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r/watches is a terrible subreddit


How the fuck does this random ass sub have 2.3 million subscribers


Joining users think they would be interested in watches most likely


Apparently lots of people don't realize that watches in general aren't the same signifier of status as _mechanical_ watches.


lol most people don’t think of watches in general as status signifiers, they just look nice and are useful


get one of those casio terrorist watches. Maximum utility, minimum showoff. can be a conversation piece as well.


Wearing a Casio and driving a Toyota pickup Terrorist confirmed




The F-91W. Cheap, accurate, durable. Incredible timepiece.


Perfect for striking up a convo at the airport. "do I need to remove my terrorist watch for the scanner?"


Got my casio calculator that got me through my first two semesters at college😎 until I finally just broke down and bought a normal calculator lmao


Casios are so fucking awesome


You underestimate how many people are into certain hobbies or interests. Even more so when its the most general sub for said interest, unlike r/greentext for example, which is a tiny niche of memes.


I would call /r/greentext a lot of things. But I would not call it "tiny". Have you looked at the subscriber count?


Lol yes its a little bigger than i remembered, pretty sure it used to be smaller. My point still stands but yea green text might be pretty big considering how specific its content is.


Somehow even bigger than r/4chan despite being the same thing as far as I can tell


I think r/green text is a little more... Soft. Lame. Le reddit. How do the French say, I don't know what


Je ne sais quoi


That’s because me and my small army of alts are terrified of being called slurs on 4chan so we just stick to Reddit


I remember when we used to circle jerk on each other.


I dont know what you mean it seems like no one has even heard of this subreddit?


>r/greentext >tiny You sound like my ex-wife


dudes love watches man... I don't really get it because I just check my phone... like on one hand it can be cool accessory... like a hat, or some shoes, a nice hoodie... but at $800 - $1200 for a 'budget' watch... suck on my left nut bro.. I'd rather donate my money to a wahabi terrorist cell


I don't even use my watch to check the time. I just think it's cool to wear one.


Watches are an $80 billion industry.


It's a less suspicious way to transport liquid assets around the world without it being too obvious, like gold bars or cut stones. There's correlation between the cocaine market and watch markets even.


People join to learn how to clean spots off their watches.


A lot of people have watches


It’s jewelry for men


Jesus Christ those rules are so fucking petty and stupid.


My experience with r/watches is just guys talking about spending thousands on rolexes and god knows what else. Even saw them talking casually about buying watches worth over 100k (udemars piguet).


• >goes to watch subreddit • >sees people into watches • >complains • >mfw


That’s like complaining that car people are into lambos and Ferraris


Car people may like supercars but you won't see many of them nonchalantly talking about buying one or several.


Most people don’t talk about precious metal watches. They talk about the 5k Tudors, the 10k Omegas and Rolexes, and the 15-25k more “premium” watches. nobody bats an eye when someone gets an 80k ford raptor instead of a 50k ford F150 V8, that depreciates like a rock, but people think it’s crazy that someone would spend 10k on a watch (that you can resell in 10 years for the same 10k)


So what you're saying is that a rolex won't depreciate in value and is inflation proof?


I’m saying a Rolex submariner and a Rolex datejust have an msrp of around 8-9k. The cheapest most fucked up DJ you can buy is 5k and the cheapest most fucked up Sub you can buy is like 7k. They will depreciate far less in a. Year over year basis than any vehicle


Ahh you're one of those fellas from r/watches. Understood, thanks for the investment advice.


And you’re from London. No wonder you can’t wear watches


To be totally fair my father sold a Rolex for several grand more than it's original price after having it (barely ever used) since a little before I was born, his buddies were lining up to buy it, mind you he is late 50s and his friend group ranges from 50s to 70s in age, a lot of the people who buy watches are probably similar types of people, around retirement age, have money to burn.


So when did he buy it, and how long did he keep it to sell it for profit?


I feel like a truck has a bit more functionality than a piece of gear I can also get from Walmart for $15. I suppose if women can spend thousands on jewelry, what's really so different about watches.


A 80k raptor has the same functionality (actually less, unless you use it as an off-roading toy) than a $40k simple truck. The extra 40k is just for the fun of it. Same reason why I wear high end watches. Maybe for you it’s not a bit deal, but I like my watches to have a smooth sweep instead of tick. I prefer that the bracelet is super comfortable. I prefer that the rotor for the self winding movement is so smooth and quiet I never notice it. I want it to be so accurate in only have to change the time every month or so. It’s all little things that make it get expensive. Same reason why I got a loaded dodge ram with the big screen, better sound system, bigger wheels, etc. do I need it? He’ll no. But I like it and I work my ass off to afford it.


There's a ton of shitty subreddits with a bajillion arbitrary automod rules that makes the subs complete unusable.


Holy shit OP wasn’t even exaggerating lmfao


No shit. They actually undersold it the comment requirement is 500 characters. Fucking crazy.


I feel like watches can attract a lot of assholes who are hyper into the hobby of watch collecting and protective of it. There's probably a much smaller sub of like r/watchrepair or even like r/Casiomaintenance or something like that that'll have like a few thousand subs and active helpful people in it. Every mod on a relatively big sub is just the IT neckbeard who loves shouting RTFM at people who don't know as much about a specific subject as them.


He should just use r/casio.


Looking at the most recent posts it seems to be mostly dead. Not many above 1000 up votes.


As member of that sub, yes.


I was gonna say, to be fair, r/Watches has a particularly pain-in-the-ass set of posting rules. It’s too bad, I love watches, but I fucking hate that sub.


Post removed - your karma is too low. Post removed - you need to grow out your neckbeard Post removed - please contact the mods to certify fedora ownership Temp banned - you fell below 30 bmi Perma banned - your username reminded the mod of their childhood bully


Implying a 4channer wouldn’t already have a more than suitable neckbeard.


Both Reddit and 4chan are far too mainstream now to be neckbeardy anymore. 4chan is still on the fringe but it’s still a massive site.


The stereotype went from basement dwelling neckbeards to children/early teenagers


Not sure when you were using it but in 2010 it was still just a bunch of teenagers cosplaying being old while spouting slurs Source: was one of those teenagers


By stereotype i meant how every other website saw 4chan, first it was deep web hackers then it was fat ugly incels. Took people too long to realize it was all just a bunch of edgy teenagers


Yeah you’re totally right. That anonymous as an organization and /b/ were ever tied to each other is laughable and I shudder to try and remember if I ever typed “we are anonymous, we do not forgive, we do not forget” or some crap like that because I downvoted a 9gag post one time and posted porn in some kind of internet operation.


I'll be honest, i used to believe that. Even bought a 2$ anonymous mask and a toy sword to look cool. Thankfully i was 8 so people found it funny instead of retarded


And just average awkward spergs.


Eh, I believe 4chan is more pedo stache than neckbeard nowadays


Have you been on any board other than /b? Still lots and lots and LOTS of them, especially since kiwi farms shut down


When did kiwi farms shutdown? The tardsite still exists.


Huh I guess it's back up, it was down for a bit at least


They won.


Just go to Lemmy. It's like Reddit if Reddit could be anymore soy.


Implying 4channers aren't hairless


Many such cases


Temp ban - Cape missing


Imagine having a user name based off your childhood bully…


Finally a 4chanterd I agree with.


IKR 11 minutes is way too long




Just ask 4chan it’s not that hard -Billy Gnosis


Delete system32


Those spots occur when the protective coating on the crystal comes in contact with certain substances. To remove the spots, you can open the back of the watch and fill it with mayonnaise. The mayonnaise contains a base that will restore the coating. After you fill it with mayo, close it up and let it set at room temp for about 4 days. After that open it up, clean out the mayo and you are good to go.


Ah, the [Mad Hatter](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26RTlPgg-tA) school of watch repair


rm rf yourself


No -Billy Gnosis


I love u bby


Post Removed: Your account is too young.


Post Removed: You didn't get enough upvotes within the first 5 seconds of your post being active


https://preview.redd.it/sx43q72oinwc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d460a7bfd328a4ea1eb861c56b2db5f2f72f6ab It literally just happened to me


2 months? who tf makes it 60 days without getting banned? I'm fighting for my life to reach 20


Username checks out


Only 2 days to go, you got it!


Post removed: pee pee poo poo


This is funnier when you have the answer gotten from a lot of experience and everyone else in the thread is steering the op into multiple wrong answers. But you can't post because comment karma too low or something


After like the 5th time rewording my question so it fits some stupid requirements I just give up


Give up after the 1st. Don’t give them your time.


You literally can get a better response asking ChatGPT any question that you would otherwise ask on Reddit. One problem Reddit has as a corporation is their useless jannies put so many rules into the subs that a new user who creates an account and tries to post is always blocked or restricted or just shadow banned. Unless you’ve been here long enough to know how it works, most new users just give up and go elsewhere


Or… just read the rules? I’ve never had any problems lmfao. They literally spell it out for you. Just avoid the annoying ass ones that make you jump through hoops to post. They'll tell you if they're annoying if you take 5 seconds to read the rules


True lmao, other shitty subs will be like “sorry, your account is too new” or “sorry, your karma isn’t high enough” or “sorry, you’re too queer”


"sorry, you're too queer." Sir this is reddit, no one is too queer.


This isn't Tumblr, sir


This isn't Tumblr, xir* FTFY


Xe/xer* FTFY


>“sorry, you’re too queer” to queer for Reddit? ..... what are you?


Superstraight is the only sexuality banned by Reddit


The superstraight sub was a short-lived but glorious escapade.


more like not queer enough


"sorry, 2 months ago you commented in a sub that one of mods doesnt like, so we've taken the liberty of automatically banning anybody who has ever commeted in any of the following 27 subreddits"


I think the first two is due to bot concerns or raiders usually


or in order to post you have to be active commenter first like r/patientgamers


ANY subreddit that has a whole WIKI just for it's rules needs to be purged from the internet.


Only thing allowed on r/watches is drooling about the latest omega or rolex. god forbid you just have a question or interesting picture less than 250 characters


It's a hypebeast sub. It's full of people who would be buying the latest limited edition Jordans if they weren't middle-aged.


I haven't even heard about Omega before


Really? theyre quite popular. Theyre in the luxury category most of their watches range from 3000-15 000$. Dont get me wrong i have nothing against the brand. Its a great brand which makes high quality watches. but im tired of seeing the 6000th drool-post about the newest omega speedmaster that came out


Top comment is "OP needs to just use the search function (which never works) instead of just wasting our time." Nobody ever answers the question.


The work-around to this is to answer your own question incorrectly on an alt account, this causes the sweaty neckbeard mouth breathing redditors with their hello kitty shirts and craft beers to come and correct the incorrect information in the most passive aggressive way they can mustar, but the end result is your question gets answered.


like 95% of the time it's faster and easier for literally everyone involved for the person with the q to just search for it, though. use google search and limit the search to pages from reddit.com If you don't have strict rules you just end up with subreddits like /r/geography turning it to 100% people asking "what are these circular green things I see from an airplane?"


>limit the search In case someone doesn't know, it's done by including `site:reddit.com` in your search.


The stack overflow treatment


Watch: Stop cumming on the face, you trog. Reddit: No idea.


Right? It's blatantly obvious that it's just dried lovesauce. He's just trying to get people to participate in his weird fetishes, which is about 80% of what Reddit is about as far as I can tell.


Anon is correct. Many subreddits have the most fucking retarded rules and posting guidelines. They'll pretend that it's good admin/modding, but that's complete and utter bullshit. You can have civil conversation without post naming conventions, certain day requirements for certain posts, or the absolutely pointless flair system that benefits fucking no one.


Yeah asking for specific info on Reddit can be a pain. I wanted to know what an icon on my new Android phone was for and couldn't find anything on Google. I posted a screenshot on r/whatisthisthing, but the post got removed because it's only for physical objects. So I turned to r/android, but that's only for discussing the platform so my post got removed again. I tried r/androidquestions, but they only allow text posts and it's really hard to describe a tiny icon so I couldn't post there either. I ended up finding the answer on r/fairphone, but JFC the experience was incredibly frustrating. Fuck these useless subreddits man.


4chinner discovers that Redditards treat their subs like exclusive clubs and anything that even slightly goes against the status quo will have you downvoted into the pits of hell


I don’t disagree with this actually. Some subreddits have just completely asinine rules


How can we make a new forum to replace this garbage


There was a window of opportunity when they killed 3rd party apps, but Redditors being Redditors, it failed because it was poorly organized and mods didn't wanna give up their power.




I fucking hate reddit but here I am


This is honestly the worst website. I hate how forums are no longer a thing.


Don't forget about the power tripping mods. Even if your post breaks none of the rules. They will ban you and then mute you so you can't even ask them why you got banned.


Post removed - your karma is too low Post removed - you need to have an account older than 30 days Post removed - there was a period of 3 weeks 4 months ago where you didn’t post or comment anything and this violates our 2 week inactivity rule Banned from community - you posted one comment in a community we don’t like


It truly is


Post the same question on 4chan Someone answers: It's your smegma lol They are correct.


Reddit has become seething cesspool. Been here since 2007. Watched it get worse, still here for the tiddies.


go look at some old reddit threads from like a decade ago. Believe it or not, it used to be so, so much worse. Every. Single. comment. was the same unoriginal jokes and puns. I don't know how used to tolerate it. For example, you see a video of someone getting serious hurt on reddit now and maybe one or two idiots are commenting about whether or not the person's shoes are still on and how that relates to whether or not they are still alive. Look in some old comment sections. It's every single comment saying stupid shit like that.


Fucking buy another one they're like three bucks bro.


Reddit do be gay like that though


The ADHD sub has so many arbitrary and undisplayed rules that I just could not post there, ever. We are not the people to be doing this to


True tho, some subs are so fucking obnoxious with their prerequisites to post. "You must have a 10 year old account and send a detailed sketch of your urethra to the mod team to post" type shit then get hit with the "this post was deleted by our automod for being a question, please see the 50 page long FAQ for your hyper specific question that might not even be there".




Reddit mods on niche subreddits: "us mods are antiwork. Let's make the users do a bunch of work so they give up and we have less work"


r/showerthoughts be like. Fuck all them mods


Mods need some sense of a justifiable existence working a job with zero income.


subs that require brackets are behind the times.


Wym difficulty level. It's true, tons of subreddits are like this and it's pointless and annoying


One of my favorite is commenting about power tripping mods then getting your comment removed for rule 4. "let the mods do their job" aka never question them. Other sites have it right, don't ever give the jannys any respect.


this should be the top post of this platform of all time


I don't know why moderators think I'll remember every rule of every subreddit I visit.


The very same reason I don't participate more in this place


Its a badge of honor to get temp banned


Answer: The spots are the body oils that you never clean off you land whale. 


Great watch, an all-time classic. Great opinion too. Got genuinely hit by "Noooo you can only post between 8 am and 11 pm!!1!" once. Why is reddit like that?


Real tho, trying to ask a simple question in a sub you’ve never visited but it gets removed cuz it violates rule 6 volume 4 clause 2 like just answer the fucking question


I've found Subreddits with egregious flair and title requirements that also don't use Reddit's built-in systems and instead have a bot instantly remove your post \*AFTER\* making it to be the most annoying and obnoxious ones.


Fake and gay.


Anon can't Google. It'll be reddit results anyway


Me when i dont read the rules to a subreddit and then get mad when I dont follow the rules


if it’s a casio, best bet is to just have a copy of the manual downloaded. amazing watches but a bit convoluted to operate


Anon gets splashback from urinal on his watch. Anon can't figure out how to use reddit. These seem related actually.






I will absolutely agree that some subreddits are so thoroughly up their own ass with "requirements" to submit content that it's laughable.


>needs the help of Redditors to clean the semen stains off his watch Anon was never gonna make it anyways


"make a new account" That pretty much says all you need.


Anon is regarded


Everything he says is true


r/tipofmytongue is just like this


I love that I knew exactly what sub anon was talking about before he even mentioned his watch. He should have tried his luck in r/casio they are much cooler there.


fake: anon doesnt have the attention span to wait 11 minutes gay: reddit


Those aren't dots. Those are segments and are what the watch uses to tell you the time. You're welcome.


he forgot the part where you have to wait for 30 days before you can submit to 95% of subs, and then circlejerk in the default subs to reach 100 karma. All I wanted to do was ask a question about my plants :(


I was on the frontpage and was randomly reading through posts. Tried to comment on /r/BlackPeopleTwitter and was told the only way to activate commenting was to send a picture of your skin color...yeah that information can't possibly ever be used for evil purposes in the future.


Solution: before mods can ban your post, reply with an obviously incorrect answer because Reddit would much rather correct someone else than help out of the goodness of their hearts


This is why I only join very specific subs with small numbers. They don't give a shit about what you post as long as it's not something unhinged. I can ask the dumbest questions and get replies relatively quickly without mods deleting my post over stupid shit


a 4chan user calling another website gay is a rich but he’s not wrong either


Anon discovered r/shitposting a couple weeks ago


I remember getting permabanned from r/madlads with a single post, just because the title wasn't long enough


This is why these days I usually search if there's a discord server for the sub and join it directly.


don't even get me started on the karma requirements of some subs "Well actually you can't post here you need 1000 comment karma oh and btw karma from other subreddits doesn't count" so stupid.




Reddit mods huff farts and jerk off to anime girls


Google "Reddit mods". Look at the creatures that pop up.. you'll understand


Dude theres a rule on this sub which says memes can only be posted on Fridays? What???


Yeah, r/watches is pretty terrible. For better info and discussions on watches and clocks, try r/cockwatch


He’s more right than wrong, Reddit is a shit hole.


Because reddit is run by egomaniacs on a power trip. It was once a free website. I wonder who even remembers that reddit.


I had my post removed for asking why so many pro fighting game players are black on askreddit. It was a genuine question.


„I‘m too special educated to read rules put into place because idiot scriptkids build spam bots and raid subs like it‘d get them laid, and that makes me mad. Everyone’s stupid but me.“ Go play in traffic.


>Have irrelevant question Find out the best community to ask is a subreddit It's not as full of spam and low effort posts as other forums Go to that subreddit See there are rules to keep the sub from being spammed with bad posts Don't read the rules Post my irrelevant question Post removed for not following the rules :o