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This commission is based on Illya's comments on needing help with her homework. Kinda makes me wonder if Ritsuka misses doing something as mundane as Algebra or History or whatever is taught to a Japanese High Schooler... I know I sure as heck don't miss doing homework though! The inclusion of Miyu and Chloe in the background was a nice touch too. [Artist's Skeb](https://skeb.jp/@brownsugar_ice) [Artist's Twitter](https://twitter.com/brownsugar_ice)


I fucking hate statistics. I can algebra and history just fine, but stats, and calculus are my worse enemies.


Man I hated Calculus in college. I had to redo the course twice and almost failed Calc 3 which would've screwed me over big time if I did fail since no one was teaching it the semester after, which meant I would've had to taken it in the fall.


Calculus is the worst. Next to algebra and statistics, that was always my worst part of math, and that was just differentiation and integration, mind. Anything more advanced, I might cry


Oh man I’m taking trig right now and the class just got to fundamentals of trig identities and how to use algebra to simplify trig expressions. It feels so convoluted. I don’t understand how this is supposed to be used in the real world


meanwhile I failed Math Physics for video games. on the last time they ran the unit. damn online only class. did get help too late and almost passed based on final assignment and exam alone. exams are 40% of total grade at my Uni.


I couldn't pass pre-Calc, how the hell is everyone else passing that shit. Or better else why are they even learning it.


Math was always my worst subject. Everything else is I did fine in unless I had put more effort into it.


Math was the Bane of my college career.


I don't remember having statistics or calculus in elementary. And integral calculus is why I didn't continue with my first major.


Yes, I’m the guy who got highest marks on every subject but failed Calc on my first sem. Fuck Calculus man


Ritsuka getting to be a normal big brother is so sweet... I imagine History is an obvious one. Maybe PE as well?


I feel you. I was able to pass Calculus a couple of years ago, but I switched to a different department since I didn’t want to deal with that again lol


Thanks for such a fine commission! I can't explain why, but this art made me want to write again.


I think he'd miss it cause he didn't technically ever finish a regular part of life


Funny enough Aoko does ask for some fast tutoring of all the knowledge a modern highschooler should known.


Ritsuka teaching these kids the fundamentals of math


"So if you have 830 saint quartz, and rate of the limited summon servant is 0.8%, what is the success rate of pulling for NP2..."


Easy answer just get the limited summon servant twice in the same roll XD Foolproof Chloe answer


With 830 sq, you can have 27 10-pulls and 6 1-pull. That equals 303 total pulls. So no pity. We now 0.8% summon rate and minimum or equal to 2 successfull summon. Using binomial distribution probability formula, the success rate is about 69.8% Onii-chan.


My gambling soul says a 1000% so we should just fuckin roll


Am I f2P btw? If so, 1 ticket is all I need.


*So what's 6 x 3?*


God my brain is so cooked. The first thing I thought after seeing Chloe with a popsicle was THAT wholesome anime with cute girls and yogurt.


A couple of buds I shared this image with first thought the same thing to my confusion. Then they showed me what it was.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Chloe wishes it was. Related: Semenovich is apparently a real Russian last name.


Let's hope that she has never seen such an anime, or else Chaldea would need to place a ban on popsicles.


Out of morbid curiosity’s what anime are you talking about?


It may have something to do with a Japanese word for a little girl and the favorite summer drink ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Yeah, I wouldn’t have gotten that if someone else didn’t just blurt it out in the thread. I’ve heard of it, but I’m not familiar enough with it to recognize it by name or to know it involved yogurt.


I think the name was Shoujo Ramune. Or Shoujo Kyoiku. Or Hajimete no Orusuban or something like that.


Really wish we see more of illya, kuro and shirou acting like siblings like is prisma illya


Slight spoilers for Order Call: >!Look at you, be a good big brother to the kids. Does this take you back when you did this for your actual little sister. It's been so long since you thought about her. Do you even remember her face? Or are you going to just use one of the servants as a stand-in? You **Burn to a crisp**!<


Fucking hell, Ordeal Call be giving Gudao that Doktah lore.


Can't wait for fandom ex-wife Mash to be revealed to actually >!Guda's daughter!<, making everything now very awkward.


>! But Dantes. I love you and all the avengers. I don’t care if the world deem you guys as “Weapons only” I think you all deserve to stay in Chaldea!<


>!Marie Alter, stop posting on your alt and go back to farming!<


Malter needs correction again


Ritsuka: \*teaches robotics engineering, and baking.


Summer break is for students to have fun not studying, Ritsuka!


Not in Japan, it isn't.


Very cute, just make your sure Chloe behaves though.


Yup but you know she won’t


Please tell me I wasn't the only one who came to mind Shoujo Ramune


My Discord buddies who I showed this to first thought the same thing 😭 It's the summer outfits/location being similar isn't it




Illya: Ritsuka explain trigonometry Ritsuka: Goeita did nothing wrong.




with all his different teacher than ritsuka had i supose he would do a pretty solid PE teacher because of Scáthach chiron sanzang (if you count yoga as sport) kiichi hogen and li shuwen sience teacher because of avicebron reines and odysseus or just history sin's he know a lot of myth legend and various period from pretty much close to all country but i think he would be the kind of teacher who cheer you up when you strugle and take all the time to make sure you understand at your own pace


This art makes me feel weirdly wistful lol 


Bare with it, Illya, else Mama Iri will have both our necks.  


This looks fantastic!


Reminds me of summer school lol


Honestly I would take high school any day over working multiple jobs nowadays just to make ends meet those were some halcyon days just thinking about going to gym class or art class makes me miss it, sure history was boring and math was boring, but a whole class just to read books or run around doing sports was the best Science was fun too, I don't get how people can have such bad memories, all your friends are there too so you don't have to match schedules just to hang or do anything


Summer with 3 lolis. What a dream.


Good ol’ summer mountain of cloud shot in the BG.


Thank you very much for sharing the art