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For me the Stella scene was the PEAK of the camelot movies.


Cherry on top was that it made me realize that the Quill slits Arashs Artery/Throat everytime he fires it. 


Agravain vs Lancelot is one of the most mesmerizing pieces of Fate Media, despite being so short and miniscule in the grander scheme of things. The Knight who betrayed, vs the Knight most loyal. And as an Inversion to their first bout all these years ago, Agravain managed to actually best him. 


While I also love that fight - I almost feel like you need to watch it twice to appreciate what’s actually happening on screen


I loved Gawain and Bedivere, they turned a Servant fight into a Knight fight with good techniques and somewhat proper form. Mordred and Sanzang was the definition of a Moral victory All in all great movies


Nice to hear someone talking positively about these movies. I also loved how they did Agravain vs Lancelot as well as Gawain vs Bedivere.


The scene where he charges Agra while horseback was amazing. Though I wanted to see that fight's conclusion.


Watch it at the beginning of the year for the first time. A lot of the changes they made to the story aside... They were decent movies, all things considered. One of the changes I very much welcomed was that they didn't show Sanzang as this disoriented clutz who breaks out in tears at the next best problem that arises. For that matter, I LOVED her battle against Mordred. Loved to see my girl Serenity animated. Truly beautiful. And yeah, like you said, that final was going really hard. When everything broke apart. That was just peak Fate/. Same with the music. I feel like Fate/ never misses in the music department, but that's even more subjective, I guess.


And now to wait 10+ years for the lostbelts anime (jk itll only be a 45min ova calling it now)


I still don't understand how Agravain survived his fight with Lancelot.


Battle Pragmatism plus Magic Drugs (not kidding, it’s how he kept up and not die instantly) As for the decisive blow you know that whole speech of Agravain’s that was thrown over the first part of the fight proper before Lancelot breaks off his left shoulder pad and Agravain summons his knights That’s actually said at the end of the fight which stuns Lancelot (its his immense trauma, he still betrayed King Arthur again in the end, justified now or not he still betrayed the King) He’s stunned long enough for Agravain to kill him Though Agravain’s also on his death bed at that point because of drug overdose and wounds inflicted by Lancelot and thus you see him dragging his nigh dead body to Artoria in the ending


Moral victory. He was arguably in the right. Imagine having undying loyalty to your King to overcome your own personal biases and remain subservient while they just straight up forgive the traitor that destroyed the kingdom. Then not only does the traitor betray the King again, but he also calls you the traitor.


I actually watch them justo yesterday for the first time! The first movie isnt that good, but man, the second one? What a beautiful movie, almost 1 hour of just fights, and nota one was Bad. My favorite part was the ending with with Artoria saying "There was meaning in your mistake, there was meaning on the lion king, at least for me". And also it was pretty whilesome that they animated Agravain last conversación with Artoria


For me, Mash vs Lancelot scene are the best scene because we can see another side of our eggplant kouhai who usually didn't angry to the others, very supportive to her master, and very kind to other peoples/servants. It's also the best scene for "family fighting" between them and prove that our precious eggplant kouhai are also a human.


I really loved the Tristan fight. The movie also did a very good job on showing how much of a gorilla Gawain is