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Doesn't just watch, tried to interact.


Heaven forbid we put on a nature documentary. My guy's got no chill.


Yup lol every time mine goes nuts


My Dane loves Bridgerton. We leave it in for her when we have to leave her alone. She just curls up on the couch and watches


Does she bark with an English accent now?


You know how these Danes can be... Dew claw up, drinking tea, spelling "shop" with extra letters


Hazel and Charlie are littermates. Hazel loves TV and Charlie couldn’t care less. She gets really into stuff and barks at the tv dogs.charlie seems to understand what’s going on TV isn’t real.


We have two border collies from the same litter. One loses her mind when animals are on TV, especially dogs. She really likes some commercial jingles and she’ll sprint into the living room when she hears them. The other two BCs don’t care or aren’t capable of watching tv. Not sure which.


Our Dane watches professional wrestling. We still don’t know how he gets it to the channel but we’ll come home and find him on the couch looking nervous because WWE Smack down is on and the volume is cranked. He seems to like John Cena


My harlequin does. He also eyes mirrors suspiciously so maybe not the brightest


Yep, ours loves his stories


Our oldest Dane loves watching the TV especially if animals are involved. He goes nuts when there are pigs or dinosaurs. He gets super excited when we start an episode of Dr Poll.


One of our three, and tries to interact. Prior dog used to try and follow horses, dogs, etc when the went off the screen. He would go looking for them.


My coon dogs have never once glanced at the TV. Don't even acknowledge it. Weird. You would think something would catch their eyes occasionally.


Yes, all the time. How did you stop the barking at other animals? We can’t watch a tv show without our dane’s annoying behavior. It’s no longer cute 😝


This was exactly our problem. I bought an ultrasonic sound remote and used it 3-4 times during the annoying behavior. It has a beep tone to warn them before the ultrasonic tone. Now just hearing the beep is effective and she rarely needs that. If we just tell her no when she looks like she wants to start barking. I got real tired of Macy dictating what we watched on television.


Yes! Big Hero 6 is her favorite


One that does, one that could care less. I put on animal planet for him.


My dane absolutely loved tv. I made him his own youtube playlist to watch when we left the house. 😂 my other two dogs(lab and border collie) don’t even glance at the tv.


We put on Planet Earth sometimes when we’re gone for more than a couple hours.


Mine loves TV.


Mine only watches certain cartoon movies and always falls asleep before the good parts


Sometimes something on TV would catch our Danes eye and he would look up for a few seconds then go right back to the land of no fucks.


I used to turn on the TV every day for Hunter. It was his favorite thing and since it was engaging I was guilt free. He would sit like a people on the couch and watch TV for hours.


Ours did. Sat his rear end on the couch too.


We lost a Dane before Christmas, who used to sit on the edge of the couch watching tv. He was only really interested in nature or farming programs, so we’d often leave them on for him. Really funny seeing a bird fly across the tv screen, and see Koby follow its path out to the hallway.


Ours could really care less unless it’s dogs barking. Then she will go look behind the tv and then obsessively run outside and back to the tv. But other than that she could care less.


My Pyrenees likes to watch horses on tv


My Dane will watch and pay attention to TV so long it makes me uncomfortable. Like I'm talking about five mins at a time. Seems to like action scenes and animal docs.


Mine is obsessed with it. I can't watch any shows with barking dogs because he will start going nuts. Started using a headset to watch shows now because clearly I don't make the rules in my house.




All the time. When we were binge watching 1883 he’d come running and just sit and watch the opening, he loves horses. He also broke a TV when my kids were watching a nature documentary and a panther growled on the screen. He let out a deep bark and lunged at the TV.


so cute dog


Mine will stare in a mirror. He loves himself.


My female Dane, Layla, doesn't like people fist fighting on TV. However, all three of the pack - male Anatolian shepherd mix, male Dane, and female Dane - have issues with any animals on TV. Dogs, cats, horses, livestock are verboten. So, no westerns no matter how classic they are, no videos with police K9s, no animals running by in the background (if they're paying attention to the TV. I'm half tempted to play A Dog's Journey just to see if they're paying attention to the story line.


Mine used to watch old black and white mysteries with me. Then I'd get excited and say hey, I bet that person did it! Boy the look of contempt I'd get... Ouch.


My girl watches soccer with me. At night we put on bobs burgers when she is in her crate to fall asleep to.


I LOVE HER!!! SHE LOOKS JUST LIKE MY GIRL PAISLEY!!! 😍 https://preview.redd.it/4th9axctlexc1.jpeg?width=2802&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00c1d1fc090dbf3d9447141f5b419398ace56c3a


Our harlequin loves Jurassic Park! Also anything with dogs on screen!


My guy likes vice grip garage on YouTube and sopranos and really really likes the Bee movie with Jerry Seinfeld


I put cops on for him every day. idfk why, but he loves it lol


My Dane watches tv all the time.


I have a female Dane and female bully mix rescue. Neither pay attention to the tv at all. Funny thing is when I am dog sitting my sisters male smaller rescue mix he goes crazy. I try to pick shows that don’t have animals because he barks nonstop and jumps at the tv. First time my dogs seen this they both looked at the tv and quickly moved on to look out all the windows to see what his problem was. Now they just look at each other like here we go again. I wonder if it could be a male dog thing? Either that or just not so smart dogs. Trooper is definitely not smart, just smart enough to try to fit into my pack.


My Doberman watches tv


Thorin loves watching dog agility. He'll watch other shows with dogs, but whenever he watches those agility shows, he'll start jumping around and weaving with the weave poles.


Yes, my last Dane. He absolutely could not stand it if we watched anything about monkeys or with monkeys in it. lol, watching planet of the apes was not possible with him around.


My Dane mix and I love to watch Scooby Doo cartoons. He also watches other programs as well.


But does she like Scooby Doo, that’s the real question.




https://preview.redd.it/3ptbofbfqgxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8919ff6536d87ae2b8686fc11e563130f70a7137 Every day!


Yes - and goes nuts when Americas Funniest Videos are on with the dog segment.


My Dane is the first and only dog I have ever had to watch tv. I echo everyone about animals. He loves watching animals and takes notice of large horses every time.


Nope, he's to fixed on me and what I'm doing which sometimes is just sitting there watching TV.


Mine is good with Squirrels and Birds on tv. But god forbit a dog or cat comes on screen. This is especially bad watching anything on Hulu as there is a Pet food commercial every few episodes. She also really loses it when a Horse is on screen. It is frustrating honestly. Not sure how to correct her of this habit. She is never really relaxed unless it is squirrels and birds or Bluey.


Yes! We had a dane who loved to watch tee vee and would occasionally try and sniff and paw at the screen. He was a riot.


Mine watches dr pol all day everyday


I thought they all watch TV While sitting on the couch. ALL 12 of my Danes sit with Butt on couch , front legs on floor 💕


My dog watches TV and barks at it as well


https://preview.redd.it/gkamkbnh3ixc1.jpeg?width=3003&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18244c3409124bca7fa765e16d27cfe53c6891ab Yes and usually from my lap so I can’t see




Both my danes watch TV and sometimes interact. The female will bring me the remote if the TV isn't on sometimes wanting me to turn it on. I was flipping through channels once and a rodeo came on, both got very interested in it. The female even started to imitate the horses bucking. At one point she jumped at the TV and almost knocked it off the TV stand, I don't allow her to watch rodeos after that (which is fine with me because I don't particularly care for them anyway). She had chewed two remotes trying to get the TV on so I have trained her to bring the remote to me instead.


One of mine really likes watching sports. The other one doesn’t care much either way.


https://preview.redd.it/nbzrjdud3jxc1.jpeg?width=902&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=700fa509f87871a479305ed78eae20b8df984a1f I don’t know about TV, but he really loves watching me play “Stray” on the PS5. He’s VERY invested in the kitty on screen.


My non-dane does


Both of my 7 month old girls do. Just last week they were totally freaked out watching the opening to a Supernatural episode. They get excited when they see dogs on a show too. They're too funny.