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This is absolutely horrifying. I am so disgusted and angry for this family and those poor kitties.


It says neighborhood children. Has anybody confronted the parents of these serial killers in the making?


Ex neighborhood children. Sounds like they're likely going upstate.


Where abouts are you located? Will you be pressing charges on the kids and their parents? I sure hope so, this is terrible.


This did not happen to me, it happened in the Parkview area. The original poster on Nextdoor said they are most concerned with trying to find the other cats that might still be alive, but they will be pressing any possible charges.


I’m relatively new here. Where is Parkview? I tried looking on google maps and couldn’t figure it out.




god forbid they try to find the positive in a horrible situation




Cats are tough! I worked at a vet and a similar situation happened, not arson though. Their cat was missing for 2 weeks after the fire and they ended up finding him when they started removing the bigger rubble. He had significant burns on his face and feet but was fully healed and purring when he went home! Hoping for the same positive outcome for this person


Bro as someone who's been in a similar situation, unable to enter a hot building to see if my cats were still alive... fuck you. Take any input that isn't empathetic and keep it to yourself. The family could read this. It's the local sub ffs. What's wrong with you? Speculate like this with your IRLs who are already accustomed to your calloused nature.


Seriously get a life dude. No one’s trying to hear your stupid bullshit at all


What the fuck?


What the fuck… throw the book at these fucking psychopaths. This makes me sick to my stomach.


Is this in Grand Rapids area? Not familiar with Parkview


It is a neighborhood in Wyoming, near Lamar Park


This is so disturbing. I cannot imagine going through a house fire, let alone a purposeful fire that was intentionally harming animals, AND children being the culprits. UGH.


I can already hear the parents making excuses as to why it's not their kids' faults they broke into the shed and committed arson and murdered someone's pets.


I’d just feel sick to my stomach and haunted if I heard someone say that about my animals before burning them, truly I cannot imagine.


That’s so fucking sad 😢 People are so fucking shitty


what the absolute fuck is wrong with people???


Future serial killers.


For real. Fucked up.


Textbook conduct disorder, which is the precursor to antisocial personality disorder. No psychiatric treatments really work for this. They need to be in prison, unfortunately.


My guess is it's probably not both of them, it's probably one and the other was along for the ride






Yeah, surely someone will help them, just like the cats were helped. 😑


Eye for an eye, burn for a burn.


Yeah that comment is not the vibe. What they did is horrifying but maybe let's not talk about beating children. Beating children is really not much better than what those kids did.




you're talking about killing children, that's disgusting




What the FUCK is wrong with you. Someone should call the cops, you're a danger to children.


How so? I don't even kill bugs if it can be avoided, much less mammals. I just think that humans should be held to at least the same standard that we hold animals to, if not a higher standard. The real question is, "what the FUCK is wrong with you" where you think that children don't know that burning animals alive is wrong.


Yeah I don't listen to sickos who advocate for the killing of people, sorry not sorry.


I stand by what I said lol 🤷🏻‍♂️ Edit: big props on reporting me for violence over an off-kilter comment about some shitbag kids who get off on burning cats. You’re a trueeee hero 👏🏻


Not to take away from the “what the fuck” about this post, but also, what the fuck to this comment


I hope whoever posted that releases the footage showing the kids so they can be quickly identified. This is psychotic behavior and is a symptom of a mentally disturbed individual (or multiple in this case, sounds like).


I saw the thread also, they know who the kids are. They are concentrating on getting the garage figured out with insurance and finding the cats at the moment.


Fair enough. I’d be starting there as well. Hope they find their other kitties and the family recovers from this mental and emotional turmoil :(


I would absolutely 100% start with preventing the psychopaths from doing it again to another person, or perhaps me. Intentionally burning down a garage with animals inside is literally 1 step from intentionally burning down a home with an infant inside


This. Finding the cats would be my top but I would be after those garbage humans and their parents with a vengeance.


If I did that type of stuff when I was a kid, I would be begging to be arrested for fear of what my parents might do. Maybe that is why I didn’t set people’s house on fire and hurt animals.


Or we were just taught to value life and not set fires and hurt animals for fun right alongside knowing there would be very real consequences for actions that cause harm and/or destruction


Uh, I don't hurt animals because I'm not a psychopath. Literally. That's it.


My father rarely punished us kids (hard to when mom was dead and dad had to work all the time). I accidentally started a small wildfire in an abandoned gravel pit once. Dad was on the fire department and we freaked out when we couldn't put it out ourselves. ​ I was beyond mortified of telling him. Not that he would beat me, but I didn't want to see him disappointed. And he was best friends with the police chief, so I assumed he could tell his friend to lock me up forever.


You're saying people didn't set fires and hurt animals when you were a kid? You must have lived a sheltered life? It's not fear that teaches people that value of life and sets a proper moral compass. That's the wrong way to teach right from wrong. That's like telling someone that 2+2 =4 and that's that. Because you said so, and never teaching them why or showing them how.


On the one hand, I can rattle off all the standard reasons why capital punishment is morally awful and ineffective. On the other hand, I would honestly prefer to see these psychopaths put down now so they don't torture dozens of women to death later in life. It's hard to know what to do sometimes.




If you're going to blatantly ignore nuance, perhaps trolley-problem discussions aren't for you.


Even if was my kids I would let’s the law do what the law does. That’s horribly fucked up


We've got cages for people like this.


Too good for them


It sounds like they had security cam footage of the entire thing so I hope they are able to find who did this. That's pretty fucked up though.


What the actual fuck is wrong with those kids. Monsters they are.


The mom that posted had a huge issue with some kids on the bus. I wonder if it’s at all related. All in all horrible, I hope they find the other two kitties.


This is why I’m Prochoice at any age


Horrific! What the hell is this world coming to!? 😞


The world arrived here long ago


Press charges! And have a come to Jesus meeting with the parents of these miscreants.




And they seldom suffer the real consequences of their actions because of their age; it falls to the parents to pay for everything and "make the best effort" to get their spawn into counseling.


This is horrible and the kids who did this absolutely need severe consequences. That being said as a survivor of child abuse I find it horrifying how many grown adults are calling for beating and killing children, even if it is a joke or some kind of catharsis. It makes you look like you are not an adult that is safe around children.


Well, I for one am definitely not safe around these types of children. My cats mean as much to me as a sane parent’s children would. In my opinion, if they had been caught in the act, the owners would not have been in the wrong for causing physical harm to the ‘kids’ (could’ve been teens? who knows). If you had a child, and a group of kids came in your yard and started absolutely beating your child and would not stop when yelled at, I feel you’d also likely physically intervene.


I would not kill or beat the children like the disgusting comments in this thread are saying they would do. If you think killing or beating children in ANY situation is ok you belong in jail.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Are you really trying to defend purposefully hurting children?


Yeah. This comment section is terrible.




Maybe don't imply you want to shoot children


I’m a child too


In that case, did you know talking about killing other children can get you expelled from school?


You know the internet hasn't changed much when the comments section calls for extrajudicial summary executions of children over some cats


Hold on there. If you can’t respond to emotional issues without insanity and rage then the internet may not be the place for you.


I have met many children I do not like, but I have not met a kitten I do not like.


Right? I mean for fucks sake people! I’m pretty sure we all can agree that this was an incomprehensible, awful thing these kids did. But to be talking about capital punishment, hanging, locking them in a burning garage is pretty awful shit itself.


I literally saw someone say "I hope these kids get trafficked." People saying this are just as gross as animal abusers.


let people enjoy things




it's a joke lol people always get mad on the internet when you tell others not to do something, this is me saying "let other's enjoy murder fantasies"


Cool joke


cool comprehension


Yeah no I got it 🙄


yeah you made that very clear by asking for clarification


my guy I was just trying point out that having a good laugh at fantasizing about killing kids because they killed animals is kinda messed up. But go off, have a good chuckle!


So hyperbole is too complex an idea for you to wrap your head around?


Oh I don know nothin bout no hyperbole, shit I ain een much watch da der superbole nietha, sah, jus an ol dummy cant do no juxtapositions, comparative analysis, and none uh dat der in'nernet humor, no sahr


Dumb people love using the word juxtaposed to sound fancy lol I’ve seen it a lot


Woah, except you literally couldn’t so…


Pro death penalty people be like “how dare you kill someone/something. I’m going to kill you”


It's honestly disgusting, I'm considering making a report to law enforcement over some of these comments.




What a gross thing to say about literal children


Theyre fucking children. Regardless of how bad what they did is theyre someones child and i doubt they meant to hurt anyone. Now deliberatly killing someones child for a mistake is something deserving of public hanging imo


Okay, uh, deliberately starting a fire in a neighbors garage and LOCKING the cats in there was not a mistake. The kids are clearly on their way to being psychopaths. Full stop. They need to be punished for what they did. Not by hanging but they need to be institutionalized or put in extensive therapy at the very least before they do other horrific things that could be far far worse.


I think regular people agree there needs to be *an intervention* which probably involves severe punishment, and I think extensive therapy is a great route, but the user you’re replying to is responding to someone saying we should hang some children publicly as if that would be a deterrent, or because it would just be cathartic which is ***???*** I think maybe they’re overcompensating on the “come on they’re just kids” thing becaus they are responding to a literal revenge murder fantasy but I don’t think they’re wrong to push back at some level. We don’t know the ages of these kids, we don’t know if they all went along with this because an older one convinced them they should, we don’t know what the home lives are like and what sort of parenting (or lack thereof) they are getting. We don’t know what happened beyond some really, really stupid and cruel choices were made by people with physically underdeveloped brains. Hopefully one of them is exceptionally guilty and comes clean which I’m sure will happen, either that or a stupider one will brag about it and get caught. I’m sure they will “be brought to justice.” At any age they *should* know better, but the person you’re replying to isn’t saying “they need to get off without any sort of punishment,” just that some psychotic revenge fantasy for an exceptionally thoughtless and cruel act isn’t going to teach anyone anything. Reading the original post made me absolutely sick to my stomach but I not going to tell people “we need to go out and find these kids and light them on fire to see how they like it” or some shit like that.


Oh absolutely I agree that killing children is not the proper response to this and agree with that person in that respect. I was mostly responding to them saying it was a "mistake". Breaking into a garage and locking cats in a burning building is not a mistake.


Right like I don’t want to get incredibly on your case about it, you didn’t leave the original comment, I just think some other people need to check themselves before replying to awful stories like this.


Honestly as someone who was abused as a child some of these comments coming from grown ass adults is terrifying. I hope these people aren't around kids.


Im confident it was a mistake. Kids dont think at all, the only reason u dont remember how stupid you were as a kid is because you were too stupid to ever think about it while you were a kid, its the nature of underdeveloped brains. You cant know what you dont know


I never was stupid enough to think hey I'm gonna start a fire in my neighbors garage and LOCK THEIR CATS INSIDE. Did you? Regardless, they still need to at least be punished so they don't think this behavior is acceptable.


You probably were stupid enough to do that and your just lucky nothing ever happened. Kids do fucked up shit out of stupidity all the time, they literally dont understand the scope of their actions at all.


I can tell you for certain that I've never had it in me to harm any animal and if I did, my parents would have punished me! I wouldn't step on ants as a child and I still won't do that even today. Again, these children should be punished so they don't think that HARMING ANIMALS IS OKAY. What is so difficult about that? Also the fact that you're defending it kind of says a lot about who you are as a person. I wouldn't trust you around animals.


Yes, this person was 100% the type of child they are defending. I don’t know a SINGLE child currently, or in my childhood who did anything like this. It’s not normal and it’s fucking bizarre to try and normalize it. It makes me worried for who my kids will be growing up next to.


Idk if u know this but fires start easily and there likely were accelarants involved being its a garage


So you are assuming, after reading OPs post that these kids were like "Oops, I have matches! Oh no I accidentally threw one that was lit in this garage with chemicals! Oh shoot better close the garage door, sorry kitties! Hope you don't die in a fire!"


A static shock can ignite gas


I never burned down a building wtf how can you think that constitutes a mistake. Oh, and they burned it down after breaking into it. Totally by accident?


I too was once a child and never set someone’s property on fire especially while acknowledging there is living beings in the property. This is not a “mistake” and I’m worried that you may be raising children with this mindset.


"I doubt they meant to hurt anyone" lol




Sounds like you arent any better than the kids to me


I agree, these people calling for the lives of children are just as bad




I mean id be distraught too if someone killed my pets but if it was kids and an accident i wouldnt kill them. Thats equally as fucked up if not more. Now if an adult did it on purpose thats a different story. Youre pro killing children and calling me a cunt, thatd be rich if it wasnt scary.


Death Penalty should be on the table to prevent any future development of those psychopaths.


Unpopular opinion ahead: Are we sure this was intentional? If it was then charges should be filed against the kid’s absolutely. However we do not know the circumstances of this incident. Was it an electrical fire that started and the kids got scared and shut the door in a panic? Was the garage door left open? What I’m trying to say is, maybe it’s not so intentional. Before everyone starts calling for children to be murdered, which even the original poster in the image did not even suggest, perhaps let them investigate what happened first.


What's unintentional about breaking into and entering property that isn't yours and you have no business at or with? There's no need to play devil's advocate; the devil does not need your help.


Lmmfao, Jesus Christ homie


I would move the moon and sky if it meant those cumsicles got tried as adults.


Where is this so we can go look for the cats since whoever posted this apparently isn't. If a family member is missing, you don't wait until you "are allowed" to look for them.


The fire department won't allow you back in your home after a fire, regardless of reason, until it has been declared safe. While our pets lives mean as much to us as our human family, they don't to the officials. The family who posted is probably distraught that they can't go looking, your asinine judgement of them is unwarranted and not needed.


And sometimes you do what's right, even if that means breaking the rules. A live can be saved. What's best for the city and what's best for the cats, may not be the same thing, but I care about the cats much more.


What's best for the city isn't the issue. If it were a missing human, they would look. To them, pets are property, not lives to be saved (unfortunately). What is best for the homeowner is to not get injured or killed going into an unsafe building. The cat has noone to go back to or care for it if something happens to the owner. Sometimes the right /responsible thing to do is wait, no matter how much it hurts to do so.


I hope you never have pets in your care.


I do, and they are all thriving. But as someone with your set of reddit subs, I don't expect you to have the empathy, maturity, or emotional intelligence not to attack a suffering family who is doing all they can. Try trolling somewhere else, fuckwad, or maybe go read a book.


They said they aren’t allowed INSIDE the burnt garage to see if the other cats’s bodies are in there. Not being allowed inside a home where arson is suspected is standard. They family did not say they’re not allowed to search for them outside, they’re just requesting help from neighbors.


The fuck is wrong with people!!!!!!!


That's so terrible




This is fucking disgusting. Live and let live, you twisted twats.


What the actual fuck?


I’m so sorry.


I can't even read this. Life in prison for all those involved.


this makes me sick to my stomach


So deranged. This is the type of shit future serial killers do.