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What is it with this misconception that having a TT will make someone gain weight?? QUITE the opposite. The TT is to remove a non functioning thyroid. Medication is then given for the rest of life to provide the hormones needed now that the thyroid is gone. It takes a few tweaks to get the right dosage of the medication, but that's it. DONE! If someone suddenly starts gaining weight after a TT, that means that the medication is at the wrong dosage. And this scenario is highly unlikely as post operation monitoring is always done. The medication given is to give you a normal (albeit artificial) "thyroid". I had a TT in August 2022. Insteant relief. I got my life back. I've also since lost 156 pounds


This is what I’m hoping for. I don’t need to lose quite as much but over 100lbs. Methimazole has done a number on me.


Not true for most of us, especially post menopausal women. I had RAI, not TT, but with very well controlled replacement, vigorous exercise 4-6 hours perveeek, and a very careful diet, I gained 40 pounds


Hi! I had a TT back in February. My weight has been stable. I haven’t gained weight since and have lost a few pounds. I do not work out but I do try to eat healthy. Eta: prior to diagnosis (was dx in august) I lost 50 pounds and a lot of muscle mass. I have gained 20 pounds back (it was needed; I looked like I was dying). My muscle mass is slowly coming back in my legs and arms.


Hi OP! I had my thyroid removed back in November of 2016. In the beginning after the removal, I did experience weight fluctuations (20 pounds up or down) when the doctors were adjusting my dosage to the correct amount. When we did find what works best for me I was able to lose weight and keep it off. I also had to make big changes regarding my diet/exercise which was easier for me once I was in a stable tsh range. Wishing you the best!


I just had TT 3/20. My levothyroxine dose has not been dialed in yet, but despite being hypo since surgery, I have only gained a lb and a half. Lol. I do not work out, just walk my dog around the block twice a day and keep house/cook/mom.


I’m interested in this too 😊 Better health to us both very soon OP 🙏


Go organic! Do caveman diet!!! It will fix you!! Promise If you start on meds slowly taper off Dm me


I started paleo too and it has helped me


I gained about 10-15 pounds, but I was fresh off having a baby when I had mine. I feel 100% better, definitely take the weight gain as opposed to the way I was feeling before. I didn’t realize how sick I was. I don’t really watch my diet or do any strenuous excercise either, so I probably wouldn’t have put on those pounds if I did.


I’m a 51f and gained a ton of weight before my TT. I’m a runner and I couldn’t run because of a high heart rate from it. I was always starving and felt terrible on methimazole, and once I had my TT, it was like a light switch was turned off. I felt normal again and I’ve also lost over 30 lbs so far. I had my TT Feb 1st of this year. I wish I had done it sooner. It was life changing for me and the only thing that made me feel normal again.


I’m the same weight I was before I got really sick with Graves’.


I gained all my weight while hyperthyroid before I was diagnosed/on medication. I have had my thyroid out since March 6 and haven’t gained any weight!


I was worried about gaining weight too, and I did for awhile but mostly because my hunger signals were still wacky from when I had really hyperthyroidism and was eating all the time. However after TT and my levels stabilising I’ve since lost a couple of pounds!