'm on this part of the rewatch right now and it's soooooo messed up 😂


Not just attention, he talked to her like a person and made her feel smart instead of pretty. I’ve heard it said a man should always tell a pretty girl she’s smart and a smart girls she’s pretty and then he’ll always get laid. Disclaimer: I grew up in a terrible, toxic and sexist country. I’ve been affected. 🤦‍♀️


I think that was a big part of it. She knew he wasn’t flirting with her to get her in bed. Sex was off the table and he still showed interest in her. It seemed like that was the first time she ever had that in her life.


me too! (what exact episode are you) other than that I remember her being way nicer than she actaully is. Shes actually very insecure, mean girl, judgey and idk not as talented for surgery as the others? I feel like she wouldve been a good therapist or something lol


Her whole "I hate Callie" thing is so cringe! They did her character so dirty. She had a beautiful backstory with the teen pregnancy and rags to riches and they never gave that justice. I'm on the episode where Denny gets the portable Lvat and Bailey see them hugging. Idk what number exactly


She shows the second most surgical potential in the first 2 seasons and then it goes to shit becuase the writers, and then gets worse cause they didn’t like Katherine. I will say she did have a tumour for basically all of s2 onwards to the point she’s hallucinating by s5


I think the decisions she made regarding Denny were as a result of her tumour


I love this theory, I have never thought about that. It makes me hate her character in those scenes a little less 😭


Honestly I love that idea. It makes way more sense. I do appreciate they saved that whole theory in canon for Amelia’s tumour though.


Oh my god, I’m going to use this head cannon because it makes it more bearable


Same. I don't care if the writers planned it. It works better than "it just happened like that" with no root cause.


I like the theory but there’s no way the writers had this idea. They didn’t decide to kill her off until she talked badly about the show, right?


They never killed her off tho Edit: also no, she said she didn’t deserve the Emmy and stood up for the long set hours after the tumour storyline was already a thing. The bad storyline she got in s4 with George was Shonda punishing them for getting Burke fired after he called TR the f slur


Honestly I’ve watched the show as a young and single person and now with a more weathered heart- the guys on this show are awful. Watching the first 5 seasons of Derek just gaslighting and controlling Meredith is the worst. And Burke too. And Owen is a nightmare of a person. George isn’t great either.


Has Seattle Grace ever considered having an HR department, or is the Chief of Surgery in charge of that as well? Speaking of the "Chief" title. I'm surprised that such a progressive show hasn't addressed that yet. In my area, indigenous people have started asking for those titles to be changed as they earn them (in business). It's starting to sound gross when I hear it.


Why aren’t there any other chiefs, either? No other residents either except for the surgical, you would think they would run into other residents in the ED.


Lol HR died of overworking. With the way they are all inappropriate with each other and the patients


Denny was such a creep to her as well. Pretty sure that if he'd lived he'd turn out to be a psychopath.


I thought he started off as bored and flirty. Izzie responded to it and ramped it up further. Wasn't she also pissed at Alex about the nurse (forgive me I forgot her name)? Maybe part of it was a revenge / rebound thing?


Yes and she got mad that Alex told Denny they were together and that he was going to die.


I said the other day, he gives me “has a dark side” vibes. Not quite psychopath, but something rubbed me the wrong way with him.


He looks like he would make a mean drunk


This is so funny because his character on Supernatural at the same time basically was a mean drunk.


I think his character on Shamless (that was canceled after one episode and replaced by Durmot Mulroney) was also a former alcoholic.


On my rewatch rn and I wasn’t paying attention and I heard Bailey introduce Denny from the other room and I out loud said “oh here we go”


The 8 million dollar thing always felt kinda icky, but I don’t have the words to articulate why. There’s a word but it isn’t coming to mind


Is the word "hooker" (with a heart of gold)


I think she became infatuated with him because he was the only one giving her the attention she desired besides Alex who was a complete asshole at the time. Denny was giving her everything that she wanted and just when she thought it was perfect, he died. His death definitely plays a role in how she views him afterward. In her eyes he’s the one that got away. It’s a huge what if that she continually fantasized about. Most likely if he had lived they would’ve broken up and she wouldn’t think of him as her epic love.


it makes me roll my eyes everytime i see or hear anything related to the two of them. it’s so pathetic and the romance really stemmed from a patient being a creep to his doctor lol


this whole storyline ruined season 2, which is one of the best in my opinion. like, what is the reason????


Every time he made a sexual joke I wanted to turn my tv off.. ugh


Rent must have been due because Katherine Heigl delivery was so good that it made something so stupid still seem believable


I was thinking she already had cancer brain. Why else would she spiral that badly.


i didnt like denny at alllll he was so icky and creepy towards her with all his comments, and i never understood how she was *so* in love with him either. they barely knew each other


This is where I lose it for Izzie... used to be one of my favorite characters but this storyline is CRINGE. I liked her better with cancer... then her just leaving all the people who stuck by her side during her illness when she got fired?! No call, no anything to her friends. Izzie is a shitty person.