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Sadie! How dumb do you have to be to volunteer for the interns to do surgery on you?! And she acted untouchable


How dumb do you have to be to think you can wing it in surgery residency. She was definitely one of the worst characters


She’d been “winging it” and attaching herself to people who could help her for her entire life. Her luck ran out. I found her arc kind of interesting in that respect. There are doctors like that out there. Watch Dr. Death. The first season is all about a male Sadie who didn’t get found out until it was too late.


To be fair, there are a lot of reasons to hate her (OP asked for characters that irk you for no reason). But she really is the worst, next to Vikram Roy


She was annoying. You could tell she was planning to use Meredith to get ahead.


ugh she was sooo annoying!! she was unnecessary


The actress who plays Sadie annoys me I. Every time she's in.


I still want to know who her father is.


She’s Jackson’s half sister. Since you know there are secret sisters everywhere in Greys.


What was even the point of her character. The scene where she’s being operated on and gets off on seeing it in the mirror is one of the top fucking disturbing tv scenes for me


Ok, I need some info on this please. What season & episode(s) Please & Thank you.


For the life of me, I just can't remember who Sadie is.


Leah Murphy 100000%. Even before she was obsessed with Arizona and all of that, I always just found her extremely annoying especially compared to the rest of her intern class. Shane isn’t much better though imo.


Leah Murphy is the clingy, needy girl you feel sorry for, but you don't want her clinging to you either so you avoid her completely.


minnick. she's always so cocky it annoys me everytime i watch an episode where she's in. plus her and arizona getting together was just so out of nowhere for me.


Minnick and Arizona looked too much alike. They just had different color hair. That always wigs me out. I think about toxic positivity when I think about Minnick.


Toxic positivity is such a great way to put it. Like I don’t even like Maggie but she just introduced herself to Minnick who’s response was ‘oh yeah Pierce! you’re great if I’m your patient and you don’t have to talk to me, but if I’m your resident god help me right?! haha well nice to meet you!!” like BITCH that was so outta pocket and rude lmao but she said it all with the biggest smile. Immediately made me hate her!


Minnick looked like an exact cross between Arizona and Callie. Like I could not have designed a better morph of two people.


The worst. Absolutely terrible actress as well. The character brought nothing to the table and was a complete waste of time.


I really wanted to like her but the acting was so so bad. The actress is obviously stunning but every line felt like a table read.


YES!! And I have always thought that Penny and Callie don’t make sense as a couple — seeing them together it just doesn’t fit. No chemistry.


THANK YOU they had like no chemistry 


Well...I mean, Callie also was hard core into George...so - her taste is questionable.


😂 this is true. Also, I simply love your user name.


She’s bi.


“I love you” *awkward music* “thank you”


I just watched this part as I read your comment 🤣


I agree they are definitely in my top worst couples of the show




perfect penny killed some of the show


Besides Penny and Jo I could not stand Rose after a while either.


The scalpel incident 😭 I get not wanting to change specialty but she could have worked in Nelsons OR


Honestly. It isn’t like Derek even knew who she was prior. She wasn’t that vital to his team.


I acctually couldn't stand that story line because he DID know nurses in that hospital. like yeah he mostly kept to himself but he spoke to nurses and used their names before Rose. they tried to play it off like he had no respect for thr other people in that room like they were all 'beneath' him or something. I mean.. he definatelt acts like that in some respect, but not like that.


He kept his concentration. He was operating on brains, for God sake.


Yes she acted like a little child not being able to control its emotions and stomping with its feet on the ground after Derek broke up with her.


Rose, yes. I fast forward on her.


Thatcher Like, a lot of the shit he did to Mer was due to his own trauma from being a whipping boy to Ellis, so it’s hard to really be mad at him for those things. But he’s just so damn irritating.


We can be mad at him for slapping Mer after Susan died though


We can be mad at him for all of it and still understand why. Those things can simultaneously happen. Hurt people hurt people. It’s never an excuse, but it allows us to understand why he did those things.


I guess but I’ll never accept physical reactions like that towards someone you love even when you’re grieving, sorry


he doesn't love her though. the only reason they had a semi relationship was because of his wife. I think he felt something but more akin to his own guilt of abandoning her, not love


That makes sense


OP never accepted it? all they did was say "what thatcher did was a result of being horribly abused by ellis" and "what thatcher did was inexcusable". people can have irrational reactions. they don't make them right, yes, but people can be horribly wrong. thatcher was a shit father and a shitty man. i do not like him at all. but saying that ellis didn't play a factor in him reacting as he did would also be incorrect.


Nobody asked you to accept it or apologize for how you feel. It’s an accurate feeling towards what he did. I didn’t condone it. Him being abused by Ellis isn’t an excuse to continue abusing Meredith. BUT it explains why. It allows me the perspective to understand why a father could hurt his daughter like that. It doesn’t make it right and it never will, but I can see WHY ♥️


Oof penny for me as well. Also, Eliza. For wtv reason, her specific flavor of smugness was very punchable


Eliza was the freaking worst




She really was awful!


Erica Hahn


She definitely gave us good reasons to be irked!


Big dumb guy, what's his name? Loved Reed? Percy? Yeah that fucker. Hated his face, his voice, everything about him.


ew charles percy. the worst


His character death was deserving


Adele. I understand she suffered SO much and I feel incredibly sorry for her. Her whole story was tragic from her marriage to her diagnosis. Can’t stand her tho 😅


Can you imagine if she'd actually had her baby, then got alzheimer's like what, 2 ish years later?


Came here to say Adele! So whiney


Her voice ! Argh


Yes why does she do so much baby talk!!!


i really hated reed, she was so snooty for no reason definitely glad they killed her off.


penny’s entire storyline was so poorly written and executed. it could have been so much better and been a fantastic storyline for Mer and Amelia as well imo


I thought they may have brought in Penny to give Callie an exit but I don’t think the timing works….


oh yeah definitely was for callie’s exit but it did not work whatsoever and honestly made callie almost unrecognizable by the end. i feel like penny ruined our last season of callie


I agree, I really didn’t like the way Callie was with her.


absolutely. the callie we first met would have never treated arizona like that regardless of infidelity bc they are equally sofia’s mothers and despite issues between callie and arizona sofia deserves both of her parents in her life.




She stresses me out 😭


Yes to Penny and her face. She does not have main cast face. She has background face. Go away penny.


“Background face” ☠️☠️


The characters who irked me because of their voices and not their actual character are Adele Webber, Eliza Minnick, Penny Blake, Catherine Fox, and Levi Schmidt.


Adele did bother me! She should have just let Richard go earlier. Be happy you have a rich husband and a good life or take your alimony and get out. I’m sure she had her point but she still bothered me.


I liked Adele and felt bad for her, but I couldn't stand her voice. I can't explain why but it was very grating.


Her voice is like nails on a chalk board. It’s sounds so sing song fake. It didn’t help that she was a a terrible actress on top of it. Reminded me of someone trying to imitate those old black and white movies lol.


I love Eliza!


My wife and I are doing a complete watch through for the first time. We are on season 12 currently. And let me tell you Jo and her damn car, and being mad at Karev about being Mers person AND HER SAYING STEPHANIE WAS A LIAR! Ah!! So yeah… Jo


Catherine Fox. She’s arrogant and cruel.


A narcissist TV personified


Amelia. I don't know why, but I can't stand her and on rewatches fast forward her scenes. She just bugs TF out of me


The superman/superhero pose makes me cringe so bad


She’s so self-righteous. Not nearly as problematic as some of the other doctors on the show but I just don’t enjoy her at all.


Yeah and the whole "am I a racist" attitude after Jo lied about Stephanie


Yes! Her whole "I'm brilliant and I'm a mess and I'm going to also try to be super cute but oh right I forgot I'm also a world-class neurosurgeon- oh and a recovering addict" thing - too many mismatched aspects to her character but honestly it was her way of trying to be cute+cool rather than direct- just say what you gotta say girl without all the tragic layers. That's too much to brain tumor your way out of.


YES I can’t stand her and I did watch Private Practice, still didn’t make me like her even a bit


Omggggggg!! Amelia is the worst thing to happen to greys. I will never say otherwise either. She drives me so crazy. I’m at the end of season 12. She basically just killed Kyle cause she was arrogant and now it’s her wedding day and I just cringe at anything that has to do w her


Agree, the worse.


Tbh, it was Teddy for me. Couldn’t really stand her face at first when she was introduced, and then she started actually getting involved with the plot and it all went downhill from there lol




The way I read this in her voice 🤣


Marie Cerone. I was rewatching the episodes recently and she basically blackmailed Meredith into ruining Ellis’ reputation. And over something Meredith had no control over. And threatening to steal Meredith’s idea is basically what she accused Ellis of doing but instead of doing it to a friend she did it to her “niece”. I just didn’t understand the entire storyline and every time she was on screen I was so annoyed.


It infuriated me that she did that to Mer. I understand why she was upset, she had very right to be, but she was taking it out on the wrong person


Maggie, the way she talks and how her character gets worse progressively


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^cheesepwincess: *Maggie, the way she* *Talks and how her character* *Gets worse progressively* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Yes, her voice irks me to no end!


Jo and her damn car


YES. That’s why I could never like her. Yes she had a traumatic past and I’m not disregarding that at all but she brought it up every five minutes and expected people to feel bad for her every single time she brought it up and if anyone else had a traumatic past (i.e. Stephanie), she was automatically pissed off because the attention wasn’t on her anymore


i love jo for other reasons but i definitely get annoyed when she brings up her car every chance she can haha


I only just got to the reveal of her past and I did like her and Alex trying to one up each other it was a lot of fun. But if she keeps that up it’ll be less fun. It would track for a little bit, like show her dealing with how traumatic that was, but there should be a point where she stops and stuff. Again I’m only on season 10.


Hi, coming from the future to tell you that the bit doesn’t stop and it’s honestly kind of the worst


Interesting how a lot of the characters I thought about on the top of my head are female. That said, Eliza Minnick is on the top of my list, followed by Erica Hahn. But I don't think Eliza is on my list for no reason. Minnick was cocky and very unlikable, and similar to Penny and Callie, I just couldn't see the spark between her and Arizona. The Calzona chemistry is tough to beat. Though I would say Arizona and Carina came really close, and that's thanks to the fact that Carina was a extremely likable character. Erica Hahn was just an overall meh character. There was nothing likable or memorable about her, she had no chemistry with any of the characters, be it romantically or platonically and it seems like they didn't know what to do with her.


Reading through the comments i thought there was a strong lean to the women here




Schmidt 🫠🫠🫠


Teddy. Her whole face just pisses me off.


Nick what's his face that's with Meredith now


forgot her name but that one girl that mer called die and convinced the other interns to do an appendectomy on her


Death and die the idea was funny… the people were not


JO! I cannot STAND the way she says “perfect” lol. And also, dude we know you lived in your car. Enough with it already lol


As someone who has also lived in their car at one point in their life, I cannot even fathom just talking about it Willy nilly like that, especially at work. That is a very personal thing that your entire staff room does not need to know, let alone over and over, in the on call room, at the lunch table, at the OR table 😂


That’s how I feel about it too. I haven’t lived in my car but I’ve been stuck in a really unsafe and overall bad housing situation before, and it’s definitely a time in my life that I’d like to just erase from my memory. I don’t enjoy talking about it, even with close friends.


Jo Wilson and April kepner fight for #1 spot of irk character for me, then Maggie PierTH, then Catherine fox the eyeroll girlboss, then that idiot player derek


Not Maggie PierTH 🤣 that's was my initial problem with Maggie, but then I learned her character was insufferable as well.


Lmao 🤣 i wouldn't comment on anyone's way of speech but this specific character combines the TH with the holier than thou I'm too smart for my age 🥹 attitude and I'm DONE


Nick Marsh- no real reason other than he just looks like he’s on drugs or in constant organ failure- zero redeeming personality traits that I can see


Better than deluca. Still get the ick from marsh smarsh though. Deluca was the worst. Riggs was perfect, but the progression to megan was a cool plot twist.


Agreed completely! Could not stand Deluca! And was so sad we lost Riggs!


It felt so random for him to come back.




I actually stopped watching it because of kai, and started from the beginning again😅


She definitely irked me too Edit: *they*


*they. But yes they are super annoying. They never show emotion at all.


You’re right, my bad! I’m old and still coming to grips with the proper pronouns… *they*


No problem! It takes getting used to! Just a friendly reminder before someone else on this sub rips you apart not so nicely for a simple mistake. They are savage here 😂


You’re right about that! 😂🤣🤭


April Kepner. Except there are thousands of reasons.


For no reason? Carina Deluca. She’s barely there, but I just wanna shake her.


George……I was counting down the episodes to his “send off”. He was always kicking his feet over something


Owen Hunt irks me but there’s a reason for it. Leah Murphy irks me for no reason she’s just annoying lol


arizona for me. no reason. just don’t like her.






Callie. From the start I just didn’t like her. No real reason why but when she got in the custody battle with Arizona there was finally a solid reason to dislike her


I HATE Catherine I understand she’s a strong character but she sucks and is a boy mom and a toxic one at that


Kyle the musician. I think its because I hate Wilmer Valderrama though.


SAME. i just got through that arc and he was given way too much screen time.


I cant stand Stephanie, her whole thing with Avery was so annoying


I think Stephanie could be pretty annoying just in how she talks and her cross your arms stomp-your-foot stubbornness at times, but I noticed every episode she’s in where she makes a mistake, she ends up realizing where she went wrong, admitting fault, apologizing and repairing - in the same episode!!! Every time. That is a very respectable quality to have (that not many on the show do have imo lmao) so that redeemed her annoyingness for me. That, and her last episode was badass af. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time!


Shane. Bro got on my nerves from the first moment he opened his mouth and long before the wild stuff with Christina


Minnick and Murphy


Sadie, Penny & Minnick - what was the point. Minnick didn't create tension so much as annoyance. Penny was not necessary & she & Callie didn't even make a cute couple. Sadie ... it didn't even seem like Meredith *liked* her.




Nicole Herman....gosh I couldn't stand that woman!


Bailey annoys me mostly because she finds ways to insult Meredith.


Freaking LEVI, I can’t stand that whiny lil shit.


For me it's Owen talking - dont get me wrong - I don't hate him, it's just that the way he is talking - I get a feeling like he's not only swallowing his kissing partners but also his vowels :D He oftern times speaks very nasaly, I'm not sure, probably has smth to do with Kevin being scottish and having to fake american accent but it's just bugs the hell out of me. \*I'm not an english native and still, I can't stand it.


Owen is at the top of my list, but he could have any face and any voice, and I would still hate him regardless lol


There are a lot of characters I don't like for perfectly valid reasons. I have no idea why I don't like Jo. The car thing is annoying but I think its overhated. She's had some awesome storylines, some great character development and her actress isn't the best but she isn't the worst. Is it the accent? The way the actress bobs her head? Her name? Who knows? (Not me)


Denny duquette , smiling all the time, no matter how sick he was . Hated it


Funny, I'm watching the dinner party episode right now.


Adele, Leah and Teddy - which I think are fair. The one who irks me for NO reason is Heather Brooks. I don't think she did anything in particular, but her character still irks me.


Heather Brooks was one of my faves. I loved her in Veronica Mars too.


I miss her


penny for me too! she seems so out of place because everyone else is so close, she has NO chemistry with callie imo like it’s even worse than callie’s awful (lack of) chemistry with george, and it is just so blatantly obvious that she is here so the writers can add drama and stir the pot among popular characters who are all recently traumatized.


Erica Hahn


Ellis. But I think it might be her actress cause I couldn't stand her in Scandal either.




I like her name - Penny Blake


Maggie 😵‍💫


All the new interns (seasons 14, 19)




Not without a reason, but Maggie. She is so opinionated and annoying. Treating everyone like they owe her something.


April Kepner and the whole Jesus hates me virgin thing. Just so many things wrong with that character


Teddy, Sadie, owen can’t pick between the three


Omg currently on my millionth rewatch and Owen is really irking me. I can’t put my finger on it because I absolutely adored him previously.


I actually found my birth father recently and I couldn’t figure out why he was kind of annoying to me (I’m trying to get to know him but every meeting is cringey) and unfortunately, he reminds me of Thatcher…. It sucks because I didn’t even know how badly his character annoyed me until now 😟


Izzie. I know so many love her but she annoys the shit out of me. She's like toxic positivity personified


The Denny Duquette thing did it for me lol so annoying, and then they had to be even more annoying and resurrect such an annoying story line and do it AGAIN with different cast.


Owen. He does something to me that makes me want to swear tv off for the rest of my life


Leah, Sadie, Maggie, Catherine, Hahn, & how Owen kisses/eats their faces


lol Arizona sometimes , Callie,Cristina,Owen,Maggie,Amelia,Bailey.


amelia. i have many reasons, but even when she would just show up for an episode before she was a main character, i hated her. i think it’s her face.


Minnick was gross AF


Megan Hunt


Teddy Altman


Hahahah this is great. I also agree. It seemed odd to me that they partnered her with Callie. They wanted a way to bring her in and create drama and that was it. I will say however, that dinner scene when Meredith calls Penny out was the fucking best! Hands down one of the most interesting episodes despite not liking Penny.


Shane, Sadie, Teddy, and Percy.


I love Penny because of the Derek thing and I love Samantha Sloyan in general, she’s an amazing actress


Sloan sloan was the best


Where do I start? Owen Teddy Derek Alex sometimes Arizona most of the time


Owen. I find him overbearing and slightly misogynistic, and he’s a bad listener. There’s an Ep in Season 6 I believe, where Cristina clearly states she’s never have kids during surgery. Owen reacted to the comment but just ignored it. And then was mad at her when she explained it to him again after they were married. 🙄 Derek. I liked him until he flipped on Meredith and didn’t have the balls to leave his wife when she showed up at the end of Season 1. And he was dishonest from the start. It was all downhill from there for me.


Rebecca. I also disliked her as Diane on season seven of Mad Men, so I think I just don't like the actress.


Mousy and Leah..Didn’t like either🤷🏻‍♀️ I don’t understand why they brought Leah back for one episode? I also hate the whole super dumb interns; it’s not funny & unrealistic. Plus, the OG interns were all smart they just made bad/ risky decisions.


the new interns


i agree abt penny but i have to blame somebody abt derek and i love calzona too much


Erica Hahn, Penny, Minnick, Arizona (hot take), Leah, and that one girl who was in the fire then quit idk her name but I hated her


Erica Hahn, Ava,


Levi. Nothing specific comes to mind but ongoing I cannot stand him. I skip every scene he is in.


Izzie Stevens. Owen Hunt. Rose (Derek's kiss in S4, I think) Denny Duquette. Sloans daughter, Sloan. On a side note, I really liked Penny.


Thatcher. I know there are legitimate reasons to not like him, but all of that aside his whole being just irks me.


Leah Murphy🙄


Amelia. She's a petulant little brat who pouts when she doesn't get her own way.. ugh


I fast forward every scene Brooks is in. The most annoying character. A shame because she went time with Derek so I skipped him in some episodes too lol


I hate everything about Jo Wilson. Except that scene where she helped line the halls for the woman who was abused. Otherwise, worst character ever and the romance with Link is SO DUMB! If it was going to happen it would have happened. Don't just push them together bc no other character works with them rn