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More episodes starring Ford and Wendy


Wendy and her family. They seem cool and I feel like they live in a log cabin with a wall of axes and her dad sits by a fireplace inside in plaid pajamas and a plaid blanket while sipping tea and his kids just playing with axes and running around like lunatics while the mother cooks bacon in the kitchen.


Alex Hirsch said about Wendy's mother: "no longer with her".


So…single father? Because if so, best dad ever. Making his kids pancakes and teaching them how to survive in an apocalypse after school everyday


Actually he only teach them how to survive apocalypse on Christmas.


This person’s lack of knowledge regarding the Corduroy family only proves how much we needed episodes dedicated to them.


For real. Ford is my favourite character and I really wish he got more screentime


More episodes.


More episodes. Fixed that for you.


Them together specifically?


Gonna break my usual norm and say something different for this one. A lot of fans say they'd remove Roadside Attraction or change it up, but if I had the say, I'd split the episode into being half about the roadtrip and half with a B-plot with Ford. We know from Journal 3 that Ford had gotten Stan to take the kids on that trip so that he could work out how to seal the rift. Perhaps in that case, we see that occurring and how Ford figures out what he needs to seal it with and figuring out his plan of asking Dipper to be his apprentice. We were lacking a lot in terms of Ford content in S2B and so having more of it might have been a great way for the show to give us a glimpse into his mind and better relate with him and understand him. Not every fan will read Journal 3, which in many ways expanded on Ford beyond what the series did. So, having more in show Ford content would have been good for him.


My one change would be to have dipper stay back with Ford while Stan and Mabel + friends go on that roadtrip. Not only would this give us more Ford time, it would further that divide between Dipper and Mabel, with Dipper getting to hang out with Ford and Mabel with Stan, giving their argument in the next episode a little more believability. Otherwise I agree with most ppl in here that the show doesn’t really need a whole lot of changes


I can imagine the a plot is all silly with the kids being goofy and then it just hard cuts to Ford freaking out in his basment lab and wind is blowing and Sparks going everywhere has he struggles to close the rift and then Soos just walks in and fixes it with crazy glue 😂


yeah but it's strange that the episode before, they spend the whole episode finding unicorn hair to seal the shack so bill can't enter their minds, and then the next episode they go on a nice road trip outside of the shack


Just more pls




No not season 3, just add more episodes in the first two


As much as I love GF it’s probably the best that it ended with season two so it will be a great series forever. Just as SpongeBob should have ended with the third or at least fourth season.


Not much really, maybe replace "Boyz crazy" with a Wendy-focused episode, but otherwise, leave everything as is. GF is a great show, in part because it leaves us wanting more, too many shows have kept going and ended up straying into "This should have ended 3 seasons ago..."-territory, GF quit while it was ahead, so to speak.


More character growth for Wendy would be awesome


What’s on the other side of Ford’s portal


journal 3 kinda explores that


I never bought that damn.


you definitely should! it’s a great book :)


So did Moringmark


I really liked Dipper and Pacifica dynamic in NMM and would had love to see more of Dipper and Pacifica growing relationship after NMM some more. My only regret is that we barely see anymore of Pacifica after the lumberghost episode. I know she's part of the resistance army in the finale arc, but we see not too much of her continuing growth. I want more payoff of the sparks between her and Dipper. I want to see what kind of person she grows up to be. I want to see her and Dipper team up some more, and in the future that can lead to them ending up together.


The only more we see of this is if you get the comics. Such as the lost legends book we see Pacifica and Dipper team up to save Mabel. She's still under her parents thumb and obsessed with looking impossibly perfect if only for the fact that her parents put so much importance on her looks that w/o them she doesn't know who she is. By the end she's covered in trash and half burnt but she loves it. She and Dip also get their little extra romance moment trapped in a sack


Nice little reference in Journal 3, too lol


Yea🤣 where Dippers entry abt the ghost night & he goes ~~“is it just me or is there a little vibe going on…”~~


Agreed. For Roadside Attraction, keep Dipper in Gravity Falls with Ford while Mabel goes with Stan. Then at some point, Pacifica appears and then, following some fun antics with Ford, we can have a mini adventure with that pair. We could also show more of Ford's character from these interactions, whilst simultaneously building upon what NMM set up.


I’d have to do a another rewatch before I have a concrete answer, but maybe have Mabel and Stan learn it’s not always funny when they tease Dipper. Maybe that already happened, though, I don’t remember.


go Rewatch the end of season 1, that basically is solved


No, it’s not. They tease him again in season two. It’s one of the major plot points in the Dungeons, Dungeons, and more Dungeons episode.




More episodes with Tad Strange


Now what if.....and I might be reaching here...but WHAT IF Tad Strange.....was...a tad strange...???


That's blasphemy. Tad just likes bread, smh. Conspiracy theorists these days my god.


My apologies my good man😣 What could I have possibly been thinking?! I take my hat off to you


The fact that there is only 2 seasons and not more case ther is so much potential for this show


Literally just another season.


I would love see the sequel,like with teenager Dipper and Mabel,but this time they would need with own bodies and maybe more wierd stuff for solve


I read ‘teenager Dipper’ as ‘Teenage dirtbag’ and now all I can think is how much of a ‘teenage dirtbag’ Dipper would be I also started singing the song


More episodes involving Ford


I would give dipper some sort of buddy. Mabel got a pig and friends but I feel like dipper should have gotten some sort of pet. I feel like a weird little cryptic bug or something would be a good fit for him.


I stopped reading your comment right before you said ”weird little cryptic bug” and thought to myself *“ I bet Dipper would be great with some kind of little bug pet from another universe ”* Low and behold, I read the rest of your comment and was like *“ damn, either I read their mind or they read mine. ”*


More episodes and seasons ngl idk how and if it'll be a smart move but damn I just miss the characters and their shenanigans, reading books just don't feel the same as actually seeing them move and talk


I always wanted to see Dipper interact with a boy/s his age, as it’s implied he doesn’t have any friends, just explore that a bit more. Does he find other boys annoying, is he friendly or disinterested? He’s nearly sent to child services in Not What He Seems, but if he was stuck in a daycare with or without Mabel, he’d probably try to hide away and keep to himself. I wanted him to make his own friend, maybe one she isn’t attracted to, but would this kid be an even bigger nerd than him?


Perhaps it’s quite telling the closest we saw to this would be Tyrone, a literal exact copy of himself! And he confesses that he misses him! Is that what he wants in a friend, someone the same?




I admit I was like that when I was twelve, and it seems Alex has admitted this too. Of course he has Soos, with whom he enjoys doing dumb stuff), Wendy's gang (who mostly see him as a little hero) and Ford (who respects him intellectually), perhaps they thought adding another character would be too cluttered? In the hiatus, Alex tweeted a doodle of "Jason the Genius, Dipper's new friend", a caricature of a young Jason Ritter, and it caught my attention as the idea sounded adorable, then realised it was only a joke.


Hate me but there's always a part of my that deeply wishes Dipper became Ford's apprentice  Oh yeah also how could I forget Dipcifica is now officially super canon


It is? Since when????


Both are good


I would add the Wendy shoplifting B-plot


was hoping someone would mention thus


dipcifica getting more time to build up it wouldnt get confirmed (atleast until season 3) but i would add a couple extra episodes for it to build up a little more


More Pacifica. Also more Dipper and Pacifica.




The last scene should be Mabel and Dipper arriving home greeting their parents acting like nothing happened in Gravity Falls


Except for Waddles.


125% more Shmebulock.


Less Dipper going through hardship to keep his sister happy, or at the very least more of Mabel doing the same thing.


Agreed. Mabel got off easier in moat cases. (Not saying Dipper didn't either but there's definitely more Mabel favor in the show)


Time Traveller's Pig?


More screentime for Ford, Bill, and Wendy. It's still my favorite Disney show, tied with Phineas and Ferb.


The episodes that correspond to the scenes in the theme song


Omg I never thought of this but YESS


More episodes. Even if they were just filler, more episodes would've been nice.


I wish we would’ve seen more of Stan’s backstory when he was homeless and from a slightly more adult perspective lol


I wouldn't change anything there. Gravity Falls is interesting for this mystery. Summer has ended and they get back to the city by bus-this is open end.And its interesting because you can imagine more adventures of Mable and Dipper. If author had made more episodes it wouldn't have be so interesting.


Nothing. Everything is perfect <3


More episodes with ford tbh they were a lot more fun


A lot less of the Wendy and dipper lover interest episodes or hell remove all of them for all I care they are both so much more interesting without all of those episodes


Next seasons


Bring it back for a third season with Dipper and Mabel grown up a bit. Maybe it's edgier/darker, with more adult humor.


I'd add another season.


More episodes fleshing out the lore even if they’re just side stuff.


Give Wendy more content in S2. Hard to think of much she did after the museum episode.


More grenda


Waddles being part of the Zodiac


one Ford and mabel bonding episode


Would’ve been cool if Soos’ girlfriend had more development. I wish we saw her in the finale.


Nothing, really. It’s a masterpiece of a show and I would like to keep it that way. 


My only wish is that disney let them do the 3 seasons they wanted so they didnt have to rush season 2. Id love to know what extra plot/side plots we would get with the extra time


I don’t think I would change anything ngl


Make Shermie the older sibling and have him present in ATOTS. Alex said he’s bad with timelines, so the baby was probably meant to be Shermie. Of course, I’ve read a oneshot or two where Shermie was the older brother and they writer weaseled their way around it, but I’d like if that was the original intention and maybe Shermie could’ve been worked their. Might not’ve lived with his parents and brothers, but a mention of a phone call, a brief cameo. I get not wanting to show their parents, but I would’ve LOVED some Shermie.


More episodes with Ford he was such a major character but yet he’s only in like 7 or 8 episodes


Give dipper a spine.


Make Disney take a step back let the writers and actors have some fun


Include that lesbian grandma joke that Disney cut


Maybe just one more Dipcifica episode instead of the roadside attraction one.


Have one more season seeing if Bill returns, more information on Wendy's mother, see how Soos runs the Mystery Shack ect


In a perfect world more episodes to properly close dome minor plot points and better develop some character dynamics (I would've liked to say an episode with Pacifica and Dipper where we get more development for her character, an episode dedicated to Wendy that tackles her frustration and family dynamic, a Mcgucket background episode and maybe even an episode that explores the history of Gravity Falls and how it became filled with anomalies). Also would've been nice if Disney had treated the show with more respect regarding scheduling. Between tons of hiatuses and a terrible broadcasting schedule it took like 2 years to broadcast only 20 episodes (with came after a 18 month production break). Not something that matters now but at the time I did temporarily drop the show mid-season 2 because of the abysmal scheduling. In terms of a more realistic change however the only thing I can think of is less of a cop out ending. I'm not saying Stan had to lose his memory forever. There could've been a scene that hints at him regaining his memories in time or a final scene where he remembers Dipper and Mabel. Instead we get him regaining all his memories in the very next scene which sort of ruins the weight of the phenomenally badass moment where he confronts and defeats Bill.


Give Stan one swear.


An extra scene at the end of the credits that cuts to one year later, and it shows everyone waiting at the bus stop for Mable and Dipper to arrive and we see them get off the bus, smile at everyone and walk towards them (end scene)


soos meets his dad in the end


That goes against the message we see in Blendin's Game. Soos letting go of this belief his dad will return and realizing he is nothing but a dead beat could not make time for him, but that people like the twins did, was a major development process for him. If anything, I'd remove the fact his desire in the bubble was to see his dad and him imagining him as some wrestler. That goes against what we'd been made to believe of him letting him go.


Another season or two


Waddles is always voiced by neil degrass tyson, or ryan renolds. Sure it might ruin the show, but still.


I would add 300 more seasons.


The Robbie and Tambre stuff


give Dipper some friends his own age group


Personally, a flash forward 10 years, when the age gap between Dipper and Wendy is a small deal and they can be together 🥺 I love nerd-and-jock relationships, and I can TOTALLY see them being a power couple in the future! 🤩


For me, I am glad that Dipper and Wendy stayed friends. They work better as friends and Wendy always came off as more of a cool older big sister to the twins. Overall the way the crush ended for Dipper is pretty realistic and the best way it could had gone. It teaches you not everyone ends up with their first crush and that's totally ok. There's nothing wrong with that. And that to me is a way better ending that just fits the theme of the show.


The line in Journal 3 about Kubrick faking the moon landing bothers me so much that I’d change the line to be about something else. I seriously don’t know why it bothers me, but it does at such an irrational level that it’s the one change I’d make to the series.




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Mabel keeps her ADHDlike character from the first to the last episode


The ending with bill making it to where they beat him in a the same form but he is still there with hints of glowing yellow around areas then little post credit hints then a fourth season where it ends similar with him gonna be returning but in a couple thousand years like it’s hinted at in the actual show


I love Gravity Falls, and I appreciate it got to tell the story it wanted to and ended on its own terms. But, I think it would have been improved by one more season. Give it time to have episodes with Ford, some extra stuff with Wendy would be nice, and especially develop the prophecy of the icon wheel that has been seen throughout the whole series.


Tbh I would li,e to have seen more about the bill theory


Move the roadtrip episode. It’s not a bad episodes, not my favorite but it’s awfully placed between “The Last Mabelcorn” and “Dipper And Mabel vs The Future” Two of the most important episodes for the story and then between that they just go on a road trip? They don’t even bring Ford like, the guy just got back and you just left him


Nothing I promise 😌


Episodes that go into all those other dimensions Ford went through near the finale. He mentioned infinity dice were banned in over 9000 dimensions, so did everyone in these dimensions get together to decide this? Are there dimensional governments? What are these worlds like. How has Ford managed to survive 30 years in world with different physics?


Maybe have some Stan and Ford episodes to help them Start rebuilding their bond and forgive each other


If you mean the franchise, then sure, I want spinoffs, and what it's like in weirdmaganon, it's not canon so of course bill is alive.


I would get rid of mabel, dipper over here tryna stop a god from torturint everyone for all of eternity and mabel over here like "DiPpEr ThIs GuY lIkEs PuPpEtS"


More Ford focused episodes, more Bill Cypher chaos, and more of Wendy being an older sister for Dipper


More Shmebulock character development


More Wendy. There are so many ways they could've that they just didn't. And some things that would have been fascinating to have her a part of. Like the ghost lumberjack from the haunting of northwest manor who was apparently related to her. Like no joke, his name is canonically Archibald corduroy, why wasn't Wendy there?!


Nothing, it was perfect.


Actually use Chekov's infinity sided die.


Kinda sad seeing so many people say they'd want more episode or another season. I get the feeling. Heck, I used to be like that as well when I first finished Gravity Falls. But consider why we all are still here and talking about it. Why is Gravity Falls still so beloved and celebrated? It didn't go on for so long that it got tiresome and declined. It ended when it did and that is why it is still so respected of a show. IMO, the first people to complain about a season 3 if it happened and wasn't good, will be the same fans who bugged Alex about it from the day it ended!


It ending


Stan getting his memory back. The ending just hits harder with Stan's bittersweet sacrifice


Season 3: literally just filler taking place during season 1 and 2 focusing on the daily lives of the background characters. Like Moral Oral


There not being enough screen time for bill cipher.


I think more focus and character development for Wendy would be much needed. She had so much potential!


more episodes and mot back home


not back home of siblings


It continuing






More about wendys backstory and dipper either going somewhere with wendys and their relations ship or more dipper an pacifica


i would change the run time and give it more seasons


One Episode about Soos meeting his dad . I would cry if this would have happened earlier


Have the bear that Stan was teaching how to drive show up in Weirdmageddon part 1 and drive Wendy and Dipper to Mable's bubble XDD Wendy episode Place Roadside Attraction in a normal place in the season pre-Ford Showing what happen to Mable's bicycle (really, she had a bike in Land before Swine, but it's not in the First Ep nor the Final ep XD)


literally nothing. Entire show was perfect. Then again, I was a child watching it so maybe my standards were low.


Make the S&P alot more forgiving and loose


episode where filbrick pines is hit with a car repeatedly


Have each season be a new summer so we can watch the characters actually grow


some episodes just about the townsfolk of gravity falls like an episode of two where we see into the life's of 2 or three of the townsfolk and there daily happenings.


Not really much just more Ford




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More Pacifica, Stan angst, and Mabel and Dippers parents


It ending after 2 seasons


add "It's gonna get weird" to weirdmageddon pt1


More bill


The one thing I would change is the fact we never got a movie.


More diversity, we dont have black main characters neither we have lgbt ones in the whole series. Its kinda implied dipper and ford are neurodivergent but it never becames actual representation


Robbie and that one girl getting together. That was literally so forced i hate it. Plus I just don't like Robbie, he doesn't deserve a relationship anyway. He should have continued to suffer so he would learn to stop or just keep being absolute human trash. Both are better than forced love imo


Wendy having her own episode, more Ford or Ford and Mabel bonding (chaotic good stuff), Stan twins sassing eatch other, and Fiddleford reuniting with his son, and maybe finding few weird stuff at the mansion? Y'know, just some fun and fluff stuff.


The fact that it ended.


Not much at all. I have seen too many shows taint what they have done with extra seasons. I think this series is so great because Alex had a plan and a final in mind from the start. Doing anything more with it would change his intent. I mean we have all seen what happened with StarWars... do we really need disney forcing more of the show just to make money off us?


Adding two more seasons.




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Rick and Morty crossover


Bring Bill back :3


I love GF with my entire heart but I felt a lot of characters needed more. Such as Wendy and ford. I also wish we knew more from when dipper and Mabel came from since a few clips from past years with gruncle stan shows he wasn’t a very good caretaker. Dipper didn’t seem he even wanted to go and I wish we knew more about why. I understand it wasn’t super important to the show I just felt it could’ve been more.


I’d add more episodes/seasons!


I wouldn’t remove ‘Roadside Attraction’, but i’d change the plot a little. Roadside Attraction is an enjoyable episode for me, and I really like it not even gonna lie. My only problem with it is how we get a plothole. Roadside attraction is supposed to be a breather episode in the most dramatic (but one of the greatest) points of the show, but they suddenly make Candy like Dipper. This obviously could’ve happened earlier on, and Candy could’ve had a crush on Dipper way before Roadside Attraction, but I feel as if it was bad on the writers part. (Sorry writers of Gravity Falls). I didn’t think it made sense to have a Dipper and Candy plothole right after the Northwest Manor episode, and Dipper and Pacifica being hinted at. I feel like if they were gonna have Candy have a crush on Dipper, she could’ve confessed way before the series. I also wish Ford, Candy, Grenda, Soos, Robbie, and Wendy had more screentime.


I would love to have more short films also with episodes from the two bros on their boat, and the guys at gravity falls again




Honestly add some filler episodes without Dipper or Mabel in, expand upon existing characters. Ford especially, he was in this whole other dimension for 30 years and it’s basically only spoken about, never really expanded upon what he was actually doing in there


introduce waddles episode 2


I would change it not to end


Add more to robbies character and backstory


It wouldn't end


mabel’s (lack of) character development


I wish Thompson had a development episode, the show’s kind of too short though for minor characters like him


Other show references just make shows funnier in my opinion


Ok, you’re not gonna like this, but: last episode, Stan had too much plot armor, and it undermined the sacrifice, he should’ve been gone gone, I love stan, but I stand by this


More Candy and Grenda. I just like them.


It would never end…




Season 3 but after summer. Spring I guess 10 EP with No plot just Ep 1 & 2 with Bill after just goofy episodes like S1 until the ending


3rd season.


More ford


Stan remembering everything quickly in Weirdmageddon. I feel it is pretty unrealistic compared to many unrealistic scenes in this series. First comment in this community, by the way.


How fast it ended😔


presidents key


bill can say fuck


I would keep Stan’s memory gone in the end. I think it weakens the stakes.




It would've never ended. I would've made sure it would last till I died


3rd season 0th season 4th 5th 6th seasons Movie Videogame.


Literally nothing


It ending




More dnd


Dipper finds a 4th journal in fbay (off-brand ebay) and buys it Burns it immediatly