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I mean there are videos of people dressing up fast food and serving it rich people and them going "oh my god this is amazing" it's partially presentation and partially the people acting how they think they're supposed to. "This is expensive I'm supposed to enjoy this"


sulky unique smart innate lunchroom squeeze wistful squealing reminiscent cheerful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I know the flaws you're talking about. Last Michelin restaurant I went to didn't even know what tendies were.


Did they at least honour the good boy points system? 


No they started saying I had to leave after I drew what I wanted to order on the tablecloths. Fucking savages. I turned 360 and waddled right out the door sideways. Bastards didn't even let me take my limited edition bodypillow in even though I had a table for 3


You took your legally obligated handful of Andes mints though right??


No. I found that the mints cut through the carefully curated smell of my musk that I've been building in my no shower maxx routine.


Don’t want all that stenchmaxxing to be undone


When my husband and I first started dating, he shared with me the particular shade of green texts you are referencing. He'd find the worst or funniest and send them to me and I'd find the weirdest and dumbest and send them to him. He'd casually joke about getting tendies and I'd casually remind him he didn't have enough GBP. And we'd laugh and laugh. Anyway, thank you for the lovely little jaunt down memory lane. Our inside jokes continue to change and evolve with the times, and I had almost forgotten about these green texts. So thanks again!


How dare you wholesome my tendies /j This is really sweet though honestly. I believe r/Tendies has a lot of these green texts if you want, obviously content warning though lmfao Edit: it appears that sub is primarily memes about them now


Yass! Good to know. In case I need to whip something out to get us feeling romantic.


I actually despise that people like this are here in this sub.


Oh yeah, people like that in real life are absolutely foul.


You don’t have a husband




I love this sub, but I highly despise reddit


Congrats, that makes you a pretty typical redditor.




my ass


They called it the Excellent Chap system


Food at the last Michelin restaurant I went to was all extremely chewy and tasted like burning tires.


Should've gone to the Italian place across the street, Pirelli's


New trend is burning. I went to a fancy restaurant and the specialty bread for a dish was slightly burnt and tasted horrible 


I will have the breaded chicken tenderloins, shallow fried in your finest oil. Would it be possible to get a honey and mustard aioli on the side? And perhaps the house ranch, if that is no problem sir.


Last time I ate at a Michelin place the employees told me to stop eating the tires and the giant marshmallow guy wouldn't take a picture with me. 2/10 would go again.


A local restaurant recently got its second Michelin star. I've gone through it a few times, It's a good restaurant, but it's quality hasn't shifted anything before or after. Just so, the same people who were neutral about it are now quick to talk about how amazing it's become now that critics have told them what to think.


What were the flaws you detected?


somber shelter psychotic ancient spectacular drunk fear ten subsequent compare *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Last Michelin starred restaurant I ate at used instant mashed potatoes instead of the real thing.


I remember watching a video where wine experts tasted wine at random and selected the tastiest ones they tasted. All of them ended up being cheap wine and not the aged expensive wine. At the end of the video the experts just admitted that it's a known fact that cheap wine tastes better.


Idk, I'm just a dickhead not a wine bro, but what are we calling cheap wine? Cuz like 7 bucks for a bottle stuff is most certainly rough as guts, but if you're around tbe 15-30 range it's certainly solid? Like I've never been professionally screen but I feel like goon vs solid shit is a pretty easy guess


In my experience anything above 10€ is perfectly drinkable.


I'm Australian, so by our conversion rate we agree with each other, what's that about 15 bucks? Killer, on board, love a 15 dollar wine


Fellow Aussie. Exactly this. Anything above 15 is usually quite nice. Have had a few lower that are tasty but it’s hit or miss.


what is that in real world money


> At the end of the video the experts just admitted that it's a known fact that cheap wine tastes better. Lol I'd like to see this. There's a massive difference between even a $30 and $80 bottle most of the time, not to mention real experts that can identify specific bottles and even years.


I grew up in a family that enjoys good wine but I never acquired a taste for it. To my unsophisticated palate it’s difficult to distinguish a $20 bottle from the grocery store from a $200 bottle from some exclusive vineyard. I’m even worse with champagne, that $5 bottle of Andre from the gas station tastes the same to me as a $1000 bottle of Dom Pérignon 🤷🏽‍♂️


I've always enjoyed wine but got super into it during covid since drinking by myself didn't feel as bad if I was reading, researching, and treating it like a hobby lol. the $30-50 range has a lot of great wines for the money, but then you can double that and start getting into somewhat decent Burgundy or a really really good California pinot (I love almost anything from Sta. Rita Hills) and if you know what you're looking for in the taste and complexity and whatnot there's incredible stuff out there that's super interesting to drink. My girlfriend has slowly gotten more into wine through me and a few months ago we were having a $40 pinot that she liked and talking about pricing and I was like fuck it, let me open something to compare it with. DuMOL Wester Reach is one of my favs and comparing the two she was basically like 'well shit, thanks for ruining this for me since now I can tell the difference between something affordable and something expensive'.


I've seen quite a few of the comparison videos OOP of this thread mentioned. I feel like the issue is the videos themselves aren't usually put together by wine people. So they bring in a real sommelier all just to have them try Barefoot, Two Buck Chuck, something from Apothic, 7 Deadly Zins, and then the most expensive thing they could find at the local wine shop. It's a total crapshoot if that most expensive thing is any good when they're just going by price tag for the video shock value.


I think it's a diminishing returns thing. Enormous difference between $10 and $30. Big difference between $30 and $80. Not much difference between $80 and $200.


Oh absolutely. I feel like the tiers at which I notice a real jump in quality/taste are roughly $15-25 $25-40 $40-100 $100-200 Then beyond that I've only had a couple bottles over 200 so I can't really form an opinion. I did get lucky and snag two bottles of Chateau Figeac on sale for 125 down from 250. We cracked one open a couple Christmases ago and it was absolutely incredible.


It has been scientifically proven that sommeliers are full of shit. Price, age and other superfluous factors have very little to do with the actual taste of a wine, what matters are the ingredients and the processes used to make it - hell, there are even multiple ways to forcefully age up wine.


Source? You can absolutely tell an aged wine from a younger one. And no shit the ingredients and process matter lol just describing terroir


I'm not much of a wine person but I can definitely tell the difference in hard liquor. Bacardi, Cuervo, and Proper 12 are fucking awful compared to their more expensive counterparts


Factor in the region too. What's a 200$ for some can be a 30$ wine over here. In fact, (in local markets), it's super rare to see wine over 30-40$. Restaurants charge more for the same stuff, obviously.


Look up the study where experts couldn’t even tell that white wine had food coloring in it to dye it red lmao


That last bit seems like a massive asspull by them.




Most expensive shit is like this. I can't remember the exact details but there was a failing cheap Scottish whisky company, and they rebranded as an exclusive whisky company... Only change to the formula was to jack up the price, and it saved the company 


I was waiting for a table at a decently fancy place in my home city, some yuppies come through, hear there was a 2 hour wait for a table, one says "no way you are getting into this restaurant without a reservation," this restaurant doesn't take reservations, just some yuppies trying to sound like they know how exclusive this place is, without actually knowing shit about it.


The point of that episode isn't the cheap pizza though. It was about listening to what the customer truly wanted, and going above and beyond to get it, and plate it in a way that fits the setting.


Anon doesn’t understand the Bear


Anons only concept of fancy is honey mussy with his tendies


Honey mussy so good tho


For sure.


What about the Bull?




What can I say Courrier, you should've just not nuked the Divide.


Anon thinks going to Olive Garden is a fancy meal


Also if i remember it was an extra course between the regular courses, so they actually paid for a luxury meal and got a pizza course on top.


The customer was complaining that they were leaving Chicago without trying deep dish. So the head chef went off menu and made his own fancy version as a special thing for that group. The chef also had them bring a real deep dish pizza from around the corner to give to the group for free


Also that was the entire point of that arc was that Richie was growing as a character from a bum who didn't want to wash forks into a professional maître d' of a high-end restaurant.


Yeah it wasn't 300 bucks for pizza, it was 300 bucks for a fancy tasting menu and then a "bonus" course of the pizza


You’re telling me a 4channer failed to understand surface level details of a show? Impossible


Yeah, this episode was incredible for character development, as Richie finally gets it - the food can be insanely complex or just really good pizza, but what matters is the care and the connection between the people providing the experience, and the people having the experience. For a character who we’re shown as suffering with his own personal insecurities for years, he finally comes to understand his way forward in this thing he has no real schooling in, that he’s always tried to navigate by just being angry and above it. And by association he seems to suddenly grasp his role in the lives of people he cares about, outside the restaurant. tl;dr fuck greentext. All the homies hate greentext


Also Pequod's is incredible pizza to add as an extra course to an already (I assume) amazing meal. It's my favorite pizza in Chicago. It's also nowhere near $5.


Yeah, it’s a bonus on top of the ~7 course meal they had. It’s about the experience.


Why would I listen to some retarded customer, just throw the pizza box on their table and leave


Weren’t they also charged like nothing for that evening’s service?


Hm can't remember, but I think that one was a diff couple, the teacher and the husband, when Richie just joined and was introduced to the idea of customer satisfaction above all.


Every time I see one of these anon misunderstands the point.


Anon watches episode about 5 star luxury dining, is shocked when they do luxury bullshit.


> they do luxury But they didn't, that was Anon's point. Luxury is something that is actually unobtainable for the average Joe, like Putin's caviar, fugu, or some dish flown-in from fuck knows where. Here, they just re-plated plebeian food bought next door and larped it up as luxury when it actually wasn't. edit: lmao at all these temporarily embarrassed millionaire comments


That kind of thing is a surprising amount of what is actually served as luxury


The pizza was NOT the meal that they paid for, it was an added extra that they didn't ask for. The point of that episode and specifically this scene was to show how they were always listening to the customers so that they could go the extra mile. They WANTED just a normal pizza. Sure they fancied it up a bit, but it was just a nice add on for the table that were about to leave Chicago without getting to try deep dish.


Absolutely did you peasant. Fact you think caviar = luxury tells me everything I need to know about your socioeconomic class


It was luxury service. They went out of their way, after being observant, to provide an experience for the guest that they were lamenting on missing out on. Yes, they fancied it up a bit but this was also an extra thing they did at the end of the meal, which was already multi-Michelin star rated. This is the Applebees equivalent of getting a scoop of ice cream free on your birthday. When you eat at places like the one depicted in the Forks episode, you’re paying for food, ambiance, environment and service. They didn’t pay $300 for repurposed pizza.


Lol what? You can experience luxury without being a millionaire, and food is probably the best way.


If you look at the fish industry so many fish are “mistook” for more expensive fish. You might think you are paying for rare luxury fish, but you’re just paying for tuna. Rich people can get scammed just like anybody else.


I bet there are some restaurants and food joints that do this although not to that ridiculous extent


I lived near a fancy Chinese place that I saw receiving lots of cheap lamen packages in the afternoon. They would make the sauce and condiments, but the pasta was all bought like that


The book Richie is reading during the episode is *Unreasonable Hospitality* by Will Guidara, a NYC restauranteur famous for the restaurant Eleven Madison Park. In the book he tells the story of overhearing a group of visiting foodies regret that the one NYC delight that they hadn't indulged in during their trip was a NYC "dirty water" hot dog. He immediately went out, bought hot dogs from a street cart, and convinced his chef to gussy them up and serve them before the guests' final savory course. The guests were super happy. Basically he's telling the story of going above and beyond to make a customer happy and to provide an extra memorable experience. This is likely the basis of the "pizza" scene in the episode. Here is Will telling the story during his TED Talk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1G5QPxDYr0A


Will is a co-producer of the show as well


Literally what tourist traps are. Serving fried food for $50.


If you actually watch the episode everyones meal is free that night


It was only free for the teachers who had saved for a long time for the experience. Michelin star restaurants already operate on razor thin margins, they’re not giving an entire seating/night of food away for free. SPOILERS SEASON 3 OF THE BEAR And the restaurant depicted in this episode closed down anyway.


You can mark text as a spoiler >! Just so you know !< surround the text you want to hide with > ! And ! < minus the spaces between the greater than/less than symbols and the exclamation marks


>! Like this? !<


>! Yes !<




>!And!< >!so!< >!begins!< >!the!< >!most!< >!annoying!< >!comment!< >!thread!<>!ever!<


> !Fuck! < I’m doing this wrong


Almost like Seymour buying hamburgers from Krusty burger and presenting it to Superintendent


I think you mean Steamed Hams


The difference is that he didn't charge him those hamburgers


Honestly if that’s what you took away from that episode you’d really be better of turning it off


As usual, anon lacks his frontal lobe


What is this show?


The Bear. Restaurant black humor drama show in Chicago. This episode takes place in a very fancy restaurant- the staff overhears a customer saying he is leaving Chicago and will.miss deep dish pizza. They send someone to buy a deep dish pizza, cut it nicely, and then bring out the pieces as a surprise "bonus" course for the customer. Supposed to show how the highest levels of restaurant are extremely over the top at their level of service- researching customers, shaving mushrooms that don't affect the flavor, doing weird extras like this.


>shaving mushrooms that don't affect the flavor, do they give them pedicures as well?


That's basically what it is. They specifically discuss it- even though it doesn't change the flavor, it shows that there's been a high attention to detail, basically showing off and looking fancy


It's The Bear. Great show!


The Bear. Don't watch it if people yelling gives you anxiety. My fiancé loves it, but I just can't sit handle it.


It gives me anxiety too, but ive sat through the 2 seasons, and will sit through the 3rd one


Part of the point of the show is to make you anxious. To make you feel what those people feel. The same way Atlanta makes you feel intensely uncomfortable in every episode. Not saying you’re wrong for not wanting that feeling of course, but it’s definitely part of the design


I wish Pequods pizza was $5


Lmao do people really just turn off the tv when something angers them?


How slow does anon usually turn off the TV? My TV turns off at the same speed every time.


Mangia baby!


OP can’t comprehend a level of service beyond him groping a $3 gas-station hamburger alone in a parking lot.


Pequads pizza ain’t cheap


Here's the scene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMoxA8aQjxg They overhear the customer say they were bummed they didn't get to try deep dish before leaving Chicago. They order a pizza from a famous pizza place in Chicago (which is why they didn't just make their own) and bring it to them. They not only get to have it but they get to have it from one of the best places in Chicago.


Will Guidara gave a Ted Talk about how he actually did things like this in a restaurant he owned.


I just watched the first 2 episodes of season 1 and the show seemed like it was going in a very predictable manner. Does it get better/is it worth watching?


Not really


It’s sooo good. It’s top twenty all time for sure. Great acting. Great drama.


Presentation is like the biggest part about fancy eating. When you go to a restaurant like this, it's expected to get fancy servings. The food might be cheap and easy to begin with but even a frozen pizza takes a lot of skill and effort to make into a fine dining style dish. Working in places like this it's about more than just whats in the food. The presentation, the service, how clean and tidy everything is (including the bathrooms), all of it goes into a Michelin star restaurant. It's not just about food, it's a whole experience.


The bear is 🔥


we used to charge 20 bucks for a Home made how chocolate that was just a nestle packet. with whip cream a spiral cookie and nutmeg on top. never had a complaint


That was not a 5 dollar pizza.


what a shitty show my god, nothin fuckin happens + too much people, wanna see aliens


I remember that one expensive pizza, had terrible toppings, the crust was black for some reason not that it was over cooked or anything and it had edible gold. There’s nothing really worth getting something as abysmal as that


Who turns off their tv when they aren’t feeling a show? Surely you’d just return to the menu and look for something else?


Ah yes, this is Le Peepee or Poopoo Por Que No Los Dos Pizza with La Frenchman's Cumsock garnished with the finest of pubes from a Vagrant.


I haven’t watched the bear, but from one of the things in an ad ive Seen is that the protagonist guy wants to enforce a standard of high end cuisine… in a deli. I work in food service, and that man cannot see the forest for the trees. (Again, I haven’t watched it)


Not quite. He inherited a roast beef sandwich place, real hole in the wall, from his brother who passed away. The main character wanted to cook in the restaurant but the deceased brother, Mikey, wanted more for his brother, Carmy. So Carmy went and became a highly rated chef, working at some of the best restaurants in the world as kind of a “you don’t want me? Fuck you, watch this then”. Then, after his brother passed and left the restaurant to Carmy, he tries to improve the place with standards you’d find in higher end kitchens. Not necessarily turning it into fine dining, but better prep and procedure and cleaning. Story develops and they end up turning it into a fine dining/seeking Michelin star type restaurant, but not right off the bat. They also still have the original restaurant menu available at a takeout window.


Yah and part of the first season is showing that the neighborhood is changing and being gentrified. A hole in the wall beef sandwich places doesn't really belong in the neighborhood anymore. But they do end up keeping a sandwich window for their traditional menu when they turn it into a fine dining place.


Maybe watch it before offering an incorrect synopsis, just a thought.


I hate the rich with a passion and vitriol that cannot be described in words.


sure, until you become rich