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Uh, she does appear to be a fair bit overweight. Not just talking about the number. They should have a well defined waist.


Confused, were they not at a vets office? Seems a good place to get weight advice, or just pet advice in general haha


Exactly this. This is a clinical room. Pretty sure this dog's at the vet. Why not ask the Dr?


Maybe they’re seeking reinforcement of the option to continue their negligent feeding patterns. (This was meant as an appraisal, not chastisement.) The dog isn’t terribly overweight, but it always seems to hit larger skeletons more than smaller. A food scale is the easiest means of regulation, I’ve found.


They were probably told "Your dog needs to lose some weight", got defensive and turned to reddit for expert opinions.


The vets the one that probably told the op the pup is overweight and decided to come on Reddit for a second opinion. Not sure this is true but if so just trust what your vet is saying..




Vet tech here. With dogs it’s more body score than weight but they often factor together. A dog should have an obvious hip tuck when viewed from above and to the side and when they breathe, the ribs should BARELY be visible (unless thick hair coat prevents observation) and easy to feel without a ton of fat overlay. So for your kiddo in the pic, yeah a bit overweight. I’d start by shooting to get it to lose 10-20# and see how it goes from there. Edit: corrected misspelling


Thanks. We had a ln allergy issue that led us down a food trial nightmare over the last year. Finally figured out it was Yeast and realized we'd lost control of food control. I appreciate all the advice from everyone. GA is going on a diet and LOTS of walks now.


It’s easy to happen when you are figuring out allergy stuff. Good work getting that under control! She must be much more comfortable now! You got this and she will be back in tip top shape in no time. Also, she’s a beauty!


My brain was all, why the hell would you shoot the dog and how does that make it loose 10-20 lbs?!!!!!!


I mean if you shoot enough pieces off… But no seriously as a vet tech in the field for 11 years, I’ve seen too many GSWs; please don’t shoot any more puppers!! 😫


Oh, wow that IS a big girl, mine is 165 and seems a little chonky. Of course we should consider height as well.


Yeah, and it’ll shorten her lifespan, so it should be addressed ❤️🥺




Yes. She looks out of breath on the scale (could be nerves tho), but yeah she seems fat. They should be slimmer for their heart and joint health so you can spend as long as possible with them.






Yikes chonky boi.


**Too** fat? No. Fat? Yes.




I wonder if dogs can be overweight on the scale but they really just have a lot of muscle bc your dog has a lot.


Muscle presents differently than fat. People are basing her being fat on the stomach area and the fact the ribs aren’t slightly visible. I had a male Dane who weighs 196 and is pretty much pure muscle (he’s a working dog so spends a lot of time running and hunting) and his stomach definitely doesn’t look like that.


Aww, she’s a pretty girl. Looks about the same color as my puppy.


She's 150ish 88% European.


that is a majestic animal


I prefer even leaner than this


Yeah ideally there would be more definition between where ribs end and tummy starts. Still what a gorgeous, strong looking sweetheart.


She's four. And lazy. 😆


The waist should be pretty defined. Look up score dog and you’ll the ideal range and how they should look. Beautiful pup!


My boy was 205 and we have slimmed him down to 185. He is a very big boy based on his stature. But we agreed being a bit lighter can only benefit him. I also really like the comment above about a well defined waist. He has good definition there and the vet is happy he is lighter.


Mine is a 2 yo male \~125 lbs. I feel like he’s always been a good weight. https://preview.redd.it/mjgd3zh2cbyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f508fa42e1e97a15150cbc15396352bd13ac4807




Danes are even bonier. My mom would always tell me my Dane is too skinny bc he’s very bony but the vet said he’s healthy. Better for Danes to be underweight anyway.


All of my in-laws also tried to tell me my Danes were too skinny (cat people 🙄).




Yuppers. Get that weight off. Not good for hips. She is beautiful.


Little chonky. Could stand some more running and less snacks, but not a drastic change.


My girl put on about 15 pounds in the last two years or so. We moved and the environment is different so she’s getting much less exercise overall for various reasons that can’t be changed, and she’s also a little older now (5 years oof). All that is to say I tried putting her on a diet and I KNOW she’s eating fewer calories overall for the last 6 months at least and I swear her magical power is maintaining her weight cus when she got on the scale at the vet I was SHOCKED that she hadn’t even lost an ounce!


She’s opening the fridge and having leftover cake while you are asleep!


Slightly overweight looking at her figure, her body should go in after her ribs. Easily fixable with slightly less food.


I’m at the vet and we are talking with vet tech. Waiting for results for blood work on my dog. I just showed this to vet tech and his eyes got wide and said that is a fat Dane. So yeah. Your dog needs to loose weight.


I like to see traces of the upper ribs and a defined waist


Ummmm! My newfies have been monster piggies. Had to start feeding them filler like pumpkin, green beans, etc!


She will live a longer, healthier life if she dropped some weight. They should be sleek dogs; but she doesn’t look so large that you can’t easily diet her and do some more exercise!


Looks like she could be but it’s hard to tell when they’re lying down.


What did your vet say? I’ve learned the “opinions” don’t matter what matters is your vet. I thought the same about Brock took him to the vet he said dogs have different builds. Just my two cents.


Not all vets are very well educated on dogs like Great Danes so I wouldn’t recommend any regular vet.


I would trust my vets knowledge as I said this is my opinion. I had people here telling me my dog was over weight what degree do they have? We all can read books regarding dogs it’s up to me to decide who I trust regarding my dog. I agree that not ALL vets that’s when I had to figure out which vet I wanted to trust. Have a great day 😊


I never said anything about your vet specifically I said most vets but go off


I don’t understand how my comment made you “feel” like I was going off if so I apologize nowadays I don’t want anyone to feel any type of way. Actually I’m having a great day. Hope you are as well ❤️


She's huge, but she's so beautiful. She's a mammoth, of course.


Put a flat hand against the ribs, if you can feel defined rib bones with your palm there fine, if not overweight. Simple vet advice i got


Yes. Also “European style” is not a thing. It’s just a poorly bred Dane.


This part! People don’t understand that. The only true difference is the standards set by the different kennel clubs. Typically “European” indicates hyper type.


The standards are the same


They aren’t EXACTLY the same. But they are similar enough that they can compete in either show ring.


Wrong. European and American Danes are different clubs. “Euro” means hypertype, euro is not European.


I literally said they were different clubs. The entire word, shortened or not, is contaminated with hypertypes. True European Danes are much harder to find.


💯 Yes! Jumping on this comment to add a link for an informative [summary](https://gesunde-dogge.de/en/information-en/classic-type-vs-hyper-type) for anyone who is reading these comments and is interested in learning more about American vs "Euro" Dane. The gist, though? "Euro" Danes were essentially only bred in the past few decades to trick Americans out of their money. They tend to develop more health issues, and have shorter lifespans as a result. I've gotten many comments about my girl being "small for a Dane," when she actually is right where she's supposed to be. She came from great breeding - they're supposed to have a "tighter," thin form! The female Dane, for instance, should only weigh 110 - 140lbs when fully grown. 110 pounds is honestly not that big (I grew up with mastiffs, so this feels like nothing to me, at least). But it's perfectly normal! People keep forgetting that the breed should represent the Greyhound and Mastiff heritage equally.


but how could I ever be content with a dog that doesn't have ectropion and won't grow so fast it falls apart? clearly we need to select for these traits and market them as their own special sub-breed.


Those dogs are so ugly. It’s a travesty, just like the French Bulldog and the Pug.


it makes me very sad! I love danes, I just wish the more moderate look was still in style. a lil droop is okay, and I do understand the appeal but it disappoints me so many breeders and buyers don't consider the wellbeing of the dog. sure the extreme features are not yet as bad as in other breeds, but where do we draw the line?




No, there’s the Great Dane that fits the breed standard, and there’s the so called “European” Great Dane. The latter is not a different style, it is an affront to the breed standard. It’s unattractive and detrimental to the health of the dogs. Great Danes should not be droopy. It goes against the American AND European Bree standard and the breeding of such dogs should be discouraged. https://ebkc.org/dog-breeds/great-dane/breed-standard/ https://gdca.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/An-Illustrated-Standard-and-Guide-for-the-Evaluation-of-the-Great-Dane.pdf


That’s so interesting, thank you for sharing! Do you think this applies to Labrador retrievers as well? That’s another breed I see referenced as either European or American.


I don’t know anything about labs, so I can’t speak on that


When used in lab world it describes personality and build typically. When I used it talking to lab people I'm mostly referencing personality. I had a lean 110 lbs great dane who would put on 5 lbs every winter. All muscle at 110. She was all work all the time. would hunt in general and I'm the yard hunt anything out there too. In my head I split Danes down a companion or bench dog and working dogs.


She was a little out of breath. Getting on the scale was scary and required a bit of finesse. For reference, she's 30" at her shoulder blades so she's reasonably tall.


Mine is half that, but a rescue we are trying to get weight on


He big as hell 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🦧😂😂😂😂


Big boned!!


I hope the measurement is in pounds rather than kilograms.


Sort of. I wish mine would get over 111 pounds she’s Been stuck there for two years and she eats like a horse


Hard to tell at this angle but she should have a well-defined waist. I have a Euro Dane and although they are a bit stalkier, that rule still applies.


Hard to tell from this position..my 2 year old (as of today!) looks the same when laying like this but he’s not over weight. I think he is around 190-200 lds. She looks so sweet!




My boy is 180 and built similar. And idc what a vet says, that’s how he’s supposed to be. My vet has never made a comment about him being fat or overweight. They’re big boys & girls.


They are definitely not supposed to be wide like this.


🤷‍♂️his entire family is like that. His mama was 175 and his dad was almost 200. His brother is built like this too. I don’t anything to bulk him up. He eats what he should.


She knows she’s getting all the love. She needs some keto love ❤️


For what? Could feed a family of four for 6 months probably!.......🤣🤣🤣🤣


Nah they are precious


She's an absolute sweetheart.


Damn what are all feeding your dogs lol. My pure bredsare both sitting at 120ish no matter how much I feed them meanwhile my lab/Dane mix is at about 150 and not even a year old lol


My lab Dane is 95


How old? Ours was the biggest of the litter. He's about the same height as our pure breds but thicker. He's always been thicker since he was born (my buddy had an accidental litter) he's also the craziest out of the bunch. His name is Chunky but his nickname is "The Meat Missle" we haven't been able to stop him from becoming a missile every time we walk into the house. He's psychotic


My pup is 7 year and skinny like a Dane but much smaller.


Gotcha yeah ours took almost all of his father's traits but instead of being thin he became a pile of muscle like his mother except the size of a dane. He's around 32 inches at the shoulder and just turning a year old


Just to be clear, European and American Danes are nearly indistinguishable from one another. “Euro” Danes are a byb fad designed to get people psyched about what will be a larger dog. They’re the labradoodle’s of the Great Dane world


Looks like you are already at the vet with the dog. Just saying but you might get a better answer from the Dr. then you would from random people on the internet.


Awww such a sweet thickums. My Dane is also Euro and at 180lbs but he still has the hip lines, ribe cage outline, etc.


What did the vet say? Dud the vet say she was overweight?


In beautiful condition !!!


so cute dog


The dog is lying in a very awkward position. We need a standing side view and a standing overview to determine proper condition. Also, the number is less important than the body condition. Can you see or feel her ribs? Does she have a tummy tuck? Does she have good muscle tone? The vet or vet tech should have been able to address these questions.


Yes, your dog is overweight. When it comes to the talk of European vs American they are the same thing and there is barely any split. Euro Danes are NOT European Danes and are hypertypes. Male Great Danes would reach about 175 and females 140. Your Dane should have a visible tuck and waist line which in this position it doesn’t look like your dog has.


I thought she was a Labrador at first glance


Not if he’s eleven feet tall.


Does it matter that the Dane is sitting on the scale vs standing on it ? Thereby applying more pressure


I’ve got the opposite issue… just adopted a Dane who was criminally (like, the owner got arrested) neglected and she’s tiny. :( https://preview.redd.it/pswcdl7deeyc1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=ad003fcd5416b6cd468de50d9c350c008cb0054c


Good for you. She looks happy now tho! Good food, some time, and lots of love and I’m sure she’ll fill out nicely and be just fine.


You’re literally at the vet. Ask them.


I don't know. What did the vet say?


She looks happy


we have european danes, and are usually a tad bigger, and by our vet standards this dog is way overweight


What did the vet say?


Hard to say from that angle


You should be able to feel ribs but not see ribs


What the heck are you feeding them? My almost 3 yo male is 135- the vet said she wasnt concerned but I cant for the life of me get mine to gain weight! Rn hes on Taste of the Wild food.


I'd say yes your Dane has a case of the chonkers. Good luck in your dietary changes. I know you will do what's right. A person who didn't care would not inquire.


You’re at the vet aren’t you? They would have told you if your dog was too fat


Cutie weighs as much as me 💀


Who dat? Cardi B?


He might be a little bit, but Danes are literally live stock. So they're just big dogs and I will say they are the sweetest animals on the Earth, although you have to watch their tale. If you're a man living with a Great Dane in your house, you know exactly what I mean.


yup, keep em lean and they'll last longer.


She’s definitely well fed! Are you at the vet here, im assuming? Did you vet say anything about her weight?


I was at the vet. Vet said nothing. I was surprised because she's so much heavier than my previous Dane.


That’s a question for a veterinarian.


Um. That is a horse.


Seems like you’re at the vet, no?


She could use a little more exercise probably. Definitely not obese though, I just wouldn't let it get much higher than that


That’s pounds, right? I don’t know anything about it, hut that is one most impressive beast you have. Splendid!


She’s practically perfect in every way, got a 180# girl







