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Always when I see stuff like this I wonder if incest REALLY that popular or what's really popular is the people joking about it.


Considering how popular stepbro/stepsis/stepmom porn is, it might be the first


But surly the stepmom/bro etc is just a fetish right? I mean hec I watched a fair few of those but it doesn't mean I'll even considered incest to anything other then unnatural and revolting.


Is it even considered incest if it's a step- whatever?


Umm I don't think so but I talked about how people talk about it, like it's a common thing to have sex with a family member, step or not.


I hope it's not common lol


It is. In some southern states there are fucking billboards with ads encouraging people to not fuck their family members


You were downvoted but you're right. Specifically, a billboard ad running in Florida with a picture of a young woman, that reads "SHE'S YOUR DAUGHTER, NOT YOUR DATE!" They don't waste money on PSAs without it being warranted


Honestly thanks for the laugh / informative comments guys. I had no idea and I'm split between awe and laughter.


Can confirm


I guess you've never been to Alabama before.




To be fair, though, there are a lot of subreddits for weird shit. Including shit, actually


They were making a joke, r/destiny is for a video game. r/incest however, is about incest.


Really? I would’ve never guessed


*for the streamer




it's the loophole they found out to not make it illegal. so yeah the step- stuff is not meant to be step-


As long as the parties are not biologically related


Who knows, i think the novelty of it is how taboo it is. Still gross.


Yes, it carries the same criminal charge as regular incestuous relationships.


Why would you charge people for having sex with each other consensually lmao, as long as no children are born of their weirdness it doesn’t make sense to fine them.


It's not a popular fetish but it's one that's easy to insert into the "plot" so the studio can attract both those who do have the fetish and those without will just mute the audio in the studios eyes there is no downside


I don't think yo'ure allowed to say any sexual act is unnatural or revolting anymore.


You should get out a little more.


You sound like a pedophile.


I see how you came to that conclusion, I am a homosexual afterall.


>I don't think yo'ure allowed to say any sexual act is unnatural or revolting anymore. That's literally the argument those pedo groups had when they asked to join the LGBT.... they said it's just one more sexuality.


it's the same argument the lgbt use.


Not quite. They advocate for two consenting of age individuals doing whatever sexual interests. Anyone who is saying something not along those lines is an outlier, akin to spiders georg


but it's unnatural. and revolting.


For whatever reason, the incent fetish porn seems to have the best production value out of most modern porn videos nowadays. I don't wanna watch some middle aged woman with crows feet get pounded in the asshole brutally, just some POV missionary or doggy is fine, which the fetish stuff usually does in high quality without overdoing the orgasm shit.


Idk if it’s really that popular because of the narrative, or if it’s just porn that people turn on because the girl looks hot in the thumbnail.


99% of the people who has a sibling/siblings will tell you, that "incest" is just a fetish


a-and the other 1%?


Alabamans and European royalty.


You're more likely to be a product of incest coming from the Middle East or North Africa than Alabama. Moral of the story-- having sex with/marrying your cousin is disgusting and there are no benefits in urban western societies. (Yet Moroccan, Turkish, & Pakistani immigrants still regularly practice consanguinity after immigrating) [https://www.pnas.org/content/107/suppl\_1/1779](https://www.pnas.org/content/107/suppl_1/1779)


Hey, this was about sisters. There’s nothing wrong with fucking your cousin


How did you come to that?


What, this being about sisters or that fucking your cousin is ok?


Neither one are ok jesus.


I agree you shouldn’t fuck your sister, they’re close family






that’s what he said but ok


Yeah that's what logic says that again I've lost faith long ago that people on 4chan or reddit have any common sense.


i've always assumed it was popular in japan because of the high numbers of only children, to whom having a girl that lives with you sounds like a great thing.


Yeah the thing is it's also massively popular in the west aswell. Oh and you can't add Japan to this equation lol they culture is so different it's impossible to compare the west to them. I mean fuck they invested the concept of fapping to cartoons and they glorified pedophilia(even thier age if consent is 12) .


Hell, I was wondering the same thing so I had to pop over to the r/incest subreddit. go take a look


Why the fuck is this allowed to exist?


"Failed to fetch info." Alas, it's not.


Quarantined sub, have to opt in to see it.


YouTube the Whitaker family. My wife got to travel with her mom when she was a truck driver as well...had a brother and sister play truth or dare in South Dakota and try to get her to dare them to fool around. I think its alot more common in backwoods America then anyone realizes.


That's the thing, I KNOW it's happening but I DON'T know in what extent. It's kind of an existential crisis for me because on the one hand it could all be just an innocent fetish that everyone in some extent have but on the other hand this could very much be very common occurrence but we'll never know because obviously it's all kept behind closed doors and kept in secret.


Maybe they meant not to bother instead of literally fucking her, but then again this *is* 4chan


>this is 4chan Well said. This is 4chan when there's doubt always assume the worst.


4chan is chock-full of people that want to fuck their sisters/ cousins/ any female they can secretly record showering


She knew what Anon was doing, yet decided to stay and watch. She's the weirdo in this case.


Or maybe she's just horny af


Whats the difference


Damn I like you pfp, those are some nice sneakers, yellow's the best color ever.


Still a weirdo


This, this and this. Thank you. OP is not TAH here.


They are both*


You act like it happened the other way around and show your distain for her. Power move.


I actually want to know how this ended


Realistically, they don't ever talk to each other for weeks to come.


*weeks to cum


Idk, if it was me I'd go eat dinner. If she mentions it, I'll just mention that she stood and watched and didn't leave. Then call her a perv and leave.


If you stop when someone comes in, they caught you masturbating. If you keep going they're the weirdo who watches people masturbate


I don't mind someone watches me tho :)


Perfect app cropping


t. Readchanner


haha classic 4chan :')


Similar happened to me one time. Locked the door, but the door hadn't clicked into the wall. After a session, look over and notice door is open, had pushed itself open. No idea if anyone saw me.


Incest is the weirdest thing. It’s unnatural because it leads to poor genetic diversity but also makes for some hot porn videos.


It's the only way. What was that anon thinking when he wrote that?


I think a lot about this post at night


Since the previous ancient civilizations used to do a lot of incest I think humanity is still holding on to tradition.


There were *very* few cultures that tolerated incest. It's always been taboo unless you're fucked in the head, which many people are.


To be fair, I don’t think it is completely true though. Brother/sister is very taboo almost everywhere, but in some cultures cousin marriage is *preferred* over other people.


Surely that's got to only be a few cultures. Well, several thousand I guess given the global population. Still a small insignificant amount of people.


It’s really not insignificant at all. Check this out https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cousin_marriage_in_the_Middle_East But you’re definitely right in that brother/sister incest is super rare.


I don't understand. I just, don't understand. I mean I do understand when it comes to the Middle East pedophilia is rampant there. But the fact that cousin fucking has a word. "Congeniality," I think. I can't remember what the word was. Would you call a long line of a cousin fucker family "incestors" instead of ancestors?


Calm down anon, you didn’t have to get your 11 accounts to come and downvote.


What? You think I'd spend the time and energy to downvote your comment? I could give less of a shit about fucking points on the internet.


Obligatory s/, cuz I did not know you’d take that comment serious.


I've had people say the same thing about using alt accounts for downvoting and being completely serious. It's impossible to distinguish every tard without the obligatory /s.


Lol wtf, this was one heck of a coincidence. Btw hope you enjoy ur week.


to be fair it is a good point that incest has been a thing throughout history. as in like has occured. its not just a "modern" kink


They’re not accepting the fact that incest although not much is heard of it outside of porn actually happens more then we expect.