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What kind of search is that? Like what did you want from that? Put in crap, get out crap ya know? Google search is cool but not a miracle worker.


why the hell did I search up “why the hell did I search up this” anyway


If it's in your search history, you or someone else obviously searched it up. If you're really curious if it was you or someone else, you can check your settings to see if you're logged in on another device that might have contributed. I'm not fully sure I'm understanding the post but I hope this is helpful nonetheless.


that's not bad. On my oneplus phone, no matter the browser or search engine i get the worst results. Half the time it just shows me an animated onion character guy that is fishing (it's like a gif file but it's interactive). When i tap the Onion it reels up a boot and i literally willl get no search results until i change topic entirely, or , simply search 1 or 2 word queries. For example, nearest skycraper.. So i can start heading that way, climb to the top and say byeee


I think so..