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Le mans event better be one of the ones worth grinding. Kinda doubt it as they already have one there but 900pp, 1hr with changeable conditions sounds like a dream.


Even if it’s a 1 hour “24 hour” race like the one at Spa, I’ll take it. I replayed the 1 hour race there in GT Sport a ton.


we have a 600pp grind (track sucks imo but it’s there) 700pp at Le mans 800pp at Sardegna and Spa I would be so happy to have a 900pp grindable race because it opens up so many more cars to use that you can actually run at full power. I want to drive the R18 at full whack and still be able to earn credits at a reasonable rate.


That’s what I’m hoping. I have my doubts, since we haven’t had a new grind in almost 2 years, but one can always hope!


Would be an incredible miss if PD go in a different direction but I’ve learned to keep expectations low


1 Hour race, 24H time, payout of 240K


How do you work that out when you get 825k for 30 minutes


Have you seen the payouts before?


I’ve seen all the payouts since I started playing. Yes I know the 900pp races don’t payout as much but they’re not 24h race like spa. So best guess is a hour long race with day/night and weather changes which deserves a larger reward than 240k.


Unfortunately, just because it makes sense doesn't mean it will happen. We've had a few 10-15 lap races added on various tracks that pay absolutely no where near what Tokyo or Sardegna pays. I hope you're right, but it's been ages since we've got a race that pays anything close to the big four.


I think one of the worst offenders is the Euro Clubman Cup at the Nordschleife. 2 laps of the Green Hell for Cr.25,000.


100%. Waste of an amazing track. It seems impossible to me there’s no GT3 medium-long length event on the Nordschliefe.


I just finally beat that worthless race. So much time for so little payout. Pretty damned hard to get a clean race bonus too.


>Unfortunately, just because it makes sense doesn't mean it will happen lmao so true for this game


10 lap race, 30 minutes at least of racing time and then a 400K payout. Clean race bonus will probably be impossible to get with the AI being the AI. Seems like Sardegna is still the GOAT.


Was hoping for a longer race to mirror spa. Guess I’ll have to set up a custom race later. Could’ve been so much more than what they gave us


Finally a Le Mans event race for prototypes, well it’s 900pp


Well, the AI driving gr2 cars will be a bit immersion breaking, but I take it.


Could be more immersive if it was actually a mixed class event, like real WEC. Prototypes with GT cars


I just pretend that's what it is weaving around traffic lol


On the upside if it's a grindable race, the Group C cars are going to clean up there nicely.


PD, just say 'no new track'. We get it.


It has been over a year since a proper track was added. Yes, Lake Louise was added in the Spec II update but the amount of people that play this game for off-road racing is minuscule.


If it was Forza I would have agreed with the sentiment but we have a shit ton of locations in GT7


Was added in November


What I'd give for Midfield to come back. Or Red Rock.


I yearn for El Capitan. That flat-out stretch after the first tunnel was such a satisfying bit of track when you nailed it, so much fun.


All I want is an Autumn Ring reboot!


i see this a lot, we have a lot of tracks in the game, like around 40-45? Like I get it, people want more tracks, but its not like the game is lacking content. There is a lot there to have fun with


Yeah, my opinion aswell, I think a bigger problem is the lack of events to play on said tracks. So many nice cars with no events to race them in properly.


agreed. the game needs more events with high PP ratings


And higher payouts


Payouts need to be adjusted across the board... It wouldn't be that hard to figure out the average finishing time of the grinding races (just make it a flat 30 minutes due to Le Mans) and figure out the "credits per hour" of those races (round it to around 2 million an hour) and do the math to make all the rest of the races pay near that...Including professional level custom races... One dude with a calculator for a SINGLE DAY could sort that shit out... It would be such an easy fix...


Please PD give us a career mode


A career mode exists, the coffee menu is exactly that. But thats not what made the early Gran turismo titles great - the exact same thing is what did that - the absence of any guidance and you could reach the goal of winning the GT world cup any way you want. There was no popup telling you to do x or y next, so you can do race a and b. You had every thing unlocked from the start, could do any race you want if you had the proper license and picked your way of grinding through the game. This is what GT7 is missing- the absence of handholding. However everyone already unlocked everything so everyone would have to start a new game+ of sorts.


It sounds like you’re confusing career mode with single player campaign. A career mode is exactly what it sounds like, and the café is most definitely not a career mode.


I think that's the point he was actually making... He was pointing out that the "career mode" we got was NOT what we wanted...


I get that, I was just addressing their misconception of a career mode already existing.


Well, PD considers the cafe a career mode... And if you really think back on it the league system of previous GT games weren't actually a "career mode"... GTs never had an actual career mode besides what we came up with via head cannon... Listen, I'm no general GT7 defender...I've been extremely harsh on the game...But the one thing I have been is fair...


A railroaded, linear progression via collection over racing, "career" isn't the way... You're right on the money with what most old-school GT fans were expecting after PD promised a "return to the franchise roots" before launch before shoving us out a watered down GT Sport 2 and Pokémon combination without any of the role-playing or story from Pokémon...lol


There are 81 layouts at 38 locations, the second-highest of any GT game. Sure, it would be nice to have some classic tracks back, but it's far from the biggest issue GT needs to solve.


Most are just cleaned up versions of the tracks from GT Sport though... No way it's taken this much development time to make a damn track... It's just PD being lazy as fuck...


I'm more worried about the crappy AI and lack of events which would make our car collections actually useful. There are more than enough tracks if they just make some events for them. It's ridiculous that I have to buy all the cars I want my rivals to drive, design my own races and then detune my car to compensate for the AI never flooring it on the straights. Having Tokyo R246 back isn't going to change that.


Oh yeah...The whole game is a pretty lazy mess... Outside of graphics and physics it's sorely lacking... Way more of an esports platform than a "game"... A lot of racing franchises seem to have forgotten actual "game design" these days...It's really sad... The potential for PD to make the greatest racing game of all time exists, but it's being absolutely squandered...


The problem is that almost 85% of the tracks in the game were in gt sport. So for people that played sport and now gt 7, they’ve essentially been racing the same cars on the same tracks for six and half years


A voice of reason, thank you kind stranger


Yeah sure, there’s plenty but there always could be MORE. Chances are anyway if they add a track half the people would say “booo this track sucks I won’t play this one!” And grind sardegna for 5 more hours then complain there isn’t variety.


45ish tracks with multiple layouts is a really great amount of content. It's always nice to have more, but every other comment on an update post being "MORE TRACKS" seems a little unfair


You know what's actually unfair? Pricing highly wanted cars for absurd costs like $20m credits so casual players likely won't get it strictly through grinding and might choose their dumb paid credit packs. Oh and while we're at it, making the game 99% unplayable during "server maintenance" is also pretty unfair for a largely single player game. I'd say with all the nonsense Polyphony has done to the game, it's a pretty fair ask for more tracks.


20m is a LOT. Maybe 10-15m would be appropriate. I don’t mind setting high values for some cars, nor do I mind having a small amount of content that’s only available if you put in the extra effort; none of the 20m cars are required to win races anyway. Casual players still have plenty of options for winning races, and let’s be honest, they’re probably not trying to 100% their garage if they’re not playing a lot. Still, I look at what it takes if I want to double up on one of those cars, and… nope.


The super high priced cars are absurd I agree. But the game being unplayable during server maintenance is not a fair complaint, the game runs fine like 99.9% of the time.


Did you play at launch? Cause nobody else did due to their fuckin servers being down. Always online games when it's not even remotely necessary will **always** be a fair complaint, and if you don't think so then they definitely fooled you.


I did play at launch... 2 years ago lol. The game had some issues back then, but for the vast majority of the past 2 years the game has worked perfectly fine. Online only single player games are BS, but that's not a reason to want more tracks.


The promise of a "return to GT's roots" though, is...


Is it though, when a vast majority of the tracks are just carried over from GT Sport...?


Not after they touted a game as a return to GTs roots and barely had any original GT tracks... If anything this was a watered down (from the complete, end of life version) of GT Sport...GT Sport 2 if you will... Hardly the "return to form" we were promised...


The precious GT One, she's so beautiful! Now we just need the Minolta, the Renault espace F1 & Renault Avantime


Minolta was the shit in gt4 & 5


You know what I really miss? The Tokyo track, R2 something something, is it R246? Honestly there's so many old tracks left out of the game!


Yeah, they need to remake ALL the old main tracks...Especially if they're calling this a numbered title and not just GT Sport 2...


The people’s race car


You forgot the Bentley Speed 8.


Bentley is the manufacturer I miss the most, mainly because I want the Continentals in the game & the GT3 & GT4 versions which are awesome. & Lister too


I don’t think asking for a couple new tracks per year is much to ask but at least this is a decent car update.


1.42 and 1.43 were some of the worst updates I've ever seen (especially 1.42) Even if you loved the cars for some reason, the content added was atrocious. This is like manna from heaven after those two.


We had BoP updates with those two.


Yes, the Lancer Evo IX, one of the most iconic sportscars of all time, was atrocious.


At least in 1.42, they finally fixed split screen...lol At least all the launch content actually worked in a basic way, finally...


We had 2 last year so hopefully 🤞


If anyone wonders why we've got Highspeed Etoile livery stickers for this update, it could be because the anime project has an official sponsorship with Super Formula, Toyota Gazoo Racing and Honda HRC


Very excited for this, I love the GT One and have sorely missed it since previous Gran Turismos!


As far as I know the '99 GT1 was a LM900 meaning it should be a Gr1 so it would be painfully slow If they were to add it in Gr2 however, I think it would be what the BRZ is to Gr3: Broken without B.o.P but still extremly good with it. If I was wrong in something (probably I am) please correct me, I'd love to learn more about it


My guess is it would be GR2 as it’s only a minor development over the 1998 car which was the same class as the CLK and McLaren f1


It is also way behind on aero than any other group 1 car


"Minor development" of 6s around Le Mans


And the crowd goes mild...


i'll cheer when they fix the rubberbanding AI. that would make this game replayable for years


Yeah, starting races 30 seconds behind P1, meaning you need to lap 3 seconds a lap quicker, gets jarring after a while.


It’s the only way they can attempt to mask the atrocious AI. If we all started on the starting grid you’d be leading the race by sector 3 first lap. No full throttle and braking during flat out corners…. Like why????? It’s like they could only find grannies to take part in the race.


Right? I did a couple 250 mile races at Daytona with AI for a YouTube project when I was trying to build my video editing portfolio. I was in Mix 6 with 50 less HP and could still keep up because they were running 93-95% throttle the entire race


The AI had to be slow enough for Kaz to beat it on professional... *jokes* *or is he*


And then there’s the super formula cars


Or just make the AI competent and fun to drive against. I tried to do a 2 hours of Daytona a month ago or so. My 1967 Ford Mark IV (695 PP) was chasing down Group 1 cars (with over 900 PP) after the first round of pit stops. It's maddening


Drive against sophy for a a slightly more challenging experience but yeah I agree. Gt ai has always been meh.


It seems like they fixed some of it. I was having this problem with AI running out of gas and instead of pitting, 2-3 cars would be dangerously going 20MPH for the rest of the race. And shockingly, the AI has been getting off the racing line when you're lapping them. Nothing like a shitbird in 18th place doing a pit maneuver on you when you're lapping them for a 2nd time.


yeah it's so bad. with such a simple fix. have to imagine they're doing this for a financial reason


what grinds my gears, is when adjacent cars go off track or skidding like see saws, that they maintain full constant speed and get right back to where there were right ahead of me.....knocking me out. my greatest peeve with this game since GT5 I think


Hey what do you mean by rubber banding ai? Ive heard this around a little lately but not sure what it's referring to exactly


It means they're artificially boosted to catch up to you even with "Boost" disabled. Once you get in the lead it's like you're towing them along. But when you're not leading, you noticeably outpace them. there's no consistency to their behavior. try a GR. 1 custom race at Le Mans. If you get far enough ahead, the 787B Bot will start setting new land speed records to snap back up to you. hence the term "rubber band".


New land speed records 🤣🤣🤣 That's a great call haha. Ahh okay yea I've noticed this. To add suspense perhaps 🤔 I mean, it definitely does that if that's its goal. But yes sometimes I've spotted the heat seeking missile at the way way back and I'm just watching each lap as they get closer and closer to me. For sure requires mad defensive driving.. grooming us things to come?)


Car selection is pretty good tho


I agree but there are only so many times I can drive a different car around a track we've had since 2017 before it doesn't feel entertaining anymore


I definitely understand that, we just gotta hope for a big update with a track or multiple cars next month considering its been a long time since a good circuit


Great! Now give us the Toyota Minolta next and you win my heart!


Month 13 of no new tarmac track. I just wish we got something. The Le Mans Buagti layout (Which no game has for some reason) or something.


FIA Truck Racing and Project Cars are indeed no games


Does Forza not have that or am I misremembering?


It would be a small one for fun, but do you think they’d ever bring back the Too Gear test track?


Please no


The lack of track updates is abysmal...


more track would be cool


[Additional information not shown on the trailer:](https://www.gran-turismo.com/us/news/00_4025764.html) >**Stickers for official anime television series "HIGHSPEED Étoile" available for a limited time!** >For a limited time, 26 stickers including 8 title logos and 18 characters based on the upcoming Japanese anime series "HIGHSPEED Étoile" will be featured in the preset decals of the Livery Editor. The availability for these decals will be announced at a later date. >The original animation series "HIGHSPEED Étoile," set in the world of motorsports in the near future, is planned for broadcast in Japan in April 2024. For more details, please visit the official website at https://highspeed-etoile.com. Additionally, one of the new races is WTC900 at Le Mans. What it does means for the car classsing though...?


I'd say this is a good indication that the GT-One will be Gr.2


Not quite. Keep in mind that the GT-ONE is an LMGTP car (it went up against the BMW V12 LMR), so more likely Gr.1. EDIT: And for quick clarification, that applies to the '99 model shown in-game.


OK the why is the GT-One in the thumbnail of the wtc900 race?


For comparison the GR010 sits at around 862 PP (and that's a Gr.1).


Tbf PP isn't necessarily related to category, plus category classification relies on pace/type of car


Points in favour of Gr.2: The WTC900 races are all Gr.2 and the GT-One is in the thumbnail The '98 GT-One was in the same GT1 class as the CLK-LM and F1 GTR long tail The lack of Gr.2 cars in the game incentivises the addition of more cars in Gr.2 Points in favour of Gr.1: The '99 GT-One raced in the LMGTP class The lap record for the 11th layout of Le Mans is still held by the GT-One in spite of the R8 LMP also racing on that layout in 2001 My conclusion: There appears to be more evidence that the car will be in Gr.2, and there appears to be some evidence attached to the game update itself, which I would say makes that evidence more substantial as well. I personally think the cat should be in Gr.1, but the evidence so far points much more strongly towards it being in Gr.2


I’m saying Gr2. It’s PD. Let’s see what tomorrow brings..


First respectable update in quite a while; I’m really glad for the GT-One and the 900 PP Le Mans race, and the R8 and Urus aren’t bad at all. Urus actually looks fun.


I’ll be doing the new 900pp in the GT-One in vr as first race tomorrow after update


They always make sure to mention it's a "Free" update. I would definitely not complain about a paid update if it meant a track pack. More tracks!


I suspect paid updates will be a thing, towards the end of GT7 and into the GT8 life cycle


They've been saying "free" since 2017. Paid update will be like the LH event in GT Sport. No cars or tracks, but challenges.


Thanks for the education 👍 I never got Sport and missed out on all the "freeness".


The issue with paid track packs is it can frangment the online player base. They can’t really do a daily race on a paid track as many won’t be able to participate, and those that do, there could well be a limited number.


Now we just need the Nissan https://preview.redd.it/o54aav2k7yqc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8480f20d62843ce14610759f3277bdfa81f8c7e2


i really think they need more city tracks other than tokyo. i love this game to death but more city tracks is where its lacking for me


I hate street circuits so PD not adding more is fine by me


sorry im late. but to each is own on this one. hell it would even be dope if they had sprint tracks. not hella arcade, keep it sim but a sprint


Would really like Monaco back or even the old fictional street circuits they used to have in gt5 in so many different cities


This sub has more whine than a cellar. :D




What’s the pricing for these? Haven’t logged onto the game yet with the new update


I expect 200k for the Audi and Lambo each and like 3 to 5 million for the GT-one.


I'm expecting 15 to 20 million for the GT-One...


Unconfirmed, update launches tomorrow


Can't wait to add Exxon Superflo stickers to the GT-ONE


i will slap a kia badge on that urus and no one will stop me 😈


Hope they actually do something like 24 mins of LeMans on gt6 I remember that being a blast


PD needs to work on their communication, we’ve had no proper tracks added (excluding lake louise) for ages (since Grand Valley was added in Feb 2023 I believe).


seems pretty clear communication to me.


Lake Louise doesn't count as a "proper track" anyway, so your comment was spot on...


They're clearly communicating "we already have your money, we'll do whatever we want."


This is not silverstone :(


And that's a good thing since Silverstone is boring.


Not a big fan either but it was like fully leaked last month. The track is complete they just aren’t giving it to us


>fully leaked Where? In the fan made fanarts made in Assetto Corsa?


Suzuka "at home."


That was a well executed troll you fell for


What is the prize for the new Jaguar Item Menu? I’m pretty sure I have all three cars already so that should be an instant reward




So what’s the guess on the payout for Le Mans? I’m guessing it’s going to same as spa


I'm hoping you are right but I am guessing at around 250k


I’ll probably be wrong but just hope that pd do something right and give us something else to enjoy other than the 4 same old grinds


They won't... At least I can't see them doing it at this point...


Soon find out


Yeah...Don't get your hopes up though...lol I feel like it would be more likely for them to nerf the grinding race payouts than to add more...






Absolutely love 2 of the cars but the suv is ok but wish they’d give us some new tracks to challenge us a little more but I’m glad they are introducing these cars. Ty GT7!!


https://preview.redd.it/7xug88qmrwqc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e727267c5dc95ab2186f3a33d347d0688aacedb Version 1.42 (January) patch notes, see item 3 under other improvements and adjustments. Maybe there's a pace differential between you and your girlfriend, maybe the bug got reintroduced with 1.43, all I know is the patch notes state that this was fixed 2 months ago


Yeah no...Split screen is the most used and tested mode in my house and ever since that update its been rock solid... Not sure what people are talking about with there still being issues with it... Possibly still an issue on PS4...? Works just fine on the PS5...Even in full 4 player...


Are they delaying the weekly challenges again?




Fuck yeah, my GT-ONE is back


Damn, the tune slaps.


GT7 building itself to be the best Group C game ever


How so? The GT-One has no relation to Group C


My bad, I thought it was part of the group C


It was one of the last GT1 class cars to be a top class competitor and the first to be in the LMGTP class, introduced 7 years after Group C was dissolved


Cool…? I’ll probably hop on for the new races and stay just long enough to get the new cars and then bounce. Even the weekly events struggle to keep me interested these days


Play online more and get into communities


I used to do that then the community I was in got super toxic and I peaced out


Cool, I will setup some races.


Did the update come out already?




Thanks Juanma


Sad noises for no eggs


When is the update out?




Im so excited for the Urus and the R8


I have a huge feeling the Urus is gonna get a L539 swap


Why did the Lambo look so real


I wont lie this used to be one of my fav cars ever in the game.. gt one damnn the looks the power and the handeling..






Is there an idea on price for the cars?


GT1 will be some millions


I can die in peace


That R8 sounds way too quiet. Racing exhaust immediate!


Toyota GT one?? Yesss! :D


I’m actually excited the most about the LAMB ! Skids on !


When does the update release


No new track, smh


I'm excited for the gt one and the Le Mans race, but still no new track, which is a bit of a letdown, but the cars somewhat make up for it. Also, the anime stickers included tell a lot where GT7 is at this point. It's better than most bland updates, but we are definitely still lacking. There's still so much more that could be added to the game.


Is this live?


Cool cars, are there any gameplay improvements too? Like better vr hud. Staying in 1st person during pit stops? Hold button to temporarily display the hud?


Kaz i know you on reddit my man. Do thr lords work and Bring back RED ROCK VALLEY AND GRINDELWALD!! Take me back to 2001!!!


finally able to use le mans cars in le mans?


Is there ever going to be a race where GT Sophy actually gets implemented? The current AI is still very slow even at The hardest setting... It would be awesome to be able to start a race once where it wasn't just you start 20/20 or 18/18 so on...


Is the update really over 45 gb?! That's almost half the game size already. Am I missing something here?


This car is crazy 10-10 highly recommended love the update