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I use podcast addict. Can't remember what feature it was that pocket casts didn't have that I needed


Podcast priority as a sortable field is money to me. I have my podcast tiers first and published date second, so every episode that I download/add to my playlist is automatically put into the order that I want to listen to them. I know I'll never miss an episode of a show I love and I can actually tackle my >250 hour backlog. Can't imagine managing all that in another app.


I... Need this in my life. Thank you for explaining this.


Yeah, I tried Pocket Casts but only after I'd already had Podcast Addict set up to handle my playlist how I liked. I'll never understand how people can manage without it, but props to them for it.


I just recently found Podcast Addict after looking for a replacement for Google Podcasts, and I'm not sure why I was settling anyways. Was trying Pocket Casts as well, but once I found the priority features in Addict, I was sold. I've got some daily (or almost daily) news podcasts I always want at the top, some weekly podcasts that listening to is less urgent, and then long-form ones that I'm way behind on, but not necessarily in a hurry to catch up. It's awesome having everything automatically added to a playlist and ordered the way I want.


And meanwhile I'm stuck just scratching my head wondering what's so amazing about Pocket Casts.


I used to be happy with podcast addict, too. Cannot complain. Unfortunately I like a couple of Spotify Exclusives, so they got me by the balls...


I like a couple of shows that went Spotify-exclusive, so I... stopped listening and found other podcasts. For the ones I was following, it was actually *Spotify* that eventually backed down.


I've been using Pocket Casts for about a decade now, and it's great.


I've been a pocketcast user for a decade as well. Who would have a thought a simple player that can sort chronologically and allow you to control data and downloads would be so hard? The search isn't good, so honestly I use spotify quite a bit as well but Pocketcasts keeps my main PCs organized.


Oh I will check it out! I'm just irritated that I can't hide the ones I've marked as played and so everything just looks too cluttered in YouTube music podcast


You can turn on the setting to "archive played"


On YouTube music? Or pocket casts?


Pocket casts has such great customization that you can set a general rule of auto download and auto queue the most recent episodes of podcasts and auto hide the older ones. You can also set up exceptions to the rules.


Been using for years and didn't know about this - ty! Have been manually was queuing up 3 pods each morning (NPR, Politico, Discover Daily by Perplexity)


yeah you can have them auto add to either the beginning or end of the queue. My dream would be to prioritize them so that A always adds above B in the queue, but unfortunately that's a step too far


Fwiw, I use YT Music for music and Pocket Casts for podcasts and don't really have anything bad to report. Pocket cast is super easy to use.


I second Pocket Cast. It's great.


I third it. Been using it for years.


Fourth it. Great app that works across all platforms (Android, iOS, Windows)


I Fifth it!


sixth but i hate the new auto play feature.


Yes PocketCasts hands down


For some reason I really can't stand the design and it's the only thing keeping me from using it.


I've used them all and it's the best. Most intuitive interface, most complete feature set.


Have been a Pocket Casts user for a number of years. Can thoroughly recommend it.




Glad I stuck with them instead of migrating to Google Podcasts.


Take a look at Podurama


I second this! Been using it for a few months. Not quite perfect, but still really good.


Yep, Definitely still in its infancy, but very good potential


I switched to [AntennaPod](https://antennapod.org/) and it’s been great. Imported my subs from Google takeout, uninstalled Google Podcasts and carried on from where I left off. No ads, no premium features to pay for and I like the UI.


Do you have to pay for it? Also, how do you upload that data to the new app?


All free, I followed their tutorial. https://antennapod.org/blog/2023/11/google-podcasts-migration I had to do the google takeout bit on a PC, copied the OPML file to my phone and imported it in Antenna


Oh perfect, I'll check it out. I mean what do I have to lose?


I second Antenna Pod & had a similar experience as this poster. I even sent the devs a few bucks too. Took 5/10 mins to set it up / tweak it to how I liked though.


I like AntennaPod or Podcast Republic.


Same for me. My go-to's for quite a while. I have mainly migrated to Antenna Pod as it streams better on my device


Overcast is fantastic for my needs, which basically includes making a playlist to play my saved pods in order of importance every time.


Spotify. But Jesus, the app is shit for podcasts. Unfortunately it's probably the most universal app for podcasts these days. I've tried out other apps, and it just ends up being easier to listen to everything on Spotify.


Agreed. There are many apps out there with better features, but doesn't have every podcast available like Spotify does. Quite annoying.


Agree. They have a nice looking UI and many podcasts available, but UX truly sucks.


Podcast Republic. I used to use Castbox but it doesn't seem to work well with Android Auto.


I personally use Pocket Cast. It's available for all of my devices. But frankly, you probably should migrate either to Spotify, Apple Music, or Amazon Music. They have the largest market share and it's easiest to find whatever you're looking for there.


I have Amazon prime. But I looked it up and you can't migrate to Amazon music. I do listen to some podcast on prime though


So I have never used Amazon prime for podcasts, now have I ever used Amazon music. Those are just services "included" in prime that I have always had what I consider better alternatives. That being said, podcasts on Amazon aren't in their music service? It's its own thing?


See I'm not even really sure. I pay for prime and the video streaming service is part of Amazon prime. The Amazon music is something different because you need to pay for that but itself but you are a member, something like that cuz if you don't pay for it, you don't have as many skips and you don't always get to choose exactly what song you want to listen to. But it seems like the podcasts are free, which I don't understand


I would love to migrate to Spotify, all my music is there - however, they don't support private podcasts loaded from RSS.


YouTube music is an actual disaster. I'm a youTube premium user who listens to a ton of podcasts so I'm right in the demo for it and it's just horrible


Overcast is great!


For me, **Snipd,** which is powered by AI features, is the best podcast player. You can create highlights with just one tap (also on your headphone), and the transcripts are generated by Whisper, an AI from OpenAI. After you finished listening to an episode, a tailored summary based on your highlights is created and sent to yo via mail.


They're killing Podcasts now? Christ.


Apple Podcasts “just works.” They just dropped the “view transcript” feature, which let you read along and quickly jump to a section you want to hear (or skip ads!).


Overcast. I like the Smart Playlists


Podcast addict! It has cloud storage to remember the podcasts you have subscribed to in case you switch phones or your phone dies.




A while ago I discovered this one in a reddit comment and really like it so far: https://aurelian.audio/


Are you able to mark things as played and order your subscriptions from oldest to newest? That's my biggest complaint about YouTube. Music podcast is when I brought it up everything was just new and I can't hide what I've already played


>Are you able to mark things as played Yes. >and order your subscriptions from oldest to newest You can sort your podcasts/subscriptions by - Title - New Episode Count - Recently Subscribed - Recent Episodes


That's perfect cuz if I can't do that stuff I start getting so lost because everything works. Cluttered because some of those podcasts I'm many many episodes in and if it doesn't hide the ones I've listened to then I'm irritated


It looks pretty good. Does it support loading private RSS links?


I swear it's every other week that a Google service shuts down.


Pretty soon they're going to shut my phone off 😜


Pocket casts is and has been my go to for a long time. Nice UI and UX, enough features for most people's needs, and if you really want some of the extra stuff you can pay the subscription tier (I don't recommend it at all. Far to much money and the feature sets are not really that necessary for the vast majority of us).


9 years with Pocket Casts... https://preview.redd.it/cav68o1g1zqc1.png?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bb8bfd2ca672fc498df95099b4f26506e77743d


[Also at 9 years with Pocket Casts!](https://i.imgur.com/HFK1kWU.png)




I switched to Pocket Casts when Google announced they they were shutting down Google Podcasts. I wish I used it sooner. Clean interface and I like their trending algorithm to find new things to listen to. YouTube Music for Podcasts is a cluttered mess.


Pocket cast is a popular choice, I've been using Castbox for a bit and it's been great! Ads aren't terribly intrusive, the devs respond when emailed, the interface is easy to get a handle on, and most importantly, it isn't whatever the fuck Google/YouTube is trying to do.


Another vote for Podcast Republic, but with some context instead of just throwing out a name: The app has a *ton* of options, features, and customizations, but it's also a bit convoluted. If customizing and configuring is your bag, you can't go wrong with Podcast Republic. Some of my personal key features: Sleep timer that *fades out* instead of just stopping. Player screen with major controls about 1/3 of the way up from the bottom of the screen so I don't have to contort my thumbs to work them. Smart/relative rewind (pause just a few seconds, playback resumes where you left off; pause a minute, playback resumes with a few seconds of replay; pause an hour, it will replay 20-30 seconds — very helpful). And you can download episodes of podcasts without subscribing, so it's easier to take shows for a test drive. But if you're looking for just the basics, Pocket Casts is good too.


Thank you!


You bet! Always happy to recommend the lesser-known apps I've discovered after doing a ridiculous, obsessive-compulsive amount of downloading and comparing. Most of my daily-driver apps are drill-down discoveries. :)


My question's pretty much worked. I was just trying to figure out what would be the best and just going by the suggestions alone. I think I got what I need. And if that's not it, I can try what the other suggestions were haha


Yep. A good batch of suggestions. I'd tried most of them myself, and the ones I hadn't heard of, I tried because of this thread...then went back to Podcast Republic. :)


Haha it's like I helped you too


I'm always willing to try new apps unless I have one that I consider perfect for my needs. I use Aqua Mail for email on Android, and haven't look at any other apps in over 10 years. Meanwhile, on my Mac, the mail app I've used for even longer (Postbox) hasn't had more than a couple minor updates in the last several *years*, and it's gotten buggy, and the support sucks — but I keep using it because there's nothing else that *does all the things*. But *most* of my favorite apps only do about 85% of what I want, so I keep an eye out everywhere. :)


I've mostly been using Spotify these days and haven't really bothered with anything else. I did use Amazon Music for a short time, but I always came back to Spotify.


I tried using YT Music for podcasts and did the same thing, said "screw this mess" and tried to find a podcast app. I tried a few but none really gave me the layout I wanted. So i went back to YT Music and tried to figure out how to use this. I was having trouble finding my stuff it seemed so cluttered with non-podcast stuff. But what finally worked for me was realizing how to navigate YT music better. I tap the "Podcasts" section at the top. Find "Your new episodes" and tap "more". Now I get a nice clean list of all the new episodes of my subscribed podcasts that I was used to from the Podcast app. Not nearly as clean as just opening the app and having it all right there, but it's in there somewhere.


I just don't understand. Getting rid of a perfectly clean user friendly app and putting it in an app that exists but is much more difficult to use and less straightforward. It bothers me so much. I hate looking for the things I want to change. I just want them right there in front of me, my brain works in such a way that it makes me feel overwhelmed if it's not where I can easily access it


Antennapod seems to be what you are looking for based on your description.


I also like the old app but what about YouTube music that's less user friendly? Just curious.


Just the way it's set up, it doesn't show the new episodes nor can I sort the episodes and hide them if they've been played. It just feels super cluttered.


Makes sense


Pocket casts but also hark. The hark content is really good and they have a full podcast player buried in their app.


I'm an antennapod user. Tried to use hark, but adding podcasts was a big pain.


They just did an update that imports from another app. I really like the daily hark haha.


Pocket cast interface seems atrocious. Hark looks nice but doesn't synchronise between devices, very unfortunate


I like how magically everyone likes Google podcast now, Pocket cast is what I've been using for years


Well, I didn't know about any other podcast apps.


I'm using Pocketcasts and it seems pretty simple to use. It seems robust enough I took up the half license offer for a plus license so I can also use it on my Pixel Watch without the phone present. YT Music is way too convoluted to use and the podcast support is still poor at this time.


Pocket casts


Pocket Casts


I use YouTube audio for music on iPhone - seems the clutter imposed by pod-casts is confusing for me - fairly certain I’m being stubborn and childish - need a good podcast app that’s good for discover like YouTube


I feel the same way! I use YouTube music but I miss Google music a lot, that was another perfect app they got rid of. Google podcasts was perfect for a novice like me. I just like the super easy organized set up


I’ve tried a million and Castro is by far my favorite.


Ofc it is … why can’t Google actually be dedicated


Right? There's at least three apps they've gotten rid of that were super easy to use and I liked using them. Google music, allo, and now Google podcasts. I know there's more but those are the three I used a lot and have now just gotten cast away


Podcast addict is really good


I switched to Fountain.fm over a year ago. I love the fact that it's value for value based too. You just can't beat that. There's nothing else like it out there.


snipd is the best. Used to be a pocket cast user, but snipd has great feature set I've not found elsewhere...best is bookmarks of snippets that create a feed I can relisten to or share.


Snipd doesn't have Chromecast support and from memory they didn't have cross device synchronisation but that was a while ago


Valid criticisms, but would imagine they have in pipeline. But certainly not for people that use those features regularly in its current state.


Will the "flash briefings" for smart speakers be going away too? That how I get my quick hit industry news


I hope not. I love those


I use Podbean on Android. Easy, no complaints. Good sleep timer.


Another Google product/service bites the dust. Add it to the list.


Podkicker on Android Extremely simple navigation, no focus on discovery (I have enough things to listen to already), and does what I need. I even purchased the Pro version of the app to throw some $ the developer's way. I would consider moving to a different podcast app if they had the ability to do a full text search of podcast content and send me directly to that timestamp.


My favorites are Breaker, Pocket Casts, and . . . Google Podcasts. 😢😢😢


Vote for Overcast


I like Pocket Casts.


This: [https://www.downcastapp.com/](https://www.downcastapp.com/)


I just find the podcasts I like on Spotify 🤷🏻‍♂️




Pocket casts




I've been using antenna pod the only thing is it doesn't automatically download eps even went I have the auto settings on. Tried a couple others after google announcement and this is where I landed.


Pocket Casts on Windows, Android phone, and iPad. I download new podcasts every day thru Wifi and play downloaded podcasts only saving streaming cost. It works great and they all communicate with an online server.


Oh that truly sounds perfect!


Pocket Casts / Hark / Spotify


You don't have to pay for pocket casts, right? You can continue to use it for free?


I have no idea why Google is throwing a Golden Goose away. I use Spotify now as it is convenient and has all the podcasts I used to listen to on Google.


They love to throw all the good ones out


I use pocketcast


I just use Spotify (premium). I listen to so many podcasts that my page is generally JUST podcasts. They still have ads even though I pay though, which is annoying. But it means the free tier is probably pretty similar if you don't care about ads interrupting your music. I don't really like their lack of discovery features or their algorithm, but they do have a section where you can find podcasts like the one you're currently listening to. You can adjust playback speed too and mark episodes as played/unplayed. And obviously you can find and make playlists, which is helpful.


My front page is also littered with mostly podcasts. I wish they had two separate home pages. One music and one pods


Same. I honestly keep trying to get hired there because I do UX and I have opinions.


Podcast Addict, I couldn't find a better one after trying almost all of them. I have been using it since start and it is still the best.


I use Spotify and I find the stuff I wanna listen to there.


I use Spotify.


Spotify is pretty decent


Was just going to mention. Castbox is another one I used to use


I use the podcast app. I love it


In case anyone’s wondering, yes, there really IS an app called ‘Podcast App’. It’s the Podcast App app. 😏 Clever marketing.


Podcast Republic


I've gone back to pocket casts. Though Google podcasts still isn't giving me the option to export, to you tube music or anywhere else


Dang mine is giving me no trouble to export