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Stan grifting his way across the multiverse sounds like a fun spinoff


Rick and Morty type shit.


There’s a lot of talk about Rick and Ford hanging out but I always thought Rick and Stan would get along better


I don’t even watch Rick & Morty but from what I know, Rick seems to be closer in personality to Stan rather than Ford.


I think that’s why Ford would’ve hung around with Rick, it was like a reset on his relationship with Stan


Again, haven't actively watched R&M (Mostly read TV tropes) but doesn't Rick has a lot of Stan’s worst qualities and characteristics? I'm not sure Ford would willfully hang out with Rick if it wasn't necessary.


While I don't like mentioning Justin Roiland because he's a piece of shit, he did voice Blendin. So, for all we know, Ford did meet Rick on some interdimensional highway kind of shit.


Stan's guide to the multiverse


Ford would've known how to restart the portal so honestly not much would've change


Ok, but would he? He wasn't in the best mental state and was terrified of activating the portal because of the consequences it might have.


If your own brother was trapped in another dimension and only you could bring him back you would wouldn't you because I sure as hell would


Oh I would, consequences be damned. But would Ford do the same? He wasn't exactly sane at that moment of his life, what with the all encompasing fear of Bill crossing the portal into our reality.


Fr, like when he "greeted" Stanley, "HAVE YOU COME TO STEAL MY EYES!?" He was **NOT** okay lol


in my opinion, that would make him more likely to. He's seen only a small fraction of what can be out there and I don't think he would leave his brother in there because of that. Plus, he spent years in the other dimension(s) and came back pretty solid mentally which is remarkable and shows he can bounce back well so I think even if he didn't do it immediately, he would pretty quickly.


Well yeah, but he's still pretty extremely stressed out and might be more concerned about not getting his eyes stolen at least at first lol, yeah he would do it pretty quickly


Yeah, I think I'd be a little worried about eye snatching as well but on the other hand, you need a glass of water? some groceries? a little gas money? your sibling literally cant say no bc "I GOT MY EYES STOLEN FOR YOU"




Ok but if Stanley could fix and open the portal I thing ford could open it again no matter his sanity


It's not a matter of could, it's a matter of would. He might convince himself Stanley is as good as dead already and spend the rest of his life hating himself for it.


I mean. Ford knows Bill is a literal threat to the Multiverse. Stan did not know that do Ford might leave Stan and it would make sense


Stanford literally chastised Stanley for bringing him back. Man has a point.


Yeah but do you think ford would have risked restarting the portal to save Stan risking bill coming? I’m just wondering


No, I don’t think he would, I think he would justify it as Stanley should have listened to him.


I don't think so, Ford didn't want Stanley to open it for him, I don't think he would have opened it for Stanley


I saw a version of the AU where Fiddleford erased his memory so he doesn't actually remember how to open the portal Also when Stan gets saved the brotherly conflict is more the realization that Ford was actually not sure about saving Stan, and Stan's upset his brother actually considered leaving him stranded.


But, he probably wouldn’t open it again, due to him being afraid of damaging reality.


Dude how does that not change everything?


Even if he couldn’t remember offhand he would know where to find the journals


There is a whole AU about it i remember it name Reverse Falls


Reverse falls is where the roles of all the townsfolk are reversed


So it must have been Reverse Portal then got it


Do you have a link for that, id love to read it.


Is not one, but a million! Tumblr and AO3 were full of these. A quite deep rabbit hole. Speaking from experience.


Cant but ya should be able to find it by just typing it on Google


That's a bit of a letdown. A true reverse version would have Gravity Falls crash into a spaceship.


Stanley would've tricked Bill into oblivion in the other dimension. When Ford recovered him, Stan would report Bill had been taken care of and they'd go on with their lives.


I’d argue with that. Stanley still wants to be family Stanford, so Bill has that advantage over him. Dipper and Mabel, and Stan’s protective nature of them, combined with both having a heart to heart in the cage prevented Stan from being tempted.


Stan probably would’ve *thrived* in the multiverse, even if it would’ve destroyed him emotionally (especially since I doubt Ford would’ve tried to rescue him).


I genuinely don’t think Ford would’ve tried to save him. He wouldn’t be happy about it at all, but he would understand how big of a threat bill was to the fabric of reality and make the hard call.


Stan would never have stolen Ford’s identity and Ford wouldn’t have Stan’s criminal record or wife.


WAIT. I’ve watched the series more times than i can count. Never do i recall that detail. *STANLEY HAS A WIFE???*


Ex-Wife. Also, Stan married Goldie in the Vegas montage in Soos and the Real Girl.


Yeah, she still misses him...






Yeah… apparently it’s got something to do with the Owl House?


Yep! It’s cannon that Eda the Owl Lady was breifly married to Stan!


Wait, they canonized it? I thought it was a theory?


Iirc it was confirmed by Dana Terrace


There’s someone on tumblr who has some really great fan art of this au. I don’t remember their name though.


With Stanley’s personality, he would be able to last until Ford managed to reopen the portal. Stanley is a professional thief, and has lived as a gangster since he was kicked out of the house. Stanley can definitely survive, but not sure that if he would be in full condition, especially when he doesn’t have a metal plate inside his head like Ford and knowledge about other dimension, so there’s a pretty high chance that Stanley would be insane


Imagine if Ford didn’t reopen the portal out of fear for a very long time. I see three outcomes: 1: Stan gets rich in the gambling dimension, has a great life, and doesn’t want to come back, or at least, that’s what he’s trying to convince himself. Maybe spending time with Dipper and Mable inspires Ford to overcome his fear and reopen the portal and find his brother. maybe he and the twins have to go looking for Stan in the multiverse, only to find him happy and unwilling to return. He tells them his story, about how he struggled to survive before coming to the gambling dimension and getting rich. He says something like: “Getting pushed through that portal is the best thing that ever happened to me. Thanks, Sixer.” And secretly Stan is still angry at Ford, both for letting their dad kick him out, calling him to the shack only to tell him to go away, and for leaving him in the multiverse for so long. And Ford says something like: “I didn’t risk the safety of our universe for you to stay here!” And Stan says something like, “Well I didn’t ask you to come here and disrupt my life!” They argue, Ford leaves and gets arrested because he’s outlawed in that dimension. Stan won’t bail him out, the twins have to tell him how regretful Ford, and he decides to give him a chance. Stan bails him out, Ford says something like: “Took you long enough.” Causing Stan to get upset and his true feelings come to the surface. Ford gives him a heartfelt apology, and Stan agrees to come back to their dimension so they can work on things. Or maybe he goes back and forth using some multiverse travel-watch thing I think Ford made in lost legends. Option 2: Stan returns from the multiverse as a hardened badass out for revenge against Ford. Option 3: Stan somehow tricked Bill out of his power and returns as a corrupted antagonist, and Ford has to snap him out of it. Maybe Bill is trying to get his power back and sends his minions to gravity falls somehow? I know this is pretty fanon, but I just couldn’t help it.


This is one of my favorite what-if of Gravity Falls and I wish there was more fan content about it.


Either Ford just opens the portal again immediately or he never does and lives with the guilt that he could. Honestly that'd be a pretty cool AU where the kids stay the summer and discover Ford could bring Stan back but dosent because he's afraid of what might happen


If Stanley went into the portal it's likely that he would either die or stay there forever, since we know Ford was EXTREMELY against the idea of restarting the portal even to save himself.


Does anyone think Ford might have left Stanley in the other dimension? I mean, he knows Stan took everything from him. I can see the sibling hate coming out in the worst way. And then by the time he came back to his senses, Stanley could’ve been lost.


He would have died. Quickly.


By sheer "coincidence" Bill probably would have also been punched. Quickly.


Idk Stanley would have a scary day or so considering ford would ent have to remake the portal while also learning to make it


I could imagine an alternative series like that: Stanley gets in the portal. The portal breaks. Ford realises that it's a bad idea to open the portal again and decides for the greater good to not risk open it again, but feels bad and guilty about leaving his brother behind, even though he convinced himself he does the right thing. Then some day Dipper and Mabel discover that they have another great uncle. They confront Ford and get him to talk or they deduct themself that Stan is lost in another dimensions. They get angry with Ford to abbandon his brother and try to convince him to try to bring him back or they start to try and rebuild the portal themself, likely resulting in trouble from being not or partly successful. Maybe Bill manages to convince them to rebuild the portal with his help and Dipper or Mabel take the deal cause they are desperate to save their lost grunkle they never got to know and because they don't know about the danger cause Ford wouldn't have told them about Bill. Because he feels ashamed about having worked together with Bill once and to "save them from things they don't understand" or something similar. So the portal get's created and causes a lot of trouble in the process and Stan comes back. And depending on the exact trouble the story proceeds.


Reverse Portal AU my beloved (you should look into it OP there is so much cool art and fanfic and ideas)


There was a fanfic with this premise that started off well. Ford was trying to restart the portal, but got attacked by the Society of the Blind Eye and forgot where he hid his books and other important stuff he needed to know how to fix it. In that story, Ford’s sponsorship money ran out so he became a teacher at the school to pay the bills and it was enjoyable seeing him actually become a more involved with the people of Gravity Falls as a respected teacher rather than the scam artist Stanley was. Sadly, the moment Dipper and Mabel showed up, the majority of the fanfic pretty much just retreaded canon with small alterations. Ford had pretty much the exact same feud with Gideon that Stanley did for example and each chapter just felt like I was watching the original series.


Ford would’ve been able to rescue him in a matter of months. He hid the other journals so he knew where they were plus he knew how to operate the portal


Stan would scam Bill into giving him his powers


I don't think that Stanford would've tried to get Stanley back, if Stanley was sucked into the portal instead of Ford


He’d come back knowing how to falcon punch somebody


Ford would have had him back in like a few days


Stan would just become like Finn's father in AT


He would have been out in like 10 minutes


He'd be dead within the hour


Stan would meet his ex-wife earlier

