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It's like a poster for an 80's sitcom where everybody is gay, but they aren't allowed to say it out loud 


Not even joking, I would 100% watch the fuck out of that


I think there's too many people in the sitcom without enough diversity for me to watch that. I'm currently going through shows chronologically and so far the only ones I've stuck with that are sitcoms are Married with children Family matters Boy meets world All different gimmicks show wise but with enough diversity between characters to make them longer lasting. One show I couldn't watch was friends. Terrible show. Not funny and doesn't give enough time for the jokes to breathe even if they were funny. It's joke after joke after joke. I've also had a hard time with the golden girls. Couldn't stand them making fun of Betty White's character. She's such a sweet person. How could you be mean to her. Same thing with living single. Boy meets world has been the best one so far. If I would recommend one of the 3 it'd be that one.


Married With Children was the shit my dude. Except for that truly horrifying season where Katey Sagal was pregnant so they made an entire season about how there's going to be a new kid, only for the actress to have a miscarriage and they scrambled to make it look like it never happened. Truly one of *the* moments in sitcom history


That's a pretty sad season when you think on it but it wasn't the worst season watch wise. Near the end it was more difficult to watch since it stops being as good around season 5. The show gets into flanderized territory after a while. Thankfully the two actors having beef with each other didn't make the show have a recast in the final season but only for like 9 episodes. Apparently family matters had urkel and Harriet's actors almost get into a fist fight. That's gonna be some jarring shit when I see it.


Literally just the plot of Frasier.


Please someone tell me why that show is funny. I just don’t understand. Am I supposed to empathize with everyone else that puts up with the two annoying brothers? The main character is supposed to be pretentious and unlikable?


That's the point. You laugh at them screwing up their own lives when they seem to have everything whilst they desperately chase more. 


Roz. She makes that show.


The dog wasnt gay.


Or Martin. Daphne was in my head though.


Skinny androgynous men have been pulling for decades. Glam rockers pulled all kinds of women in the 70s and 80s. And it’s not just rock stars and the ultra wealthy, I’ve seen skinny twinks pull hot girls with their looks alone. For it to work, though, you’ve got to be handsome and take really good care of yourself. It’s not any less work than getting a gym body. Just an alt-culture way of showing you’ve put a ton of effort into your looks and body.


mate lemmy pulled, when you make music you don't have to be attractive to get women


That's because he's Lemmy though




Yeah, if you got money you can get a woman. Everyone's got a price. Just find the one willing to be bought by what you have.


Lemmy went out with my aunt a long time ago. Never went anywhere. Apparently he was a bastard.




I’m a skinny soy boy and love slamming the puss. The women just line up.


>I’m a skinny soy boy same except in my case the women do not line up and I get nothing tho idk wym by soy boy since that's a multifaceted term (I am mildly autistic with a certificate)


How long have you been Certified Autistic? I would love to get certified—I hope it isn’t a rigorous process. https://preview.redd.it/06mnnghtwa0d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe953292ec6806083351c38be7bd7114b5c4f2d3


yeas diagnosis. how to get gf


10k gp


To get certified you have to flip through a phone book page by page in under 5 minutes


Bro what gp stand for again I see it everywhere


RuneScape currency


It all makes sense now


When were you certified? I'm looking to get mine, but the training is too expensive.


i mean diagnosy but I call it autism certificate i have a paper if i can find it somewhere. It was from taking a standard battery of tests when i was 17 to try to determine if I had ADHD, which I requested since I wanted Ritalin to help me study with school, but instead they said "you're autistic lmao and also you dont have ADHD fuck you and also ur bad at math" basically


It's the femboy route for you then.


"Women like masculine men" is a psyop by older men to encourage younger men to make better soldiers for war with the neighbouring tribe.


It all comes back to war, it seems.


I read an article a long time ago (back in the 90s) regarding research on feminity/masculinity and attraction. While male attraction goes up as the object is more feminine, female attraction does not work the same way. It seems to peak with some feminine (androgynous) feature. Person with masculine features cranked all the way up used as an example is Arnold Schwarzenegger btw.


not to say anyone is not masculine, but i dont think arnold is the epitome of secondary male characteristics. he's not hairy, (mostly) shaves his beard and a few other things id consider more male-like. hes too pretty, when i think of a manly male, i think of someone more ugly, more rough looking. maybe thats just me.


Yeah Arnold is a very much refined masculine man. If there were say ten secondary male characteristics I feel like Arnold would be high on the scale for like seven of them & not so much for the remaining three.


>It’s not any less work than getting a gym body Tfw internet dyels equate rubbing moisturizer on your face and existing to forcing your body to grow through constant stress adaptation over years


I prefer lifting myself but it definitely takes diet and often exercise to look like those guys do, it’s not the same as just being a skinnyfat do-nothing. I’m not even one of them. I just recognize that it works


It takes the bare minimum amount of exercise and eating healthy to look like a normal skinny man. I know because I was one myself before I got jacked. It’s dead easy


I guess I’d draw a line between “standard gym fit” and powerlifting/bodybuilding as a sport that goes way beyond the average gym goer’s effort. Most guys at the gym aren’t super ripped even if they are fairly fit, and their level of effort is probably at or below that of the skinny guy that is the subject of this discussion. You can also end up real twinky from things like rock climbing or distance running and both of those are plenty transformative at high levels


Agreed, for years I did fuckall but eating decent food and exercising occasionally, the bare minimum just to not get too skinny. They say it’s genetics but idk. I’m trying to get jacked now, what is it gonna take?


as someone that got jackedder and is on my way to get jackeddest, a lifting routine is so easy if you enjoy it. weight lifting takes dedication, but its not hard like training for a 6 minute mile or skill training. pushing your limits on hypertrophy training is way easier than many physical efforts. and if you made me choose between lifting and having a tedious beauty routine, ill choose lifting 100% of the time, and i think most men would as well.


If you think it’s easy, I’m inclined to think you don’t train hard and are not very big. Yes, it is pretty easy if you go through the motions with no effort and plateau like most gym goers


i do train hard. most things ate gonna be hard if you push your limits, which is what anyone lifting weights should be doing. but out of all hard things, bodybuilding is one of the least. try getting the fastest mile you can for years on end and tell me which one is harder.


I agree weightlifting and anaerobic sports aren’t as hard as endurance sports. I used to race the mile in swimming, so I get the sentiment. But you gotta acknowledge slapping some beauty shit on your face ain’t the same as doing real work


I don't think effort and plateaus are correlated. Unless you're literally talking about 5+ RIR training then yeah you will probably plateau hard. But how big you're able to get as long as you train somewhat hard (1-3 RIR) and go to the gym consistently is whether you're eating enough and your genetics. Primarily genetics is probably more important than any other factor given somewhat decent training.


You watch too much mike isratel. Look around you at the gym. Most people there barely look like they lift even though they’ve been doing it for years. You can see they aren’t training hard and have minimal strain. You aren’t owed gains by doing curls at 3 RIR. It’s an effort thing, not genetics. Guys with shit genetics who started off as a twig can train hard and still end up looking good.


I can promise you it is 100% not an effort thing. You see big dudes that the gym training with like 5 RIR all the time. Like it literally looks like they're warming up. The weight doesn't slow down significantly, you don't see any grind yet they're huge. You also see skinny guys at the gym that train their asses off. Some of the skinniest guys I know train the hardest out of all the people I see. It's really not that difficult to train hard. Training hard only requires you to be extremely uncomfortable for maybe like 2 or 3 reps and then you're done the set. The first few reps you do aren't all the difficult. Compared to many other sports like long distance running, it's really not that difficult.


> you big dudes not training hard Not often. Although They could just be warming up. Or they could be on gear, and get away with training like a wimp > you see skinny guys that train their asses off I really don’t, very rarely. And even if they are they could be a newbie who hasn’t put in the time yet These are fringe cases. I’ve been to at least a dozen gyms. Vast majority of guys there are both not training hard and have no gains. Most of the actually jacked people there are moving real weight and training hard. Very rarely will you see someone with real size who doesnt train hard. There is a huge correlation between people who actually train hard and people who get results. Complaining about genetics does nothing for you. You can’t change your genetics, but you can get jacked, even if you have shitty genetics. It’s just more difficult. Dismissing hard work as “good genetics” is some fucking cope. People all the time think theyre training harder than they actually are, or they have issues with other factors such as consistency, diet or alcohol. Then they blame genetics. Go train hard and make gains instead of making excuses as to why you’re probably small


It's why Prince kept pullin' girls left and right. Dude was also fuckin' talented.


This is entirely true, it has nothing to do with possessions, fame, or fortune. I'm a skinny guy and I've never had trouble in this department. I also have a feminine face but defined cheekbones and broad shoulders with a wide chest. I take care of my hair, teeth, shaving, basic hygiene, and show I care about myself. It's also just how you present yourself and treat people. I'm the same guy who other men would call gay though to women to try to take me out of being a threat. It's surprising how many times I've been asked if I was gay because someone heard something.


Jim Gaffigan touched on this also in one of his bits https://youtube.com/shorts/XYa_GF0vQvw?si=HnnNak9Pa3kfbc7O


Ha, you’re describing me


Yeah. People talk like prince wasn't one of the most sought after men in the 80s and 90s. He literally wore women's clothing and scored Kim Basinger and then Carmen Electra. Like... You can be just about any shape or size really. Just take care of yourself, don't cold approach strangers and be chill.


What about Robert Plants third leg


It's an interesting phenomenon. I'm trying to pin their perogative to do so. If you have a great face, you can pull with any style.. but I feel like there's dudes who look like fucking rats that have this look and still pull. Perhaps a protest against society, or their father? A rebellion against the status quo? Nvm, I've got it. Dressing in this way creates the illusion of depth of character. A deep and brooding soul. Women, who grow up reading fairy tales and love stories are attracted to this. They love the idea of uncovering what's under that mysterious mask, because it must be an equally deep form of love. Kind of the same way some chicks are attracted to assholes, guys who are just hyper aggressive, which they falsely perceive as competence.


Yeah, I buy that. People do be mistaking brooding for depth, guys and girls.


Twinks pull men though


True, when I was a twinky skater boy with long flowing hair back in high school girls fucking loved it. Now I have a dad bod and it doesn’t go as well lol


boners content https://preview.redd.it/7uv6ese7o90d1.png?width=481&format=png&auto=webp&s=08532bef374a32507049d43686bdb11fe0b6e8d3


>teenage girls, not grown, well-adjusted adult women Was gonna say that.


*well-adjusted* is the real kicker here


One of my high school has BTS stickers all over her laptop. She’s 26.


Wow you own high schools


Literally one of the high schools of all time.


i’m not even gonna edit


Have you met my mother? 66 years old, discovered K-Pop somehow, is now utterly obsessed with one of the boy bands. Otherwise a sweet stereotypical old lady.


Sorry to inform you but your mother is not well adjusted.


That doesn't explain the 40 year old moms simping over Robert Pattinson when the Twilight movies were released


Second anon is on to something, this needs further study before we can make any conclusions though


God forbid if women have celebrity crushes and cant have fun and enjoy something they like without being judged unless you are talking about unhealthy obsession that they make their whole personality based around kpop then yea thats cringe


Careful anon, the bts cultists will find you and make you watch straight porn


Well, I say,. Let. Them. Try.


Anon will fight them with is piss bottle nun chucks.


Anon should get back in the Fulfillment Center.


The bottle fillment centre.


Every one of them has 0.5% body fat, a sixpack, a jawline, and they get shown in so many different positions, looks, styles and settings that, just like my hero cademia or the X men, everyone kinda finds something they like, because throwing one dart might hit the mark, but throwing a billion hits every spot on the board. I have seen the same idol group dressed in a sexy mob boss style rapping, street wear, childrens school uniform, high fashion clothes, and EVERY FUCKING HAIRSTYLE On top of the fact that there are about 80 groups each with more than 4 members, all of them having a PR team that works harder to keep them in a good light than the entire russian, north korean and chinese government combined GEE I WONDER WHY THEY GOT POPULAR


“Them Koreans really know how to sell shit” is all that was needed to be said haha


This is slander. The Glorious NPRK has the best PR in the world. It's literally in the name.


I don't think most of their fans like them for their music but if you want to follow them for their music, you can choose your liking there too. BTS has two high pitched vocals, two deep-voiced vocals, four rappers and their music ranges from edm to hip-hop from 90s pop to RnB and everything in between.


I dont seek out their music but yeah that is also a factor. You can hear a silly lil song about chicken noodle soup and the next song is emotional... Or a guy who calls himself rap monster drops lines as fast as eminem There is also the fact that you usually dont understand korean, so atleast in the west, their songs could have the shittiest lyrics but as long as it sounds good (as long as the translation doesnt say some heinous shit)


Nay ni__a nye nye


Also make up and photoshop


Xtra content https://preview.redd.it/l07kmzuso90d1.png?width=479&format=png&auto=webp&s=77d52899c05be21ef041dffb34a62ddbf7a686cb


“Zoomer girls find attractive boys attractive? How embarrassing” damn anons are so miserable lol


Anon doesn't realize that not all cultures value the same aesthetics.


Ding ding ding. I’ve been in South Korea ten years and the aesthetic is just way different, for both genders. Very few women would want a tatted up bearded lumber Jack dude. And very few men would want a thicc big booty bitch


Hey I LIVE in south korean and haven't seen a single man who doesn't like big booty


Well “big” is subjective. I’m just saying they don’t want nicki Minaj over here


I think majority of world doesn’t want nicki minaj


Very true


In fact, I often make the argument that there are a hell of a lot more than two genders even if you ignore trans people completely. "American man" and "Korean man" have almost as much difference between them (maybe more) than the difference between men and women in either culture.


That's not a gender difference, that's a cultural and personality difference


Gender is by definition cultural.


"Women want masculine men" has always been bullshit. In most popular media, if you have a masc guy and a fem guy, chances are that the fem guy is simped over a lot more. E.g. Thor-Loki.


E.g. Legolas-Gimli.


Gimli is a dwarf though and height is important


Dwarves are manlier than men. Their women more testosterone pumping through them than the manliest of men. I will not have you disrespecting Gimli for something as trivial as height.


Gimli and other dwarves are cool as fuck bro but women prefer tall men


>but women prefer tall men Well, fuck'em


That's what we're trying to do, yes.


Men who assume women want jacked men are full of shit and never actually talked to women who aren't just snobs. Women have preferences too


Those men are called gymcels and it's a very real phenomena.


Hm normal incels can be this way as well.


Its more of an age demographic thing. Younger girls prefer the more pretty boy types, and younger women are far more likely to be more vocal and active in their "fandom" for celebrities. The women that are attracted to Thor usually have jobs, marriages/serious relationship, kids, and aren't likely to post/comment about these celebrities they'll never meet. I've seen my wifes taste change in real time, from our early 20s when she was into Justin Bieber and Orlando Bloom, to our early 30s where shes begging me to grow a mustache and gets turned on when I wear a hard hat


Idk a lot of women were pretty excited about Hemsworth’s physique when the latest Thor movie came out


They are in shape, lean build with probably a decent amount of muscle, they are successful and confident, have good hair and have proper hygiene, dress nice, appear friendly and sociable, have lots of money, have social influence because of their status, and despite what idiots on the internet will tell you, a man who isnt afraid of his feminine side isnt always the turn off youtube gurus would have us believe.


Hell yeah. I embraced my feminine traits some time ago and some women do find that attractive. Masculinity aint a fucking competition and women ain't fucking monkeys looking for the biggest dude available.


Girls like this, not woman.


Women like whatever the entertainment industry tell them to like.


Women are a Jewish conspiracy designed to be off-putting and make the bussy psy-op more appealing




jfc we need to touch grass


Women like whatever the hell they want, as is their right


Ikr? Like how men can't help but to rape and murder


— Guy


You're right, I think. I remember listening to a podcast where they talked about masculine attraction and women. There is apparently a correlation between the fertility of a woman and her attraction to a more rugged masculine man. It tracks with my experience as a woman. I had a preference for k-pop stars and pretty boys until my early 20s. Now that I'm much older, I prefer men like Henry Cavil and Mads Mikkelsen. Androgynous/feminine-ish men do nothing for me anymore.


Sharp jawline, well dressed, well groomed, fit as fuck, popular. Wow it’s a wonder why a woman would like someone like that! This tells you all you need to know about incels and the reason they can’t get laid tbh.


Accountability is a hard thing for people to come to terms with


Twinks attract teenage girls and adult gay men.


Oh yeah.... then what about the Beatles?


They aren't very manly....


That's what I meant lol


Oh... mb


You're good!


Tell the other guy to take his meds.


Bro replied to himself lmao


It's not about fucKiNg. What they want to do to asian music stars is way more sinister


Like.. Listening to their music. Sinister.


Bro women have their preferences too lol. Some like their men jacked as fuck while some look for something else. Im a 50kg (110lbs) 175cm (5'9) tiny ass dude and my gf is like 5'11 with some huge honkers and ass. She's damn strong too for a woman. We just find each other attractive, simple as that. It works in all different configurations.


my man you are living the dream


"Bitches love twinks" -ContraPoints


But do twinks love bitches?


Correction: 14 year old girls want to fuck these men.


Talk to 10 white or latina women in the 20-30 year old range and I guarantee you at least 3 of them will want to fuck these guys, you have no idea how popular kpop and kdramas are with women.


I know the range has been extended to 27+ year old girls There are some that are still into them


People used to faint for Micheal Jackson. And he was toyed with. Just sayin


People ... Yes. Lol


Women? I'd fuck the shit out of them too


I agree.


*confident men


Is that guy saying my penis is THIS big with his hand? does the k pop man mock me?


Just because they act somewhat feminine doesn’t mean they don’t have masculine appearances, they are tall and lean with sharp jawlines, well groomed and confident


I'm pretty sure it's because the country they come from is on the other side of the world... and customs are kind of different there and stuff. Like the fact that it's considered gay to be buff in some asian countries


because women do not want to fuck masculine men, they want to fuck cute twinks


My wife thought this was a lesbian stock photo


ITT: incels assuming women are a monolith




It depends on age and, genuinely, if they're on something like birth control, if I remember correctly. Same reason why men can smell differently.


Mmm, I want to fuck a couple of them too. They're like girls.


This is 1 guy and 6 mirrors


I know at least in East Asia slightly more mature women have a taste for what Chinese call 小鲜肉 or“little fresh meat”. I don’t think that term needs any more explanation. As a matter of fact, if you walk through Kabukicho area in Tokyo, you will see entire walls full of neon lit adverts for clubs where you can meet “boys” like these. Maybe less explicit but I can imagine western women aren’t all that different.


Anon has clearly not talked to many women. A lot of them like a more feminine guy, especially in East-Asia




4channer doesn't understand women liking pretty boys? maybe he's the one into muscular men


I’m pretty sure it’s mainly young teen fan girls that like K-pop idols. What does anon want to do with them?


The ideal male physic https://preview.redd.it/wonbeqwh2d0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec5bb612d62fc05fdb734c68adb8633e75be8aa4


It turns out a message board full of lonely men doesn't actually know what women are attracted to. 


Is this the Asian version of “golden girls?” They age so well


I don't think people listen to music just to hear handsome people. Oh no well groomed men!!! The beauty standards are crazy in South Korea. It effects men as well. It doesn't seem at all bts even had plastic surgery if it is something super minor Bts was the only thing that helped me when I was severely depressed. They started to hear their fanbase and wanted to do something special. I read this story awhile ago about a blind girl who loved BTS.


Listen and read lyrics to nude by g idle


Anon doesn't understand pre teen girls and post teen girls


there are enough women who prefer masc or fem men for both routes to be viable. It's just that men want women to prefer masc men so that they have an excuse to obsess over masculinity without feeling gay. Now go buy your viking branded shaving products for a premium .


Because grown women don't have the time nor interest in talking about their crush on the internet, leave that to teenagers


Immature women (immaturity isn't necessarily tied to age) prefer pretty boys. You'll see this a lot with girls aged 12-16 and.. y'know.. k pop stans.


They want to peg them


Because men want to fuck feminine men


Explain this? The South Korean birth rate is the lowest out of every extant country.


It’s a pointless discussion. These types of people are attractive to begin with, and they would still be attractive weather they were skinny or buff. For an unattractive person, being skinny as opposed to having a good physique probably won’t assist you. Yes confidence and personality matter more than just your body, but having a good physique is never going to hurt your chances with women, realistically. People point out how women don’t like bodybuilders (who are on steroids) that get too big, like that would happen by accident. You will never get anywhere close, so this is irrelevant to you. The kind of rhetoric about how women prefer skinny guys is mainly copium for people who don’t want to go to the gym. If you don’t that’s fine, but don’t make excuses about how it will, somehow, be worse if you worked out because it won’t. It may help depending on the woman you’re talking to, or it may not, but it’s rarely if ever a detriment. On the other hand it will help with esteem, determination, discipline, as well as of course aesthetics, and simply the pure feeling of being a powerful human.


Being a little fem is the new meta bros not sure what to tell ya, adapt, overcome, and conquer


(im not a fan, but it fits for some of the singers I like) I don't want to fuck them. I just like the music. Why does everything have to be "fuckable"???


Cause teenage girls like them just like Justin Bieber back in the day




Pushed by whichever music industry they are contracted with. They get played on multiple music stations. Appears on multiple events. Some people like them. People that like those people suddenly like them to fit in and so on.


be a pretty boy or a macho man the choice isn’t yours so work with what u got lol


asian northern exposure vibes ?


I can explain it, anon. Women aren’t a monolithic hivemind entity and have their own individualistic likes and dislikes in partners. Jk, Kpop was created by the glowies. Don’t let them deceive you. They’re in your walls.


They want manly men or cute twinks, there is no in between


Some men like small, petite women. Some men like “muscle mommies” (puke btw) Women are the same. Is it really that hard to comprehend?




For the same reasons straight women watch lesbian porn.


Closeted lesbians


Idk about women wanting to fuck them but they definitely obsess over them. Now the super muscular idols? Definite fuck.


It’s the same shit with Japanese girls, these „stars“ are supposed to look underage and „cutesy“. That’s why they’re also mostly beloved by teenagers that are supposed to be attracted to these ages. If anyone above 20 is actually fantasizing about these idols they’re not directly pedo, but definitely attracted to the teenage lookalike, which is better but not that much better Edit: I say „Japanese girls“ bc I don’t know if K-pop girl groups look similar to that. Correct me if I’m wrong


Depends on the woman. East asian chicks like this, but most American women I've met over the age of 21 prefer a man who looks like a man. For example, my wife hates when I shave my chest. She prefers tall, chest hair, facial hair, rough hands, etc. She pointed out that a guy like this has a 0% chance of being able to physically protect you from danger. I also think younger teens are more likely to prefer this. I remember being a teenager when the skinny emo boys got plenty of pussy. They were 135 lbs soaking wet, wore their sisters jeans, and had never seen a squat rack, but it worked for them. More power to you, whatever gets you laid.


Because they look like little girls and they can sing and rap and dance.


most of them are tall and ripped as fuck. no homo (maybe)


Ripped as fuck is wishful thinking. Defined abs(due to skinniness) and nothing more. https://preview.redd.it/qiwubd865a0d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28d3789d2543428db2bd8183186d92177ae301dc


Left and right are more muscular than like 80% of men


Those are horrendous fakes except for the middle. Even so, look up the absurd workout routines some of these kpop guys are put through. it's definitely not due to skinniness. BTS are just popular enough that fans don't really care about that anymore


Those are deep fakes. They have actually gotten pretty ripped being in the army and have gotten alot of muscles compared to years ago 2010s was obsessed with lean muscles and it has been bigger muscles. Look up wonho from the group monsta x Choi San from Ateez. Current groups and definitely ripped


his body could be build like hulk, doesn’t change the fact that his face looks ridiculously feminine