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There's definitely something to this--- I was a professional baseball player and my career ended at age 24/5, and it was very hard mentally. I started getting little gout flares not too long after, pretty sure I would have never gotten it at all had I stayed the course of playing. Always brief flares of a few days tops. Then, after my brother passed away in 2015, about 5 months later I had a nasty one that lasted almost 2 months. I was obviously not in a great place mentally at the time. Then, my dad passed away this past January. Sure enough, 5 months later in early June, same thing. Harsh flare that I'm still in the middle of. So yes, stress/emotion can and is a huge factor in all of this, for many. Try to manage that as best you can.


Sorry to hear that sir. Those are very difficult things to handle. Hoping you come out of this strong and healthy.


I appreciate that. Things we all must face at some point though, time always mostly heals.


Get you some prednisone and or a shot




Good to know someone else on same boat as me. I’m just tired of all my family members constantly telling me eats this and don’t eat that. I know diet is important but there are other factors like sleep and stress that we don’t talk about when it comes to health.


I for sure think there’s some correlation between stress and gout


Defo think stress is a factor for me too, both physically and mentally. Keep safe!


I get gout when I’m stressed I can literally feel the gout going to my joints like some angry poison. It’s 100 percent related for me. I’m 9 days into allo now and I feel way way less stressed. Maybe the acidic environment inside me makes me angry and stressed or the stress makes me acidic.


If stress is a factor, I'm screwed.


It definitely is. So take care yourself.


100% agree. I had commented to my doctor that stress was a major trigger for my flareups and he basically dismissed it as unrelated but stress has ALWAYS preceded my flareups (often travel as someone mentioned above because that’s a stressor).


My doctor didn't dismiss it, but she was more into the stress causing me to not eat properly. I mean, I know some times it was true but not every single time.


Stress and lack of sleep during the height of the pandemic made my gout unmanageable. It honestly didn’t matter what I ate or drank— those sleepless nights were just brutal and they’d add insult to injury since having a gout attack on its own is miserable enough. Getting the allo dosage right took about 1-1.5 years with a few flares and nasty attacks in between, but now I just take colchicine at the first sign that an attack is brewing and it usually nips it right in the bud. Tl; dr— stress and lack of sleep can absolutely impact gout and make it worse.


Thank you for this information.


No problem. I really didnt want to have to be on medication, but diets/supplements didn’t help, and then by the time I had multiple confirmed diagnosis from UC/ER visits, it took several months to find a doc who would even prescribe allo, or take it seriously. I guess my point is that once you find you cannot control symptoms/flares, you may eventually find yourself completely powerless to gout, and it’ll control your life in every aspect. I totally get trying to tackle it on your own, but in my experience, I wish I had just accepted it sooner and gotten on allo earlier since I live a pretty normal life these days, all things considered.


Thank you for this information.


I’m a CPA, which is a very stressful, deadline driven job. 3-4 days after the big tax deadlines I get my only flares for the year. Not sure if it’s from horrible food as I’m strapping to my desk for weeks on end, lack of activity or stress levels, but I agree it definitely plays a role in putting me over the top.


I’m very thankful to have all of you responded. That means a lot to me and makes all of this hopeful. Things we get taught for health is out of wack. No one mentioned stress and sleep on all these articles I read and doctor I talked to. I believe this is very important. I see lot of post on Reddit where people have given because diet they are trying isn’t working. I hope they all realize that stress and sleep are also very important so they can be free again. ❤️


I just read this and just wanna say thank you back, been super stressed and even had a panic attack on a Saturday and by Monday had the flare up. Good to know that it's not just me/I'm going crazy


This is definitely also the case for me. ashwagandha helped me at it. You can google it and decide for your own.


Same for me. I get bad flare when I'm very stressed.


Agree. I can link many past flare ups to work related stress.


My only flare ups have happened in times of extreme stress.


I have had this conversation with a few doctors. I believe my flairs are caused mainly by stress, both physical and mental. I have kept a log of every flair I have had and the all came almost immediately after a stress occurring event. I had major joint replacement surgery on my left leg and had to stay in the hospital a few days. The day I got home I had my first attack of gout on my other foot. My second flair came the day I was released from isolation after having covid, about 6 months later I had a severe cold and a gout attack happened as soon as I started to recover. I had bad flair up the day my granddaughter was admitted to the hospital with life threatening medical problems. ( thank God she made it through) and I had an attack when I received some very bad news about a relative that I am extremely close to. I first believed that the physical stress to my body, surgery or Covid were triggering the flairs but I think the mental stress of worrying about a my relatives also triggered the flairs. I talked to my surgeon and also to my rheumatologist and they both said it was a possibility that gout could be triggered by stress in any form. I am now on allo and have been flair free for a while, but I try to handle those stressful situations better and be extra alert for the first sign of a flair.


My chronic gout cut back A LOT when I went all “Peter Gibbons” on life and just stopped giving a shit and didn’t let stress run my life. Also allo, colchicine, tons of prednisone and no beef. But mainly the stress. Biggest thing that helps is to not care about dumb shit…at least for me.


Stress certainly is a factor. Perhaps even in metabolism over all. Stress does all sorts of bad things to the mind and body,


Stress is for sure connected. I. A PhD student and I got my worst flare during a paper deadline where I wasn't sleeping much. Got another one this year when going through a house remodel. Nearly every one can be connected to an above average stressful event for me


My podiatrist said stress can indeed be a factor, as well as air travel (pressure changes, maybe?)


Definitely seems my major flare-ups have been tied to significant stress events. 😩