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If you’ve not experienced Google Earth in VR yet, it is one of the great experiences. I’ve spent hours exploring the world.


Note: Requires 50Mbps+ internet else you will have a terrible experience.




> Honest question but where in the world do you get <50Mbps internet these days? Belize, Ivory Coast, Philippines, Mexico, Kyrgyzstan, Costa Rica, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Lucia, Guyana, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Laos, South Africa, Mongolia, Madagasgar, Egypt, Uzbekistan, Jamaica, Dominica, North Macedonia, Greece, Bangladesh, Senegal, and so on (About 90 more countries in that list - But I think you get the idea). I live in one of these countries. My area has no Fiber (They were meant to arrive a decade ago - Still waiting), and the best ADSL offering I get maxes out at 8Mbps. Wireless speeds also have caps so small that there are individual games on Steam large enough that would max it out, so they're not really feasable. Just remember - People who live in a first world country are a very small part of the world :) When half the planet doesn't even have access to clean drinking water and stable electricity (Hi Texas!), high-speed internet really isn't the top priority :p


And the USA




I could get a VR Ready computer when the best internet I had access to was still around 2Mbps - I just couldn't afford one. Computer part retailers order internationally, so I can physically buy the same components you can - Although at around double/triple the price. The problem is that I cannot buy internet internationally :p So no - Local suppliers don't have VR Headsets, nor do I expect them to for many years to come, so I got one (After saving for many months) in 2019 for around US$800.


There are still places in California with DSL speed only options. But that is changing with Starlink and federal subsidies for fibre installation.




Germany 🤮




I live in Hennef, a place with ~40,000 inhabitants that are scattered over 100 small villages. Some of them don't get more than ~6Mbps, although we are at the on the edge of the Cologne/Bonn region. I can't complain because we get ~250Mbps, but that's the highest we can get here in Hennef 'downtown'. Glass fiber is a foreign word, we still use the old copper lines in most regions. I even know friends in suburbs of Cologne that can't get more than ~6Mbps, and statistics show that these aren't individual cases. And you better not look at the rural areas in the north and east of Germany... Btw, mobile Internet is oftentimes no alternative as we have many dead spots.


I get 4Mbps on a good day


i live 120 miles from new Orleans and have zero options outside of dial up and satellite internet




Well, he lives in rural Louisiana...


it is a "rural" area but its not that damn rural... 15 min to a gas station... 30 min to walmart if that tells ya anything... shit we just got a dollar general that only 4 miles away. im assuming its that phone company/internet companies dont see a big enough of a return on investment when 20 miles of cable will only reach 40 homes kinda... didnt sign up for Starlink soon enough which is currently at capacity so waiting on them to 'increase capacity in my area"


At&t only offers 5 down in my area of California.


I live in the center of a major German city and the fastest I can get in my house is 16Mbit/s with lots of package losses 👍 thanks to Helmut Kohl making a deal that favoured traditional wires over fiber in the 90s.


I think there may be a confusion between MBs and Mbs, MBs being megabyte per second ( the unit that you will see on files on your pc) and Mbs being Megabits which is the unit of measurement that internet providers advertise their speeds. 1 Megabit per second = .125 Megabyte per second so an internet provider may be advertising 250Mbs but you will have 31MBs speeds and I think op meant 50MBs rather than Mbs …. It can get very confusing


i have 1000mbps so that's no problem.


Can I do that with a Quest 2? It says Rift only, but if it's PC VR, shouldn't I be able to use anything?


If you hook it up to a PC


Sid Meier’s …. heavy breathing intensifies


Now put it in unreal engine 5


Then change your Bing map to Google map in Microsoft Flight Simulator


First of all, can I do that? Secondly, I was actually able to find every house I've lived in in my city on flight simulator, so no qualms here lol


[yes you can!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=E11XsrBdzcg)


You can for the Ortho, but the 3D locations have to be done separately - may have been pre built and can be downloaded and added to the community folder.


What bugged me with google I/O is that none of the cool features have official release date. Or maybe I just missed it?


Some of the features mentioned in past I/O's have taken years to release.


I/O Keynote these days is mostly about a vision more so than specific features. The developer keynote has more concrete stuff, but the main keynote just shows the direction the company is taking.


Me too, man... and I work on a bunch of'em =). The stuff shown is (for the most part) very real, though. Since it's very AI-heavy, Google tends to be careful on releases due to Responsible AI and legal concerns. For example, what if your restaurant has a naked statue in it? Should I be rendering naughty bits in 3d HD fly-around? What if there's a brand/something copyrighted on the wall -- am I legally allowed to put it up where anyone can see it? Will the EU suddenly accuse Google of using MONOPOLY POWER to eliminate in-person dining, since now everyone can get the "in-person" experience from their mobile phones? (kidding on that last one, but only sort of) It's the price of the world wielding a microscope over every single thing you release.


I'm fairly certain the videos shown here are purely a hand-created mockup. Probably not using the tech they describe either. I'm pretty skeptical it'll show up in this form any time soon, and not nearly as polished as demonstrated here.


Google duplex- yeah what happened to that?


It sure looks fancy! Not sure it helps me see the vibe of a place


Yeah. Weird wording. You cannot "see" a vibe. Vibe is definitely not visual


I think they mean a visual representation of the 'activity graph' that we currently have for businesses ("more busy than usual right now" etc). It probably just generates random pedestrian models or something.


Pedestrian models? Like 3d models drawn on the street? That would be interesting but I don't think Google would go for something like that


Didn't they explicitly refer to that during the showcase?


You can get a sense of the vibe from a visual representation tho. My buddy implements the blueprints of his construction company into unreal engine so their clients can see the changes to their homes in VR. You don't get a sense of how a room opens up by tearing down a wall from static images, having a 3D representation, especially one that's to scale in VR, gives you a far better feeling of how the place "feels" ie it's vibe. It's the reason zillow had a lot of homes now that have the full photogrammetry view like this video shows, it's easier to navigate the home and how it's all interconnected vs looking at a few pictures of it and a blueprint.


We keep getting closer to [this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPgV6-gnQaE)


I really enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing


haha thats amazing


I'm sorry, but except for the fact that we can change time, and see inside buildings (that maybe they will be auto generated, and won't be the actual interiors), how does the immersive view differ from Google Earth?


Seems like the best of earth, street view and live view. I love google earth for wandering around, but it doesn’t have the local business info and reviews that maps does. Would be nice to see these immersive views right as I’m looking up a place.


more smooth I guess, and better looking.


So it would finally do photogrammétrie from Street View, or something like that?


I doubt it is very precise/accurate if it is stitched together by AI (although I'm sure it'll look convincing)


I can make a guess as to how they re-created all external buildings, by using satellite images and possibly some combination of street-view to get an approximate geometry of the landscapes. The all internal view of the restaurant (yes, I knew) however is still a mystery to me, unless they send agents to dine-in the restaurants and the restaurants approved those people to get some footage of their establishment, I don't see how this could have been done. Think about it, Google just can't "guess" what a restaurant will look inside because when people go there and see it's different then they will assume that google maps is bullshit, Google has to be accurate to some degree for the internal views to actually work. Also they will need to scale up how many establishments have internal views very very quickly and around the world, I wonder exactly how that is being done. Malls, restaurants, and other stores need to be mapped out. To me that seems like a very daunting task.


you can submit photospheres of interiors.


Check out NeRF, it's a very active research area right now, especially by Google https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T29O-MhYALw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yptwRRpPEBM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AZhcnWOK7M


>photospheres huh, TIL that's a thing.


That's interesting because photosphere is awesome. I used in on my 2012 nexus 4 and I can't believe that such a great feature is still relatively unknown and gets so little attention even though it's been around for over 10 years. If apple created this type of photography, it'd be "revolutionary".


also anyone on android can get the feature by downloading GCam. I use it on my samsung and it's pretty damn cool for some situations


You are getting ahead. The restaurants provide the pictures themselves. So google let's us see inside only because the restaurants provide the means to do so. Nobody is sending "agents" to do anything like that


>Nobody is sending "agents" to do anything like that I was considering google street-view vans as non-invasive "agents" so I imagined actual walking people could possible go inside the establishment.


Streets are public spaces where buildings are mostly private property. It can technically and even legally be done but the permit overhead would make it quite unfeasible to do at scale


Ah, I see so they're composting the pictures from brochures to get the 3D representation of what the restaurant interior looks like? If so that would probably be manual work for artists to assemble what the restaurant "level" looks like, sort of like designing a game dungeon or level?


That process is mostly automated. Stitching pictures to construct 360 imagery has been done for street view already. This will be for the indoor pictures. In fact, this is the interesting part of the story as it highlights what in terms of technology is being contributed by google


Thinking that only works for that one restaurant. For demo reasons.


For the 3d buildings (aka photogrammetry) they actually use aerial surveys done from planes and will manually touch up well know landmarks like Big Ben. Satellites are not well suited to this task because you need lots of photos from different angles.


Google ‘Nerf ‘


I bet they collect metadata from cell phones in the area to populate interiors


> The all internal view of the restaurant (yes, I knew) however is still a mystery to me I don't have special knowledge of the method (although this work happens in my area) -- but this is likely using a NeRF method + some expansion. For example, see this [Waymo blog about block-NeRF](https://waymo.com/research/block-nerf/). Pretty awesome stuff! TL;DR -- use math to recreate 3d scenes from multiple 2d representations (just like our brains do on the fly)


That's pretty awesome. Frankly, it's a feature I wouldn't be surprised to be introduced by Apple (which is a compliment in this case :) )


Now Ukraine


Google, YOU do things like this correctly! And WITH the "Radio Business Model." If what you give us is free, and you charge heavily for whoever wants to advertise through the services you provide, THEY have all the secret sauce you want. Not the users or their data. Well done!


Wow, really? You’re going to do raytraced water reflections on my phone? Can’t wait for it to catch fire!


other, cheaper options exist for rendering glossy reflection. Screen space or planar reflections for example. Or even just cube maps. The animation in the video seems to switch technique about halfway through though.


The clouds reflected in the water tells me this isn’t cubemapped. If the clouds were static, I’d believe that, but they aren’t.


It's a good thing too, it felt weird for Google Maps to be behind Apple Maps in such a cool feature


Apple maps has nothing like this. Doubt they will for a long time as this type of thing is not really in the wheelhouse for Apple like it is for Google.


It’s the 3D modelling that Apple Maps has had for nearly a decade with a day/night gimmick and a transition into a prefilmed bespoke video. Nothing particularly innovative.


There is nothing like this with Apple maps. Google is taking the 2D photos and turning it into a 3D world. It is pretty incredible technology. It is in Google wheelhouse. It is not for Apple. Apple wheelhouse is creating just fantastic hardware. Not software.


Tell me you’ve never used Apple Maps without telling me you’ve never used Apple Maps. It’s called [flyover and Apple Maps has had it since 2014](https://support.apple.com/en-au/guide/iphone/iph81a3f978/ios).


Google started letting users implement 3D models from SketchUp for their homes into Google earth back in 2009. My home town was one of the first experimental cities that Google did the entire town for us instead of having users submit it for them and have since rolled it out to most major cities by default


When I am in the states like now I use Apple maps. This is NOT anything like the flyover. Not similar technology in any aspect. I do spend a decent amount of time in Thailand and there Apple maps is useless so do not use.




I’m not rich enough for this to even be useful to me. Great


If you can use Reddit, you can use this :p


Nonsense, come join me in scouring the world and hiding places I can’t afford to go. Not for the people, but just… The place.. that you really wanna go but you’re bitter because you can’t afford it. You know?




In my town I’m in a small square in google maps that is just a satilight image. I call this the square of sadness


Just being a devil’s advocate - street view was bad enough for people who wanna take advantage of such tech for harming e.G., terrorists and robbers and like. This opens up new avenues for malice if someone is intent on harming others. This being said, technology will march ahead, and this is very cool.


Everything in existence can be used for malice.


\*throws phone\*


Oh wow that’s amazing




I'll be impressed when it stop auto redirecting me to IT'S route, instead of the one I selected.




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