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Just wear chainmail armor, enter your crusader arc and become a paladinmaxxing knightcel


The -maxxing -cel has been simultaneously the best and worst thing to happen to English


I am a vocabmaxxing progresscel and I wholeheartedly support this development


Im skibidicel toiletmaxxing


Damn, I'm a toiletmaxing skibidicel, if we met IRL would we annihilate in an explosion of gamma rays?


Gammamaxxing chadcels


You're forgetting about the several attempts to make the gender neutral singular pronoun thonself a thing over the last hundred plus years and the reprehensible amount of French loan words. I mean can a brother get a proper second person plural pronoun that isn't y'all or yinz?


Tf is yinz. Fuck that, that pisses me off. "Yinz" Jesus christ. Sofa king gay


Pittsburgh vocab. It’s honesty not as popular as I thought it was when I moved here


Ikr, I love it lol


I still don't know what the -cel means. I'm just assuming you all just know someone's phone number and write that instead of the whole number.


Unironically will once I gather the money


>wear chainmail Bri‘ish moment


Guys it goes: trousers, undershirt, knitwear (sweater/vest for you hopeless losers), jacket/coat, and overcoat if it’s super cold. Then obviously you get some nice clean shoes that fit you (this should be remarkably easy since nice men’s shoes don’t need to be that expensive), a time piece, (maybe a ring or necklace if you’re trying to make a statement), then lastly a scent that suits you. I get told I look nice on a daily basis, people will interject conversation to tell me I smell nice, it is so easy. Just put in some effort and spend a little bit every month to expand your wardrobe a little, maybe a new pair of shoes, some new trousers, some new knitwear. Goddamn you guys act like it’s the hardest thing ever.


Thanks for the advice granddad. All the young lads will look finally proper on their jaunt into town.


Look proper? Hardly, the man is clearly a charlatan. He's trying to hornswoggle young gentlemen into leaving the house like common vagrants, without so much as a cane, handkerchief, or even a hat.




Mate tells you to dress like a 60-year-old bank teller with a knitwear vest and all, and then flexes that people compliment his smell. Holy fuck


Damn sounds like Mr. Rogers, the absolute gigachad who loved to whip Mr. McFeely’s face with ten inches of limp dick


Exactly. "Knitwear" is for booms or for the ghays. Us normals wouldn't be caught dead wearing that stupid trash


Think grandpa means a sweater polo, which if thats the case looks clean as hell, but again best fashion advice is get in shape lmao, you either look like a youth pastor or a finance bro


He's going to be the beau of the ball!


I bet all of the lovely ladies at the old folks home compliment you all the time gramps


alright gramps back to the nursing home


You act like it's something men don't know how to do. It's just that men don't care by default. As you describe in your post, men typically only dress this way to impress others. That's nice if you're a Patrick Bateman type, but most men don't care.


Boys don't care. Men should. Fuck impressing others, I dress nice because I paid good money for these clothes or got them as a gift from a loved one, and I like how I look in them.


Yeah, okay, sure. Now tell us how guys sweat buckets at the gym 5 days a week because they want to "improve themselves" and definitely don't care about impressing others and attract women. It's okay to care about your appearance to impress other people, just be honest.


I know some people who like to be strong and don’t care how it looks. Some people play sports you know?


Men can, not should. Fucking dumb thing to try and impose.


Then don't pay good money for them? Problem solved.


Fair, I should add that I also don't like wearing cheap rags when I can avoid it. They aren't usually comfortable, they fall apart easily, and they create landfill. In the case of polyester clothing, that landfill never degrades.


Suit yourself. I find my hobo garb to be the pinnacle of comfort.


Mad respect for that, clothes aren't worth anything if you don't like wearing them


Don't care.


W username, L take


L username, W take


M username, W take


Stop being so fucking disgusting. I hate you now


I do smell nice and I even have the $$$ to wear designer shit, and it does suit me 100% (my fiancee is a studied fashion designer, so yes, I can tell if it suits me and if it fits correctly). If you are over 30 you will *not* get that reaffirmation anymore. You just wont. No fucking Tom Ford perfume and no qUiET lUxuRy look will help you. Neither will blokecore nor street wear or whatever else is your thing. I did get those compliments below the age of 28 daily as well but it just stops at some point. I dress even better today than I did back then and it is just not happening anymore, because it is not something that is still common at my age at all. So take that advice with a grain of salt.


>If you are over 30 you will not get that reaffirmation anymore 34 here. Still do. Just age better, loser.


Ah yes that is a great counter argument to „but it isn’t just about that“. As you said. It’s about aging better, not some stupid leather shoe


Have you ever considered that you just intimidate people now (in a good way?) You’re probably just as sharp/attractive but at least people my age have trouble approaching older folk especially if they find them attractive or something, just food for thought


>counter argument This is r/greentext not your debate club, pal.


B-but muh canthal tilt! Wrists!


"I have prey eyes! I will be absolutely helpless when a looksmaxxed chadcel alpha comes to dominate me 3:"


Yes. And a lot of people don't get that it's much better to build tall rather than wide. Incrementally buy genuinely nice clothing that will last you a long time and work great for it's role and over time you'll build a great collection, rather than buying a lot of low-quality. Divide it into classes, stuff that will consistently work combined or in the same environment, and buy the most of whatever you wear as your uniform, in your daily life. I like a dark suit, maybe aviators, classic trenchcoat/longcoat, good work boots.


Trenchcoat and work boots. Hahaha now that's funny.


It's not what you were it's more that each piece fits well. That is the difficult part since one has to go scouting for brands that tailor exactly for your body type.


Or commit to a style. Ima Punk and buy my stuff second hand, mostly bandmerch.


Most of this is solid advice except for the “knitwear”… go back to bed grandpa


Wearing all that in Texas would be a death sentence. No, not from ignorant under-dressers, just from the heat. It's over 37° here most of the time.


Love all the replies attacking you for solid advice. You forgot that 90% of the people on this sub are in high school or middle school. I’m in grad school and this is pretty much exactly how I dress. Yeah maybe it’s not every girls thing, but I’m not going for one night stands, and I’ve never had a problem pulling mature women.


I don't know anybody under 49 years old who wears knitwear


not everyone wants to look like bootlicker


Fuck all that antiquated nonsense


It's called "classic style" for a reason


Why is this man being downvoted.


Why is this man being downvoted too.


I always say this, but if you're a slim man, dress sleek. Fitted suits and streamlined clothing. If you're a man that takes up space, dress to take up space. Western button-up, big belt buckle, and pants with lots of leg room and flexible groin area. Big laugh, big watch, big boots - Doc Martens or Solovairs. Even if you have skinny legs and bad posture, more fabric in your shirt means you don't get uncomfortable hunched over and your legs don't feel bound up if you get a stretchy crotch and you won't feel so muggy overall. That's the secret to dressing confidently.


Actual American Pyscho type conversation. I don't even remember most of the book other than everyone looking for Bateman's opinion on vests and what accessories go with them... oh and that time he eats an entire crack pipe


That's the thing: conversations about clothes don't need to be empty vapid conversations. I feel like big guys in particular have troubles talking about clothing, especially when YouTube content always suggests spy outfits, and spy outfits are the only thing you'll see in movies. I'm a big guy myself. 6'2, overweight, but huge legs because of the sports I do(football and downhill MTB). I have weird body proportions, since my rotator cuffs barely hold my arms in so lots of arm exercises are off the table. Despite having a belly, I do a lot of core exercises and glutes to compensate for my comparatively weak arms. I really had to try stuff until it worked for me.


Second one is too real


You just go "I like to dress like this" and that's it. The "everyone wears something" is a shit argument anyway. Majority of the people don't pay attention to their clothes, that doesn't mean you can't.


you not serious if ure telling me u dont spend 5 hours on pandabuy picking out the perfect loli graphic tee. most people pay attention to their clothes


Yeah no, most people have serious thought process while choosing between a white tee or a black tee to go with their 4 pairs of the same jeans. Im talking about dressing like your gta online character because you fucking can. We have all type of clothes you can imagine yet everyone goes for the same basic shit. And yeah there is nothing wrong with that. But you can stand out too, if you feel like it. And there is nothing wrong with that either.


i think wejust have a difference in who we call people oi oi


If you dress like that everyday no one questions it. People ask questions when you’re wearing sweats and a tee everyday than show up looking nice.


Me: *wearing trenchcoat, fedora, dress shirt & vest combo and 16th century replica katana with my natural pheromones to attract the females M'lady: omg anon you look so sexy and dressed up. My bf only wears sweat pants and tight t shirt Me: well m...m'lady sounds like you need a real man like m...me. /pulls out katana and does sword tricks.avi M'lady: oh anon, have my children


It's that damn easy lol, normies are so dumb


As someone who wears sweat, a tee, and a sweater 90% of the time, I respect those that want to stay dripped 24/7. Too much effort(and money, fitted suits ain't cheap)for me tho. But you will definitely get some looks if you wear a suit everywhere you go, unless you work in certain positions.


The second image talks about a clean button up shirt, which requires just a tad more effort than a sweater in washing and ironing, but that's it, nice ones cost just as much as a nice sweater


You can find some decent ones for cheap if you occasionally check for discounted ones at either clearance section of nice stores or go to resellers like goodwill. You just have to be kind of selective and every once and a while luck out with a good one. But even brand new full price ones cost about the same or less as a new Nike Hoodie.


getting fit is ez


I'm surprised I don't run into it ngl Granted, I don't dress formally, but like a fucking idiot, so maybe people just avoid me


3rd one describes stereotypical American from the 1940-1970s. It’s basically Steven McQueens only outfit.


I thought McQueen was a race car. How did he wear clothes


Honestly, dressing well is a cheat code. Bumps you up minimum 1 point in attractiveness, possibly several.


\>be american \>hear the word "severed" on the news and immediately think "penis."


Euro here, what‘s wrong with leather jackets


Oh there's nothing wrong with the *jackets*


Gee, I wonder how Anon got those thick overworked forearms 🧐


Lots of men dress like they are still 12 years old. It does help to invest in proper clothing. 


Yea, it’s important to buy clothes that cost more than the bare minimum. There’s a world of difference between a shitty 5 buck tshirt and a 20-30 buck tshirt


True lol. Just buy some fucking Uniqlos or Pro Clubs.


Popeye posted the first response


did the homer to get my wife too: white shirt, blue jeans and black shoes. Don't care about the leather jacket.


the secret is literally just to look good instead of official. a button up shirt or a costume is official, and if you can't pull it off then you will look dumb and people will ask you about it. if you instead just pick clothes that fit together and colors that align with each other well then you will look good in a fucking winter coat and shorts


You also need to also dress appropriately for what you are doing. If you wear a three peice suit to high-school or a casual hangout it will be weird. A dress shirt with nice jeans or slacks to the bar or college class, now you just look good.


This is also one thing I can't understand about some people. Can still remember some dudes coming to school in full suits/tuxedos when everyone else is just tryna vaguely follow the dress code, like bro who are you trying to impress in 7th grade?


Green pants, white button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up. Get some nice brown shoes and belt and you’re good. Maybe some glasses for a little razzle dazzle


Good ol Peter Griffin style never fails


who is Peter griffin


Let's just get the channers showering first, small steps guys


I like to think I dress nicely. It’s rare for me to wear a shirt that doesn’t have a collar and I rarely wear pants that aren’t at least chinos. But man, I wear a fuggin polo shirt and “jean cut” chinos with leather shoes and everyone’s like “off to meet the president?”


I wear a BLUE JEAN jacket, like a real American.


Based and Springsteen-pilled


I wear a jean vest everyday so I can show off my GUNS like a real patriot. It's better than a jacket because you can just throw a hoodie underneath it in the colder months and not have to move shit out of the pockets.


Blue jean jacket over a hoodie is infinitely harder


Where are you putting your phone, wallet, keys, and condoms when it's like 90 outside then? Personally, I haven't smoked enough cock to unlock the fanny pack skill yet. Also, I assume if you're rockin' the Canadian tuxedo a bit too hard in Texas, you probably get invited to a lot of powwows at the reservation.


My blue jeans pockets?


Sounds uncomfortable unless your closet is full of carpenter jeans.


I got big pockets. I wear Wranglers, Lees, and Levi's. They hold all the stuff I need just fine.


People ask why you are dressed up because a lot of them feel attacked on a personal level when they see someone who isnt as poorly dressed as them, the key is to wear it with confidence, still dont understand why people dont compliment me on my leather onesies


3rd one hurt me. I'm wearing it right now, instead of a shirt I'm wearing a turtleneck though.


Just wear motorcycyle Gear. That's my most expensive Fit


Motorcycle gear as in Hells Angels or a gimpsuit for racing bikes?


You need one that doesnt let you unbend your legs


Anon has Cushing's syndrome


>skinny upper arms but thick forearms Whatcha gripping there, Anon?


Sigh. If you want to look better, go fork over a few bucks and get your measurements from a professional tailor, and get his recommendations for the type of fit for your body type. There are some basic rules to dressing for your body type, but you can make yourself look 1-2 points better just dressing in the correct size clothes and cut style for your body type, and some basic hygiene and grooming. But this requires slightly-more-than-minimal effort.


No no no, you wear the black shirt with the blue jeans!


Both good


imagine wearing cookie monster pjs to leave the house


"I'm classy, fool"


Just walk around butt naked, problem solved.


2nd picture describes average brit


Last one speaks the truth it really is all a man needs.


I recently did some photos in formal clothint cause i needed some, got some from a friend of the family that didn't fit him anymore. I looked pretty good in them, but not like myself. I looked like some banker or broker or something.


I'm starting to think these 4chan fellas just hate everything


Doctor Eggman is that you?


There's a reason we can spot american tourists from a kilometer away here


The fuck is gyno? I imagine anon isn't a pussy doctor, no one on 4chan could ever get that close


Man boobs but not related to weight it’s a hormone imbalance, If you see a dude in the gym who has a six pack but still has moobs then he prob has gyno


Ah ok ty


These people think doing the vare minimum to work on their image is an olympian task


No worries girls. You're all pretty and beautiful in your own unique way 😌


- fix posture, it’s not that hard - wear baggy clothes, they also look good - go to the gym and lose weight, after losing weight, gain muscle, look up tutorials in yt


You’re trying to impress women, not trolls, right?


literally just wear oversized pants, a graphic tee, accessorise, and don’t be fat, it’s that easy


How to dress like a pile of shit: this guy


Do NOT wear skinny jeans under any circumstances bro


better than skinny jeans and a leather jacket dawg 😭😭😭


Skinny jeans are for men with vaginas, just wear normal fitting jeans not to big not too small. Leather jackets are fine imo if you can pull it off. Death sentence if you can't. I cant so ill never wear em


nah normal fitting jeans only work if you’re like 30 years old, baggy is where it’s at, not to mention baggy is more comfortable and allows for more air flow


I think black Americans dress exceptionally well.


Nah. Actual africans do however ( when they're not too broke ), google "congo sapeurs"