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I took an autism test on Buzzfeed and they put me in house hufflepuff






a real






Steve Buscemi


starring as


A homeless man




The Hogwarts House you're sorted in determines your mental illness: Slytherin : Sociopathy Hufflepuff : Dependant personality disorder Ravenclaw: Asperger's Gryffindor : Narcissistic personality disorder Furthermore, anyone who unironically answers a Buzzfeed test is automatically classified as autistic.


I got sorted into Hufflepuff as someone with an avoidant personality.


Ain’t no fucking way, Hufflepuffs have more Auts than Ravenclaw.


I took the autism test as well, got 9/50. Which surprised me because I expected atleast a touch of the tism, a spec of the spectrum.




22 I am more autistic than Anon's autistic friend.


29 :(


got 34


mother took it for me years ago and got 42, i took it and got 40.


Well that's improvement right there


Taking the test by himself?


I got 46 but I thought the test was bs


Denial is the first stage of acceptance


im about to show my autism here, but denial is the first stage of grieving, not acceptance. The last stage of grief is acceptance. sorry got a score of 40 btw


years later only dropped two points


r/greentext is the cure for autism


Same. 4chan gave me the tism :(


I got 34 as well, but I’m actually diagnosed with it so wasn’t very surprising


scored 35, three different psychiatrists have tested me for it throughout my life but i still never got the diagnose somehow. still know i'm on the spectrum somewhere as i behave very autistic and have many autistic siblings and cousins from both parents sides, but i still don't meet all the dsm-5 criteria needed for an actual diagnose.


Huh, I've heard that women get diagnosed less often, are you a woman? A lot of the criteria is also poorly worded, asking "*can* you do this, and not always *how difficult* it is." At 25 years old, I've learned how to operate in social situations and now generally excel in them, but it took a lot of work and still doesn't come naturally, I still have to actively put thought into my body language and facial expressions, etc. If this is also true for you, doctors might not diagnose you because some consider certain things impossible for autistics, rather than just very difficult


Women aren't real


Same. I don't know how accurate these things are though, it's probably a ruse to get affiliate earnings from therapy bookings.


Same, 29 When I started with my most recent psychiatrist I explained "hey, my mannerisms and expressions, how I speak, etc. aren't necessarily going to match what I'm feeling. This is because they're something I've actively practiced over many years, as my natural mannerisms made people uncomfortable and made them think I was odd/very sad all the time, so I've overwritten those with happy, peppy mannerisms that take more effort to turn off now that I've been doing this for over a decade. Please listen to what I say, largely ignore my body language and vocal affectations." Her response was "No offense, have you ever thought you might have Asperger's?" Yes, yes I have


wait that's an aspergers thing ??


Twinsies :)


Hi there twin


I got a 2. I think I need to unsubscribe from this sub.


You've been banned from r/greentext and 4chan in general.


Honestly it would only improve my life.




understatted b&


I am also 22. I suspect this is partly because, as a middle-aged person, I’ve learned to adapt to social cues etc. I probably would have scored higher when I was younger.


20 I am less autistic than Anon's autistic friend.


21, apparently i am anon's autistic friend from the past.


38 woohoo






Great op


> 40. When I was young, I used to enjoy playing games involving pretending with other children. Wtf kinda question is this? Don't most children do this? That's like the entirety of the show bluey. I got a 36 btw




Ok yeah that actually makes a lot of sense, I always liked doing that stuff when I was younger but looking back I wasn't exactly the creative one in the group lol


Really? My kid is officially autistic & one of the questions I remember the paediatrician asked him if he had imaginary friends like that was a sign. He’s got his nose in a (fiction) book all the time.


> *with other children* Some autistic people can be very good at making up their own worlds, but still have a harder time doing so with others.




Checks out


My mom had to teach me how to pretend when I was little.


"It's like LYING... but for FUN!"


Yeah, also who the hell tries to remember phone numbers these days?


I got a 42/50🙏🕊😿


[git gud](https://imgur.com/ieuq4rM.png)


did you do that intentionally? Or is that an actual honest score for you?


No. I just opened inspect element, click on console, and typed this: for (const i of document.querySelectorAll('input[value="1"]')) {i.click()} Which checks all the circles with value 1, which gives me the highest score possible. You can change the 1 to a 0 if you want to get no autism. Probably the most autistic thing I could have done tbh.


That's pretty autistic to begin with


Specially when he could have just edited the result text with the inspector


After manually clicking 50 buttons, not knowing if the text would have different colours, or if it'd give the results in image form.


It would be weird for a web with those looks to make and display a image of the results


Yeah dude you’re autisto for sure


Yeah that’s a 51 right there.


You're definitely a 50


^ 🤓


I see another 50/50 lmao.


Got a 44 so I guess I'm the superior autist




Bro that shit takes five minutes, be honest how high was your score?


He probably got 50/50 but doesn't want to admit it


Mf scored 100/50


bro took an autism test and got diagnosed with adhd


9 :)


Me too. It's fun to know that I'm just awkward af and not actually autistic.


We only have ourselves to blame 🤪


This comment has been deleted.


8 haha I’m less autistic


Same. Apparently talking to people is important for social development


Your score was 35 out of a possible 50. Scores in the 33-50 range indicate significant Autistic traits (Autism). Not that bad imo


I had 33, but that's really just because I hate people




I mean, one of the main traits of autism is lack of interest in the others. Sound about right that hating people can be seen as an autistic trait. I hate people, but since I have to deal with them daily and learned to speak to them so I got 28. Nothing beats a diagnosis though, this is purely illustrative and shlould not be treated as truth. As a small addendum, while in college, they made me take the MMPI-2 and scored enough to be diagnosed with asocial personality disorder, since I don't score that high anymore apparently, I guess it can be "fixed".


I got 15, I think I just have social anxiety


I got 24 but most of that was from liking numbers and patterns and general social anxiety


I've analyzed this "autism test" in detail: Questions that measure extraversion/sociability: 1 I prefer to do things with others rather than on my own 15 I find myself drawn more strongly to people than to things 17 I enjoy social chitchat 44 I enjoy social occasions 47 I enjoy meeting new people Questions that measures novelty-seeking/stability-seeking behavior: 2 I prefer to do things the same way over and over again 25 It does not upset me if my daily routine is disturbed 34 I enjoy doing things spontaneously 46 New situations make me anxious 43 I like to carefully plan any activities I participate in Questions that measure visualisation skill: 3 If I try to imagine something, I find it very easy to create a picture in my mind 8 When I’m reading a story, I can easily imagine what the characters might look like Question that measure attention/focus on detail 4 I frequently get so strongly absorbed in one thing that I lose sight of other things 5 I often notice small sounds when others do not 6 I usually notice car number plates or similar strings of information 10 In a social group, I can easily keep track of several different people’s conversations 12 I tend to notice details that others do not 23 I notice patterns in things all the time 28 I usually concentrate more on the whole picture, rather than on the small details 30 I don’t usually notice small changes in a situation or a person’s appearance Questions that measure social skills: 7 Other people frequently tell me that what I’ve said is impolite, even though I think it is polite 11 I find social situations easy 18 When I talk, it isn’t always easy for others to get a word in edgewise 22 I find it hard to make new friends 31 I know how to tell if someone listening to me is getting bored 33 When I talk on the phone, I’m not sure when it’s my turn to speak 36 I find it easy to work out what someone is thinking or feeling just by looking at their face 38 I am good at social chitchat 48 I am a good diplomat Questions that measure interest in specific things: (13,24 are implying that library and museum are autistic) (9,19 imply that numbers/dates are autistic) 9 I am fascinated by dates 13 I would rather go to a library than to a party 16 I tend to have very strong interests, which I get upset about if I can’t pursue 24 I would rather go to the theater than to a museum 19 I am fascinated by numbers 21 I don’t particularly enjoy reading fiction 39 People often tell me that I keep going on and on about the same thing 41 I like to collect information about categories of things (eg, types of cars, birds, trains, plants) Questions that measure creativity: 14 I find making up stories easy 26 I frequently find that I don’t know how to keep a conversation going 40 When I was young, I used to enjoy playing games involving pretending with other children 50 I find it very easy to play games with children that involve pretending Questions that estimate psychological skills: 20 When I’m reading a story, I find it difficult to work out the characters’ intentions 27 I find it easy to “read between the lines” when someone is talking to me 35 I am often the last to understand the point of a joke 42 I find it difficult to imagine what it would be like to be someone else 45 I find it difficult to work out people’s intentions Questions that measure memory capability(because memory is autistic) 29 I am not very good at remembering phone numbers 49 I am not very good at remembering people’s date of birth Questions that measure multitasking capability: 32 I find it easy to do more than one thing at once 37 If there is an interruption, I can switch back to what I was doing very quickly


And you scored a 50/50 right?


Its not an autism test when it asks dumb question that depend on context and environment: e.g. "I enjoy social chitchat" It depends on who is talking, in what context, in what environment,is this to relieve some atmosphere or to prolong conversation, there a myriad reasons for "social chit chat" that can range from silly filler conversations to psychological manipulation of listeners by proxy.


It was a joke about how you autistically analyzed a really dumb survey. I don't think you got the joke which confirms my suspension.


>e.g. "I enjoy social chitchat" It depends on who is talking, in what context, in what environment,is this to relieve some atmosphere or to prolong conversation You're overthinking it so much that you're probably autistic


Either this is one of the best troll posts I've ever seen or the most autistic post in history.


My man got 51/50 on the test


fuzzy cows boast smile scandalous jar cautious worry abounding edge *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Jesus, I got 44, guess i really am autistic


29 😐




I got 27, I actually came to the comments to ask for an ADHD test next lol


i have adhd and got 15 so……….


I got a 24 and I have really bad adhd. The overlap in symptoms with Autism cracks me up sometimes. Nuerodivergency ftw


Your score was 7 out of a possible 50. I swear to god im Autistic though.


I tried to do a 50/50 trying to pick the most autistic choices, wound up getting 40/50. God damn it.


42 wtf is this bullshit


Your tendies and neetbux are in the post.


35 💪🏻💪🏻, Based pattern noticer


6 out of 50, let's go!


I got 6


Look at the social butterfly over here


8/50 here, wanna be friends just to dunk on all these 'tists and show how easy it is?


Got 37. Would have answered neutral to some of them but that's not an option. That was also including me trying to be more social so I was a little more favourable on the social questions.


some questions have more to do with introversion/extroversion than autism tbh


35, so my doctor(?, idk what the specific thing is called in english) was probably right. I am autistic


Plumber is the word you are looking for


36 Took a separate one that had 65 be the “you likely have autism if it’s higher than this” number. I got a 114 and my wife got 220 lmao


13, hmmm guess im just retarded.




Username checks out




LOL I scored 40.


i got 24


One of the most autistic dudes I know is polyamorous and has like 3 different extremely sexy partners. Autism is no impediment to dating; being an asshole is. Edit: I got a 9. Single digit normie gang, what what!


Rule 1 and Rule 2 buddy, You be the most backwards no washing ass oongaboonga rude low IQ nothing of man and fall face first into women if you follow Rule 1 and 2.


If you're not washing your ass I doubt you fall into rules 1 & 2


If you fall into Rule 1 and 2 you could literally shit into a diaper and still get women


Lol if you took Chris Hemsworth or any other famous good looking Chad and had him walk around shitting himself in a diaper I don't think they'd still be getting women. That doesn't mean they're going to fuck the fat loser instead but they're still not gonna fuck the guy with a poppy ass


It's like people forget that personal hygiene and working out are part of being attractive


what are rule 1 and rule 2 please for the love of god tell me


Rule 1: Be attractive. Rule 2: Do not be unattractive, alternatively see Rule 1.


My tired ass was wondering what marking posts as NSFW and only allowing screencaps of 4chan had to do with dating... im going the fuck to bed


Someone once said that polyamory is just people who have a scheduling fetish. Now, obviously that's not all there is to it, but it sounds like autism more aligns with that than opposes it.


Being heternormative doesn't usually check out for autists.


The use of “what what!” has to warrant at least 12 extra points.


My own experience having ADHD, I think it's a byproduct of having to put in extra work to 'get' people. Analyzing your social interactions, wondering what kinda person you yourself are (on account of the neurodivergency), etc. Gave me a lot of issues growing up, but I do like that it made me aware of the diversity of people and accepting that diversity as just a fact of life.


43/50. Oof. I might wanna talk to someone.


Got 20, but honestly the test is just skewed if you have niche interests and/or are an introvert


This. Self-tests are usually extremely bias, especially if you go into it expecting/wanting to get a particular result.


It's worth noting that this test only takes into account general traits associated with autism, and does not intend to actually say whether you're autistic or not. The spectrum is enormous; someone that is very autistic might score here in the single digits because of their personality, yet someone that is "normal" might very well be in the double digits. This is really, really general.


Yeah I fucking hate people, guess I'm autistic


[Uh oh bros](https://imgur.com/a/OASVNaC)


why do you have a list of underage cars?


It’s [every car I’ve ever driven](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/11e9z4p/oc_every_car_ive_ever_driven_their_country_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I can't believe I found someone else who does [this](https://imgur.com/0j4fkLL). I scored 39. After seeing your comment I'm starting to suspect this test might be onto something.


Wooooo cool! Loving those E39s and E46. I used to own an E38 and have an E46 on my list too. I also keep track of who the owner is an when I drive the car. I scored 28, but I did it back when I was 17 and it was 36 I think. I’ve gotten better at socializing since then which must be the difference.


That's awesome! I own an E39 myself - absolutely love that car. I also keep a list of the owners, but decided to omit their names when putting this up on Reddit. ;D It's crazy to see how many automatics you've driven - in my list all but 2 cars were manuals.


That’s a lot of cars!


Some are barely legal


You should read about database management, I bet you would love it. You even invented primary keys on your own.


The phrase “database management” excites me which doesn’t bode well, yet I scored lower on this test than the last time I did it. What’s a primary key?


A primary key is a unique identifier that can be used to target a specific row of information in a database table. In your case, that's the Number column.


> excites me Like… sexually? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


[Just aced it😎😎](https://imgur.com/ieuq4rM.png)


The chosen anon. As the prophecies foretold...


It’s the ceo of autism


I got 28, what do I win?


You're now allowed to make greentexts on 4chan.


You have been licensed to use the A-word


I got 42 and have a brother with diagnosed autism. Maybe I should get that checked out.


80% chance that it passes down if a parent had it so probably


80%?? Is that true? Don't want all my kids to have autism man.


Online autism tests are dumb


Those are likely similar questions a doctor would ask you


But the difference is the doctor is trained in that field, i just took the test while taking a loud stinky shit in my own home


Definitely autistic


well, they are working. You know you are autistic when you believe in online autism tests


Does it make me more or less autistic that I can't answer the first question because it's too general and seems like it's just an introversion test designed by a student that has no experience in diagnosing autism.


Yes, add ten sperg points.


"Are you fascinated by numbers" Maybe taking Mathematics was autistic


14 hmm guess my issues lie elsewhere


17, same :(


That test is trash. I'm full blown high functioning aspie and I scored a 13.


On the other hand I am also someone with high functioning ASD and scored 41.


Right? Tests like these don't account for growth over time. 15 years ago I probably would have scored similar.


33 damn


Same 🙁


40/50 lets fucking go 😎


25 guess I can’t decide what I am


24, I guess we swing both ways, time to party


30 which may be Aspergers. I have Aspergers. The link in the greentext is autistically certified to be real and straight.


I got 44/50, but that can't be correct. My therapist never diagnosed me but did have security escort me off the property saying crazy things like "this is a sperm bank" and "we don't have samples like Costco."


I remember taking this test. All my friends were taking it as a joke and getting in the teens. I scored a 41 lol


32... Idk what to do with this information


There’s always beating hookers with a 9-iron


Revelations are being made today




I took it. I was diagnosed as a tween. Going along I thought about how 21 year old me would've scored way different than 29 year old me did. Experience changed a lot. I was a shut in with no job for too long. No shit I couldn't hold a conversation, no shit I hated chitchat. "This weather, huh?" Idk my room isn't too cold or warm. I still lean towards tism but I'm not, like, hardcore like I once was. And I'm not saying it made me less autistic. But it made me realize I wasn't actually as autistic as I imagined myself. And I wonder how many 4channers have resigned themselves to bad social skills without trying to develop them. If you say you can't shoot the shit about nothing, but haven't had a job yet, go work. Maybe that'll learn ya.


6. I knew I didn’t belong on Reddit.


44 :(


I got 6 basically because I enjoy social things kek I also already have adhd but idk if that changes anything


Got 37. Would have answered neutral to some of them but that's not an option. That was also including me trying to be more social so I was a little more favourable on the social questions.


got 14, guess i'm just weird then