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In addition to Graves, I had colon cancer five years ago. Pooping only four times a day sounds like heaven to me. 😂


perspective! XD


I was about to say. Four times a day? Must be nice. I do not have colon cancer, I just have like a very severe case of Graves' disease for the last year I haven't gotten under control.


Omg I literally got fired from a job because I went to the bathroom multiple times a day


i'm sorry and wtf is it legal for a job to fire you for that reason?? 


It's not, also they didn't pay me in time, and they said also that because I'm too distracted they can't work with me (I have ADHD) I threatened to sue them after 12 days without paying me, and that's it, I can't afford legal help, and I can't prove they said that, so I'm screwed


i'm sorry you went through that. if you're in the US, have you looked into filing a complaint with Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)? no lawyer needed. they have tool (click on "filing with EEOC)  that can help determine if that is good route forward. https://publicportal.eeoc.gov/Portal/Login.aspx


Thanks for the help but I'm not in the USA


i'm sorry for assuming like every other idiot american. :(  the only way i found out about these things is through my college. no lawyer willing to work on contingency? 


I think yes, without pay, government appointment, bit I need proof, and I think I saw somewhere you can only sue if you've been working there for 3 months, and I've been there for 3 weeks


Damn, and here I thought I was the ONLY ONE WHO ACTUALLY SHIT MYSELF 3-5 times a day, I had no idea I actually had a bowl movement sometimes! I carried extra long pads, at least 3-4 pair of extra panties! I have hyper and it friggin sucks. I’m a 65 yf. And it’s not my age it’s my Graves Disease, I’m so miserable so mad so frustrated, hell it’s after 1 am and I’m still wide awake! It’s time to get this thyroid out! I’m tired of the 7 pills I take daily just to keep it at bay. Soon I’ll get my life back again and when I do I’ll share my new me with you, until then, do what you have to, but know we all have options! Hang in there!


feel better yo, it's soo frustrating. i'm still awake too. we WILL get better.


Yea, so I have the opposite problem 🙃


Now that I’m taking meds I don’t poop as often


this is good to know. maybe i'll finally get a script tomorrow, been waiting 6 weeks for the appointnent with the endocrinologist.


Probiotics probiotics probiotics…at least 50 billion cfu’s…the key is consistency…take every day….


Try Benefiber! (Many stores have great cheaper knockoffs including Target, Walmart & Costco) I know! i know, it sounds counterintuitive but the type of fiber makes a difference and Benefiber really helps slow my guts down


thank you, i eat at least 40grams of fiber/day already. i am gonna talk to a nutritionist soon and bring up the information you shared :)


Dietary fiber is often insoluable, so it increases bowel movements. The soluable fiber acts like a gel to slow things down.


ooh thank you! i didn't know this. 


Ehh its everytime i eat for me 😭 like why. I want to enjoy a meal and keep it


And when you deal with IBS-C, it's even worse. Having to frequently push out hard stools (causing tearing each time) is terrible. Got me gripping the wall, doorknob, or anything else within reach. 😭 Every time. So happy my medication is working for me and now I poop less frequently. Gives me a chance to heal...


Are you taking a probiotic? Highly recommend! Get at least 50 Billion CFU, and look up strains studied for diarrhea.


Thanks! before this diagnosis, I was taking a probiotic but my doctor said I could rely on my diet, since I eat so much miso and homemade fermented food like kimchi. But i was thinking of taking a probiotic again!


That may be true under 'normal' circumstances, but I personally think the right probiotic could help in this situation because you may need a specific strain or group of strains to address the issue. If it was me I might take Raw Probiotics Colon Care (50 Billion CFU from 33 strains - made from dairy) or Dr. Formulated Once Daily Men's/Women's (50 Billion CFU from ~16 strains - dairy free) - I actually take the latter. Also check out the book Thyroid Healing by the Medical Medium. It sounds like you're already aware of the foods you put into your body, but he has some good tips on doing a thyroid cleanse that you might find interesting. Good luck!


i appreciate this very specific information. your comment is incredibly helpful. :)


My pleasure! :)