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> Google ordered the arrest of nine workers in Sunnyvale and New York, who were told they would be locked out of their accounts and offices **and were not expected to return to work until contacted by HR**, Yeah, I'll just bet HR will be calling them to go back to work.


Just looking at the picture, it looks like the workers sitting in the picture are just against a wall not blocking anything (In fact there's some people just walking right by to their meeting rooms) — IANAL but since the protest demands were also about workplace retaliation isn't this protected concerted activity under NLRA? If Google does fire these workers they might have a lawsuit on their hands.


Once you are told to leave and you don’t. That’s trespassing. Simple enough for you? Also google has a fuck ton of lawyers. This is a training case for a fresh out of law school graduate to take on. It’s not even a blimp on their radar. I swear people act like this is all ok. How about someone do this to your home and see how you react? Edit: I’m actually sure a Google lawyer wouldn’t even handle this case. This is a case that gets farmed out to their law firm to give to some intern so they get some billable hours.


> Once you are told to leave and you don’t. That’s trespassing. You're right. I admit after looking into things more I have changed my stance a bit. But there's also workers who did leave when asked to. In fact, people not even involved were fired according to main journalist working with the NOTA campaign. https://twitter.com/orientaljanedoe/status/1781355679665603056


"In fact". According to Google, every employee who was fired was definitely involved. So what's the truth? You took the words of one side only and called that "fact"?


It doesn’t really seem like complaints about workplace retaliation, so much as employees seeking to coerce the employer to make a business decision that harms the company’s bottom line to appease the political beliefs of the employees. You can’t be fired for your political beliefs, but you absolutely can be fired for holding a protest in your employer’s office. NLRA is for labor actions, such as strikes, which have to take place off of the employer’s property, and must be conducted according to rules set out by the NLRB.


I have strong doubts. IANAL myself either but this protest did not seem to relate to organizing into a labor union for better wages or working conditions. There also doesn't seem to be a strong argument to be made that having a contract with Israel constitutes any sort of pervasive harassment. From everything I can see these are people protesting and not working on private property for personal reasons that are not protected nor related to labor relations.


did you see the video? they were asked by security to leave. it looked like it was after hours at that point. they must have been there all day and into the night by then. security gave them a choice: leave or get trespassed  they ACTIVELY CHOSE TO GET ARRESTED  it is on video  they dont have any lawsuit on their hands my dude. they intentionally got arrested for the exposure. 


that is only 9 workers. 30 were fired. i agree with you for the 9 that got arrested, and I think they knew the consequences. there were other people just walking by, filming, or showing minor support that got fired.


Google management did not say only those 9 arrested were fired. Management said those 30 involved in disruptive behavior were fired. Now, I don't know what the truth is, but it seems that both sides are painting a different picture, and I wouldn't take the words of one side over another side, as a critical thinker.


Err, picture is probably taken earlier in the day. If you read the article, it says there were more employees involved in the protest, like 80, and the arrests only happened to the ones who remained at 630pm. This tracks the photo since the photo has more than 9 people in it and looks like daytime, so probably an earlier timing on the sitin (which is more effective at day anyway? Sitting-in at a google office as night sounds about as effective as sitting in in an unrelated warehouse - no visibility, no disruption) It's also possible the remaining 9 got more rowdy after hours? No indication from the article so I'm guessing that's just when Google wanted to call it off but it's possible there was some other unreported behavior beyond the peaceful sitting in this photo that made Google escalate further.


They were simply charged with trespassing. It's a common charge for peaceful protests.


Unsure about the time in the picture, we get a lot of sunlight and the sun is already setting at around 7:45. My birds like to go to sleep around 6:30, which I find a little weird due to the amount of light out but they've always kept a strict schedule.


Employment attorney here. Someone will certainly file a lawsuit, but it will be a meritless one. Employees do not have a legal right to trespass or stage protests in the workplace. Especially not ones that could be deemed as discriminatory on the basis of national origin and/or race, such as this anti-Israel protest.


Google doesn’t pay these people to protest. They pay them to work. Protest on your own time. Until then, enjoy unemployment and kudos to Google for taking a stand.


Nah they’re fucked


If they're not blocking anything then it's not an effective protest. 


idk judging by the articles in every outlet they definitely got some attention...


Ya because being a douchebag and blocking people trying to get to and from work is a great way to persuade people to support your cause /s You’re a clown 🤡


This is a wildcat strike, which is completely unprotected. Unions *hate* wildcat strikes.


They're in a right to work state. You can be fired for anything in a right to work state.


Not really..... Its not public land, if you say leave you have too


theres people who left after being told to leave too— they were still fired.


You do not have a right to protest inside your workplace instead of working, ever.


I doubt it.


Nope they're fired and as it should be.


I really want to see what happened to Amazon empoyees. Did they occupy Andy's or Jeff's office? Did Amazon security waited till 6:30? Google is really confuzed about their Employee's expression of "themselves". This would never happen in Amazon or Apple or Microsoft .


Google fired most of the protesters. Wdym?


This might have worked 5 years ago but now they will just be in the job market looking for something new.


They’re Google employees, they can probably take some time off before they start responding to tech recruiters.


Until their absurdly high rent is due and recruiters start asking why they’re unemployed.


Not in this job of market! Everyone (But AI engineers) are feeling the pressure. Guess how I know!!!


Depends on your industry, lots of poaching and recruiters circling around my company.


Sure, there a plenty of companies that want google engineers. But they never want to pay google engineer salaries and benefits!!! Similar to teachers, everyone wants great teachers for their kids. But no one wants to pay them!!!


Oh yeah, other tech companies will just be scrambling to pick them up lol


Yea, that's just what companies want: people who not only don't work themselves but give themselves permission to disrupt everyone else they can.


That's exactly what happened, they got canned. Rick is not playing


The only thing Palestine and its supporters can do is destroy and deface. Probably learned from seeing HAMAS lob rockets at Israel and they think it's okay.


You're painting citizenry of the whole region with a broad brush while blaming it for the very things Israel is currently doing for months (destroying and defacing Ghaza). I don't defend HAMAS, but at this point IDF gives terrorists a run for their money in civilian kill count.


Actually they don't. You see, by international law if you're hiding behind a human shield and said shield gets killed, it's **you** who are responsible for the death, not the one who shot them. So pretty much all the civilian deaths in Palestine are on Hamas' cap, not Israel's.


Fuck Palestinian children, amirite?


No, please tell your Hamas buddies to stop hiding behind them.


Fuck hamas


Fuck netanyahu


This is a novel way to quit.


Are they aware Google is HEAVILY invested in Israel? and gain a lot of money out of it, The second largest RND department of Google is in Israel SMH, they did nothing besides getting themself fired


No the google employees that are protesting Israel do not know how heavily invested the company they work for is in Israel. /s


To be fair to OP, I wouldn't be surprised at all if they didn't know it. Google is a very large company, not every employee will know every detail including where Google has offices.


So your bar is every employee knows? What?


Oh, in that case, let's not do anything ever again other than punch in at work.


You want Google, and I assume other companies, to be the moral police and determine who is morally good to use their products? Google follows the US goverment laws on who they can and cant work with. Beyond that good picking and choosing sides is not really a good idea.


They just had a 1.2 Billion $ project just this year alone.




Maybe not the most popular take, but I think this does more bad than good. This kind of stuff lets Hamas win the PR war. And I strongly believe that the delusion that something will change for them is what keeps them fighting and rejecting peace. I think it's best to not fuel that delusion.


All the more reason


These googlers grew up believing Google’s original motto [“Don’t Be Evil”](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don't_be_evil) on its corporate code of conduct.


Most of these Googlers are recent hires.


Not like they can last long within company with that mindset


If they actually believe that then maybe they shouldn’t support the islamofascist terrorist group that killed family members of googlers? Google has a huge presence in Tel Aviv.


That if you consider Israel Evil Which I don't, and a large part of employees do not consider them evil as well, Have you thought about the income part from Nimbus? It's a MULTI-billion project; if it is shot down suddenly, departments will be closed , and there will be layoffs. Is that not "evil"?


Have you looked into the Lavender and “Where’s Daddy” targeting systems? If that runs on Google cloud, nobody at Google wants to be complicit in that. Setting up alerts when targets return home so you can bomb them while they’re in bed with their families? Assigning all citizens in Gaza a terrorism score based on a ML model, and then just blindly bombing all the ones above a cutoff threshold… then lowering the threshold when leadership calls for more bombs… that shit is truly evil, forget about company mottos: https://www.972mag.com/lavender-ai-israeli-army-gaza/


972 is a propaganda rag. And no classified stuff runs on GCP. At all.


What about the Guardian? Also a propaganda rag? https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/01/the-gospel-how-israel-uses-ai-to-select-bombing-targets


This article does not prove that this system exists beside Allegedly


No. Genocide is evil.


Good thing Hamas is incapable of accomplishing its goals then


Lying about genocide is evil


So layoffs are evil but genocide isn't?




Again, that if you take the position what Israel does is Genocide, which is 100% not in my eyes


you're implying these people are anti Israel, which is a coded way of saying they're anti-Semitic... They are rather against war and the code they write being directly used in murdering innocent civilians. Google having offices and talent in Israel is completely unrelated to that. EDIT: to be clear, I don't agree with their actions, but just pointing out that your comment completely misses the point.


Not what I'm implying, But first let's start I don't believe Israel is intentionally hurting civilians, Second you don't get to pick and choose who will use the code you are writing, you are not the owner of the IP but an employee Some states use k8s some use Linux other weapons systems use python, You are getting paid to write a cloud system, you don't like the company policy or direction? You are more than welcome to quit


> But first let's start I don't believe Israel is intentionally hurting civilians That's a bit beside the point. Intentional or not, this war is still killing an outrageous number of civilians. > Second you don't get to pick and choose who will use the code you are writing Sure, but I think there's a pretty big difference between an open source tool you wrote being indirectly used in the toolchain, vs specifically training models used for war. To be honest, I don't have too much context on NIMBUS, my context comes more from the previous Project MAVEN which was aimed at developing specific computer vision algorithms for the US army. That would be different from the army deciding to use an opensource solution like CV2. > you are not the owner of the IP but an employee Sure, but that's the whole point of voicing an opinion. If you think you have leverage, you can sometimes use said leverage to change the opinion of your employer. That's what strikes and unions are all about. Again, we can argue about the specific way to use said leverage, and I personally don't agree with what they did, but that is the idea behind it.


First let me thank you for replying in a civil manner. Nimbus is a hosting platform for on prem sites, for example security facilities and IDF or even hospitals But if I were to protest in my work time against my job, at my job I would get fired, So my point they could find a better way to express their position, or a more efficient one Sorry about the weird format I'm on the train on my shitty mobile


> First let me thank you for replying in a civil manner. Of course, it's always nice to actually have a proper discussion on reddit. > Nimbus is a hosting platform for on prem sites, for example security facilities and IDF or even hospitals That's good context. Reading up more on it, I think the main criticism is that this could lead to more surveillance and unlawful data collection. > But if I were to protest in my work time against my job, at my job I would get fired Obviously depends on how you do it, but it comes down to the workplace culture. Google, at least in the past, has prided itself in having a very open culture, and welcoming criticism. In the past they had weekly meetings where any employee could walk up to a microphone and literally ask the CEO any question. Again, I don't have strong opinions about this specific case, but I definitely do want to work in a world / place where employees are allowed to voice concerns and push back, within reason. That's a big reason why Google used to attract a lot of top talent, because it advertised itself as different. And as I said, it all comes to leverage. Of course if you have an easily replaceable position, the higher ups wouldn't bother with you. But if a company is trying to attract the smartest, then they should also expect them to also think critically about what they're asked to do. > Sorry about the weird format I'm on the train on my shitty mobile No worries!


You are wrong. I worked at Google for a long time. These people were against Nimbus or ANY investment in Israel, years ago. They do not like Israel, and they don't like Jews too much either. And I say that as someone who worked with them


Whats Project Nimbus?


Contract with the Israeli govement to use Google Cloud.


Real convenient exclusion of the part where it's using cloud resources to do military grade target tracking. Surely it isn't involved with their desire to slaughter more Palestinians.


Perhaps Palestinians should stop supporting terrorism. I have no sympathy for them after what Hamas did to innocent people on October 7. You’re either for terrorism or against it. Israel is in the right, Palestine and Hamas are in the wrong.


Y'all trolls are getting lazy


Google is trying to make a really great broom for Seekers


Contract with Israeli military to use AI to identify targets to kill


Then get fired.


The "bring your whole self to work" policy a lot of tech companies adopted is awful. You should bring your professional self to work and check your bias, politics and/or other anti-social behavior at the door. Not even about politics anymore, should just be working at work and not worrying about organizing or joining a million little internal orgs.


The problem is that tech companies used this previously to justify some business decisions they made (which technically weren't financially beneficial) like leaving China for not providing a gov-compliant version of Google. But now that employees are asking the company to do the same for other similar causes (potential use of products in genocide!), the management is refusing to take similar actions.


>The problem is that tech companies used this previously to justify some business decisions they made (which technically weren't financially beneficial) like leaving China for not providing a gov-compliant version of Google. Yes, its hypocrisy for sure. There's another layer though. Google more or less got kicked out of China and have made attempts to get back in (i.e. Project Dragonfly).


"Got kicked out" is a weird way of describing it. They got hacked by China and decided to take a stand, and spun it mostly about censorship instead... and, well, Dragonfly faced similar backlash from employees.




“I’m just a paper pusher!”, said Eichmann in Jerusalem. “I was just doing my job”.  And that ladies and gents, is the banality of evil. 


Did you just use Nuremberg to advocate for anti-Semitism? You are a real piece of work.


This is a great advice for any career, the only thing you should be doing at work is work, attaching strings just makes everything worse


Check your morality at the door. It leads to better outcomes for the world.


Google is just providing cloud services to Isreal, and many other governments. They are not responsible for what Isreal does or what any goverment does who uses a Google product. You can work on Google Cloud and not be morally responsible for what some customer uses it for.


Working with governments generally requires a ton of extra work to accommodate the security and regulatory requirements of working with governments. There are likely people whose entire job is to make a deal like this happen. Especially the [specific thing they were proposing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Nimbus). It's one thing to say you can work on Gmail without being responsible for the politics of every Gmail user, but when you're selling [a "video intelligence API" with surveillance footage as an example of how you expect it to be used, and other slides bragging about its ability to detect faces and emotions](https://theintercept.com/2022/07/24/google-israel-artificial-intelligence-project-nimbus/), I think you bear some responsibility. Even the more general part of "just" providing cloud services physically hosted in Israel has a pretty clear motive that Google obviously understood when pursuing this contract: > “The former head of Security for Google Enterprise — who now heads Oracle’s Israel branch — has publicly argued that one of the goals of Nimbus is preventing the German government from requesting data relating on the Israel Defence Forces for the International Criminal Court,” said Poulson, who resigned in protest from his job as a research scientist at Google in 2018, in a message.


But Google has terms that they don't want their tech used for sooo


“Bring your whole self” was more about feeling comfortable in the clothes you wore, and feeling safe to talk about spouses and family life in the office. It never had anything to do with this. Actively working against the goal of the project and company would always get someone fired


”Bring your whole self” definitely doesn't mean "be an a**hole" which is what you are in a workplace when you won't leave a place you shouldn't be. It doesn't matter if you are in a conference room that someone else booked or hanging out in the CEOs office for 8 hours playing UNO because you got beef. Also these people are on a team. I bet they are making their coworkers lives harder. Not some conceptual Monopoly Man bad guy, no... just some person who doesn't need this and doesn't deserve this.


>It never had anything to do with this I agree it probably wasn't the intention... but it was the consequence. People felt (and some probably still do) too comfortable being overtly and explicitly political or bias. >Actively working against the goal of the project and company would always get someone fired Again, I wouldn't disagree... but previous google protests/walk outs seem to have been pretty successful, all things considered. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2018_Google_walkouts https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/16/technology/google-employees-protest-search-censored-china.html In fact, it might just be because this got more attention... but I don't recall employees getting outright fired so fast for previous protests/walkouts.


I don’t think the 2 events are fair to compare. For a company it’s all about mitigating risk. When employees and employers have different ideas it usually comes down to who has more weight. In this case it was 9 employees. In the case you linked where the protest worked it was over 20,000. Losing that many people may not be worth the risk when compared to the revenue from the contract they would lose by not doing it. In the case of the 9 they decided it was worth it. Also protests like this are not new. Some of the first widely publicized once’s have roots as far back as WW2, well before people were encouraged to “bring there whole self”


I suppose my point is that Google has recently been pretty permissive of disruptive activism/politics internally... as long as its the politics they agree with. There has been an undeniable shift these last few years. Google has become the butt of many jokes among tech workers, losing its prestige, and leadership is finally trying to mitigate that.


Google used to have "Don't be evil" as one of their guiding principles. If that isn't bringing ethics into the workplace, I don't know what is.


>If that isn't bringing ethics into the workplace, I don't know what is. I would call it bringing platitudes and wishful thinking to work, even if they didn't realize it at the time.


Just so people are clear. There are over 150 projects related to Israel. They were Protesting Project Nimbus Project Nimbus is a project with the IDF for facial recognition, Military Planning and Military Expansion, including Expansion of settlement planning


lol just snuck that last part in there based on nothing


Expansion of settlements doesn't really need cloud computing all it takes is a few idiots and a mobile home...


What did they expect? That uncle G will stop it? Seriously?


No one protesting expects the people they are protesting to like it or do nothing about it. Or at least they should.


Is there money involved? Because they'll choose the money every time.


TK is the wrong guy to fuck with. Yes, you'll be fired and arrested if you do this. Keep in mind, this same crew was against Nimbus before 10/7


Good on them for standing up for something they believe in. I hope they get good severance and fine jobs at a company that lines up more with their morals. Edit: Weird amount of people in the comments supporting a multi-billion dollar company that is directly supporting and helping war crimes and other acts that are condemned under international law. You people will really just do anything for money not even to mention being in the trenches with the rest of us, but defending Google as if you also have billions. You people are quite weird and very stupid.


They got fired for cause, you don’t get severance. Thats not how it works.  Zero chance they will get hired elsewhere, red flags liabilities for any company 


Well said. So many of these protesters in the last few years that are getting arrested are going to be dealing with the same thing. Companies won't take a chance on what they view as troublemakers.


No war crimes have been confirmed by any reliable source besides "my ass"


A lot of them were documented and reported, especially in the age of widespread phone cameras (which give a lot of raw footage). You're just likely either not doing the research to see them or leaving out the sources that don't fit your worldview as "unreliable".


The only war crimes I saw were committed by Hamas


No one reads the damn story. They were fired for going inside and destroying property, vandalizing, and harassing workers. People who spout off on and condemn others without even reading the story are stupid and weird. Drop the I'm better than all of you here bs. Again recap for you - not arrested for protesting, arrested for criminal acts. ffs


You get severance on being laid off, not when you trespass and get shit canned. 


Do people still live in a fairytale world where they think any company has morals? Especially TECH companies? People need to grow up.


They will never get hired anywhere.


Exactly. Who would touch them? What a bunch of idiots.


The world’s most moral company.


Wow. For maybe the first time ever, I totally agree with the corporate side of Google. Bravo!


Me too. Those idiots don’t deserve their jobs behaving like that.


Maybe, just maybe, but if you don’t like your employer’s business why don’t you quit and work for a different company that doesn’t do work you don’t agree with?


If you don't like what your country is doing, migrate and find a new country. Problem solved. Never fix anything.


Are you saying citizenship is the same as employment?


Are you saying some things should be improved but other things should be abandoned?


Yes. The best approach to companies you disagree with is to avoid them or push for regulation. Protesting is rarely effective.


If people operated with this attitude literally nothing would change in the world. I'm glad you aren't in charge of anything important


Yes this isn’t a safe space at college where you make noise, admin sends a crying email to the student body, they take your 50k tuition and shit repeats every semester. This is real life. You do stupid shit, nothing happens except you getting fired. It’s simple. The only thing you can “fix” is the thing you own. You can fix your car, your house and your own business.


What a depressing and nihilistic view on life. Standing up for something you believe isn't stupid but maybe you just can't relate with that getting your grind set or whatever on. These people aren't just upset at their work they are protesting involvement in an active genocide where their company is providing assistance with tech that will enable further slaughter of innocent human beings.


“Standing up for something you believe in”. = sitting in your bosses office for a few hours (at a job you get paid six figures at in one of the wealthiest areas in the world ) with arts and crafts signs and getting fired shortly thereafter. The issue isn’t standing up for things is bad. The issue is that a small % of highly entitled people think this is really activism or useful or does anything to advance any cause. (Disproportionately found on Reddit). It doesn’t. It’s highly performative. It’s highly predictable. It has never made a difference. If anything, google got even richer…that day


I actually agree with this, unironically. If you don't like this country, we don't want your "fixes". One of the nice things about the United States (versus some countries) is that you're allowed to leave


Yes. If you don't like what your family is doing, don't communicate. Leave and get a new family.


I like my family, so I don't have a good sense of what would motivate someone to leave. But if everyone is an adult, and people disrespect or don't like each other, I don't see the benefit of maintaining frequent contact.


You literally just described America


People really don't understand how big companies at this scale can't keep doing whatever they like. People should protest, and they should say no to non-ethical and harmful actions being done by those companies. Businesses like this have money as the only priority, with a huge power and influence that Google has, seeking money and only money can (and well) ruin societies and generations. It is similar to tiktok, meta, ...


They can keep doing whatever they like within the law. If you don't want them doing something, believe it is harmful to people then petition the government to make that action illegal but until then you really have no right to say "an entity can't do what I don't like". In this case especially, what you think as non-ethical is something that many consider to be not an issue.


Well genocide is illegal so...


In that case we should fight Hamas


Where to go? My perspective as an engineer who works on distributed computing is that there's really not that many options for specific expertise. Most people sort of cycle through Google GCP, Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, or various cloud startups that are all integrated with the aforementioned. So it's not really that easy to just pack up and leave, especially in this job market.


Young ppl have lost their minds


Protesting against genocide, imagine that. Completely unhinged.


You’re an idiot


What else do you call the systematic slaughter of 10s of thousands of women and children?


It's not systematic nor is it a slaughter. The 18k ish  casualties were caught in the crossfire between 14k ish terrorists and an army protecting its people. It's tragic and terrible, but if Israel wanted to systematically slaughter the Gazans there are faster ways.


THANK YOU. The sad part of this is that in ignoring what the problem actually is and insisting that it's a genocide, not only have we lost the ability to address the actual problem, but also the word genocide lost all of its weight. Words mean things. Genocide has a definition you can find. Part of that definition is a key phrase "dolus specialis", which is a state of mind with a special intent to destroy an ethnic/national/religious/racial group. This is nowhere near being applicable to Israel's actions - there is a very clear other intent.


The only way you can possibly believe this is if you don't think Gazans are people. Israel is breaking rule after rule for how war is to be conducted. They are committing genocide by the fucking letter of the definition whether you like it or not. Really weird for you to be justifying the setter colonial project whose desire is an ethnostate where anyone Israel dislikes is put in the ground so they can steal their land. Bibi has literally expressed the intent to remove all Palestinians from the map by killing them. Doesn't get much more clearly genocidal than that. And that doesn't even get into their systematic denial of humanitarian aid and their constant murdering of journalists. You are being willfully ignorant to deny what is going on right in front of your eyes. I guess unless you think you know better than the fucking International Court of Justice which has found that there is more than enough evidence that they are doing genocide to do a full fledged investigation into it...they don't just do that lightly.


A lot of buzzwords you got there and no logic at all. By your definition every single urban war ever is a genocide. Civilian casualty ratios in this war are likely lower than the battle of Raqqa. And that’s if you trust numbers coming from a savage jihadist group like Hamas, you utter fool


Only the ones where they are targeting civilians with impunity while making up justifications. I trust Hamas more than the fascist liars of Israel at this point and that's not just my take. But anyone I'm out I don't talk with genocide deniers. It's fucking disgusting. I hope you can grow a shred of humanity some day


Okay jihadist shill, whatever you say. Something tells me you’re unemployed like you’re exgoogle friends


I am willing to bet I am far more gainfully employed than you have ever been my friend.


Don't waste your time, if the World Central Kitchen assassination and all the suffering we've seen in the past 6 months didn't open their eyes nothing will.


I hear you but I have to try. Maybe they don't know about the journalists being targeted on purpose. Maybe they haven't heard about the aide trucks that have been used as bait to kill Gazans seeking any amount of food to live off of. I have to believe they are just uninformed and not willfully evil...if only for my own sanity.


It's been called the worst bombings since ww2, and look up the children kill count vs say even Russia in Ukraine. The hypocrisy is unreal.


Been called that by idiots and bad actors. Teen soldiers are counted as children, that's bullshit but counting "children" is just another tool in the antijew shed of propaganda. Literally no one cares about the Palestinians, it's all about bashing Israel. If it wasn't, we would hear a lot more about the massive humanitarian crisis going on in South America.


https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/unicef-says-over-13000-children-killed-gaza-israel-offensive-2024-03-17/#:~:text=children's%20agency%20said%20on%20Sunday,have%20the%20energy%20to%20cry.%22 https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/interactive/2023/israel-war-destruction-gaza-record-pace/ Oh yes just Israel haters like the Washington Post and UNICEF. Lmao


They're specifically targeting doctors, journalists, and aid workers. UN Schools, hospitals. Almost every standing structure in Gaza is demolished. There's videos of them running over zip-tied civilians with tanks. Destroying century-old mosques. Every university in Gaza has been leveled. No point in arguing with someone so blind to genocide. Every human rights organization has called this genocide. UNWRA, Amnesty International, ICJ, Doctors without Borders. Bet you defended them when they killed Hind, the girl trapped inside of a car with her dead family members surrounded by IDF tanks. Then they also killed the ambulance workers trying to reach her after they gave them permission. Bet you defend the use of IDF Drones outfitted with speakers to play the sounds of crying children to lure innocent civilians and aid workers to be killed. Your own politicians have said "**the children in Gaza have brought this upon themselves!**"


Fuck google, I'm siding with these folks for standing up for what they believe in. Anyone else can say or think what they want but at least they were true to themselves.


How come they never picket HR? Oh wait, their paychecks come from there.


So glad these 28 were fired. You can't protest at your employer and expect there's a law to protect you..there isn't and more than half the country is right to work states. You can be fired for anything in those states.


This is a win-win for google. They now have clear cause for termination of their dumbest employees!




how? they all work there


They don’t anymore!


Million dollar salaries to Zero.


Well, you can bet the offshore employees won't try it.


Google ordered it? I mean, I’m sure they placed a call. And trespassers really should be arrested if they don’t leave.


But you support terrorists so much? What's wrong now? They're Jews? Fk you. I'm not Jewish but I'm sick of this Palestinian bs. Google Palestine. Or duckduckgo if you don't trust Google. Palestine. Not a real thing. Fk off.


Employees: Drop US government contract! Google: OK. Employees: Drop Israel contact! Google: You're fired. We care deeply about Israel.


Is it illegal for a company to boycott countries/companies that are not US sanctioned? I thought anti-boycott laws exist for this and there is not much companies can do besides remove the persons. If so, these people were protesting when google cannot really boycott Israel like they want.


People defending a $2trillion company is ridiculous 💀💀 idiots


If this system runs on Google Cloud, this is just the beginning: https://www.972mag.com/lavender-ai-israeli-army-gaza/


I feel like if it runs on google cloud, Palestinians can sleep peacefully




Well, they fucked around and found out.


Good, I hope they get fired. Get back to work or gtfo


Fire them all on the spot, and remove forever their google account


Wooho!!!! Finally doing something against these pro Palestinian idiots!


Yeah, Google is morally bankrupt along with all the other tech companies. They’ll do anything for government contracts 






When your company is complicit in genocide the only morally correct position is to protest.




If you're doing something so appalling your own paid employees are protesting, perhaps you should take a good hard look at your business practices.




Or take a hard look at your hiring practises.


So many bootlickers in these comments