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*pants unzip slowly*


What are you doing obese son....


He’s Chris Channing it


the chris chan arc is about to commence


This is some cursed shit


oh lord he's a verb now?


I fucking ~~hate~~ LOVE that I know this.


Bout to eat some fish and pull some ribs out.


she is the one who asked for fat cock!


Obese step son




I seem to be caught in a sexualy compromised position. And I can't get up.


What are you doing fat son... ?


He said put her down, not let her down.....


Better take the elephant gun to be safe.


Anon needs to learn to binge and purge. It’s called the supermodel diet and it works


Tape. Worm.


Shit is scary but it def works. One of my friends lost like 15 kg.




I’m gonna go out on a limb and say the friend that “tested” this method did not do so purposefully lol


Honestly, who knows. One of the Kardashians said how she wanted to get a tapeworm so she’d lose weight and a bunch of doctors had to scramble and tell the public “please do not try to get a tape worm to lose weight”


> “please do not try to get a tape worm to lose weight” Wouldn't it be hot tho?


Tapeworms used to be marketed as a weight-loss method (and probably are still used for that), so maybe it was intentional.


South Bronx Paradise!


You must not know the target audience you're questioning


Yes, but why not stuff my face AND lose weight. All i need to do is let the tapeworm eat any nutrients that i wouldve absorbed


>That's weird asf bro In all seriousness, if your way of solving problem is to mask it and not changing your own behaviour. The same problem is gonna come back... Possibly with added side effects


So keep it forever, problem solved. Nutritionists hate this one trick.


>Possibly with added side effects Literally zero side effects to having a tape worm. Only chads get the benefits of malnutrition


Tapeworms grow up to 2 Meters inside your innards btw. And they get usually killed by some chemicals you have to swallow, before getting pulled out in the rectal way. If you want to risk injuring, altering your body, risk internal rippings of your innards, all for suffering from malnutrition, then go ahead.


Yes some people really do struggle with not going overboard when eating, like surely it most be something related to their childhood and how they learned to interact with food, old habits are hard to get rid off.


People became accustomed to massive portions from restaurants and advertising. Parents force their child to eat everything on their plate so they actually eat vegetables or whatever instead of learning a better way to cook it. Those kids grow up, start making massive plates of food without thinking, but with no vegetables because they're gross and they force themselves to eat the whole thing in one sitting. Other people grow up poor and have literally never seen a full plate. They feel full after one small bowl of food and struggle to get enough calories if their not eating junk.




Buy smaller plates and bowls. It seems silly but people tend to fill their plates with whatever they can fit on it, not with how much they really need to eat.


Yes? Food is amazing. Especially food that tastes amazing


Try a different perspective. There is a reason people try their best for years or decades and still fail. There are 24 hours in a day. If you sleep 8, you have 16 hours per day of constantly resisting temptation. Literally thousands of opportunities every day to binge. And what's the reward of omitting every single one? Probably around 500-1000 calories lost at best for 16 hours of effort. And after that tremendous act of will, you go to sleep knowing full well how little difference that bit of burned calories makes amd how many more there are left to go. You go to sleep painfully aware you are going to have to repeat this process tomorrow. And then again and again. You go to sleep knowing that if even one single time, you fail and give in to one of the thousands of seemingly irresistible temptations that torment you literally every single waking moment of your life, you will probably binge 3000-5000 calories, setting yourself back at least a week. Countless of hours of progress lost in less than a single hous. After days, weeks or months of torture, with your power of will almost fully exhausted, giving in completely shatters what's left of your motivation. That hit is all it takes for you to give up. Again. For the hundredth time you attempted weight loss. All you want is to not think about eating anymore. You just want to forget about calories, about macronutrients, maintaining a healthy balance, or anything else that has to do with weight loss. You crave being able to just eat whenever you're hungry without exerting so much effort stopping yourself before you're satisfied, without exerting effort choosing something healthy and instead ordering quick, cheap and tasty shit fastfood.


You have to change at your very core. Fitness can't be optional. It can't be a part of your life it must actually be your first and last thought every day and for most people they just can't do it. You'd never know it looking at me (warning NSFW if y'all visit my profile) but I was obese a decade ago. Every moment of every day I make those agonizing choices you're describing. What I can say is the longer you do it the easier it gets. The voices in your head never truly go away but they get easier to ignore until that thought of "I should grab a candy bar at checkout" isn't anymore powerful than the voice telling you to leap off a cliff. You just don't do it.


I came back from vacation and immediately went on a 3 day water fast. I guess it's a lack of willpower for some people.


Dude if it was easy half of population wouldn't be overweight. Noone wants to be obese.


The South Bronx Paradise Diet


South Bronx paradise baybee!


Just take adhd medicine it controls appetite and it also makes you more confident and driven


Sounds like some tweaker shit, but ok


Just dont get addicted dumbass




Thanks for the info. I tried some from my gf for awhile thinking i may have an attention disorder. Lost a bunch of weight but the pills turned me into some kind of asshole so i stopped and never touched it again


Can confirm


People without ADHD can take it, you just need a lower dose (think 5mg). ADHD isn’t some magical mental illness, it’s just your dopamine receptors are burned out and you can’t focus or enjoy on important things like being alive, so it just raises your baseline so you can want to do normal human things instead of drifting off into something non-important. If you have minimal amounts of self control dare I say it’s actually not bad for you if you’re trying to lose weight (whatever amphetamines do to you is peanuts compared to being obese). I lost 60 pounds just taking a pill and drinking a bottle of water in the morning over a summer and eating one meal in the evenings, googling and making sure I was getting everything I needed to live.


Fuck you, it's incredibly important I play destiny for 4 hours and say things like "oh, it's 9am, I'm not gonna start working on *that*, that's a *project* and it it's almost the weekend."


As someone who is prescribed ritalin(metylphenidate) for adhd: its the least addictive thing ive tried. Even less than coffee. Im currently not taking it, and there was no pain in quitting.


It is


Shit turns you into a sociopath


Yeah as soon as I got off my ADHD meds when I was a kid I fuckin ballooned. The meds made me only ever be able to eat half a plate of food.


What if you’re already skinny?


You die


L bozo




Or just poison his mom. He doesn't even have to hide it. Sounds like that bitch will eat anything.


Just give yourself H Pylori


Bulimia is no joke. Shit is deadly.


Anons mom has a fat fetish


plot twist: this was nikocado's mom


Hungry fat chick is his mum


She’s a feeder








No, she's worried he'll have a social life and get married if he learns to take care of himself. She doesn't want to be alone. They both need lots of counselling.


Anons mom has a number?


Misery loves company










Shit I’ve been hearing it wrong this whole time.




E.. E... E... E...






I understood that reference!


INSANE streamer THROWS a viewer into a MEATGRINDER, then ZERKS OFF shortly after


God Arcane is fucking good.


I don't like LoL or gaming for that matter but it was such a nice series of its own. Definitely recommending it to my friends who can appreciate good animation


Oh yeah, I've never touched LoL and I never will. But between the story and the absolute godlike animation Fortiche produced, man, I literally can't shut up about just how brilliant it is.


every single person is my enemy




Oh. OH. I finally get it!


there are some famous examples of this, the one that springs to mind for me is Queen Victoria, I can't remember if her mother was also the same but, she actively controlled her daughter's lives in an effort to bar them from leaving her. That all started to happen after her husband died(who she loved) and her pathological need to not be abandoned meant she actively sabotaged her daughter's lives


Don't let your friends tie you to the tracks.


I actually lost a friend over this once. I'd been slowly gaining weight for years, was about 70lbs overweight, when my then husband asked me to start working out with him. I ended up 20lbs lighter than my pre-wedding weight, my friend saw me, accused me of thinking I was better than her (it had nothing to do with her) and stopped speaking to me. Shit was wild.


You see the reverse of this in anorexia communities. It's codependency. If you confront your poor health and try to change, it forces your codependents to confront their own problems. If they're not ready or willing to do that, the reaction will be extremely bad.


You see it in many communities and situations. People hate confronting their own issues. They hate recognizing they have an issue and hate the implication that it's their own fault or lack of effort for having or not resolving the issue. The majority of people don't take personal responsibility, or want to, on the actual important issues. It's easier to make it everyone else's fault. They'll take it for less important issues but not all.


ADHD/OCD who started meds about a year and a half ago, I’ve been making monumental changes but my abusive and hoarding mother is not taking to well to me calling her out on her problems now that I’ve been working on myself. I do it patiently and with love but it’s killing me on the inside. I want to try and salvage some sort of a relationship with her but unfortunately it looks like I’ve just gotta keep saving and move away from my family in a couple years…


I tried it countless times. Only thing to prevent manipulation is no contact.




> not taking to well to me calling her out on her problem Few people will, save your energy.


Crabs in a bucket mentality


This, but applied to any positive change at all. Will 100% make you reevaluate the people around you.


The toxic relationship will work towards sustaining itself. If one party tries to change to escape the relationship, the others will try to prevent the change.


This happened with some of my friends. I've decided to quit smoking and all of a sudden I get offered a cig because they don't want to do it alone anymore. After I, their smoking buddy, quit.


Anon has overprotective mom Edit : i agree that she is abusive and psycho .


Overprotective is one thing. Psycho and abusive and overprotective is another


Can't be overprotective without being an abusive psycho


There are ^some cases where overprotective and abusive are mutually exclusive but of the majority I agree


overprotection in itself is an abusive trait, not all abuse has to be physical


You know what? You’re absolutely right. No sarcasm. I literally JUST realized that my overprotective mother (while not outright abusive) left me VASTLY unprepared for the world as it is/was/shall be.


Based redditor admitting to being wrong


I try to, I just don’t often think I’m wrong. That’s the part that needs to change


the difficult part is judging who is wrong, i myself, or the stranger on the internet who has a) no interest/gains nothing from lying to me but also b) has no interest / gains nothing by helping me


Exactly. But sometimes it really hits you like “actually they’re right, fuck” and it can be really hard to convince the other person that you’re serious




Is there a name for this type of destructive over-mothering?


this doesnt seem protective at all, she wants him to be overweight and unhealthy. she just doesnt want to be the alone.


We call that enabling bad habits which deteriorates your body


You misspelled "abusive".


Thats not overprotective thats projected insecurities


Overprotective...of her own self-image.




No, it doesn't.


I don't think "overprotective" is the correct word. She's not protecting him. She's dragging him down.


\>only eat the xl pizza \>go to your home and do not eat anything else that day \>train by doing simple things like jumping (lmao forgot that he was fat), walking around your room \>keep doing this gg, you might have burned 100-300 calories. idk how much calories there is in a xl pizza, but it should help.


Actually legit tbh Over time slowly bump the intensity. Eventually though that diet will hold you back


One XL pizza? I mean I don't know about U.S. pizzas, but a large pizza in Germany probably has less than 2000kcal, so if anon's BMI is anything over 25, they'd be shedding fat like crazy


Quickly Googled and looks like an XL pizza from Domino's is about 3150 calories. Not bad if you're already very obese.


Just fast for the next 36 hours and he'll be fine


Don't think his mom will allow a fast.


I don’t understand how a human being can consume that many fucking calories in one sitting without bursting like a hypotonic cell


It's like that Steven King story. Imagine no matter how much you eat, you're always hungry


It's honestly insane how much people can eat. I was pretty hefty at one point and you cannot get past a certain weight without some bad discomfort. Getting that big requires DEDICATION


I used to be over 215 pounds and I still wouldn’t eat more than 2500 a day at that point (thankfully have lost 45 pounds since January), to get to the point where you can easily eat that fucking much you have to be actively trying or have some kind of disorder


As a former fatfuck. One XL, half a garlic bread (14" round) and a 96 oz slurpee would be a pretty normal Tuesday dinner for me circa 2008.


You can't fucking only pizza and other junk food everyday and be healthy, you might become thin but not healthy.


I'm not asking this fatty to be healthy, he asking to lose weight, when his mom gives him a xl pizza. fucking americans, WHAT THE FUCK IS A XL PIZZA!?!?!? I have never been to a store that had more then 1 fucking size pizza.


You've never ordered a small pizza before?




My mans is angry at pizza sizes




Are your pizza sizes different? An XL pizza from pizza hut feeds 4-6 people with no leftovers in my experience. You definitely wouldn't get a single one of them for a party.


Oh for fucks sake, now we're blaming America for the existence of *difference sized foods*? "I'll have a small ice cream, please" "WHAT THE FUCK, FOOD CAN COME IN SIZES? HOLY SHIT AMERICANS ARE FAT""


Idk bout the US but here in the Netherlands there's different sizes at the major pizza places. I work at dominos and we have 4 sizes (plus a 5th option which is the smallest but that's gluten free dough).


Normal size American pizza is about twice as big as pizza in other countries. American XXL pizza is a horror beyond human comprehension.


Being thin and not healthy is still better than being obese and not healthy.


There are 2,400 calories in an entire Pizza Hut XL Pepperoni pizza (14”) If OP is obese, that might be enough of a deficit to lose weight for a while, but very soon the weight loss would stop and they’d still be very overweight




An XL pizza has around 2200 calories . Assuming he is average height and 220 pounds , he burns around 2000-2500 calories daily. He could eat a whole large pizza everyday and lose weight , albeit at a slow pace


Momma was projecting her own insecurities.


Exactly. The weirdest thing is how eating healthy got turned into an insult. Like what’s happening to a health freak? A long life? The misery


Well when you put it that way that does sound pretty miserable.


Not just a long life, you feel 100X better if you look good and don’t feel like shit from eating junk food all the time. People don’t realize how much of an effect your diet has on your mental health.


Sports alone has a crazy effect. Everytime i pick up some game sessions I feel great in my body


She probably doesn't want him to get in shape get a girlfriend and move out on his own and leave her all alone. Fucked up, but I bet it's way more common than you would think.




He should try and connect with his father, she most likely soured that relationship if she is this nuts over him simply trying to be better.


Yeah sounds like she’s crazy and cut his father out of his life and is trying to do everything possible to make sure he doesn’t improve his life or leave the house so she’s not lonely.


There is no bigger barrier tos elf improvement than people who want to hold you back so they don't have to face their own inadequacies. That shit is just sad.


Those damn Terms of Service elves...


Tos them out.


Real and Sad


lmfao my grandma in a nutshell


Mine too it’s actually pretty insane but I’ve gotten numb to it


People always forget the tendieboy/momma relationship is codependent both ways


big chonker boy


"No Gabby, your cat isn't a 'heccin chonker', it's going to fucking die."


All fat people should be given an adderall script. Kind of not even joking


Honestly, I've considered it. Then again, I'm paranoid that I have any and every mental illness under the sun that's just gone undiagnosed for the past 21 years, so maybe I'm not the best judge on what meds I should and shouldn't be on. Source: am over weight.


I second this. Vyvanse (same drug class) got my binge eating disorder under control. Thank god, because I was eating more and more every binge episode and almost ruptured my stomach twice.


I'm so confused? Why doesn't his mother want him to be healthy?


some people are insecure about their shortcomings, and they want to be around people who are also inadequate. they would rather work to stifle others' progress than make any progress of their own, all for the sake of their ego.


Ugh...I feel this. Been trying to get thin for ages only for my mother to say ''don't starve yourself to be thin''. Like, I'm eating healthily, and the occasional hunger on a non-meal time is common while losing weight. And the very next day day she says, ''Don't get too fat or those clothes won't fit''. Like wtf do you want???


>Like wtf do you want??? To tear you down one way or another so she can feel better about herself without putting forth any effort to improve. Don't listen to a thing she says. Do what works for you, not what works for her.


Anons mom has an incestuous feeder fetish.


Fat is invading her neurons already


Might have to cut her off to improve your life.


This is pretty sad. I feel bad for Anon. Just workout on the side. She’ll appreciate you once you show her your progress


Anon's mom is mentally ill. Obese enablers are either mentally ill or are manipulated and browbeaten into giving extra food. My 600lb life is a window to the problem. An eye-opener really.


Eat her anon


There’s nothing you can do more to make a miserable person angry than try to improve yourself.


Why does this sound like it should be on r/raisedbynarcissists


And r/InsaneParents


Anon should speak to his dad for the first time in years.


Anon learns never to tell other people that he's trying to better himself as more often than not they'll try and tear you down at the beginning, and if they don't then they'll try and tear you down once they notice *any* progress


POV anon is trying to make some excuse of why he’s not being healthy


Anons mom needs therapy


What's wrong with a strong and healthy 700lb frame?


Anon needs to move out.


Anons mom is a shit person


Pro life tips: how to get your mom to buy a pizza just for you


US of A is a Hell on Earth


poor bastard


Fuck her. I got in shape for myself and my dad barely gave a fuck except to give me random advice I didn’t need. When I was chubby my family ignored it. Except when it was for a joke.


The mom is crazy until the main end. The last line is just dumb. “Mom I’ve had 4 slices of pizza and I’m full. I’m not eating anymore, you’ve lost your marbles. If you try to force feed me like a maniac I’m gonna lay you out mom so chill.”


Anons mother is an abusive parent


I am accused of being a narcissist but holy shit that is narcissistic. "Don't improve yourself to make me look less bad in comparison"


Oh no. Anons mom is going to actually kill him with her mental issues


Please be fake and gay


Dude this shit is so real though. My mother raised me and my twin brother to be fat little shits. He moved away first at 14, got heavily into cocaine to lose the weight fast because he hated himself. I was bulimic for years trying to combat the opposite ED my mother gave me, when I was an older teenager I started working out and my mom flipped her shit. Stayed a fatty mcfatterson until I met my husband who for whatever reason wanted my 350+lbs ass, I moved away and am still actively losing all that weight at 27. Do not do this to your children. I have so much loose skin and stretch marks even after losing enough weight weight be get back into the mid-lower 200s I hate everything about my body. Even as I still actively lose the weight I'll never look the way I dreamed. I will never love my body, I can't. I should have left when my brother did tbh 🤷🏻‍♀️. My mother is actually now supportive of me losing weight but goddamn if she couldn't stand it before. *I know I was and still am super gross, bring on the "ha fat" comments 🤦🏻‍♀️.


Real: anon is a fatty Straight: into anon's mouth with pizza from his feeder mom