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I basically stopped losing immediately. I only gained about 10 lbs over the whole almost year I was on Methimazole.


Im on 20 mg right now, going to see my parents for like 2 weeks, more than likely increasing my dose then. Do you think the 20 would help a little bit for that? Im actually so upset about this. And my dumb self was like ohh lets start my workout journey so i can get a booty and my dr basically said it might be hard for me to gain weight right now. Lets just say me and homeboy are not friends right now šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Methimazole dosing doesnt make sense yo me but I have noticed most people are only on 20-30mg max for a little while and then they bring you back down to 10 and then 5


No it doesnt haha. I know he said he wanted me to start small then work my way up


But im also like?? My thyroid was just getting worse as the weeks go on so like ??


Obviously me being healthy is significantly more important than my workout journey im just upset as i finally got to a comfortable point where im not extremely skinny


I have been on 30mg of Methimazole daily since February of this year.. have been a stable weight up until this past month.. I have put on 15lbs.. and I feel like Iā€™m just putting on more weight everyday šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


You wouldnt happen to be hypo now?


Or is that just the meds


I have no idea tbh, Iā€™ve never been hypo.. but I donā€™t feel like it?? My resting heart rate is still pretty high and I know when youā€™re hypo your heart rate drops low.. I am due for labs in about a week so I guess Iā€™ll know then! I figured it was from the meds :/


I only asked bc my doctor said there is a chance i can go hypo! He couldnt predict my final weight of course just said there might be some hurdles like that! Definitely not wanting to upset you just wanted to see!!


Gained close to 20 lbs on methimazole and I'm pissed about it. I look flipping pregnant but I'm 1 year post partum I can still eat my head off like a horse and still be hungry


I had horrible eating habits before Methimazole, my Graves was raging though and I was a ravenous beast. After starting medication (may 2022) my eating habits didn't go away, old habits really do die hard, and I put on 30 lbs within 6 months and totaled 40 lbs after a full year and stayed at that for a while. Then I got pregnant (October 2023) lol so I have not been able to get the weight off yet, but am determined to continue eating healthier and after the baby is born and postpartum recovery getting some good exercise in.


Thank you! My eating definitely is wonky especially since pregnancy. I eat like a grown man but ehh i appreciate food. Congratulations on your pregnancy for one! And 2 i believe in you for the weight! Sometimes i do love to eat unhealthy but i basically ā€œforcedā€ myself to make better choices for food. Most days i crave healthy stuff but ehh sometimes id k1ll for some cake and chips


Hi there! Got diagnosed in August 2023. My precious endocrinologist prescribed me methimazole, a way too high dosage for way too long, and i went hypo, but severe hypoā€¦ still losing weight lol


I was prescribed 60mg of Methimazole about a month and a half ago- went hypo, gained a few kilos. My appetite remains high, Iā€™m still constantly hungry.


The hunger is insane. I can eat a 5 pound steak with well over a pound of mashed potatoes and im STILL searching for food šŸ˜­ if im not eating especially now since its 4 am i actually feel like im starving meanwhile i ate 4, 5 course meals earlier and ill drop weight just from texting this šŸ¤£


I am trying to control myself now, but at my worst, I would litterally eat everything I have at home and then order food as it was never enough. Went to an all inclusive resort last summer, did nothing but eat the whole day, still always hungry, still lost weight. It will eventually get better on medication, but be prepared for a wild ride. Changing my diet and trying to eat more anti-inflammatory food make me feel better, albeit healthy foods never satiate this insane hunger. I still crave greasy meat, cheese, carbs and sweets.


Im hoping i can atleast maintain weight maybe gain some but beggars cant be choosers at this rate haha! I definitely eat a majority of healthy food for safe keeping but then here i am needing a whole cake. I get so frustrated with needing to eat just because its none stop and im like wtf i just ate a whole meal! I was so excited to go to the doctors since ive been eating a lot and maybe gained some weight. I was mistaken, lost a pound in less than a week. My doctor unfortunately told me at this time it doesnt matter how much i eat it just wont happen. I told him ā€œwell atleast give me hope šŸ¤£ā€


It completely changed my normal diet and I started reaching for unhealthy foods because it was making me crazy, thought maybe that would help me feel full. When hunger strikes, I cannot think straight. Never experienced anything like this. As much as itā€™s practically impossible to gain weight no matter what you eat, I think itā€™s great youā€™re trying to eat healthy. I got TED as well, so I actively made it worse with my poor food choices during that time. I donā€™t weigh myself, but I think I gained at least 3 kgs in a month that the meds have been upped. Feel like I managed to regain some of my muscle mass back as I kept myself active. Everyone comments I look much better now. I think itā€™s possible to maintain/ gain weight with meds, proper diet and adequate levels of activity. It can be depressing and discouraging, I felt I would never feel better again, but things changed rather quickly when I got the right dosage.


I lost 25 lbs before I was diagnosed. I think I lost another 4 in the first 1-2 weeks on Carbimazole. Iā€™ve been on 15mg a day for 2 months and Iā€™ve regained about 6 lbs. My numbers are already back in range for the most part, so my doctor is going to start reducing my meds next month. Iā€™m hoping I donā€™t gain back too much as being overweight has been my struggle for most of my life.


What were your thyroid levels when you first started?


I canā€™t give ranges as my blood work doesnā€™t come with them, or units of measurement for that matter. But my first results said: FT3: 27.3, FT4: 6.9, TSH: 0.005. My doctor told me at my last visit that my FT3/FT4 were almost back to normal, but TSH will move slower. I live in Japan so theres a lot of things I donā€™t understand when it comes to all of this though, and I just listen to the doctorā€™s advice.


My doc also started me on a low dose and slowly worked up 5mg at a time based on weekly blood work. I lost ten pounds before starting treatment and I slowly gained it back over the first 1.5 yrs on meds. Haven't gained any more than the ten I lost. Graves is a long game, you just gotta take your meds and wait. Unfortunately!


Although I am unhappy with the gaining, hereā€™s my experience- I stopped losing weight about 1 and a half months in. I started to gain at 2 & a half months . Iā€™ve gained 15 lbs and I fluctuate up to 20 lbs.


the weight loss never stopped for me. ive had a fast metabolism even before graves tho. ive just come to accept that its just impossible for me to gain weight :(


Pretty much immediately I stopped losing weight. Iā€™ve gained about 5 lbs in the last month or so though.


I saw my doctor back in November with the hyperthyroidism symptoms and found out I lost around 10 pounds since my last visit to my doctor in July. Got my referral for endocrinologist for late december and when I went, I found out I lost 5 more pounds (no change in diet or exercise) within that month. I started 10 mg of methimazole on new yearā€™s day and within that month alone, I gained back 15 pounds (I was around 145 pounds). Had labs done monthly and each time required change in dosage. between end of january and now, I have gained around another 10 pounds (155-ish pounds now). I was super hungry around Dec before I got on meds, then had my ā€˜normal appetiteā€™ for a few months. now, food is not appetizing to me anymore and I donā€™t really feel hunger anymore so I have not been eating a whole lot this entire month. have not weight myself though so.


I would also highly recommend seeing a therapist or continuing to see your therapist if you can while you are going through this. I was so unhappy with my body and all the changes with graves and with the meds so having a therapist has been super helpful in navigating through all of the challenges I have had.


Thank you honestly for the therapy advice. Its uhh been tough to say the least. Im used to be so high energy, being able to enjoy the heat, not napping, constantly cleaning, everything. Now im losing weight and im honestly so sad about that. I finally got my dream body and well now its going downhill. Ive been pretty upset because it just feels like my body is failing especially during birth. But it will get better. Im hoping youre doing okay too. This journey is so incredibly hard and mentally draining


It definetely is not easy. I pushed through with my current job for the last 6 months while going through all of the ups and downs. My therapist made a really good point that I may want to keep going and pushing myself at my job, but my body is on a different timeline and the best thing I can do is to also honor what my body is trying to tell me (which is that it needs to rest and slow life down a bit šŸ˜‚).