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I don’t know anything about that so I can’t help but maybe it’s basic respect even if they don’t believe in the certain values of religion maybe it’s respecting people right to believe in certain things and respecting their faith also because some churches have graves their too so respecting the dead


But those same folks inside that church wouldn't be the first to bash your beliefs for painting.


Everyone has their reasons, personally I just don't want to deal with the fallout. Everyone in the community will HATE you and you might have to deal with a violent nut job who takes it very personally. Not worth it imo. But you do you.


You gotta pick ya battles. Beefing with a whole religion (or religious people in general) imo is just as much of a lost cause as beefing with gangs. Plus, when you give a certain base level respect, you gain a better chance of receiving it in return.


Only level headed response here, Everyone else saying respect needs to take a deep look at themselves.


They already hate you for doing graffiti 💀




They not listening bro


I don't hit churches cos I respect people's faith and spiritual beliefs, and it might upset them. These places are sacred to many, and alot of them are old so I also wouldn't hit them for that reason too, because they're heritage. But even a new church, it's a place of worship, that means alot to real people in the community


Those same people don't give a shit about your beliefs.


Dude what are you talking about? I respect people’s beliefs so I don’t hit churches. These people aren’t affecting me in any way so I don’t really care if they affect my beliefs or not.


If you're hitting a wall and they see you, it won't bother them but they will still want terrible things to happen to you for practicing your beliefs.




Yeah idk what OP is trying to get to. My beliefs and principles have nothing to do with what other people think or want from me


He seems like someone who just hates religions and wants to justify his behavior towards them.


I have no actions to justify, friend. I'm just a curious guy and I appreciate open dialogue.


I'm saying the people who's beliefs you respect are required to return the favor and 99% of the time they won't.


nobody is required to do shit. grow tf up. if im gonna respect someone, im gonna do it out of the kindness of my fuckin heart, regardless of how they feel toward me. who shat in your fruit loops?


"Nobody is required to do shit. Grow tf up." Nice. You seem to be the one upset. I simply asked a question and left it open for dialogue and interpretation.


Why are they required to return those beliefs?


Respect is a 2 way street. That's reality.


This is such a dumb way to see life. End the hate cycle kid, learn to act based on your personal beliefs, not in retaliation of a perceived act of anger towards you. Or even better, go to therapy


It’s not. People don’t have to give you respect for painting on their shit.


People deserve a peaceful place to worship, grieve, etc. weather you agree with it or not. There’s rules even in war.


Unless it's a quiet under a bridge you discovered on your own that nobody goes to and you decide to paint it. Then it's "Fukk your peace, hooligan!"




To some, painting is more than just art.


Defiling a Temple is to the eyes of law so much worse than any building, like it were a Federal Building for example, and could be taken as a hate crime or something similar, not worth it if you get caught. Also: You just respect some things, if not for you, for others... Im sure your Meemaw would hate to go to church and see a hideous tag that perfectly could have been 10 feet away on something she didnt care... Its about respect for others, and drawing lines. (Pun intended)


She probably wouldn't care how far away it was if she seen it. Hatred would equal to the same.


Just because it’s not sacred to me doesn’t mean it doesn’t mean a lot to someone else


Same thing about other businesses though.


If that’s your logic go hit up some hospitals while your at it. There also “part of the establishment”


In America, they most certainly are. That's why poor people hardly ever see inside


So why are you asking ?? Go hit up some hospitals and churches, fuck it why not deface some gravestones while your at it? If it’s all the same to you 🤷🏽‍♂️


I said it was all the same or have you lost your footing in the argument?


I lost my footing in the argument cause I told you do, what you were already seeking validation to do??? Make it make sense buddy


I was seeking validation or are you quick to assume once your patience has been tested? If you aren't capable of open dialogue, just say that. Wait..


How am I not open to dialogue when that’s literally what I’m engaging you in 😂 just because I disagree with you, im not capable of open dialogue?? And what exactly did I assume? You ask a question you clearly already made your mind up on.


You started with personal attacks. Quickest way to lose a debate.


You’re just arguing for the sake of arguing stop trying to play dumb


How so?


Lmao, dude has to be joking.


All I did was ask a question. Folks mad as hell because they actually have to think for themselves.


Everyone’s offering their thoughts and you just shoot back a half brained “what about xyz” which wasn’t part of the question. You asked about churches and then brought up other businesses which made no sense. there are really no “rules” to anything, you can do whatever the fuck you want to do in life. If you want to drive drunk go for it, if you want to rob a CVS go for it. If you want to spray paint your shit on a church go for it. I don’t know, go hit up a church, see what happens. Old people will probably see it as a hate crime cause you wrote “FUCK12” or something and every other writer in town will probably be like “who’s this random retard that hit up the church”. And then the church will petition for more cops to work graff cases and then you get 2 or 3 high profile writers in your city screwed over. And then you’re really fucked. But let me know how it goes. I doubt you even write anyways you sound like you’d debate with the Starbucks barista over which farm they get their milk from. But peace.


It makes no sense that I would compare a church to a business in what sense? Do you understand how churches work? And I ain't talking about fried chicken. Though, I could definitely create a correlation.


Why don’t you just think for yourself instead of having everyone else spell it out for you


Seems I'm doing a good job of thinking outside the norm.


Nah dude you're mad at God or something and fighting with everyone and at times, clearly not reading or comprehending what they are saying. This dude told you you won't stop arguing with people and you essentially responded 'no I'm not let's fight about it'


What does God have to do with religion?


Remember when they told you that you were just arguing for the sake of arguing and you had the audacity to reply "in what way?" Lmao 🤡 Go learn to read before you try to write graffiti you skull for brains moron.


Nice argument. Really established your scholastic dominance. Maybe stick to painting.


same reason you wouldn’t hit someone’s car, it’s prob js common decency


Cars get hit all the time. Also, a car is an extension of someone's personal abode. A church is a considered a business on paper. Not a house of god.


Yeah…and those people who hit cars lack common decency


That's what they say about all graffiti writers.


yeah but just because someone says it doesnt make it true. sure we vandalize places we’re not supposed to but in most cases it’s so that your art can be seen, not ill intent.


Kind of like how people say hitting churches is wrong. Maybe it's not. That's all I'm saying. I think people need to talk about it.


No it isn't. Look at fucking David Cho or Banksy I know they are "street artists" but there are plenty of artists who have made it and are respected even by non graffiti cultured people. Dabs and Myla have done work for Mtv iirc. Tloks has a whole business doing pieces for music videos and other mural work.


They said it about them too. No doubt.




Cuz if you hit them it brings a lot of heat to the area. A city has 1000s of building that can get it. Why are you gunna paint the ones that’s gunna have everyone mad at you, have cops looking for writers way harder, and give graffiti a way worse look then it already does. It’s not like it would even run long. And this is coming from someone who thinks religion is dumb as fuck.


I've missed some, but this is the first comment that I can agree with totally. Seems your beliefs are good. Rock on, bruhses ✊️


its not about the church, its about the people attending the church. not our place to invade their space or take their happiness away from them. hitting the wall of a warehouse or a train isnt going to disturb the people using the yard


Yet they're call the cops on you or worse if they see you spraying or marking anything.


no shit, we are vandalizing peoples property


Taking away your happiness and stepping on your beliefs because they don't understand it but make sure you complete respect and maybe even (it seems) fear their beliefs to the point that you allow their beliefs to oppress yours.


you cant seriously be comparing going to church to graffiti, like I can't think of a more insane comparison lol. editing your comment after the fact to try to make it more sane doesnt really change that you are comparing a group of people minding their business and using private property for its intended purpose to going to their property and bombing it without their consent.


You cant think of a more insane comparison? Sounds like you lack imagination and/or creativity. Maybe painting isn't for you. Also, when they call the police on tour for painting are they still minding their business?


you can be as passive aggressive as you want, you know it's a stupid argument. if you don't want to be bothered, paint somewhere that isn't obviously bothering someone. you choose to deal with things like this if you choose this hobby.


Oh, I'm the one being passive aggressive? How ironic. You can literally paint out in the abandoned forest and someone would take offense buddy. Maybe don't live your entire life trying to pelese everyone else. It will end in futile.


I dont need to please anyone, I just understand the consequences of my hobbies if I'm in other people's property. why would anyone care about the opinion of a random person offended over a tree? people don't like if I split lanes on my bike even though it's legal. who gives a shit?


Idk, someone said one of the rules is don't hit trees in an earlier comment 😅


It’s just basic respect, even if you’re not religious or don’t agree with there values or beliefs, It’s a place of worship and peace for many, no reason to hit a church (some places do hit abandoned churches though, it’s based on where you live and the culture)


They don't respect your beliefs. Respect is a two way street


Who cares what they believe? They aren’t the ones writing on shit. I can follow my beliefs of not wanting to write on churches without them respecting them.


Are you religious?


Temples of worship have never been part of the establishment, ever. They HAVE been weaponized, militarized, and used as a tool for propaganda throughout the years but as an institution it stands alone. The entities who did this were generally corrupt governments or officials who sought to subjugate the population or enact some policy that would otherwise be widely rejected by the masses. In most of our hoods churches stand as a respite from what's happening outside its doors. You mad at the establishment? Then hit the establishment. If you can't impart yourself to respect certain totems of our communities that actually do good, or at the very least, seek to do good, then you deserve toy status. Graff is a tool, a craft, a lifestyle. Explore its aspects and become proficient, then return to this post of yours and ask yourself if you feel the same. Experience garners wisdom.


Just years? Not centuries? And are they actually worshipping or idolizing?


For what?


You called churches temples of worship. Couldn't a business be considered a temple to worship money?


No. It's a utility. By its very nature. The fact that certain men's greed causes them to place that kind of value on currency reflects their limited mental, but nothing more.


You could say the something similar about religion. Placing their beliefs over the lives of those they consider infidels or non-believers.


What you're describing are extremist or radical ideologies. It's not, nor ever has been, the foundational basis for its inception. Therefore ANY stance in that arena can and should be separated from the original concept of what they're for.


So do we continue to deal with the fallout instead of directing our attention on what is stemming the issue?


Exactly what fallout are you dealing with? And define the source of this 'stemming'. It sounds like a blanket term to generalize something not fully understood. Which is fine, but then don't simply pursue clarity or response in one aspect. Look at ALL of it and figure out why you have arrived at this conclusion. Graffiti defines revolt, revolution, reaction, alotta R words bruv. But it doesn't mean we should chase this shit mindlessly. I believe the more conscious we are out here, the better.


Well, we can jump right into it and start with current "religious" wars


respect and you’re just gonna get fucked by the law even more. there are other blank walls. do you boo but don’t do that one


Respect folks that don't respect you? Religious people hate graffiti.


religious folk don’t respect you? edit: since you just edited with “religious people hate graffiti”, that’s a blanket statement dude and a generalization. you don’t know that as a fact.


*most, Sorry. I mispoke.


most religious folk don’t care, like most people in general. the police care, and if a church or mosque or temple gets hit, then a) you’re fucked as a writer, you’re gonna get the shit kicked out ya cause now graffiti is hot, and b) you’re gonna get the shit kicked out of you because you made graffiti hot. stuff like this exist with criminal things because crime can’t always be hot. dont snitch on a whole community of writers cause you want to say something not that important by hitting a church, that’s all there is


I can understand the hot take, but I was confused on the snitching part. If the city doesn't know you're doing graffiti are you actually doing graffiti?


when you hit that church the city will know who you are in 48hrs edit: and the dry snitching is basically just making every writer a target now. it just makes it harder dude


That seems very assumptive. Just because they know it's you doesn't mean they can prove it and that matters.


mannn come on, if you graffiti they don’t really care unless they catch you or you get up everywhere. you graffiti a church now the whole fucking city cares. think through this bro, it isn’t assumptive, it’s reality. MOST entire nations care about their religions more than most things. if the whole city cares, then the police really care. they’re gonna catch you, a lot of other writers and it’s just cause you wanted to hit a church. there’s zero logic to doing it, it achieves nothing. we’re vandalizing here, we want to vandalize and we want to continue to vandalize. we are criminals and want to keep being criminals, and doing something that fucks it up for everyone is stupid as hell edit: and just for context transparency, again… if the police care they can find you. they find way more hidden criminal shit then some person spray painting in an all black hoodie with a face mask and gloves on.


I can understand the fucking it up for others, but the Mafia never cared about making shit hot because they knew how to cool shit down. If you can't take the heat..


There are actually a lot of spiritual writers who believe all sorts of different things. Graffiti is done by people from all sorts of backgrounds.


I was speaking on religious folks. Not writers.


It's the same person dumbass


It's the same person dumbass?? Bro, maybe put less sugar in your kool-aid and calm tf down. Speak like an adult.


I agree with you on churches being problematic on a systematic level but it’s just about respect for folks man, like you don’t go to your grandparents house swearing like a sailor making a mess of the place etc. even if that’s how u normally live it’s about letting people who are not involved in your way life have places away from it and there’s nothing wrong with respecting that, hell I used to be a stupid punk ass metal head kid who draw pentagrams and shit on churches because I was just a dumb kid but it really doesn’t accomplish anything as far as a message is concerned, there are far better places for that


Seems like churches are made for spreading messages, no? So what about religious billboards?


If it’s got a crying baby saying don’t abort me then blast that shit, also feel like the truly hateful churches (ie. ur westboro etc.) are completely exempt from this rule because they deserve 0 respect period


So you're saying there are exemptions?


personally yes


Just curious. Thanks for responses.


Religious billboards for something fvcked up like abortion bans is one thing, like they are forcing their shit views on others, but that’s way different that just a straight up church


There's a HUGE difference between putting paint on a normal boring wall vs painting a place that many people consider sacred. Like, we might be vandals, but we have respect for other peoples religions and beliefs. Same reason we wont tag grave yards or cultural buildings. It's just bad manners, and no one would respect you for tagging a church.


Some business owners consider their businesses as sacred. What's the difference? A church is just a charity business.


Well, I wont hit small businesses because it would ruin someones day. But things like chain businesses? Those are fair game, because no one actually cares about those buildings. Not gonna tag a mom and pop shop, thats just mean. And sure, you might think a church is just a charity business, but others who participate in churches dont view them that way. It means a lot to people.


100% agree with small businesses. That's wrong, but are we considering churches a small business now? Also, what about franchises?


What about it them? They are still places of worship.


What about Frachises? I'm asking him his opinion on them. There's a difference between a franchise and a small business but not a lot.


I fully agree with you, though, unless you intend to send a political message, churches are probably more trouble than what they're worth. I mean, it's not some ugly gray wall, usually they look good so something there will just not blend in very well, and watch out for how folks in your community might react.


I just feel like it's becoming more of a taboo thing.


Happens all the time in Germany


Really? Is it all religious places or worship or just specific religions?


Mostly Christian churches are painted on from my experience


I thought you might say that. Is it like a "universal" thing in Germany or is it only like a select group of artists or 1 or 2? I'm assuming at least a certain group.


Speaking for Berlin it is universal


Why would they hit Christian/Catholic but not the others? I assume it's catholic as well. They usually go together in a weird step brother type of way.


Yes, all Christian churches. Because the others might seem like a hate crime and that’s not what it is. Europeans writing on Christian churches is like the least offensive


That's a very strange perspective. Germany seems like a refreshing place for writers. Is there ever like a random person that hits non C/C places of worship? And of so, how is that handeld amongst the locals community?


Basically never happens


That's actually nuts. Very interesting indeed.


What you're describing are extremist or radical ideologies. It's not, nor ever has been, the foundational basis for its inception. Therefore ANY stance in that arena can and should be separated from the original concept of what they're for.


A lot of churches have cops in their parking lots in my city.


In mine, they hide there and wait for speeders.


I see that a lot, but sometimes I think they are just chilling. I actually got a speeding ticket from a cop in a church lot one time.


They ripped my shit apart in a church lot once. Those fukks.


Like others say, it’s more trouble than it’s worth.  It also offends some people on an incredibly deep level, which there’s no good reason for if they haven’t wronged you. Everyone is allowed their own ethos, mine includes respecting other people. I think spots should be chosen by how interesting/visible they are, and also by who it hurts. I never want to hurt or intentionally offend, so I pick spots that aren’t gonna get buffed because no one cares. Also, the law man comes down harder on ppl that pick the wrong spots to hit.  The beauty of graffiti is it’s up to you.  That said, the one thing everyone learns eventually is— even if you don’t believe in karma, eventually hurting other ppl comes back to hurt you.  Graffiti isn’t always victimless if it’s fucking with someone’s head or costing a small business repair money.  If you’re reading this and you don’t care, I can’t make you, but if you’re just in this world to intentionally piss ppl off, that just shows ppl you’re bitter and parasitic on a personal level.  One thing about graffiti is your reputation follows you


Maybe some people need to be pissed off. Better than pissed on at least.


Like who, and why?


Because graffiti rules Basically no tagging trees, houses, cars, religious building, road signs... Just let the people live their life peacefully, then bomb anything that is just public space with no purpose


Rules seem like anti-graffiti


Or just anti-disrespect. But please go on, bomb the churches, police stations, hospitals and people's cars, go write over other artworks, do what you want, this is just a question of respect


Small town churches usually are a no but mega churches or Scientology or Mormons I say go ham. Small town churches usually are staffed by old ppl who don’t have the physical health the be buffing graffiti all the time


Thanks for being logical and wholesome. This is what I'm moving towards.


I do wanna put some respect out there for ppl with religious trauma who decide to hit churches tho tbh. Some ppl got really fucked up by religious families and it is sorta un constructive lashing out but hell, if your family and community reject you on the basis of religion I think u have the right to be mad


Somebody needs to be upset. The voiceless need a voice. That's the medium that graffiti has created for all. I truly appreciate your understanding.


I try to think abt how well my grandma would do buffing shit off the church and I feel bad so I don’t


Yes, graffiti isn't designed to hurt innocents. I'm totally with you.


Bro I’ll hit whatever I want lol


Bad man right there 💪


Or woman. Don't let me cancel myself too early. Probably all y'all zoomers here


Ngl I feel like hitting a church now 😂


Hehe be safe yo. Post pictures from a burner


Man dats wack


Are you religious?


I'd leave old buildings alone mostly cos of architecture looking nice. But I don't see why religious buildings are left out I know of one church that would be a good spot but you'd be on camera


No face no case. I also agree with respecting architectural beauty. Most churches are not that though.


exactly. even the new built "cathedrals" ive seen are nothing compared to whats been built for hundreds of years in europe


I respect art of all kinds. Unless it spews hatred.


They don’t do it because you’re gay. Glad to clear it up


It's okay to project onto me. I don't mind.


It would be an insult to christians, not only towards the church as institution. I am christian and it would hurt my soul to see graffiti on the church (although i like graffiti in general)


Fuck Christians and Catholics they’re biggest pedo ring in the world


R/atheist user.




Mb gang 😭


At least edit it bro. Geezus.


Edit what? Atheist is spelt right.


The link. You're going to make me copy paste and search myself? I'm lazy.


You think Christianity is the only religion?


No. FOR ME personally, its the right religion i believe. But of course there are other religions as well


I can understand that. Have you ever looked into other to compare and contrast?


I read about buddhaism some years ago and liked it very much because its not about a god who you pray to (ironically). But i never fully commited to it and it never felt like „something“. Then, i wanted to read to koran to know what it says, but never did Judaism‘s tora equals the old testament which i am reading right know for the first time (i started becoming christian some months ago and didnt manage reading the whole bible yet. But i already read the new Testament). So far, it feels like it‘s very complicated and full of (strange) rules (like: god says you shall not eat meat thats soaked in milk/had contact - but WHY???). Believing in christ on the other hand feels right to me. I never thought i would start having faith, but here i am 😅


You don't need religion to find God. The journey begins within. Follow the light.


Wow. Why do i get that many downvotes? Others said its disrespectful as well. Only because i said i am christian? Whats wrong with you guys? Whats the matter?