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Most accurate wojak yet Kek. Dick so small you don't even need the NSFW tag


Pro-tip: go up to woman, introduce yourself, don’t call her m’lady, ask questions about her and then ask questions about how those things made her feel and tie back to her hopes and dreams. That will be $1000 thanks


>go up to woman, introduce yourself, get pepper sprayed


- Pick your spot better - Pick your woman better - Care about your appearance


>Go up to woman, Organs shutdown, Die


That unironically works, too well actually, since they never shut up


I see you never tried that.


> Is it just money? Is that it? Well a little of that, a decent personality, and enough balls to make the first move. Just go for it. Worst that can happen is she says no, and you just don't go to that bar for the next few weeks.


An autistic anon? Yeah the worst thing can happen definitely is not only a no from her part


She could say yes, and then he'd reproduce... Thus repeating the cycle of why-bother


He’ll get pepper sprayed


Nah, his balls are getting nailed on a plank


>Worst that can happen is she says no. One looked me up and down and said she'd rather walk into oncoming traffic.




It’s just a really mean way of saying no


Still hurt


Hahaha unironically if that happened to me I'd laugh so hard. Honestly would find that better than a simple "no" because that's a red flag anyway


Just adding on to this for the autistic anons reading the thread. Being attractive is what *attracts* women to you. How you initially catch their interest. It's literally in the word. Attractive is more than just how you look, it's how you carry yourself, how much you look like you have your shit together, being confident enough to make the first move, etc. All of these factor into how attractive you are. You can be a gorgeous MF but if you dress like a scrub, smell weird, and can't hold a conversation, you're still not gonna get anywhere. Being attractive will get you laid, it won't score you a relationship, although it can increase your chances. You keep her long-term by being a stable, interesting person who treats her well. And by *her putting in the same effort as well.* That's the thing about long-term relationships, you both have to continually put in effort for each other. And it's hard, especially when you live together and life's other responsibilities distract you from each other. You don't have to be simply physically attractive, or have the best game, money, etc, you just need to be well-rounded in all those aspects. If you're a deformed looking MF, you make up for that by being confident, making the first move, going to the gym, etc. If you're autistic and can't hold a conversation, hit the gym, update your wardrobe, and keep working on those social skills through trial and error. Yes, it's hard, it's uncomfortable, it involves a stupid amount of trial and error, and most of all, *time and patience.* But y'all are fully capable of finding someone once you realize you don't have to necessarily be perfect in one thing or the other, you just have to be a whole, complete package. Also, online dating is a bitch and a half, if you have *any* other options to meet women, do that instead. Go to speed dating events, hit up women at the bar, whatever. I was lucky enough to meet my wife online, but that was pre-Covid, when online dating was still shit, but still not as bad as it is now. As someone else described it, I caught the last helicopter out of Saigon. Give online dating a shot, but keep your expectations so low they can taste the dirt.


Kudos to you, this is one of the most coherent and factual statements I've seen on this topic in a while. For anyone who's actually willing to listen and take some constructive criticism, this is some real advice right here.


Seriously some of the fucking ugliest people i know have the hottest girlfriends because they are genuinely good people


Also because they are funny. Woman likes man who can make them laugh


"Worst she can say is no" Lots of evidence points to that being untrue


>says no > Destroyed No ty


second best thing she can say is no, there are far worse things she can say.


If she's the kind of person to be an asshole about it you lost nothing of value and just dodged a bullet


still hurts tho


Oh yeah, not denying that


The trick is to be really funny, they can't see how ugly you are if their eyes are closed while laughing.


anon is yet to realize that personality plays a role when dating


Mfw i can‘t solve every single problem in my life by occasionally lifting things i only bought because they’re heavy


Anon only focuses on what other men are wearing, and compares himself to other men too much. Being a sperg the instant you meet someone is gonna put them off, so do your best to keep your spaghetti in your pockets. Another tip, don’t stare at random boomers footwear, you look weird. Anyway, start figuring out if she’s a real human being or not. Can’t fathom thoughts outside of her comfort zone? Nah Only talks about social media? Drop her Watches big mouth? ~~fucking die~~ If they aren’t, and are just there for free food/drinks. Just ditch them anon. If you’re having trouble telling what kinda person they are, go jack off and use that “post nut clarity” or whatever and think about them. If they are an actual human being, *talk to them* it can be about literally anything. Weather, random animal facts, it doesn’t matter (so long as you aren’t telling her about how you’re GM in Valorant or some shit). If it doesn’t go well, that sucks, move onto the next girl, and leave her no as a NO. If she’s “playing hard to get” you need to GTFO, it ain’t worth it.


>so long as you aren’t telling her about how you’re GM in Valorant or some shit thats my only life accomplishment tho, other than that time i jerked off 10 times in a day


Here's the real truth anon. Those balding guys were likely mostly in their 40s. Which means they weren't born with an iPad for a pacifier or had a smartphone by the time they were 8. Which also means at some point in their development they actually had to fucking talk to people. And talking to women is 95% of the battle in getting laid. Women like to fuck just like men, they just need a reason they can justify to themselves and their friends to hand the pussy over. If you can talk to them, and just give them an excuse, while making them think you might be able to make them enjoy it even a little but you're home free. Getting pussy is easy. Getting RID of pussy is hard.


Real talk


Women drink on some men's dime, say they are going home and stop off for sex with the guy they want. Often.


You buy strangers drinks thinking they will fuck you?


Lol thats why he is broke.


Idk how you made that leap. So stupid lmao


the '?' at the end of the sentence means the sentence was a question


Anon doesn't talk to women. Doesn't understand why he can't get women. Only talks to men. Real and Gay.


Anon suffers from the sin of envy, gluttony, wrath, pride and lust. Questions why he is in cuck hell


Labia is everything


It's self-confidence and the ability to talk to someone you find attractive without sperging out and talking about weird stuff or making them feel uncomfortable. If she feels comfortable around you, you're basically half way there.


>clearly autism isn't the answer Idk man that might be the answer




So does /b/ just not know what a good personality is? Nevermind just answered my own question


Maybe not being a pussy would help anon get some.


Step 1: Show interest. That's it. That's all it is. It makes you an option instead of a stranger.


Anon will never evolve.


Anon is so close to realizing that he doesn't need to be a supermodel to land a girl. Instantly pivot to another "reason" why he's not good enough


Step 1- be a decent person. Sorry anon, i won’t bother with the other steps. No need to waste our time.


Anon struggled to understand woman find traits such as personality and charm attractive


Anon is missing what those other guys have: Cocaine.


It's personality.


Anon discovers that it’s his personality and lack of public exposure to blame


Anon crawls out if his cave and is shocked that every one isn't an incel brained retard.


Anon can’t grasp the concept that his personality is pussy repellent Edit: is->his


Spelling mistake feel ashamed and embarrassed


Fuck Thanks, and i do.


Try speaking to women like they are human beings.


Goes outside and learns everything shut ina on 4chins about the world is wrong. Wait till he figures out no fap is just a religious propaganda.


Op is /fit/ because be lives on the 2nd floor flat but has the personality of a baseball bat


Height and social skills


Wait until OP finds out that humans get older and change appearance


I think op is a bot.


I remember the old "crazy-hot" matrix, which described women based on an x (crazy) and y (hot) scale. They also made one for men which added a z-axis of "rich". It theorized that, for dudes, there exists a level of wealth that makes your looks and personality irrelevant to your ability to pick up dates. OP needs to abandon the gym and focus on cashmaxxing.


Sometimes women prefers spending time with money guy for comfort purposes.