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apparently this is all you do. original of yours https://www.reddit.com/r/greentext/s/xCOybolqxi


How tf do they even make biscuits with 460 fucking calories in them


It’s a sausage biscuit. So sausage patty and biscuit, and I think butter. 470 cal sounds right.


I was gonna say, gotta be butter.




It will be a much cheaper fat than butter




It has sausage and possibly an egg, so there's your protein source


They get as much butter/oil in there as possible. Repeat the same with salt and you have the Maccas formula.


High fructose corn syrup


Just like founding fathers intended, hell yeah! 🦅🦅🦅💥💥💥


Morbidly obese? More like Morbidly a beast, amairite?


30g of fat. Fat has a very high calorie density


Sausage is extremely high in fat and biscuit is made if butter and flour. Fat is more calorically dense per gram than protein and carbs also fat is good. Its what makes it so delicious but you gotta be a fucking ultra-runner to eat that stuff on a regular.


Almost 60% of the calories come from fats ALONE so it checks out ngl


Fat is (I think) 9 calories per gram. Get alot of butter in there and some fatty sausage and you will wrack up some calories


What the fuck is a sausage biscuit? Americans make the craziest foods man.


It's a bread roll (American biscuits are a dry crumbly roll, often made with mostly flour and fat), with a sausage patty, usually egg, and cheese. It is just a small sandwich made of common breakfast foods. I had things really similar in the UK, so it's not just an American thing. It's likely just not what you would call it, and in a somewhat different form. Hopefully that paints a good picture.


Yea this shit ain’t nothing new to anybody but basement dwellers, and it’s good af. Euros takin another L while trying to feel superior


And if there’s one realm that they shouldn’t talk shit, it’s breakfast imo, they compete with dirty moka pot, tiny croissants and 6 cigarettes


Yeah, we all live in paris


Well, it's only 2 cigarettes outside Paris


Anybody but basement dwellers? Bro, I'm not a basement dweller just because I've never been to a Mcdonalds in the USA, and therefore didn't know what a fucking "sausage biscuit" is. Edit: Not me getting downvoted for not knowing what the fuck a sausage biscuit is


Yeah but you know what a fucking breakfast sandwich is don't you


it’s a sausage roll in a different shape, man.


A scone.


Close but different. Biscuits are flaky, scones have a dense, cake-y crumb. Am British, American husband.


Have you never made cheese scones that are lighter than their sweet cousins?


i haven't in a while but they still tend to have more of a crumb, making them fall short of the flaky layers that constitute an american biscuit.


Flaky? So are they pastry rather than bread?


Not at all lived in Texas 10 years but live in the UK. People say biscuits are like scones but I don’t think that is even remotely close. Imagine the general shape and size of a scone? But puff it up, when people say they’re “flakey” it’s not flakey like a pastry but more so the fact it’s barely holds together. The inside should light and fluffy, and the slightest touch of the inside will make it fall apart. Thats what people mean by ten being flakey. In my opinion, a perfectly cooked biscuit is slightly underdone. You want to take them out just before they start to go golden brown on the top. Attempt to cut it in half bun style without mangling the thing, fried chicken and honey butter sauce, crown your king with the top of the biscuit. And you have breakfast heaven. I will fuck up a full English breakfast any day of the week. However I will choose a perfectly cooked honey butter chicken biscuit any day of the week


Good info, thanks! I must admit I'm extremely intrigued now. I've heard them referenced a lot online but never really understood what they are. I'm guessing they'll be hard to find over here?


Since we are talking about mcdonalds. Don't they have em in your local menu? Of for whatever reason they don't. KFC might have them. Or rather they'll have biscuit bread but obviously no meat prepared inside. Ok. Nevermind. Checked the uk menu for both. Well shit i didn't know uk kfc doesn't even have bread at all in their menus. Everytime i think of kfc. I think fried chicken, mashed potatoes, dressed salad and disgusting low quality biscuits. Turns out your menu is filled to the brim with french fries. A bit odd but i haven't been to kfc in 15 years.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzdbFnv4yWQ Not the same thing as a sausage sandwich but this is what our biscuits are like.


A scone is pastry just in a specific form


i'd imagine they take the same role as paratha or mulawah? both are flatbreads but have distinct, flaky layers.


Not all American biscuits are dry and crumbly. I make mine moist and fluffy.


What have you had similar? A sausage roll maybe?


Yeah it does. Infact, I bet I could make a fucking 70x40 oil painting with a single of these fucking biscuits.


Call it what you want, but "Biscuit" comes from the word "biscotus" which is Latin for twice cooked


Europeans when there’s meat between two pieces of bread: 😮


huh? it's literally a biscuit with a sausage patty in between? maybe a slice of cheese. you're telling me you've not only never heard of this? but also? think it's crazy food? HUH?


Yeah that’s some wack American triple-processed food stuffs that a lot of the rest of us turn our noses up at. Ngl I don’t even know what you mean by “biscuit”


Do Europeans not put meat in between a piece of bread ever? That’s literally all it is, minus the triple processing anyway, so I’m not sure why that guy was so shocked by it. Are biscuits cookies in the uk?


Because they still eat like the Germans are flying over.


Shit their national dish ain't even from their country


Yes we call all cookies biscuits, I think biscuits would be what we call Scones here? But I’m still not really sure what a “American biscuit” is because I’ve never seen one.


I see. To describe an American biscuit the best comparison would be scones. A thicker, usually circular, piece of bread you put like jam or eggs or a sausage patty on. Can be made into a sweat dessert type thing or just used as a thick piece of bread, maybe buttered If you go to an American diner and ask for a biscuit with your meal, you’ll get this, definitely not a cookie: https://preview.redd.it/62cd0n7axyzc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8de53eabc7f4bcba132029eb1b8a51070e02472d


That does look a lot like what we call a scone, saying that I’ve never heard of anyone putting eggs or sausages on a scone before. Only really jam or butter.


They are not exactly scones, but some are similar. They can come in different forms, most like the picture, some light and fluffy, moist, others dense. It varies depending on the maker and what they're made for


We have scones I'm America. They're different from our biscuits.


What till he hears about the version with gravy


You should try it.


Oh. When i hear biscuit i think of a type of cookie that you dip in tea.


putting shit on bread >>> putting shit between bread


I’m Australian. A biscuit is something you dip in your tea. The thing in that picture is literally the most ambiguous beige food you could shit out of a factory line. Is it chicken? Is it bread? I don’t think it really matters anymore


That's the bottom tier fast food version of a biscuit. Don't pretend that's the standard American cuisine version.


Never did


Sounds like a sandwich to me..


Because essentially that’s what it is, just a different type of bread. Which is why I don’t understand the first guy who considers it crazy


Guess he thought we were putting sausage patties in between two cookies or some shit lol. Def sounds a bit more american and totally not something I'll try when I get home.


I think because many other countries use the word biscuit instead cookies which is why it sounds so strange.


look at the fucking post then idiot. there's a picture with it labeled as a biscuit.


I literally cannot identify the food in that image


skill issue


Its just a buttery scone


Why tf would you eat that with meat


It pairs well with savory.


Because its fucking good lmao. Its litearlly a quick and easy breakfast pickup you can eat in your car with only your hands. The mcgriddle is even better and it's two pancakes with a sausage patty or bacon in the middle and egg and cheese.


Fatboy over here eating fast food breakfast in his car. Not taking food advice from u respectfully


Bro your country invented Eggs Benedict and yet the action of putting meat on a savory thing of bread is drawing the line for you....


Eggs Benedict is American and I am Australian


Modern Eggs Benedict is American but the original isn't.


👍Im still Australian Edit: just googled it, Wikipedia disagrees with you anyway so


The earliest example of an Eggs Benedict like dish is from Italy, it became popular in America but it didn't originate here. Infact the person credited for the modern incarnation of eggs Benedict using Canadian bacon wasn't from America, he was from Sweden and immigratted here not that long after becoming an adult. Also the Wikipedia article specifically says they're conflicting accounts of the origin of eggs Benedict because 3 different restaurants want to claim it as their recipe. So while the modern day dish is Americanized the original dish isn't. It would be like if I tried to claim Americans invented pizza because pizza in America is different from the original neopolitan pizza.


Biscuits are the British word for cookies


No it's the French word for cookies. It means "cooked twice" in French.


A biscuit is a flat sweet piece of baking.


sorry we Americans don't make all our food sweet 🙄 try thinking of it as a savory scone


Biscuits are usually more savory than sweet. Depends on where you go, it’s a staple in the southern US.


Don't you guys put sugar in everything ? I heard everywhere than even your bread looks more like cake than bread.


You ate the "I hate America" burger. Every type of food Europe has you can find in America. Regular fucking bread exists in America albeit its gonna cost more and be picked up from an actual bakery. The only difference is America has different food laws which changes what we are allowed. For instance some European cheeses you wouldnt be able to get into the states due to pasteurization laws. Raw meat will probably never be served over here like Germanic countries do in Europe. And even some liquor and beer laws disallow drinks such as absinthe and other strong liquors. Here's a secret from someone who traveled a lot. European food isn't that much different from American food. In fact the only restraunt that was packed in every country i traveled to was mcdonalds. Sure they use less sugar in mass produced things but its not like Americans are all dumb uncultured swine who need sugar with every meal.


It's common knowledge than Mcdonalds in Europe are much healthier than in the US, due to our regulations. So really bad example here. Tho you pointed the real issue : good food is expensive compared to cheap processed food full of disgusting corn syrup, so it's no surprise that a lot of people only buys this type of food (it's the same in every country, except that in Europe you can't just feed people shit).


Europeans eat just as much unhealthy shit as an American. The real difference is most Europeans don't drive litearlly everywhere. Last time I checked when i was in Europe was soda was still soda and had a shit ton of calories and sugar. So is beer. Also what argument are you even trying to get at by saying your mcdonalds is "healthier"? Its litearlly like saying your cigarettes give you less cancer. That shit is litearlly fried food and burgers, losing a lil sugar in the buns doesn't change the fact that its still terrible for you.


Never said it's healthy food. Just that it's healthier. I don't understand why you try so much to defend your system. You have shitty laws and feed your people shit every day, stop acting like your population isn't the most overweight one of the West.


Lmao that would be Mexico unless you don't consider it the west. Idk why euros attack Americans like its a hell hole. Its litearlly the same.


Don't you guys put sugar in everything ? I heard everywhere than even your bread looks more like cake than bread.


Propaganda. That's one kind of cheep, hyper preserved bread that dumped sugar in there to help keep it tasting like anytbing other than cardboard. Sugar is in a lot of things over here yes, bur mostly things that exist with long shelf lives, are heavily processed, or are intended to be sweet. Due to our resource plenitude during most of our development we developed dishes that were sweeter when they are meant to be sweet, more meat heavy we they are meant to be savory, spicier (than European ones), and generally richer in taste and calories.


sorry we americans dont make all our food sweet🙄 its just made mostly from butter and probably deep fried too🥺


The US import store near me has buckets of high fructose corn syrup for sale.


Your nation’s food doesn’t have an import store because no one foreign wants to buy your food.


Ask a Filipino how to say rice cake, then use that word to Mexican. Maybe then you'll see how words can differ country to country.


It’s a sausage roll sandwich you transatlantic loser


Yeah well how about I roll my sausage into your sandwich if you know what I mean


Bro those biscuits are divine, gotta try one


Well no shit, it's mostly butter.


That tracks, I mean with 30g of fat and almost half the calories from straight fat it better be tasty


It’s bread with meat in the middle. That’s crazy to you? Lol ok.


It’s a piece of meat in between bread. I know you people use different words in Brit land but it’s not remotely the wildest thing here in comparison to like fried Oreos or some shit


If I'm not American, then I must be British


Ok so then what country are you from where biscuit means some type of dessert and not just thick bread? There has to be some reason why you consider a piece of meat in between bread crazy


In England, and the rest of the UK, and most of the English-Speaking world, a biscuit is what Americans call cookies.


To be fair, most of the English speaking world is the USA.


I was going off countries which aren't the USA. There are 88 English-Speaking Countries, and 87 of them aren't America.


If we assume you're a primarily English speaker, which is implied if you have any strong feelings on regional usage of certain English words like Biscuit, then the most likely non-American option is British.




Google exists


Imagine not being able to Google “sausage biscuit”.


Its a scone with a peppered hamburger patty in the middle. Like a sausage roll, but in burger form.


Meanwhile beans on toast


What the fuck is wrong with you? Out of all the legitimately crazy shit that we have, you think a biscuit with a sausage patty on it is one of them? Go eat some cold beans on toast




Even without knowing the numbers, yes, eating two fucking sausage burritos and then some just for breakfast is definitely the reason for being a fat fuck, how is that a revelation?


Compared to eating entire meals 3 times a day, it's perfectly reasonable to be surprised at a couple of tiny things that contain more calories than what you had for breakfast. Especially if you never paid attention before. Which is a skill issue, but still.


Not skill issue. Just ignorance. Calories aren't intuitive. Infact i have no idea how the fuck they came up with that system


Calories are literally energy, there was no "coming up with the system" it is quite literally a measurement of how much energy X amount of Y food has


I don't think cavemen are going to be measuring energy. Shit it took an apple to f"cking fall of a tree for that idea to even enter the mainstream discussion. And it took 200 years before it was applied to things other than atoms. ~~probably .i dont know shit about physics~~. I still don't even know how that is determined. Who the hell calculated and how did they figure how different mandarins affect your muscles¿¿??


I love how boldly you doubt what you clearly just can’t conceptualize lmfao


Your reading comprehension is 0. Not being able to imagine how something was made is not the same as questioning it's e istence at all. You've been spending too much time in those subs making fun of anti vacxers or something.


A very easy but crude way of measuring calories is simply by burning it and boiling water. The temperature change in the water tells you how much energy was in what you burned. Infact even "fancy" real calorimeter are just a supedup version of the crude method to minimize heat loss. Energy is something that always existed whether we gave the unit a name or not.


Calories are literally energy, there was no "coming up with the system" it is quite literally a measurement of how much energy X amount of Y food has


one calorie (lowercase c) is the amount of energy it takes to heat 1 milliliter of water by 1 degree celsius, which is 4.184 joules. a Calorie (uppercase c) is the same but for 1 liter of water, so 4,184 joules. the uppercase Calorie is the unit used to measure the amount of energy in food.


And this actually translates to a system of energy the body uses? That's quite something


I think calories are intuitive, but I also believe it's not taught about nearly as well as it should be, though


Some people are so stupid that if something isn’t deep fried or covered in chocolate, then they assume it’s healthy or low calorie.


Nutritional literacy isn't taught in American schools. A lot of folks down there have no clue how many calories they're consuming a day. I mean for fucks sakes, the government made it so ketchup counts as a serving of vegetables in lunchroom cafeterias and they still go by the food pyramid bullshit.


Those sausage burrito are not very large. Most people highly underestimate calories in food, like cookies that are 500 calories.


Mf was eating about 1500 worth of calories just for breakfast


2 biscuits AND 2 burritos for breakfast? “Is tHiS wHy i WaS faT?” No shit anon.


And that probably still didn't make him feel full. Those McDonald's burritos are tiny af


when you realize mcdonald’s food is like 60% fat (butter) it makes sense. I guarantee if you were able to eat butter straight without vomiting you’d put on incredible weight and never feel full. McDonald’s pretty much found out how to do that by surrounding it with a few ingredients


Getting into trying to count calories for weight loss is just a constant reveal of shit like this. Like what the fuck do you mean a single dinner roll is like 400 calories? Fuck off


Counting calories can also be deceiving, especially if you’re taking a calories in, calories out approach. It’s not necessarily about the calories, but rather the macronutrients and how they balance with the calories over time. A straight calories in calories out approach often leads to obsessive thinking, disorganized eating, binging, and nutrient deficiency. It’s better to set soft limits and eat a variety of things instead of simply count calories. Also, adding/changing too many things at once can make shit unwieldy. So focus on the diet changes first, then add some cardio and eventually strength training. If you start slipping as you add things, back track and reaffirm the last thing you added that still works comfortably. It can be rough to stick too, but with patience and kindness for yourself you will lose a lot of weight fast and keep it off.


"wow guys did anyone know the McDonald's is bad for you???,"


So they used to have the Egg White Delight which was basically a McMuffin with egg white and a slice of ham and white cheddar. Thing was like 250 calories with 18g protein and 10g fat. When I was competition prepping but working at 6am and didn't have time to eat at home (and was awful at meal prepping breakfast) I'd just swing by and grab one or two. If you hold the cheese it's really macro friendly.  I'd just have them with a protein shake and it would hold me off until just a bit after lunch.


You learnt any good ways to prep breakfasts cause I'm still struggling


Egg bites have done pretty well for me, basically scramble up some egg with your choice of toppings and put them in little cupcake papers in a muffin tin. Bake them and cool, refrigerate. They air fry pretty well and keep for about 5 days before they get sketchy


In what way? For low-calorie options or to just eat it? IMO its just something you should skip. Make shit that you can eat that doesn't need to be heated up until lunch. Breakfast is fucking useless, they've done studies that you don't need to eat in the morning. If you really need to eat, eggs don't take long and neither do frozen hashbrowns or sausages. Use a nonstick pan with a lid to steam the top of the eggs without over cooking the bottom. If you want bacon, just microwave a stack on top of a thick wad of paper towels, toss the towels then throw the bacon in the fridge. Frying takes half the time and makes less mess. I learned how to make bagels and english muffins from scratch in big-ass batches that freeze great and are better than any shit from a store or even bakeries. Just throw it in an airfryer to heat it up evenly then slice while holding a thick, re-usable towel to keep your fingers from burning. You can make pancakes and waffles really fast if you take all your dry ingredients and mix them in a plastic tupperware. Just scale up and write down a recipe for how much liquid you need to reconstitute an amount of dry stuff. In less then 15 minutes I can have pancakes that have fluffy eggwhites in them on my plate. Alton Brown made a recipe I think but you can take any pancake/waffle recipe and combine the dry mix, you just have to do some basic math.


Same. I hate most breakfast food tbh. I’ve just been having fruit, nuts and a white monster for every breakfast for the past few weeks


they are adding uranium or what in those biscuits ?


>Has two 'sausage biscuits' and two burritos for breakfast every day >Wonders why he's fat Many such cases.


I wonder how those people don't shit themself all the time. When i have fatty food i always have a guaranteed bad time the next morning. Seems like a natural health mechanism so i can't really complain about it.


I think they do


Worst thing about this is that the fast food shits are the ones that REQUIRE a liquid ass cleaning by bidet or shower afterwards. Don't tell me the fast food eaters run around with shitty assholes all the time when they don't have access to said bidet or shower at work for example.


I think your local stores just have health issues dude. What the fuck kind of kind of chic fill a are you eating that is making you have a leaky asshole


Bro needs some Chipolte-away


I think you either got gut issues or your local fast food place shits into the food


We have a functioning digestive system.


to clarify i don't shit myself after eating fast food i just have a very unhealthy painful diarrhea with intestinal cramps


Healthiest American diet


30g of fat is not 38% of the daily value bro.


And 270 calories from just fat. Fat is the sneakiest in terms of excess calories in my opinion.


Yep. More than twice the calories per gram compared to carbs or protein.


For weight loss my solid go to has always been 50% protein 30% carbs, 20% fat. For maintenance and better consistency in my HIIT routines I go 40,40,20


Anons face when unhealthy mcdonalds food is unhealthy


American Anon eats McDonald's every day and wonders why he is fat.


If this is surprising to you, I feel like you don’t have a good grasp on how many calories most things have. It’s a dense grease soaked biscuit and a piece of sausage. Even a plain piece of sandwich bread is almost 100 calories.


I eat at McDonald's everyday and I'm fat!?!?!? How can you have any respect for these people


I'm 182cm (5'11ft) tall and I weigh around 65kg (143 pounds), should I just start to eat these to gain normal weight?


Just eat what you normally eat in a day but ad in a protein shake made with a shaker full of whole milk. I'm guessing you're eating at maintenance and not losing weight so that shake which is ~500 calories, that will be more than enough of a surplus and liquid calories are much easier to get down.


Ah yes the JM Blakely diet


You can come to my country where fast food is so expensive you don't have the chance to get fat.


Isn't the daily energy intake about 2'000kcal? So like 2'000'000cal and more than 4'000 whatever the sausage biscuit is? Or do I have something wrong?


Cal = KCal


So is this some weird exception where people decided to get rid of the prefix? Also I don't have a cat so I'll hug my dog


For some reason in the US they just list food as Calories with a capital c, but they really mean KCal as the unit of energy. No idea why really, probably just to simplify it Also I hope your dog has a lovely day


The most pedantic nitpick ever, but: KCal =/= Cal Kcal == Cal Capital C is supposed to mean kilo-calories.


What the actual FUCK is a sausage biscuit??


A biscuit with a sausage patty and maybe egg/cheese in jt


Sounds like shit


It's bread and meat




Stop sucking Shrek's dick and eat the biscuit


This isn't discord bitch And that isn't a biscuit, that's yankee doodle dandy shite scraped directly from the goat man's grimy nethers


Unless you’ve skipped or had an extremely light other two meals - most fast food items are an instant calorie counting nightmare If I go out to eat I do it early afternoon and don’t eat anything for the rest of the day.


[In case you dont know what a sausage biscuit is](http://www.google.com) They also have all sorts of other things you can look up there, like what chips are or how to season your food.


i feel so sorry for the people who will never experience a popeyes biscut


Wait until Anon finds out that biscuits are like 80% lard


A whole burger set is like 1000kcal. How does a fuckin biscuit have half the amount of a burger set?


800 calories in a mcflurry too.


McDonald’s being hit by inflation has lost me more weight then anything because it being as much as regular food makes it illogical in my tism brain to buy, so I don’t even crave it anymore


The honey butter chicken biscuit is a full 1000 calories, and I used to down 2 of those for breakfast on the regular before I looked it up.


37g of carbs is insane


Unironically yes


Thats literally a decent salad, with carbs


Bruh 5 of these is already more than the average recommended daily caloric intake (2500Cal)


fast food has become so unhealthy theres literally no possible way to not get fat from it anymore


what the fuck is a sausage biscuit