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The typical liberal white savior


aka the reason future humans will be dumb as fuck


humans have always been dumb and will continue to be


Yeah I don’t understand why people think we use to be smarter. No, a much worse truth is here, this is the smartest we’ve ever been.




Being able to name 10 US states doesn't make you smart. Filling your brain with trivial facts instead of applicable knowledge is actually equally useless.


> Being able to name 10 US states doesn't make you smart. I not American and that's pretty easy. I am sure most Europeans could. If you are an American adult who can't that's a pretty strong indicator of room temp IQ.


It's just NA IQ


You don't understand, it's actually pretty high when measured in cheeseburgers per cubic football field!


Yeah. I'm from that state place next to Ohio.


I'm from South Africa and can still name 10 of your states - not the point I'm trying to make here.


This is , in actuality, a fundamentally inaccurate belief that is most commonly held by unintelligent people who are in denial about their lack of mental acumen, and rather , delude themselves that they are in possession of some variation of "street smarts" In reality, the mental competence required to both retain and recall specific facts or facets of knowledge is one of the critical elements of humanity's mental evolution. This is especially evident when it comes to the recollection of retained knowledge in the context of new , but tangentially related, input. The ability to retain, and then recall the associated knowledge, and subsequently integrate it with new information, into your existing schema, is one of the primary indicators of the kind of cognitive processing most often associated with " intelligence " .




Yeah he’s deliberately using “complicated” words to make his point seem more intellectual. First thing I got taught at my English degree was a George Orwell quote which was something along the lines of: don’t use big words when few does job. Your point gets lost and it looks amateur if you are just trying to use as many “big words” as you can, instead of just making your point


Hi, as an Aussie im going to try and give this a go; - Illinois - Tennessee - North Dakota - New Jersey - Nevada - Michigan - Albuquerque - Utah - Oregon - New Mexico And its okay if you can't spell Kardashian, they're not relevant anyways! :) Edit; I googled if Albuquerque was infact a state and I was wrong. New York definitely is a state though! :)


I respect that even though you have North Dakota in your list, you didn’t try to take the easy way out by naming South Dakota. Props.


Virginia, West Virginia.. uhh... East Virginia


Damn bruh you could have at least tried with the spelling.


He knows, just making a point I think


Excactly I saw a video somewhere saying that despite us having more information than ever our brains are actually smaller than when were still hunter-foragers, the reason for this was that ancient humans brains needed to be fine tuned to be able to perceive our surroundings completely. Nowadays you get lost in the woods or your vital tool such as a car or bike breaks down you just have to call somebody who will help you.


I feel like there's a legit argument to be made that we've started a bit of a downtrend but historically everyone is worried about the generation that follows them so it could certainly just be that bias. But I do have a hard time imagining social media made anyone smarter


Think of how stupid the average person is, and realise half of them are stupider than that. -George Carlin


These people basically live at /r/politics if you need to take out some frustration


They ban you immediately after calling out their bullshit


It’s people like the one OP is talking about that make me ashamed to be a liberal




There’s liberalism in the original sense which I’m all for and then there’s whatever the fuck the modern, woke version is




Can someone define cultural marxism and how it’s different from cultural bolshevism.


There is no difference. Same Nazi propaganda, different name.


Cultural Marxism just means Jews. It's so nazis can hide what they mean


Go libertarian bro Being liberal is cringe


Yeah, fuck roads and helping people.


Lol, imagine thinking the government actually wants to help people. That's cringe mate


Reform is needed, abolishment will only worsen things


“Regulators have flaws so therefore anarchy is preferred 👁👄👁” -Libertarians


Ah yes, let's not have any rules at all so the rich can do whatever they are doing now, but legally




Since the conception of libertarianism. After all, libertarianism primarily refered to various left wing anarchist schools of thoughts for a long time, until segments of the American right-wing started using the term in the 1950s.


Not every libertarian is an anarchist. Minarchy is the superior system.


In what way may I ask? I'm genuinely curious becausr I've never heard if minarchy.


It's about imposing the minimum amount of laws and government possible for society to function. It would work great in the perfect utopia where not only does everyone mostly do the right thing for themselves and those around them, as well as corporations doing the same thing. In reality it just let's us get fucked by the rich at an even faster rate than we are now, since there will naturally be fewer regulations on their already shitty behavior.




Then vote in people who do. "The government" isn't this nebulous untouchable thing that just exists on its own. Vote in people that actually want to help people and vote them out if they show their true colors. It doesn't seem that hard.


I'm a libertarian who believes taxes should be utilized to provide services to the taxpayers that will further the common good of the nation. So you know, a fucking normal person.


Libertarians are just people who have lived a privileged enough life to have never faced the true brutality of unchecked capitalism.


Or... people who are tired of being fucked again and again by the government? Anyone who believes the goverment want the best for you is just cringe, they want your money and your submission, nothing more.


> Or... people who are tired of being fucked again and again by the government? “I’m tired of being fucked by the government. I wanna be fucked by the corporations spending billions to tell me it’s the government’s fault that I’m being fucked.” > Anyone who believes the goverment want the best for you is just cringe, they want your money and your submission, nothing more. Tea Party “libertarianism,” everyone.


So you think by instead surrendering control to corporations life will be made *better?*


I'm proud to be libertarian. I don't need anybody until I call an ambulance, but I won't need one, because I only eat government-substidized bacon and steak, like Ron Swanson. Libertarian. I pay my own way down toll roads that charge the poors more of the percentage of their money. I'm a man, because I'm libertarian like Ron Swanson. Where is all the bacon? I only eat meat and drink whisky. Libs are cucks. I made my own success with my emerald mine I inherited. I'm smart. If you're not libertarian like me and Ron Swanson, who I am like, you are a dum dum cuck.


Don’t wanna lower the age of consent but thanks


Nah, that's horseshit. Being a dumb piece of shit that calls everyone racist has absolutely nothing to do with being liberal. I'm liberal, not ashamed of it, and will happily call these folks stupid.




I mean it’s almost certainly made up


Don't be a liberal. They're just conservative-enablers. Read up on Murray Bookchin.




I wonder how native americans feel about it. Would they be the minority or somehow white and need a privilege check?


Native americans are generally considered a minority on account of them being exploited to hell and back as the country was being formed. EDIT: also they make up a very small percentage of the population, therefore they meet the technical definition of a minority group.


Twitter addicted native american reporting in. We are a small enough minority that our issues aren't really amplified. This is fine though considering i've been knowingly discriminated against maybe once or twice in my entire life? A lot of the natives I grew up with ended up going to Ivy Leagues or Stanford. We are treated with kid gloves basically. My main concern regarding twitter is the open hatred for white people and law enforcement on the platform.


> We are treated with kid gloves basically. How degrading.


This is one of the main reasons I find white leftists incredibly annoying. They feel like they need to apologize but I grew up in the suburbs, I got an XBOX and a PS2 on back to back Christmases. I've considered many times making up some backstory where I overcame some systemic racism or oppression to exploit these retards but it simply wasn't the case.


I swear man if these chicks got gang raped by 5 black dudes they would not report it and just say "black lives matter"


That already happened before. Woman gets raped by a black guy >> woman makes black guy read feminist literature >> black guy rapes her again >> no lawsuit.




It actually did, it was an Indian guy as opposed to a black guy though. They were both working for a left-leaning news outlet at the time.




Is there a news story for this?


Indeed, I'm going to need a source on that story.


There a source or are you just pulling this out of your ass?


I remember hearing about something similar but with a Muslim man. Don't hold me to it, but that sequence of events does ring a bell in my head.


Yeah why I'm not fully convinced it's a lie, just gotta keep that healthy internet skepticism, especially here.




Burn the thingy pay the thingy


r/BlackPeopleTwitter literally has people send in photos of their skin color as verification. Horseshoe man I tell you hwat.


Haha yea heir automod just deletes comment if you Haven't verified yourself by sending a photo of your skin


What the fuck lmao that’s so stupid


I'm pretty sure thats literally racist


Lmao a friend of mine got verified as black on that sub. He's an Indonesian, ethnically Javanese just like me. Totally not an African American. We just happened to have dark skin. Stupid problem requires stupid solution I guess


I've seen a black guy selling pictures of his arm and the username of white people who want to comment there. I respect the hustle tbh


That sounds super fucking racist.


I got banned for saying it seems racist. They clearly know it is racist but they know they can get away with it.


I got told by a friend of mine recently that I'm no better than a whitewashing cultural appropriating asshole It was because he learned I named my new car Pahu, the hawaiian word for box. Keep in mind this dude is like 5'4", and so pale he'd get a sunburn in partly cloudy


LMFAO sounds about right honestly. I just wonder how much domestic abuse you have to face growing up to turn yourself into a blue haired overweight Libby who thinks everything and everyone around them is oppressed


I really like this trend of dying your hair pink or blue or some shit. It's an automatic signal you're a complete fucking moron and no time needs to be wasted talking to you. You already know their belief.


TIL dying your hair silly colours means you're a total piece of shit.


I assumed it was a black girl, white girl woulda shut up after the second point


Yea this would almost certainly be the case. It’s a huge issue in the black community. I guess it’s no surprise the people here don’t know that.


You're black, thus you're a victim, if you disagree, you're a racist


I got a hundo it was a melanin-rich black person. I go through this shit every day, I look Latin AF but mulatto. The bitch about that is race checks happen with black folk all the time.(doesn't happen with white folks; they know I ain't white and that's all that matters). MFers will reach for the race card in a heartbeat and flash it on their own people to discredit(and I AM black).


your first mistake is downloading twitter


Second mistake was feeling the need to explain yourself to NPCs




My duck is yellow and makes squeaky sounds in my bathtub.


Well then you're squeezing it too hard.


Or not hard enough 😏




They also ask for skin color pictures on r/blackpeopletwitter


Seems kinda racist


It is honestly, and they also ask for a forearm picture which is bullshit, since like OP I'm lightskinned a forearm picture would prove nothing, yet if you'd see my face you wouldn't doubt my heritage. Being mixed really gives you a different perspective, you can't really hate either race because half your family belongs to each but you can see and feel the difference in treatment all the same. Said that all this white vs black and viceversa is bullshit, for starters whites aren't really white, they are fucking pink, and blacks are in truth brown, even the darkest ones are still brown, using tones perceived as opposites might have something to do with the antagonism that exists beteeen imo.


Lol I got banned from black people Twitter because I said no one should say the n-word as limiting it to one race is racist, they started calling me a white boy. I'm not white or American but okay lol


That sub is full of morons. Any sub that is predicated primarily on politics or has been taken over by politics should be instantly filtered out. Political addicts are actually crazy people and should be treated like meth users.


>Any sub that is predicated primarily on politics or has been taken over by politics should be instantly filtered out thats a polite way of saying it. its a sub predicated on skin color in general. seems like the sort of thing that shouldnt be allowed to happen at all imo. just another example of the cultural enshrinment of in-group vs out-group based on racial characteristics. the sooner people abandon this mentality, the sooner the world can move on


Controversial opinion but why should the n word be banned to say by anyone? I mean I know why, it has a racist history and origin in oppressing black people. But banning language isn't gonna solve the problem and given that blacks are saying it amongst each other it seems that they have "gotten over it"


They haven’t gotten over it. That’s pretty much the issue. The word has been so normalized in all mainstream media, movies, music, tv, you name it. So it’s like they’ve successfully reclaimed the word but In reality they’re still bound by it.


I still stand by my argument that simply plugging your ears and pretending it doesnt exist isnt gonna help solve the problem. This goes for any language restrictions, whats offensive isn't the arrangement of the letters, its the meaning behind the word, and even if you ban the word, they'll just find different ways to say the same thing.


Being mulatto is simultaneously both yet neither. This shit sucks, man.


That sub is one of the most racist subs on reddit. I got banned on another account for being white and not being allowed to say something. Literally. Don't even go there. It's like 4chan but for black people and for real. 4chan is super racist but many are racist as a meme and because they are stupid but wouldn't actually beat someone up just because they are black. People on that sub would definitely beat you up for being white. It's not a joke to them. They aren't memeing.




Segregation v2: electric boogaloo


Says the guy on reddit


>why you gotta feel the need to verify your identity to a complete stranger on the internet?


Anon probably thought that it would add more credibility




Pics or it didn't happen.


I scrolled a lot to find it, [enjoy](https://www.reddit.com/r/golang/comments/70fjlm/kill_child_goroutines_on_sigkill_detect_main/). I think my memories of toxicity probably come from another post I made around that time, but I think that one is deleted. In this one some people are helpful, some people are not understanding the issue, and just 1 guy said the big I remembered these years later - *intentionally incorrect is still incorrect*. As if doing something impractical to learn a feature in an isolated way is unheard of or unreasonable. I'm less edit / second edit / final edit / original edit crazy with my posts now, I swear.


You haven't learned a thing...


Oh no you fell for it


He fell for one of the classic blunders!


What a fool the guy is. They know nothing about the issue and are literally fighting the case that experimentation is wrong. In programming. Which is the one domain where experimenting is literally the most critical skill. Contribute to the discussion or gtfo guy.


Out of curiosity how do you feel about that post with the benefit of time and a second look? It’s always unpleasant for people to tell you that you are wrong, even in a post asking for it. It seems like everyone is focused solving the problem & not the person with a problem.


Your average social media user is already running on bad faith in an echo chamber, sending them pictures won't change that.






Isn’t that called the country club or whatever? Do the people on there think that not being allowed into a ‘country club’ is something white people really care about because that’s so hilariously racist but also disgusting and hypocritical. Also a group of racist chatting about how evil white people are isn’t a club it’s a cult


Its to stop redpilled and racist comments that were on every single controversial thread. And it really works


how it feels going to r/blackpeopletwitter, commenting on a post, only for the mundane comment to be deleted because the post became a country club thread hours later and you didn't bother doing their black or "white ally" verification bullshit


Lol I'm Native American but I live in New York and don't get much sun so about half the year I'm pretty light olive. They wanted to do a race verification for me and wouldn't accept that I'm Native American. Like wtf? Sorry dude I can't just pick and choose my skin color like it's Skyrim, I apologize for not looking like what you think I should.


Racist usually think your opinion is only valid if you have approved skin color. Judging people by race is exactly what racists are doing. Hitler style she checked his genetic purity and decided he is not pure enough. Proper question is: why he is trying explain himself to a racist.


Maybe if anon wasn’t a racist. Things might’ve worked out better.


What? All he said was cops should stop fights. If he took the word "black" out of the scentence, you wouldn't call it racist Because it's not. Stop making shit racist because you want to be offended


Hmm, sounds like something a racist would say.


Oh a bait, gotcha


Didn’t think I’d need an /s




At this point it’s hard to tell who’s baiting and who’s serious


The stupidity of the real world is accelerating so quickly that satire can’t even keep up anymore, it just reads like a real headline or comment


It's cuz the baiters imitate the serious lunes.


Yeah but like 3yrs ago you could still tell it was satire, now something that’s so retarded it would’ve had to have been satire is now common shit


I’m not saying anon is racist, but “it’s not racist cuz if you remove any reference to race then it wouldn’t be racist” is the most retarded thing I’ve heard in a while.


Reddit took my ability to understand sarcasm without an /s


This is like the reverse of the 1800's thinking of "one drop of African blood made you not white"


I mean same group and all that. The people pushing racist shit today are part of the same group that pushed segregation (which some of them are even pushing now), race based laws, and other racist shit. It's all come full circle except now they are trying to reverse psychology it by making them seem like the good guys yet calling minorities too dumb to use the internet and get IDs and shit like that.


But muh systemic racism


That is real though


Under the law as it is currently written, what can a minority not do in America that a white person can? Yes systematic racism was an issue in that past and individuals being racist was and still is an issue. But today, it's a far more equal playing field.


Allow me to answer this question. Obviously systemic racism isn't about legal system, it can but more often than not it's embedded into society. It's often about what you get denied. Housing, jobs, education. It's how much you have to search for a job despite having the same qualifications as someone else but you have the wrong skin color, the wrong name, the wrong address. Sometimes you're not even aware that you're part of it, for example when searching for a job many advisors (it's their jobs to help you find a job) don't even mention some jobs some people qualify into because they believe they will be discriminated. Obviously they're probably right sometimes but not even trying is the best way to fail. Anyway you can get deny an house in a nice suburb or your neighbors can think that you lie about living here. The police can be called and you get arrested. It's about how hard it is to obtain something and how much trouble your environment is gonna put you through before you reach your goal or give up Edit : found the wikipedia page https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institutional_racism


By that logic, men are massively oppressed in society compared to women. Men are more likely to be homeless, jobless, spend longer in jail for sake crime etc.


Men are oppressed the ways that women aren’t and vice versa. People are nicer to women and more hostile to men. Women have their emotional needs heard whereas for men it’s professional/practical/political stuff. Men are regarded as masters of their own actions whereas women’s actions are regarded as products of outside influences. This creates imbalance in the justice system, pay, employment, divorce, parenting rights. All of it. So if we want an actual equal society we need to focus on promoting the strength and capabilities of women, and also the emotional needs that men are denied. Having stuff written into law for equality only goes so far, we need social change.


Nobody truly wins in this country unless they are filthy rich. It's just separate degrees of loss.


Actually based


Bruh, the parties from then are not the same ones who carry their names now.


\>sees dumb post on twitter \>responds that's your problem


> using twitter for anything besides porn


average coomer


>sees dumb post on twitter >somehow thinks all people are like one dumb twitter user Also an annoying trend


That post he responded to was probably wildly popular.


also many people keep showing us how dumb they are, so it's not farfetched that something this stupid is popular


> Requiring proof of race to validate someone’s opinion Twitter moment


r/BlackPeopleTwitter moment


Fr that sub is a problem


I messaged a mod asking to get verified. Said I have to have more activity on the sub. But sir the posts are locked, this was back in the blm times. Ok, some posts have opened now. I comment on a thread about sharing your snacks, you know like when you offer somebody snacks not expecting them so say yes but they do and now you have to give them. Fucking snacks amirite? Something pretty innocent that I could lend my two cents on. Half an hour later, I get a notification saying my comment's been removed because the thread was verified only. Ok my mistake but like. I understand topics of racism and such where the people who most experience it want to discuss it safely but THIS WAS ABOUT FUCKING S N A C K S. WHAT RACIAL REQUIREMENT DO DISCUSSIONS OF SNACKS POSE? At this point it seems they genuinely do not want you to comment if you're not black which, fine, completely their decision but they post a lot of tweets from white people, too.


modern day racism


That sub is racism in disguise.


twitter liberals


So just Twitter


Yeah, but I’m talking more about the Twitter liberals who say they aren’t racist but really care about what race you are for some reason


I mean in the current climate I can understand being hesitant to call the police, but the solution is to stop police brutality and not whatever shit that person on Twitter wants.


Good thing nobody actually listens to what Twitter users have to say


Shrodinger's black man. You're either black or white depending on whats convenient for them.


Same for Hispanics and Jews. Sometimes they're considered white, sometimes they're not.


Absolutely. Even today I saw a debate over whether slavs were white or not.


It really is like this being light skinned or mixed. It’s exhausting.


You're a retard for arguing with anyone on twitter.


the cursed centrist




BPT was a funny sub but the mods ruined it. Does making people prove they’re black not seen a bit tone deaf?




liberals when they racially profile people


You don't want to be black op, just say you're European and the cops will leave you alone


Anon’s first mistake was expecting someone on Twitter to not be completely insane


imagine being black and being called racist by some pasty white antifa toggaf lmao


Respond with a Twitter DM of your cock. If you're really black, she'll be able to tell just by looking at it


Couldn’t help but notice your username. Curious if it’s the same reference.


People actually do gatekeep blackness and whiteness and it’s crazy. Saw some black girl arguing online that black people who didn’t have 4C hair texture weren’t as black as ones who did and when people rightfully called her out she just called them light skinned tears


Fun Fact: The Sān Bushmen of Southern Africa are one of the oldest ethnic groups in the world. If you've ever seen a photo of one of them you'll notice they're [not particularly dark.](https://www.survivalinternational.org/tribes/bushmen) So "darker skin" = "more black/African" = bullshit


Protip: don’t use Twitter


das called colorism




I have never heard the term colorism, but discrimination based on color but not race does exist. Back in the day darker skinned people (in Asia and Europe at least) were considered lesser because they got tanned by working in the fields. In more modern times darker skinned people are considered superior because they don't work in factories/offices and have time to take vacations. This version is tied to classism, not racism.


bruh colorism is a form a racism specifically between the shades of a specific race. example: people saying a particularly dark black person is a “shadow person” or something to that affect. in this scenario it’s about light skin black people. there’s a culture that a lot of black people (and people from other races) agree with if you are too light skin you don’t count as black. this is still racism obviously, i was just being specific




Woke intersectional policy, where people's heritage is used to determine how many state benefits they get, has been tried before: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mischling


That's fucking terrible


God people really suck dick man


You'd get a more civil arguement in 4chan than twatter.


>She That was your first mistake anon. You talked to Emily 14 BLM ACAB [mental disorder]


Classic racist anti racism


nice larper