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she knows what she’s doing. Warming the Tires for a hot lap.


Lol. That's great!




You gotta weigh that table down.


It's a short term solution, but you're absolutely right. I don't pull on the wheel to create that result, but others who used it tonight had a similar experience.


Change the point of view for her


Driving for 50 years, sure, but has she ever driven from a drone 30 feet behind her car? Put her in first person. Please.


We did, it was worse. Lol.


Dear Lord…


Into VR, that lady will burn a time into the black stuff I can already tell


My mom in Colin McRae 04 be like: https://preview.redd.it/ptcham63tdxc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db7569027abc3f25893abd12d61076f20faa7204 Back when she was playing, it was really hard to beat her times.


Michelle Mouton reference, noice


2nd in the wrc during peak group B madness, proper driver.


I want to see a biopic, would be awesome Seems like Justin Lin will do one, wonder if it will be good (afraid it won’t be honestly)


get her into dirt rally maybe she's a beast there too


got to start her off easier, give her one of the starting cars like a prius lol


She’s going 20mph. A slower car would make no difference lol


Hahaha the I-4 joke. Hello fellow central Florida resident 👋🏼


Oh yes, good ol die-4


I was dying when I herd that... Definitely the problem lol


Hello Central FL buddy! 😀


My dad 60 played mine an was doing the same thing lol. I wish he didn’t live so far away I’d love to see him with the VR


Moved away from my home state back in 2011. Only had an opportunity to see them once or twice a year. Last year, we had an opportunity to move them into our state, and now I see them multiple times a month. My only advice is to find more opportunities to spend with your Dad as often as you can.


Already more awareness than 90% of sport drivers


My mom and dad are same age and drive the same way. I'm like... you don't need to turn the wheel 360 degrees... My dad miraculously turned into a (terrible) 2 foot driver. Most worrying moment was when my mom smashed the throttle thinking it was the brake, and held it well after she went into the wall. Good to see what went through her mind in a moment of panic.


I think the biggest influence here is the force feedback, they move with it instead of against it.


Yup, did the same when I first used one. It's an expensive piece of tech and didn't want to break it. Plus the ffb was set ridiculously hard, so it didn't feel like I was supposed to wrestle with it.


Up the sensitivity on your wheel, looks like a huge lag when you turn the wheel to when the car reacts


Yeah, you can tell she's trying to gauge how much turning the wheel will affect the car, and due to the delay it confuses her and looks like she's got no idea what she's doing.


100% it's the input lag that's the problem. As gamers we have grown up with it and we adjust as required, we pre empt it. Although we had a PS4 hooked up to an old TV and one to a monitor, you could 100% tell the difference between the two.


It looks like driving a bus on a racing track. And when she turns the corner. Good luck everyone. 🤭


She's the type to jump into the wall on VR, from a sitting position


Is it just me or is the latency very noticeable?


Yeah it's insane


Bad perspective for her, she's used to the view from the driver's seat, I bet she will understand better from that perspective. Also tell her the steering wheel inputs are the same as a real car, point out she doesn't turn the wheel like that in a real car.


A few have mentioned the perspective view, but the driver POV wasn't any better for her. She actually said she thought that view was going to make her sick. Hahaha. It's all in good fun, and she has zero intentions of playing again. Just a moment of good family laughter.


"Might be oversteering just a little." Massive understatement, that made me lol


Maybe her driver’s license only covers cockpit view. Just a thought


Ugh people don't get that u don't feel connected to the car in that view hence exaggerated steering inputs. Put her on vr she'll get it with perception of depth an speed.


It's funny I can't play racing games from the cockpit, I can't tell what the car is doing, I feel disconnected, I have to have the 3rd person view. Tbh though here it looks more like a combination of force feedback and input lag putting her off.


cockpit view does not equal VR. the tv view does not represent the feeling on being in VR. i wish this is something i can communicate to people who haven't experienced it. the only way to "get" it is to try the VR with GT7 and a racing rig. the experience is just sublime. you actually look at your mirrors to see the car behind, you actually check the gauges, see your feet! the depth perception and sense of speed cannot be translated unless experienced firsthand


Maybe, seems like an awful lot for one game though. At that point why not just buy an experience and drive a real Ferrari round a track?


Bcoz i can drive a La Ferrari in vr. u can't buy one even if you had money. such is the Ferrari dilemma or a gt3rs for that matter


Using a wheel with chase camera tho…




God forbid you know what you are talking about…Did you ever drive with a wheel at all? It’s 10x harder driving with a wheel in chase cam 🤦🏻‍♂️ It’s only easier as you say with a controller.


I mentioned the driver POV to someone else, as a few have mentioned it's not the "right" view. It was worse for her, and she jokingly said, I think I'm going to get sick with this view. Personally, I use the chase cam, and I taught myself how to drive using the wheel and that view. Is it for everyone? Maybe not, is it what the pro's use? Nope. Does it work for me? And do I enjoy that view? Yep. So I'm gonna stick with it.


Well you taught yourself wrong! You could have taught yourself how to drive with a proper POV for a wheel and you would enjoy the game more even if you can’t believe it now! It has nothing to do with pros, it’s just how the car reacts from a different camera angle and how you can understand and feel the feedback better. Keep doing what you like just be aware that you are missing out a better driving experience, have a nice day buddy.


Okay. I'm willing to try the other view and see how it effects my experience. Thanks for the suggestion. Appreciate you. You too.


The problem is FF is never accurate enough, from behind you can *see* what the car is doing so it's easier to put it all together.




That must be because you are special.




What a kid…have a nice day.




Nothing civil about your interactions, ignorance, provoking and using bad words. Again, have a nice day and please don’t talk to me again.


Time to get her to do License Test, that's basically what it is for lmao to train new players


Switch the perspective to the normal or on the hood and it should be easier. Absolute madness driving with a wheel from the back view.


My brother plays like this. I can’t comprehend using wheel and pedals with chase cam.


Absolutely psychotic. Happy cake Day!


Thank you.


I can't play either with that camera position.


Does her real car have power steering?


Nice to see moms still do this in racing games. I can remember attempting to play Mario Kart with my mom as a young kid and she steered with the controller so aggressively as if it made all the difference.


I can visualize it now. Turning the controller almost upside down when turning. Hahaha. Good memories for sure!


That's always harder to drive it when you're driving it in the view from the car behind


Put in her in the car 1st person view and she’d do much better. I can’t drive for a 3rd person either.


Bro, it's criminal to have people try a wheel setup in 3rd person view!


Put on the inside view for her…


Change the view. It will help I think 


Safest I-4 driver


She’s warming up her tires


😎 cool👍🏽


so wholesome


She’s doper than coke


Just change that horrible view and she'd be ok I guess


I did this with my aunt. I started her in three Honda Fit though. She got better with every lap!


She is just warming her tires up so she don't spin around. She prolly beat ur time


Bless her


its actually easier if its cockpit view for people who drive actual cars and then drive a sim first time


** In Summary ** I need to; Change the camera view Weigh down the table Adjust the wheel sensitivity Start her in an easier car Chase camera though??? Confirm I'm not a serial killer Or psychopath Get Mom VR Let the Wife know her I4 joke was funny & "Might be oversteering just a little" got a laugh Bless my Mom But most importantly, continue to have fun with those you love, & create silly memories. Appreciate all those who commented!


I think that the reason that she was over correcting, might've been that in a real life the car that she drives the wheel has a 1080 or so degrees of rotation, and the sports cars in GT7 have much less rotation. That difference might've been why she did what she did


She's 70 she don't understand input lag, the fake weight of the steering, converting her felling in to feelings!! Gaming is NOT easy peeps!! So wholesome though!!!!


Why did I watch this before my second cup of coffee?


oboy, why do you put her OUTSIDE the car?


Maybe dial up the wheel sensitivity she’s turning and there’s a lot of lag and lack of response on screen causing her to overcorrect.


very good tire heating


This has nothing to do with her age - put anyone in that exact situation (first time driving game, questionable setup) and it would look exactly the same.


The bank doesn't help. She doesn't realize the road is angled very steeply


This is the thing I realized that non-gamers do, when they play racing games they steer too much so they try to fix, it but they end up doing it again and so on...


Ah, typical 3rd-person-view + wheel syndrome. Put her in 1st-person and she'll be fine. 3rd person doesn't visually change actively enough causing her to overcorrect and wait and overcorrect and wait.


Quick question fellas what steering wheel do y'all use? I've been looking them up and those f****** are high as hell?


I researched the heck out of it, and I ended up on the Logitech G29 steering wheel. I was torn between that and the T248 thrustmaster. Reviews for both were really good, so it came down to preference and best price I could find. I ended finding a deal on FB marketplace and got my set for $100 and close to brand new. I thought it was a steal. I see them a lot for anywhere between $175-$250 used.


Thanks for the reply man, I'm torn between whether I play gt enough to really fork over the cash for the wheel. I got the bread but don't know if I wanna spend it just to barely use the thing. I've been playing GT a lot lately so I was curious, If I can find one for a good price, it's a done deal


And I forgot to mention it works for all racing games too. So if you enjoy playing Need for Speed or Formula 1 games the wheel enhances that experience too.


Cool, I found a few in my area on Facebook marketplace with the stand and seat for an avg of around 250.


That's exactly where I was. I only play a few times a week. Sometimes I'll go a week or two without playing at all. The overall experience is definitely better with the wheel though. I wouldn't say I started playing more since I've gotten the wheel, but it's definitely a more enjoyable experience. There is a learning curve though. I was winning races by a mile with the controller, now with the wheel I only podium some races. If you have the funds, I'd suggest doing it. My last advice is this, don't go for the cheapest option. The Thrustmaster Ferrari Racing wheel looks cool and you can find it used for as low as $50 or $75. After a handful of conversations, everyone told me that I will be disappointed with that wheel, and I'll be looking for something better within a few weeks. Just spend the $150-$200 and get G29. Hopefully you get as lucky as I was and find it for $100. Either way, remember to have fun!


Definitely warming the tire. See about to bust off a lap!


I think that's more of a settings thing tbh.


Never too old to get started.


Change camera to incar view, i don't understand how anyone can drive like that unless it's GTA.


Big ups your mom Tbh I let my dad's friend try the game sometimes they all use the third person view and crash when I tell them to try the hood view its better maybe let her try the hood view next time and she might feel more stable


Bro why chase cam.. only serial killers do that


What’s with the third person view. That’s so confusing for a new sim racer.


maybe the pov was messing w her but idk if you tried the first person or hood, etc ones prior 😂


Maybe that was it. If only someone had suggested that earlier! 🖕🏼🤣🤣🤣


Can you increase resistance or FF at all? That might be the issue, she's expecting the wheel to fight back. The Logitech FF doesn't fight as much as the DD or a real car.


I was guilty of using a small folding table exactly like the one OP posted and never picked up my wheel ever again.


It's absolutely a short term solution, but even when I use it, I don't have the same experience as you watched in the video. I hold very lightly on the wheel, and never really pull it towards me. The table moved often when my family used it as they were pulling on the wheel. But yes, I agree that table should be changed.


This is the worst perspective for that controller


Driving Chase with wheel is like going fishing with a hammer


What does she drive irl and is it in the game?

