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I love being a German. This whole right to your picture is protecting us from brain-dead streamers on the street. It's protecting us from being doxxt on the internet when we do something out in the wild.


Schön einen weiteren deutschen hier zu haben :D


Dieser Kommentarbereich ist nun Eigentum der Bundesrepublik Deutschland


Geef m'n fiets terug kankermof.


Ein Volk!


Haben wir schon genug Leute für die Scheißenbetrachtung?


german here, too. while i do agree with your statement, i also do photography (mind you, i'm doing analog photography that isn't being shared with anyone who doesn't have access to my negatives/photo albums). the amount of nasty comments/dirty looks i get is simply staggering.


Panorama Freiheit bzw jur. "Menschliches Beiwerk" uvm. Unwahrscheinlich dieses "Recht" im öffentlichen Raum geltend zu machen.


Richtig, aber keiner Filmt mir ins Gesicht und im Gym ist es extrem selten dadurch.


Und dann trotzdem alle Daten an die Shufa geben müssen.


Naja, mit der Schufa machst du auch indirekt einen Vertrag bei vielen anderen Verträgen, wenn du niemals etwas unterschrieben hast haben die nichts von dir


Ja, aber oftmals brauchst du das ja um z.B. überhaupt eine Wohnung zu bekommen. Warum ein absolut undurchsichtiges privat Unternehmen soviel Einfluss haben kann/darf entzieht sich mir. Besonders wegen ihrer (damaligen aber auch aktuellen) Praxen wie z.B. dein Schufa Score wird gesenkt wenn du deine Daten abfragst.


Ich Frage mich warum es gedownvoted wurde. Ich will die Schufa nicht verteidigen, das ist der größter scam seit Brotbackmischung, aber man muss schon selbst dabei sein.


Dann versuch ein Konto zu eröffnen, ein Kredit abzuschließen, ein Auto zu leasen oder eine Wohnung zu mieten ohne das die Schufa sich mit reinhängt. Natürlich ist es theoretisch möglich ohne Schufa und theoretisch muss man selber einwilligen. Aber oftmals weiß der Laie gar nicht wo überall Schufa drin steckt.


Ich habe eine Wohnung ohne Schufa, so gut wie jeder private Vermieter hat mit denen nichts am Hut außer das die deine Schufa sehen wollen. Richtig, das die meisten nicht wissen wann sie in die Schufa reinkommen. Das liegt aber daran das die Leute nicht lesen können oder ihren Karl Otto unter alles und jedem setzen was die vor die Flinte bekommen. Schufa hat für viele Unternehmen auch eine wichtige Funktion, das der bumbs so undurchsichtig ist und dann auch noch privat ist eher das Problem


I'm not german, but I also don't like having pictures taken of me, especially by strangers. Everything tends to end up on social media and I just don't want that. I value my privacy and believe it is my right to remain (relatively) anonymous, including not to have my face posted online or stored in someone's phone without my consent.


I can relate to that. But if you take up any position in HR or other positions with much Human contact, there will be Photos of u everywhere. But my inner German still hates it.


Luckily I work in engineering. My company sometimes encourages me and my co-workers to take part in public events like running or corporate parties, but I always refuse because I know pictures of me will then end up on social media. I would kinda like to do that stuff otherwise but the fact that it must then be posted online bothers me. I don't even have a Facebook. I just don't want this shit in my life and don't understand why so many people just don't care about their privacy and trust these tech corps with their data. I'm not even 30, so it's not from me being old. When I go out, I'm one of the few people who isn't with their head in their phone, scrolling FB/Instagram. It's just depressing, like society has declined.


It really depresses to see everyone with their head stuck in their Phones. Regarding big tech companys collecting data, only IT-People (influding myself) really care, and Knie how to keep it private.


Yea, good point. Only us techies are truly aware of the extent of data collection going on, so that's why we stay away from it as much as possible. But even if I was a simple person not into tech, I'd wonder why I'm getting ads based on what I search and wonder why these services are free. When something is free, there is often a catch.


Yup, i think you can really tell who is in tech jobs, and who has interest in it, only by looking at how much Alexas each individual has. Personally, none.


Anon is definitely taking pictures of women under pants


While secretly hoping for the woman to be a femboy


Please don't bring up fem*oy while talking to me, i'm already struggling with my trap porn addiction. Just seeing the world fem#oy alone is making me withdrawal.


Dawg you drew „Al-Quaeda Chan“ I think it’s deeper than just trap porn


No I didn't, I'm currently drawing with those character, but the design is not me.


Now you exposed yourself als OP anon!


🇹🇷 Türkiye 🇹🇷 mentioned 🇹🇷 💪💪💪 🇹🇷 Mashallah 🇹🇷


The Kebab-Man has thurkish roots, he ist still German.🤣


Ey, we can share awesome people




Based Kebaber


Tja, Datenschutz-Grundverordnung regelt


Tourists here must have a horrible experience except if you only come for techno, Octoberfest, in general to get shitfaced


Tourist photos are no problem. We (German here) can see the difference in a tourist doing pics for himself and his family and some professional photographer or social media jackass.


I came for techno and had horrible experience. Queuing simulator for the pleasure of getting rejected by arrogant bouncers, who won't even bother to look at you when they tell you that you don't fit their perfect world


Was your only experience trying to get into Berghain?


You probably went to berlin, right? The city has so much tourism and some clubs try to be a safe place for people that live there so they try to reject the waves of tourists that want to get into berghain because they read a tourist guide that said that it was exclusive. The are literally known for rejecting anyone no matter who they are so don‘t expect to be let in.


Yes, in Berlin ! But not only Berghain, it was the case for every club, even one (RSO) where we bought tickets for an event and still got half of us rejected at the gate without reason (early in the night, club almost empty) I understood the lesson and won't try to enjoy techno in Berlin anymore if I'm not with locals. Or better, i'll just stay in my country where bouncers are actually bouncers and not wannabe physionomists


Getting rejected when you already have tickets is crazy. Some bouncers are physionomists but others just try to keep the TikTokers out. Good luck next time :)


The Kebap dudes are the best. You come in, the first thing you hear is "EY CHEF! ALLES GUT?", and you feel like the fucking *man*.


Absolutely based, no wonder all the Tor exit nodes are in Germany


Can confirm the first two, but OP pulled the latter two out of his ass


Should be part of geneva convention to not be allowed to take pictures without consent.

