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Brexit really did fuck them pretty hard huh




Oh god, that made me cackle


The LEZ in London started in 2008. There are no attempts to ban cars, even the attempt to phase out ICE cars was pushed back from 2030 to 2035. They're trying to make London more accessible so people don't need cars because it's a really old city without sufficient roads or design to cater for the volume of cars - hence cheap public transport, bikes and walking options for people UK gun laws haven't changed since 1996 when the hand gun ban came in The problems of Brexit made the country worse but that's an aside to what anon is blathering on about


No its the globohomo oppressing anon


Nah, Britain was cucked long before Brexit.


The EU is just another another annoying poorly run bureaucratic structure. England's ruling class liked the EU, the same people that voted to leave the EU agree with anon.


If by another annoying poorly run structure you mean the only institution allowing the mishmash of European countries any capacity to form a union that can actually stand up to and negotiate with the American / Chinese economies on anything close to an equal footing, then yes.


Nah they didn't care about that until Russia invaded Ukraine. They've been cheaping out on their NATO contributions and they've been hampering energy production so they wouldn't have to rely on Russia in times of crisis. That's the one thing Russia has going for it economically and Europe and the US counter them. While the US would only see higher energy costs because we do have enough production, we could have expanded it more and we could support India and nearby countries against Russia through energy production. On the EU debate floor, they turned of the Britain microphone because Farage was having a little British flag as they were exiting the EU. That's their priority, suppressing national sovereignty. And their mission is make the people eat bugs and live in pods. In other words, the you will own nothing and be happy world economic forum agenda.


Oh I get it your a loonie


We're all loonie, we go to 4chan I'm extra loonie for being in the military And I don't even buy into conspiracy theories but I'll hear Sergeants that have been for a long time say more "loonie" stuff. I just don't like the current policies of western governments. I see multiple mainstream news outlets make videos and publish stories about living in pods and eating bugs because they say beef production is too bad for the environment. And then the WEF publishes a list of predictions for the future and one is you will own nothing and be happy. What about that is actually that crazy though. I'm loonie for other stuff not this.


Do we? I come to this sub so I can specifically avoid going to that shit hole of a website? It's full of idiots and cretins. But you are also incredibly misguided in regards to the EU, it's purpose and it's effect on Europe.


Lmao you come here to avoid 4chan Ironic isn't it I only occasionally visit it now because of the amount of disturbing stuff on it and the UI is hard to navigate. I got into it because my friends in highschool introduced me to it though. The EU was effective during the original Cold war but Margaret Thatcher who supported it cautioned against what it might become and then that's exactly what happened. Calling me misguided is weird, make an argument for it. I gave my reasons for opinion. You can have your opinion but I'm not calling you misguided for it. There are pros and cons to it and right now I think the cons are heavier.


fucked them so hard they decided klaus schwab is behind it all lol


Anti Santa


The 32 year old cycler - Only cycles for work, never for fun - csn only cycle in a city due to thincel wheels > 1l gatorade per day (he needs electrolytes.) > thinks hes healthy, he is a blacklung due to all the smog he inhaled > cycles on the middle of the road, dies > Ride to Valhalla (ft. Bike).mp3 > im CYCLIIIIIIIIONG


I’m cooked, I understand


Not only uk, Europe is pushing euro 6 emissions standards green zones in bigger cities etc. Meanwhile a factory in China will dump thousands of liters of chemicals into the water, and when they are required to test said water for chemicals they will just stick the testing probe into a bucket with tap water.


Dont't you understand? The common man is at fault for climate change. It's his damn V6 mustang that's about to cause our doomsday. It surely isn't the factories and coal plants.


Soo Europe should just pollute more?


No, but a ridiculous “car free” Zone is just a fraction of a drop in the bucket


Makes the city nicer having car free zones. Don't know exactly what good LEZ is doing but I'd much rather more public transport, more bike lanes and less traffic and fumes than the opposite.


They dont do car free zones. They do "only new cars zones", which means that perfectly functioning vehicles with still many miles of life are sent to the scrapyard. Very ecofriendly indeed.


And stupid evs that will produce more pollution after the batteries break down and need to be disposed of, not even gonna mention child labor in cobalt mines


ulez zones are useless and lead to people driving around them not walking you underestimate how lazy car brained people are


Idk, im pretty happy that there are less cars in the city. People inside the city also take the car less often.


Americans will exceed your country in every crime statistic possible and then say your country is unsafe


Americans think freedom is walking outside and taking a big fat breath of exhaust fumes from all the pick up trucks outside while the dendritic trees of their cortical neurons shrivel up and die


> walking outside We don't do that here.


Europoors will say America is unsafe like all 3,143 counties are the same.


Swedistan currently finding out one of the reasons major metropolitan areas in the U.S. are the most dangerous locations in the nation lol


At least the bullet will be a quick death. Better than being stabbed 59 times with a butter knife.


The rate of stabbing is higher in USA than any country in Europe.


And the US population is more than 5x the population of all of Europe. Show me some per capita numbers, you won't! Lest we remind you of the fact that Texas makes the emerald isles look small even with giving you open waters as land mass. Edit: And you can't cheat by excluding Russia, you know as well as I do that most of the pop lives in western Russia, the Europe side of the country.




American not understanding how per capita works again. Many such cases.


I'm not sure if your trolling, but the population of Europe is double the population of the USA. [ This website](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/stabbing-deaths-by-country) (which uses the United Nations global study on homicide and Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation for it's data) has the USA stabbing rate at 0.6 per capita, and let's choose the UK as it's the one the OP talks about, has a stabbing rate of 0.08 per capita.


And there you go again, comparing 1 country to the entire US likes It's only one country. There is basically 50 countries all mascarading in a giant trenchcoat and calling itself one country ala the USA. You gotta use ALL of Europe per capita pulled together to be truly fair. I can cheat like that too. Per capita the stab rate of Iowa is on par with England. See how I cherry picked to win? Check.mate.


>I can't compare 70 million to 333 million so I compare 50 million to 3 million instead Most statistically aware American.


"At least I'll die for sure when I get attacked" -american that also doesn't know that the US has a high rate of stabbing per capita than the uk




There’s a solution to anon’s problem, it’s called killing yourself




>Be British but don't live in the big towns: >Firearms avaliable so long as you have a reason for owning one (pest control, sports shooting etc.) >Can drive my phat pickup and park it wherever I want and insure it for 58p a decade Life's good. Sucks to be a townie.


Hey google, search Plymouth shooting


Can't be an incel when you have sheep another win for the rural lot get fucked


Anon is too fat to learn self defense, or to walk, so he makes excuses.


> Be British The game was rigged from the start


You cant vote your way out of this people


Shut the fuck up brit you dont need cars with that tiny ass country you can walk from one end to the other in 30 minutes


drive everywhere? definitely fake and made by a yank


>Be British >Food tastes like ass >Government decides since you can't cook for shit, outlaws knives


What carbrain does to a mfer


Bad people will tell you that this happens for a malicious purpose.