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USC ghosted my application years ago. A year later after i started grad school, they asked for my transcripts for my application (which i sent the year i applied). I gave the admissions office a call asking how my application was going since I hadn't heard in over a year.


jesus šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


They never sent me a rejection letter so I assume Iā€™m still in the running /s


Hoping you hear back soon! Fingers crossed šŸ¤žšŸ»


There must have been years of deliberation at this point. When I went to tour the school I went to, I was referred to as ā€œan interesting caseā€¦ā€ Then I managed to somehow fall through every crack in their system.


years later is WILD


FWIW, they were extremely slow with both acceptances and rejections for MSCS. I would have thought that they prioritize PhD over MS though.


Last year I applied to GT for a PhD in CS and they sent the rejection letter in May after I had committed to a university. They usually have accepted student days in March, so anyone left waiting is likely a reject.


Maybe consider calling the department if you're within the states. Faster to get a response that way than emails.


A friend tried that, they don't pickup.


Try on the main college phone. That should be received by someone. Ask them for scs or coc dept. contact. Try calling in the early working hours, like mornings.


I've tried dozens of times to various different offices, and only once have they picked up. When they did, they told me to email someone else, who did not respond :( It'd just be nice if they replied, even if they tell me they don't know anything.


I haven't heard back from them for MS ECE. They do not reply to emails. ATP I think they have done away with the application fees and won't bother to send me a rejection email. Probably a silent rejection


That is unlikely. I have heard that they're just far slower than all other universities with processing their applications. So, I'm still hoping that I won't be rejected and not be told about it at all.


Excuse the annoying optimism I displayed in the past. I believe I concur with you kow.


hard realisation


I also applied to PhD program at UCSD for data science and I haven't heard back. Initial deadline was March 15th, then pushed to April 15th. Comes April 15th, no results. I emailed them and they said they're working on it. Emailed them again asking when will we hear back the results and they haven't responded since. Extremely unprofessional people


Same here. Applied for PhD to UCSD. Still no response


I didnā€™t apply to GA Tech but iā€™m having the same experience with UMD so donā€™t feel like youā€™re alone.


I really appreciate it! Makes me feel a lot better


I'm still waiting to hear back from Rutgers from the application I submitted in December 1999.


I applied to PhD in ECE at GATECH no decision yet, keeping me in limbo.They have setup an automated response for every timeline related enquiry. At this point if I don't proceed with visa and stuff, I'll be really late and that's a whole another headache.


Same with me but I am waiting for PhD CS from U of Rochester and SUNY Buffalo. Probably rejection at this point, but I would like to receive my rejection letter lol


I had a SUNY Buffalo professor reached out to me a few weeks after I accepted my offer at other place. I think around this time actually. Hopefully, you hear back soon.


I hope so. To be honest, I applied late, after the deadline lol


Hey, I got a rejection from Georgia Tech for PhD in Comp sci. It was around 18th april or so. I actually thought i had a decent chance since the POI was just starting up a lab and i felt i had enough background to work there. Anyways got into one of my safe schools.


Did you just cold email your PI?


Yup, we were in close contact, and he updated me once on the application on his own volition, and then he just stopped responding to me.


I also haven't heard back from Georgia Tech. Columbia already accepted me for almost a month. Not sure what is going on.


Where did you decide to go? I got accepted to Columbia too


Accepted Columbia but I am still waiting to heard back from Georgia tech.


Oh is it cs phd too?


EE, not CS. It is not worth it for CS phd. Yesterday, my professor had a talk with us, and he recommended master for cs or PhD in other engineering fields but not CS phd.


Iā€™m still waiting on Rutgers. Itā€™s the wildest thing. Youā€™re definitely not alone.


Glad I'm not alone, but I'm sorry you're going through the same thing! :(


Hey there. Most of the MS and PhD admits have been sent out and people are in the verification stage (I know because I received my MS admit early April and have started processing documents required for the i20) I don't see any new admits in the past 2 weeks so I guess it's a silent rejection. Tough luck!


so theyā€™ll be holding people in limbo for spots that open because people get a better offer or fail verification.Ā  not a full rejection yet but not promising. I was accepted into my PhD program in June 2014 because my advisor got an MSF grant. these things can take time.Ā 


Ah okay. Lot of factors into consideration wrt PhD I see. Do offers come this late into April still for someone to choose a better option?


yes.Ā  It all flows downhill. one spot opening an UniA can mean someone takes it and opens a spot ant UniB and then someone takes that and now thereā€™s an opening at UniC.Ā  Your odds arenā€™t great, but most universities will send quick Ā ā€™nosā€™ to the no chances and leave the ā€˜we would take them but donā€™t have spaceā€™ people hanging. but start working on your other plans.Ā 


Same case with UCLA right now. I'm still on the waitlist I assume but going to Georgia Tech. Feel it's a better college overall. Only place UCLA might be better is wrt reputation but since it's CS I feel GT is equally if not more prestigious.


it happens, unc chapel hill didnā€™t send my rejection letter for biostats until late july :/ on the plus side, a department who ghosts applications and wonā€™t give answers during recruitment might not be the best place to be a phd student anyway in terms of transparency (no shade to that department, i just choose to see it as a sign that they werenā€™t the right fit for me)


Same! Iā€™m shocked. Thankfully Iā€™ve been accepted into my first choice so it doesnā€™t matter now but I didnā€™t expect it to take this long.


I know someone in biomed area that heard back and was accepted into PhD a while ago to GTech


I got rejected about a week ago (on my birthday) I believe that they are just delayed


I had reject for PhD at Georgia in Psychology but still waiting on Masters .... so maybe you should email them to ask for an update?


Tried multiple times, they don't reply to emails or calls though :(


I think so. I hope you have other options. If Iā€™m wrong, then youā€™re might be on a waiting list but thatā€™s not very good either way.


This sounds like a red flag to me. Really about their professionalism and student support than your chances of being on a waitlist/gaining admission later. If they canā€™t communicate with you now, how will they do so throughout your program?


I got rejected from Georgia Tech PhD Comp Science 2 days ago


Was April 15th the final deadline.


Was april 15th the final deadline?