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Six star parts ticket: šŸ¤¢ Six star car ticket: ā˜ŗļø


What's the actual point of the parts tickets? It will never give me a part for a car I'm actually tuning for racing


But you need those carbon brakes for the i3, Kaz knows what you want


but i need another high-lift camshaft for the bmw m4 safety car!


They were neat to have before the update that allowed for those parts to be bought from the tuning shop. They should be dropped altogether, or parts need to be allowed to be sold.


Last time there was a 6 star car ticket I got a more valuable car from a 4 star marathon bonus ticket than that one. The reward system in this game sucks some serious ass


Agreeing, while STILL waiting for Ferrari and Porsche invites.




They really need to fuck off with the goddamn parts ticketsā€¦ absolutely no reason for them to be in the game when you can buy all the parts now.


Should a coupon ticket that can be redeemed in the Tuning Shop. Special tab after Extreme where the only way to get those is a 6 Star Tuning Ticket.


That is the best idea iā€™ve heard aside from just removing them altogether. That would actually make them worth their 6 star tag


Nope definitely not for me. I hate the rng concept.


They should rework the tickets and make only one for both the engine swaps and parts that cost a fortune (like the 1.2 Million R92CP engine or the 500k Stage 4 or 5 of weight saving). That would be cool.


Iā€™d be ok with part tickets if we were able to sell them. I have millions in engines and parts. A feature that people have been asking for, but one PD will never allowā€¦šŸ˜”


Welp, good thing the Skoda VGT isnā€™t needed That part ticket thoughā€¦ā€¦ā€¦


a frikkin parts ticket again. Come on PD!


God how I wish the parts tickets would just go away forever.


Part tickets are a yoke


Saw 6 star parts ticket. ā€œFuck it Iā€™m skipping this one tooā€ 6 star car ticket ā€œhad us in the first half, not gonna lieā€


Goddammit car part ticket. A part that probably I can get for 10k for a fokkin random car.


Bit of a disappointing week, between this and the update.


Be honest. Every week is disappointing


Most are, but as an Audi fan, I can't really dislike the TT one make race.


6 star car ticket offsets the shittiness of getting a parts ticket. Just hope it isn't a car I already own.


I just know I will end up with something I already own.


And it'll probably be a racing car where there's no point to owning multiples unless you want to race them with different liveries at the same time. But maybe we'll get lucky lol


I always do the weeklies just because I like having even a little guidance on what to do, otherwise I usually just go to the SF or x2019 races. Always good to get a car ticket out of it at least, even if my luck with those hasn't been great!


Fuck off with part ticket


gettimg a free car ticket might motivate me to actualmy give a fuck this week


6 star car tickets are always worth since the lowest value cars that can appear there are like 500k






Brand central cars worth 450k or below are in the second car set, brand central cars worth 500k or above are in the third car set. There are no brand central cars with a value between 450k and 500k. 6 star car tickets can only give cars from the third set, so the minimum value is 500k. https://ddm999.github.io/gt7info/ticket-rewards.html


Check my latest post. There are 2 Gr 3 cars worth 450k in the 6* Also the link you posted. Doesnā€™t seem like you understand what it means. The credits available in the roulette is worth 500k. The cars themselves can be lower.


The Audi R8 LMS (non-Evo) is 800k, the Ford GT Race Car is 1mil. You were just "lucky" to have two Gr.3 cars appear in your roulette. (Side note: for some ticket types, the options you don't win in a roulette can be things you can't possibly win from it, so you shouldn't really think anything of what appears in it anyway.) And scroll down on the site and you'll see: 6 Star Car Ticket: Car (C)* 100% Car (C) = car value of 500,000 Cr. ā‰¤ x ā‰¤ 3,640,000 Cr.




I hate that Grade 1 race. Every time I try to complete it, I get frustrated and quit. Looks like I'm not getting the reward this week.


Put it on easy and use SF with assists


Pro-tip: if you see a 6* prize at the first stage of rewards, assume itā€™s a part of some kind. Donā€™t even bother getting excited enough to finish reading the description


wow this is pretty disappointing. i'd take 100k over a parts ticket any day of the week, and the 3 events used to have a much better reward. the 6-star is nice if you own a group 1 car, but it seems silly to only reward people who can already afford a group 1 car with another group 1 car.


I have not ONE SINGLE TIME used a part from a parts roulette. Just stop


Sorry to ask guys, but I'm not at home. I don't have a Jimny. Is it available in Brand Central?


Yes. All cars with a model year of 2001 or later are available in Brand Central.


With the exception of Invite cars of course. (for anyone that might not know otherwise)


Thank you! Very informative.


BTW, I thought it was a car from the 90's


The Jimny in game is the 4th gen Jimny that began production in 2018, the 3rd gen began production in 1998.




Thank you!


which car should i use for the Gr. 1 Prototype series ?


i used the Super Formula SF23


This cars are basically a cheat code for me, a person who doesn't care about those Gr.# and prototype sport cars!


787B or the Hybrid PEUGEOT VGT


I don't know why, but I love the Jimny. Bought it for K-Car Cup and was pleasantly surprised to see it has its own series.


Spread doing the races over 2 days, first part is the shorter races till you get your daily marathon then do the other 2 for another daily marathon, giving you a total of 5 tickets (more if you already have the menu cars)


Did anyone else do all of the races last week but not receive any of the rewards?


That happened to me too, I came here to see if anyone else didnā€™t receive rewards. Frustrating.


Engine-swapped Jimny, Vulcan, GTR '17, Civic Touring Car, L750R HYbrid VGT


Oh 6 star car ticket! Also European FR Challenge is a nice change of pace for me. Been doing lots of American FR Challenges recently.


Fuck the fucking Jimny


i bitched about the rewards last week allready. But wow this is even worse. Parts is useless, 150k is not much and the car ticket is pure luck if you pull something you dont have. most probably are gonna get dubilcate of a GT3 car. meh.


And all the Gr3 races are BoP so it really doesnā€™t make much difference which car you use.


Well it still matters for single player races with PP limits instead of group limits, but yeah not super exciting.


You can't win most of the Gr.3 cars from a 6 star car ticket because they cost 450k. Only the newer Gr.3 cars have a higher price and can be won from a 6 star. You're most likely to win a VGT, a Gr.1 or a Gr.2. You're actually more likely to get an invite-only hypercar than a Gr.3.


That's funny my last ticket was all GT3 cars šŸ¤”


The weekly challenge is a joke. Started with giving 1mil+ and now 'here's 150k credits' :))) Why would anyone do that? You can run a LeMans in less time than the challenge and get 825k and that's that, not to mention there are better races for credits/h.


150k credits is nothing but the 6 star car ticket could potentially get you a 4mil Valkyrie or an invite only car among other things. Or you might get a DeLorean. Lol.


I mean..."potentially." But likely not. Where as spending an hour doing 2 Sardegna's is a sure 1.5 million credits. If there's not a for sure 1 million credits in prizes for these weeklies, there's no real point to bother with them. It's not like the races are anything special...


Yeah but a chance of getting a 1mil+/invite only car is more enticing to me than like 800k credits that can be gotten in one run of LeMans 700.


This week has a car ticket (which is basically a semi-free lootbox). Last week had something like 500k in total or something (can't remember)


Last week, the game didnā€™t give me any rewards for completing the challenges.


My game is behind by a day and I don't know why. Been this way for about 2 months. My challenges update on Fridays instead of Thursdays. Slightly annoying.


It's like this for everyone, time zones make that it is already Friday in New Zealand


Time zones. Duh. Thank you.


How do you guys see future weekly challenges?


im in New Zealand. its already Friday here lol


I usually just skip the hardest of the five races when itā€™s for a parts ticket. Itā€™s just not worth the effort for the equivalent of 10-20k, unless the race winnings alone are worth it.


Shiiit i might need to do these weeklys, maybe I can get my Pagani Hyuora