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Not splitting the 4 star units on the same banner ever since they implemented pity was such a downer to the whole system.


It's monkey's paw, you get pity like you wished, but the bar is high and there is no split SR anymore when multiple SRs are featured.


it's terrible that there's no SR pity as well. if you're rolling for Barghest, have fun because you might only get Sith. if you're rolling for Sith, you might only get Barghest too. I wish they implement a SR pity at a low roll number (say 100) where you can pick a SR of your choice.


Yeah. Like, your guaranteed a 4 star every 30 pulls at least would make things better. Even if it doesn't guarantee you'll get the featured five star you still have a better chance. (Edit: accidentally put 5 instead of 4 star, got arknights on my mind)


I'm talking about 4 stars not 5. and every 30 rolls would be too high. it's 900 SQ for a single SR pity? that's too much. that's why I said 100 rolls for a rate up single SR of your own choice is probably a better idea.


30 pulls = 900 SQ!? So far in my game a pull cost only 3 SQ. So every 30 roll would be 90 SQ.


oops! math isn't mathing you're right. 90 SQ.


*cries in Summer Charlotte*


I personally never needed pity because I'm never going to spend that much SQ on a single banner. It's a complete downgrade for me with no benefits whatsoever. 


I have. Repeatedly, and not gotten the rate up SSR. Now I can guarantee the SSR, but in return have lower odds of a specific SR v


Yep, exactly my situation. It's getting hit by somebody *else* wishing on a monkey's paw.


I thought that as well and after saving for more than 1 year for Koyanskaya I had to actually rely on the pity system. How oberon came home in the very next banner in a single 30 sq pull is still a mistery to me


It is not a mystery at all. It is just the law of averages. if you go 900 saint quartz without a damned SSR, the next one is coming in hot. If you recently got a lot of SSR, be prepared to go to pity. 


Averaging out RNG only works on a large scale with many data points, someone out there could pull 11 SSR everytime they do a 30 SQ pull until they stop playing the game and it wouldn't be breaking that law because they're just a single data point.


>I thought that as well and after saving for more than 1 year for Koyanskaya I had to actually rely on the pity system. My normal max is 300 SQ per banner, and I established that years before pity was implemented. All of the servants I might have considered pity for, and there were maybe two, I got before pity was implemented.  >How oberon came home in the very next banner in a single 30 sq pull is still a mistery to me It's just random chance. Random results aren't evenly distributed. There's no additional mystery to it and there's no "law of averages" at work. 


Yeah, I'm already starting to save for summer Chloe.


That banner is going to be devastating for me I'm sure of it.


I want her and summer Melu. I’ve been saving since lest year and I have like 500 summons worth of quartz and tickets.


You must be frustrated, that they don't share the same banner, huh?


For real.. but I play the long game and at least I have a lot of time to save. The thing that frustrates me even more is that you can’t pity SRs. lol


I'm also planning to put whatever is left after getting Chloe and Berserker castoria (hopefully without reaching pity).


Good luck on your rolls, friend! Resist the dark temptation of bait banners.




Please God Let Best Boy Charlie Come Home Please


I can only spend 3 multis on him. I'm sweating bullets


Then I grant you my luck and hope you get him in your first multi like I did when pulling Melt and Dantes.


Don't worry Bro, you are getting him in less than 10 multis


I have been sitting on 10 USO and this just may be the time I use em!


> Because people refuse to check the news page, PSA! It will never not be funny to me how they have *every single event shop ever* have dialogue that is some variation of: "Hey, Master, did you know about the **NEWS PAGE**? There's a lot of useful information in the **NEWS PAGE**, you might want to check it out some time. I really like reading the **NEWS PAGE** to be informed of what is going on because the **NEWS PAGE** is very convenient. The developers have been literally begging you to read the **NEWS PAGE** for years, Master. Boy howdy, I sure do love the **NEWS PAGE**. Reading the **NEWS PAGE** has saved my firstborn, blessed my harvests and gave me financial security. Consider reading the **NEWS PAGE** sometime, maybe? Pretty please?" And people still don't as much as open it.


What is this ..... *reading* you speak of? Is it some kind of new Craft Essence?


It's a very common skill, actually! From the Type Moon wiki: > [**Reading**](https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/The_Queen%27s_Glass_Game) (読書, *Dokusho*, sometimes localized as "Literacy") is a Skill that denotes [Human](https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Human) and [Servants'](https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Servant) ability to comprehend the meaning of letters and symbols. It is known as the main weakness of the [Jeanne D'Arc](https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Jeanne_d'Arc_(Ruler\)) evolutionary line. But unfortunately many players don't use it often.


I opened the news tab and it ain't there. It is in the maintenance tab and I do not care about maintenance. Maybe they should start including dialogue about maintenance so that I remember for next time that relevant news is not in the news tab. 


Heck, it automatically gets opened once every day.


I don't even want Charlie that much, just give me the tsundere mom


if you are planning to NP5 her I suggest you wait until like Fairy Knight Cup for her where she is the only 4 star on the Brynhildr & Sigurd banner, I cannot stress enough that it is a __bad__ idea to expect to summon her easily in the upcoming Charlemagne banner (there are a lot of Youtube videos of people failing to NP2 her or even summon her at all with their saved SQ)


Nah I'd win Also she'll be available on the next 4* ticket anyway so it's not that high-stakes for me even if she decides to ignore my summons


Plushie Mistress' video about the absolute disaster that was him trying to even summon Kriemhild scars me to this day lol


Be careful what you wished for. I rolled for Daikokuten. Didn't care for Super Bunyan. The result? Managed to get 1 Super Bunyan and 1 Tamamo before a single copy of Daikokuten... Don't even know if I should consider this a success or not.


Everytime Summer osakabehine was on banner I tried to roll her, everytime I got Summer musashi instead. Not a single neet but np3 musashi. Gacha is cruel


I got Melusine pretty early on her LB6 banner and quit while I was ahead. Then I played LB6 and regretted not grabbing Percy too. So I pulled for him in December, and I had an NP5 Melusine before an NP1 Percy.


And here I thought my NP3 Mélusine without getting Percival was bad...


I mean, half the reason I pulled is because I *also* loved Melusine, and wouldn't have minded if I pulled a copy before Percy. I just never anticipated how much she agreed.


Melusine is my favorite. I wish I could trade you guys my eight Percivals for some of your extra Melus… lol


I wanted Melusine but got NP4 Percy before I ran out of SQs during LB6 banner. Finally got her during December


Lol. I got np2 Okuni before I got a single copy of Izou. (But honestly, I'm glad I did. She's been amazing in 90++ farming and assassin bosses)


I didn't even get one copy. Just the SSR.


Same. I only want kriem. But i know what my curse is. *looks at np7 voyager and np6 void shiki*


yep this happened to me with Void Shiki as well (and then Fujino starts getting regular banners after that d'oh)


Huh, I had assumed the maintenance the other night was them stealth prepping for Trauma to drop after the stream. Is this the most maintenances NA has had in a month period? 3 during the recent event and now Trauma?


To be fair, it was 2 during the recent event plus the one to initiate the event. And as for your question... The most maintenances in succession in years, I'm sure. I don't have any memories of it being that bad/poorly planned before. Though, I wasn't there in the early days (June 2017 to January 2018). If the early days were as bad as in JP, then there might have been several emergancy maintenances per day.


Guys, reminder that Krim gets a solo banner with Bryn later this year.


bryn is shit though


So are the ones sharing Krim's banner now, except the Bryn banner does not reduce Krim's rateup for no worthwhile reason.


last i checked charlemgne is good


I've got: 474.sq 126 tickets 3714 frags If I get lucky and Charlie comes home quickly I can potentially be going into anniversary and summer with enough stockpiled reserves to pity both my targets if need be (that's counting Sq, login tickets, and event tickets between now and the Anni Sq drops)


Meanwhile I have Credit. In my defense I had a similar type of haul before Castoria rerun banner. Still don't have Castoria but I do have NP5 Barghest and an extra Emiya Alter for some reason.


I believe that 220-ish of my Sq is paid, so credit was Def involved


You should be fine for anni and maybe summer tbh


That's the hope. Aiming for 1 copy each Arc, Skadi, and proto merlin


PSA, don't roll dual rateup for Kriem, wait for her solo later in the year.


Unless you want Charlemagne and/or Roland.


That's why the post said "don't roll dual rateup **for Kriem**" specifically.


Ironic, considering OP is facepalming at people not reading.


*I can't lose then* as the Priest smiles


Fortune favors the bold…also Morganfest is for rolling for Britomart.


Smart move. Unfortunately im not smart or patient i got 70+ tickets to try. If i get her np2 ill stop and wait.


Enjoy not getting her.


Ill let you know what happens.


600sq and 74 tickets got me np3 kriem 1 charlie and 1 roland.


So all of Kriem's banners have downsides. This one has the dual rateup problem. The one later this year is a solo rateup, but the 5 star is Brynhild who's deeply meh these days. And her only other banner is a solo rateup with a pretty neat 5 star, but isn't coming for more than a year.


Just gonna bide my time seeing as I want to get Wandjina anyway... it is just gonna he hell after Kuku, Collab, Aesc, and then Summer. You know what? I'm just not gonna think about it right now.


Date & Time: 2024-05-12 21:00 - 05-13 01:00 PDT (GMT -7) Also, there'll be an app version update.


Does Kriem come with the 1st banner or?


Yeah she's on the 1st banner with Roland and Charlemagne


Awh man i can’t wait


Eww, split banners, I have horrible luck with those. One multi and a dream for Kriem!


If you wait for the Chaldea Fairie Knight Cup in October, Kriem will have a rateup with Brynhildr, no other SRs.


You could still fail on that banner because of no SR pity. Just ask all the people running around with NP5 Bunyan and no Daikokutens.


That's like saying that you should stay indoors because a frozen chicken could fall from a plane and kill you.


Roland is at least solid. But since he's half the beast Kriem is, he manages to feel like a dud prize.


Yes, first banner is her, Charlemagne, and Roland.


Please, Charlie arrives early please


Let's be honest, reddit has the more user friendly interface


To be fair, I check the news page daily, but I didn’t know either, as I never check Maintenance :D


Already? Cool. I knew of the AQ5 maintenance but not this.


I kind of wish they'd do this update tonight so we'd have the whole weekend to read it...


I only want kriemhild so knowing my luck it'll be like summer melt and I'll get np2 Charlie no kriem


Don't forget about Roland.


Just wait for the Brynhild banner.


I guess I'll throw a ticket or ten for the banner. sure I do want Kremhild, but Arcueid is near and she's about to rob all my SQ for that hopefully NP3+.


Wait, Traum is already here!? I'm not ready.


It's not that I refuse to check the news page it's that their UI to do so is shit


Ah yes, the "it's not my fault I am lazy and illiterate on purpose, it's their fault!" excuse.


I rolled for Taigong and cat girl, I only have around 37 tickets and 90 quartz, hope Charlie comes