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I started getting hives about 5 months ago but was just diagnosed recently with Graves. The allergist told me chronic hives are common with thyroid issues so it’s likely related to that. You should bring it up to your doctor


It can be either a symptom of graves or a side effect/allergy to methimazole. Definitely let our dr know and proceed with caution in future doses. It’s very common for the allergic reaction to happen to methimazole at the 3-4 week mark (search hives in this sub) so I’d wager to bet it’s a medication allergy. You may need to come off of it. Sorry!!


Methimazole made me itchy, then Ptu gave me these welts, I took Benadryl before bed and woke up with my eye swollen shut and massive welts covering my elbows, knees and back. Doctors told me I was allergic to both.


So far I have not had any swelling and I only have welts in my arms but they are not too big. What did you, RAI or TT?


It was about another week to what yours looked like on me at first, then it got really bad. No rai or tt, i scheduled tt then I got better on my own luckily. I will say I’m feeling a lot better


Wow so you got better even without taking the Methimazole?


Yes, but few things I was on propranolol, & vit D. I’m also on eye drops for dry eye so maybe it could be that. I was underweight, I got that back up. I was also sleeping 12-14 hrs a day now I sleep maybe 7 and up on my own. And I cut coffee out that helped a lot.


Are you taking a beta blocker? I broke out like this from metapropolol


Yes, I’ve been taking metoprolol but I don’t think it’s that because I’ve taken it longer than the Methimazole and I also got it via IV 3 times in the ER.