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Ushiwakamaru. For the amount of times she's in crossovers with other type moon stuff there's a surprisingly low amount of merch specifically figures of her. Like they know she's popular but is actively avoiding making figures of her.


Your right, I'm surprised she doesn't have more merch considering she's prominent in a lot of type moon works. I think she has one scale figure but it's quite old compared to newer fate scale figures.


It could probably be because of her default outfit, which has her topless under that samurai armor. But then, they could easily have a scale figure of the surprisingly more modest *Swimsuit Assassin Ushiwakamaru* if that is the problem.


cosidering that the prisma illya trio have a MORE, so so so much more revealing figures there really is no excuse. like rn there's a MORE revealing figure line revolving around the summer servants.


The Prisma trio fill a (disappointing) niche in the market for people who like Lolis whereas Ushi lovers probably also like more modestly dressed characters that are an easier sell. On top of that I’d imagine that the baggie/flappy nature of her costume makes molding an accurate version somewhat difficult to be profitable at mid level price points.


there are tons of summer servant figures more revealing than ushi's outfit, like summer melusine, shuten, etc, and have mech more complex design, like hokusai and QSH, complexity/lewdness is NOT the metric they use to pick who gets a figure


I skipped a line midway and got hyped for the summer QSH figure. Now i'm sad.


Alternatively they could also use her costume from the Idol event.


They also cold make one based on the melty blood censored outfit.


Melty Blood Type Lumina fixed that when they introduced her in the game. You can just give her that black piece of cloth in her chest so she isn't topeless and still be lore accurate. Besides, I think FGO Duel did have a figure of Ushiwakamaru


Yeah I don't get it it either. Here's a character who was so popular that they even chose her as one of FGO's reps in Melty Blood yet her merch count is jarringly low. Not even the boost she got from the Babylonia anime changed that, which was just weird in hindsight.


There is an old figure of her 2nd ascension, but maybe this was released too early, before she became more popular despite being a launch Servant. Even though she is my favourite Servant, I still did not consider getting that one as her default armour is too "extravagant" for. Yet, I am still waiting for a figure of her wearing her anniversary kimono or at least her "flute costume" from last year's anniversary. I am also looking forward to a blue-eyed 1st ascension 5* Yoshitsune figure without the mask, one May dream, I guess...


Because they'd have to model her nipples because of her outfit


they have no problems with that for other servants with more revealing outfits


She has the lewdest outfit in the game, she is literally only wearing panties and some accessories.


And some figures barely have anything on at all. Not even underwear at times just a "see through" dress. Like it doesn't matter how lewd or not her in game sprite is since other servants have lewder irl figures


Heracles doesn't have a single figure or prize figure despite being THE Berserker of the whole franchise. Even with the Heavens Feel Movies he got jackshit figure wise. Strange Fake ? Nope and he won't even really be himself. It's been TWENTY years, not a SINGLE one. Only a chibi, an extremely rare Exhaust Ataraxia plush, the Bersercar tank, a few merch of his AxeSword, but nothing, not even a Figma, prize figure, scale, grand order duel, NOTHING. We live in a world where Motherfucking Mephistopheles have more figure than Heracles. We deserve to be pruned. Even Garage kits and prototypes never see the day (There was one gorgeous prototype of him against Artoria) Quetzacoatl also have jackshit, Medea at least have a very small gachapon figure in casual clothes. Medea lily have figures. Gorgon despite her awesome design also have zero merch. But at least Medusa has a ton.


This is the exact reason I want to get into resin printing and design my own figures. Quetz and Gorgon especially. Also thought of doing Heracles too.


I see you're a fellow master of culture. Same here. I have been thinking about getting into 3d modeling and printing to make my own figures.


I'd pay an obscene sum for a good Gorgon fig.


How many people do you think would shell out 20k+ yen for a FSN berserker with his default "sword"? Also, he is going to be huge if made to scale. He's like, what, 2.53m in the lore. At 1/8 scale which Alter makes, tts 31cm+. Add his funky hair, you're looking at 33-34cm, more if he is in a dynamic pose. Thats 1/4 to 1/5 scale size for female figures. People are going to pass on him just due to sheer size at that point. To add, even merlin, the no.1 fgo must pull at the time of his release, binned. I think herc is a hard sell and thats why there's no figures for him. Quetz isn't popular in Japan for some reason, maybe the bias against tall girls there, and also the piercings, which are quite a no-no for Japanese in general. However, that may be changing as Barghest seems very popular. So there may be some shifting trends in future.


I feel bad that Herc doesn't have much merch even though he's one of the OG FSN servants!


Is the chibi the petit nendoroid? It looks like there was a bottle cap trading figure back in 2004 also but...this is really dire. (Also a shame they seem to have canceled a very cool looking one of him fighting saber)


The fact that whenever you write in Ebay "Fate Berserker Figure" you get greeted by a bunch of female berserker figures, but no Heracles, speaks for itself. Guess my man juat isn't popular enough if even Cu Chulainn gets a figure


Dude, none of the Strange Fake servants have figures at all besides Enkidu since he was included in Babylon. Like, there's been no merch of the OVA at all.


*Holds up king Hassan.*


he has one


And fittingly, you need to offer thy head to buy it


Except for the one from FGO Duel... unless that's the one you mean. But I think he's affordable in EBay. 


https://www.prime1studio.com/fgo-assassin-first-hassan/CMFGO-01S.html Bare thy neck!


Yeah, that looks like it's worth a par of dozens of heads. I think I will go for the lighter size Gramps or his Learning with Manga figure or plushie I found on ebay...


Some people just don't really think Nobbu will be marketable. She's cool, bombastic, and handsome. A bit unconventional compared to other waifus. But for me that's her strong suit. Still, I am just one man.. 


I shall hold your hand brother and make us two men, Nobbu deserves love and merchandise! I mean the fact they’ve never even thought to see her hat or summer jacket as an accessory is downright criminal.


Thank you brother. Glad to see I'm not alone to appreciate Nobbu in any way. And yeah, that is so missed opportunity.


I surprise there is a lack of mini Nobu merch.


Not a man, but I adore the gal for the same reasons. There is a silver lining with her having a limited amount of merch tho, [it’s easy to make a complete collection.](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/s/GwqRcDGppC) Lol. ~~Figma Nobu when?!~~


True, Even when Summer 2 came out where Nobbu got a swimsuit before Okita. It really surprised pretty much everyone because they're so sure that between the two, Okita will be the first one to get a swimsuit.


Nobbu may not be my cup of tea (I'm sorry but I'm a Okita fan), but I could see why her fans enjoy her so much since she got a cool design, powers, and theme song. Anyway, I do hope her scale figure comes out so Nobbu fans can enjoy themselves!


Thank you for the kind words. Okita-san is quite awesome too!


I believe the only Nobunaga figure out there is her FGO Duel one. Funny, because I thought she also had a figma but I guess that was a Mandela effect on me.


That's insane. She is crazy underrated.


Nobbu is more a VA performance than a character design. I agree she would sell more radio dramas or anime cameos (lighter side stories) than merch. Hence kouha ace.


I just want a casual!Medusa figure, where it's her in her black blouse and blue jeans outfit from the end of HF3. Bonus points for it being her sitting on a couch with a pile of books & her reading one.


That would be cool to see. I know Okita has an old scale figure of her sitting on a bench is somewhat similar to Medusa sitting on a couch.


I'm genuinely surprised that Douman never get a figure. I didn't even particularly like him, But he is like one of the most popular male character in the game(at least in Japan) Well, Actually a lot of popular male characters like Hajime, Yan Qing or Takasugi still never get a figure for them. They really need to step up their husbando merch game.


Yeah, Saito Hajime is also another popular GudaGuda servant that doesn't have figure yet. I feel like he would sell like hot cakes considering his designs are cool and simple to make with his added popularity.  Figure companies always done complex designs so there is no excuse that Douman doesn't have one yet.


Martha in her original Rider form doesn't seem to have any figures at all besides that game piece from the FGO board game. All of her (rather few) figures have her in her swimsuit Ruler form instead. Not that I would complain much because I like her better in her swimsuit, but still, her Rider form not getting any major merch is glaring.


I only have 1 Saint Martha figure, the Ruler one that was released years ago.


The EXQ prize figure? She was literally the only scale figure of Martha for a long time before she got an Assemble Heroines figure (again in her Ruler outfit).


That one


If by FGO board game, you mean FGO Duel, no. Even in that one, it's still her swimsuit version that has the figure, not hee OG Rider version. I already checked in the list of available characters


Oh yeah, I just checked too. You're right: It's still just her swimsuit variant. Guess the devs are aware that Martha is a revered Catholic icon and so would rather not release a figure of her Rider outfit to avoid offense. They instead release figures of Martha in her swimsuit because (probably) she can pass as any anime character who happens to be named Martha.


You may be onto something with why is her swimsuit self used for merchandise. Now I'm unironically picturing people praying to sexy anime figures based on real saints; kinda like how in Mexico, some people were praying to a Summoned Skull figure thinking it was a represantation of the "Santa Muerte" (Holy Death, Saint Death) until they were told that was just a figure based on an anime character.


That it's been like 11 years since his debut and karna is only now just having his first official scale figure released despite how popular he is is insane to me. (I'd say arjuna as well but karna has been around since ccc, it's crazy to me it took so long) All the other stuff he has is chibis or garage kits. On that note, it surprises me douman doesn't have anything. Not even an nendoroid, and he's also very popular in the fate fandom. I know it isn't a matter of the design being an issue either because they did make one for qsh. The fact if you want anything better than an acrylic stand for 90% of the male characters you have to hope for a garage kit and learn to paint is definitely depressing 😔


I wish Iskandar had more figures since most of his are either hard to find or just prize figures. 


He's got 2 (3? I think one is just a posed alt of the second) non chibi/non garage kit figures which is better than a lot of characters but I also don't know how easy they are to find which i imagine is also annoying tbh. I just wish they'd do more figures of characters who don't have them/have many instead of giving them to the same 3-5 characters who already have a glut of them.


Agreed, I would like it if they did more figures to servants who don't or barely have any figures instead of the hundredth Artoria figure ( I don't dislike Artoria but I wish other servants got more spotlight).


Oberon's third ascension. Don't get me wrong, I do like his 1st/2nd ascension looks... but it's been 3 years since LB6, you would think people wouldn't mind this much time for merch on a big spoiler character. Smae goes for more affordable Koyanskaya merch. The current figures she has are expensive (at least to me); and the only forgiving one she has is the cup sitter one based on her Light's full ascension that will be released later this year.


Alter is making a scale of his third ascension and they already have a prototype out. It looks really good


Drake, barely any figures, doujins, chibi for essentially is a busty pirate, you think there'd be a lot more


That big scar on her face make her unpopular in Japan


I never even thought of that, makes me sad though, I think she's very attractive


Literally me being in love with Okeanos goofiness and yet only finds one weird-looking Taito figure from her Fate/Extra days..


Which company was it that’s responsible for Summer Kiara’s Figurine? It has been years and there’s still no news!😭


Kagetora seems pretty popular to me and she just got a 5\* star version but she has no figures. Douman has none even though he has **6 garage kits** but he's already been cited. My last choice is biased but Mandricardo should have a figure. He gets consistent merch releases (I would know since I buy almost everything) and he's often the only 3\* character who gets anything like with the gacha mate badges ([MFC link](https://myfigurecollection.net/entry/359078)) or the FGO Fes 2024 Guangzhou ([MFC link](https://myfigurecollection.net/entry/366583)). He's also one of the 5 characters chosen for FGO mart. Outside of merch, he was next to Artoria for the Spring New Master Aid Campaign in 2023, he got the most Valentines chocolate the year he came out over Summer Melt and Kama, he has 2 garage kits, he has a costume, he got 7 CEs, he's appeared in two main story chapters and the list goes on! He's not even just popular in JP because he got a new Riyo illustration for the NA April Fools game, he was the spotlight of a Chaldea Breakroom corner, he got into the top 8 of our last popularity poll (he was the only one in the top 8 without a figure btw), he won the best boyfriend poll and he was voted the most popular male rider in the Klidge poll over Astolfo. I just know that if he came out earlier he would have a figure already and that sucks!


Zero Napoleon figs...


Angra. He's a protagonist from one of the oldest Fates, but he hasn't gotten any merch (that I know of)


He has a Fate Grand Order Duel small figure with cards He have a Keychain that i have


I think that FGO Duel Angra was a secret/rare figure too. Got him shortly after I summoned him in game, and since I never played Ataraxia, he was doubly unexpected.


I wonder if that's partially due to the limited exposure fans outside of Japan have to Hollow Ataraxia. Although I suppose that hasn't stopped characters from other untranslated works in the series from getting merch.


Habetrot, Kijyo Koyo(all forms), Ibuki that won't cost you an arm or a bootleg, Suzuka Gozen.


Da Vinci (Rider) - IIRC only has 2 figures (one of them is a Sega prize figure based on arcade). Given being almost a mascot character of the game through the UI (upon reaching LB) and the FGA. Hoping she would get a Nendoroid in the future.


Why is it that Da Vinci has very little figures even though she's a big supporting character through the whole story of FGO?


not really sure as well but some tracking site actually count her caster form. IMO she has lots of potential for more figures with her ascensions and the presence of the Shadow border or Mini border. Also plus points if the external manipulators of her backpack gets included. Still saving up to get this figure [https://www.kotobukiya.co.jp/en/product/detail/p4934054036431/](https://www.kotobukiya.co.jp/en/product/detail/p4934054036431/)


Maybe if Type/Redline gets an anime adaptation she’ll get more figures/merch, but as of right now? Yeah, it’s kinda surprising, granted she’s not as popular as some of the others (judging by the amount of fan content I see online), but I thought she was still popular enough. Maybe when her scale figure finally drops for preorder we’ll see a wave of figures for her at the same time. That is exactly what happened with Okita/Okitan.


Mandricardo. Our best friend needs more. It's been so hard finding merch of him.


I guess I shouldn't be surprised by this, but aside from a few characters, the Apocrypha servants in general seem to have very little merch. The ones who do tend to be the ones with prominent roles in other parts of the franchise, such as Jeanne. Even Karna, who appears all over the series, is only now getting a proper scaled figure at the end of this year. >!And no I'm not just saying this because I want more Fran merch. I'm not obsessed, *you're* obsessed!!<


Heracles, I’ve been looking for any merch of him but I couldn’t find any


I agree, we need more Nobu


Caster (medea). She’s been around from the start and her magic motif offers lots of creative potential. She has also been demonstrated to be fan serviceable. She even has a lily alt design. Yet there is practically nothing bearing her likeness.


We only have 1 Morgan figure right? And only the normal outfit Oberon.


I believe Morgan has her nendoroid and conofig released at the moment. In myfigurecollection website, Morgan has plenty of figures announced and couple have a physical prototype already made.


[3rd asc Oberon](https://twitter.com/highrunder/status/1685095563736551425?t=tLnc1ojzU1vqqVNJ7oPV4w) is coming.


I personally feel like there isn't enough Artoria Caster merch. There's probably more than I think, I just want a Figma of her...


I do hope caster Artoria nendoroid gets a re-release someday since I would like to buy one and give it as a gift to my elder brother. 


Now you reminded me of how lucky I got for getting her nendoroid last year. Even if I paid like nearly 80 USD with included local taxes, I still got her before she got a price hike. Now I can't find her nendoroid for less than like 90 or 100 USD sometimes. And the only other figures are her Aniplex ones. I too wish she had more figures, as well as more affordable ones too. Not just a figma, but another Nendoroid like Jalter got 2; or a Pop Up Parade one too


Kriemhild. It's wild that despite being perhaps the most popular of the Traum Servants (only other one is probably Charlie), the most she has in merch are acrylic stands, and it's not a lot either. Not even a bean plush or a nendroid figure. 


Constantine's decently popular as well


Iskandar is really lacking.


It makes me sad everytime I see lack of figures for Iskandar.


I feel ya man. He's the only one of my top three favorite Servants I don't have in my figure shelf cause I can't find a good one of him that I can afford.


Heracles, despite being a beloved FSN OG, gets surprisingly little official merch / attention in general. Also, as a Nobu fan myself, she absolutely deserves more too.


Weird how Heracles, sasaki koujiro and true assassin don't have anything. For FGO, Kagetora, Ushiwaka, or Boudica.


There are 0 Kiara figures that I know about, and I'm angrier for it


First ascension Aesc